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Have you ever posted about...

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a particular spelling or grammar error that you see here repeatedly which drives you batty? There is one I see over and over that makes me :willy_nilly:. I've never posted about it b/c 1. I know I have made some pretty bad errors here on occasion. Once I even used the word "hear" instead of "here". :eek: 2. I hate to offend people.

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No, because it's impossible to make a snooty post about grammar or spelling without making an error in that very post. Many have tried. All have failed.


It's fate.


Yes, that was reason #3 which I neglected to mention. :lol:

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No, because it's impossible to make a snooty post about grammar or spelling without making an error in that very post. Many have tried. All have failed.


It's fate.


LOL! I try not to make posts about grammar as it isn't my strongest subject and I don't do a very good job of proofreading my posts. All too often I go back and see some glaring mistake I made. It is even better when I notice that mistake because someone has quoted me and then it is there for eternity!

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LOL! I try not to make posts about grammar as it isn't my strongest subject and I don't do a very good job of proofreading my posts. All too often I go back and see some glaring mistake I made. It is even better when I notice that mistake because someone has quoted me and then it is there for eternity![/QUOTE]


It's such a wonderfully humbling experience.:D

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Nope, I go back and look at my own posts and am ashamed when I make a screw up. There was a post title recently with a horribly misspelled word in it. It really annoyed me but you have to let it go. I figure the OP might have had a bad day and can normally spell the word. :)

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LOL! I try not to make posts about grammar as it isn't my strongest subject and I don't do a very good job of proofreading my posts. All too often I go back and see some glaring mistake I made. It is even better when I notice that mistake because someone has quoted me and then it is there for eternity![/QUOTE]


It's such a wonderfully humbling experience.:D



Gosh, I despise that.

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Are you talking about me? ;) I hate my mistakes. I edit all of the time.


No, not you. I edit all the time, too. I still miss things. I saw a post I made the other day where I used there for their. Why??? I figure other intelligent people here do it, too.

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Are you talking about me? ;) I hate my mistakes. I edit all of the time.


No, and my own list of mistakes is long. It's a spelling error I see over and over and often in the title of the post. Can't go further than that or I will be pointing fingers and making someone feel bad.


And, yes, I think it often happens b/c the person posting is having a bad day. There is also the factor of board messages not truly needing to follow normal rules. I know I use fragments a lot.


Horrors of horrors! I think I did it myself once.

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I have the quote about apostrophes in my sig. My iPhone *insists* that there is an apostrophe in friends. WHYYYYYYYYYYY!?!?! I usually catch the autocorrect and keep it from anti-correcting, but sometimes I miss it. It makes me so mad!!!

I didn't realize the word "apostrophe" in your siggy was a link until just now. I thought it was blue for emphasis. :D





We have had a few threads where people point out their pet peeves about grammar errors. They are fun to read because inevitably the person pointing out error A has made error B.


I will freely admit I can not tell the difference between chose and choose. I stick with "pick" whenever possible. :lol:

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I've never posted about it, but there are times I will avoid a thread because the author routinely makes an error that makes me cringe.


I know I make my share of them, so I'm not likely to point them out on a forum.


If you're talking facebook and my family then yes I will point it out because it's a running joke between my brother and I.

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I wish you wouldn't because it makes me not want to post anything in fear of grammar and spelling errors. :leaving:


My oldest is only four we haven't pulled out the grammar books yet, so I'm at a disadvantage here!! :lol:


Don't worry. I'm not going to. My own list of errors makes me blush, so I wouldn't want to call anyone on the carpet. I am apparently feeling cantankerous enough today to even pose the question of whether anyone else has done it.


I think I'm driving away too. I've got too many people worried and I'm sure I'm destined for some spelling and grammar mistakes soon. :lol:


Also don't want to instigate a deleted thread.:D

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The only time I find it noteworthy is in a professional e-mail. Those should be gone over with a fine-tooth comb imo.


Otherwise, people are in a hurry, not paying attention, or not really caring b/c it isn't as important.


I am the queen of mistakes and honestly, the more I learn, the less I know. :tongue_smilie:

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Guest submarines

Am I the only one who really appreciates when my errors are pointed out to me? I guess I don't feel as invested in the language, as I learned it as a teenager, but still. In any case, I tend to assume that most people would want to know.


I do know that I often punctuate differently--I think my mother tongue's punctuation makes more sense than the English one! :tongue_smilie:

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I haven't and I wouldn't. I'm a grammar ninny.

I hate those threads, I always feel... like my face is burning red with embarrassment, as if it's written to me.


I've learned a lot from those threads though. :001_smile:

I don't want to be a ninny. I hate them and I'm grateful for them.


I don't like know it all attitudes either. Bad manners are worse than bad grammar.


So... what's the error?? :bigear:

Edited by helena
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I have the quote about apostrophes in my sig. My iPhone *insists* that there is an apostrophe in friends. WHYYYYYYYYYYY!?!?! I usually catch the autocorrect and keep it from anti-correcting, but sometimes I miss it. It makes me so mad!!!


I don't start any threads, but sometimes I'll join in. The use of smart phones with not-so-smart auto-correct has totally messed with that. :glare:


Whew, I'm not the only one.:lol:

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I call attention to word misuse that results in unintentional humor.


Bare with me...

I balled my eyes out...




If I get a really poorly written professional correspondence, it's going on facebook, too. I got one once that said something along the lines of "you too the thing it." :confused:

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Am I the only one who really appreciates when my errors are pointed out to me? I guess I don't feel as invested in the language, as I learned it as a teenager, but still. In any case, I tend to assume that most people would want to know.


I do know that I often punctuate differently--I think my mother tongue's punctuation makes more sense than the English one! :tongue_smilie:


No, most people don't want to know. And I think that answer is true whenever I hear people ask, "Wouldn't most people want <fill in the blank>?".



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Guest submarines
No, most people don't want to know. And I think that answer is true whenever I hear people ask, "Wouldn't most people want <fill in the blank>?".




Correction. I meant most people here.


Wouldn't most people on a homeschooling board who care about classical education of their children, want to know? And if most of homeschoolers, especially classical homeschoolers, wouldn't want to know, then something is rotten.


I didn't mean, wouldn't most people of FB or at a grocery store.

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I've never posted about it, but there are times I will avoid a thread because the author routinely makes an error that makes me cringe.


I know I make my share of them, so I'm not likely to point them out on a forum.


If you're talking facebook and my family then yes I will point it out because it's a running joke between my brother and I.



Hope he's not a forum member :D

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I agree with Tibbie. Those threads always backfire. There are a couple of errors that make me want to set my own eyeballs on fire, but I try to get past it. There are a few grammar rules that I did not know about until I started coming here, so I'm sure we've all made mistakes.


I can't stand it when I look back over a post of mine and realize I used the wrong homonym or something equally simple-minded. :banghead:

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I don't usually correct people on forums (ooh, that should technically be fora shouldn't it? cue major argument about whether anglicized plurals demonstrate ignorance or whether foreign plurals denote snobbery).


Apart from the really obscure rules, correct spelling and grammar is not difficult to achieve, so I assume that if a person makes glaring errors, they either

(a) have mitigating circumstances (eg are typing on a phone and cooking dinner with one hand while feeding a baby with the other);

(b) are making some kind of statement (Viva la revolution! Down with the apostrophe police's!); or

© don't actually give a proverbial about grammar and spelling (Heretics!).


In all of the above scenarios, it's pointless to correct.

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No, because it's so easy to make mistakes when typing quickly on an informal forum.


However, yesterday my 11 yr old wrote 'alot' on his paper and I became unglued. He got a long lecture for that mistake. :lol:

SOmeone already posted the Oatmeal link... hilarious stuff, unfortunately, not all child-safe or suitable for those who avoid profanity. But completely hilarious!


My brain knows the rules. My fingers don't.

See my signature... And my fingers always want to add an apostrophe to "its" because so many possessive words end in 's.


I call attention to word misuse that results in unintentional humor.

Bare with me...

I balled my eyes out...




Oh my goodness... people really need to learn the difference between bawling and balling. It's even more important than your & you're. :lol:

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This thread reminds me that this morning I was watching the end of a Biography episode waiting for the next episode to start. This one happened to be about Mike Tyson and at the end they posted a little "this is what has happened since this aired" bit. It was just a typed message you were suppose to read and it said...

On September 24, 2007, Mike Tyson pleaded guilty to possession of narcotics and driving under the influence. He was sentenced to 24 hours in jail, 360 hours community service, and three years probation.


Shouldn't that say he pled guilty?

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