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Other than drinking, which is a serious consideration these days, what suggestions do you have for relaxation/stress relief?


Excerise is out, arm can't take any prolonged movement...even walking, my arm starts to feel like it's ripping out of it's shoulder.


Reading isn't working, my concentration is shot.




Soaking in the tub is next on the hit parade...assuming there's a clean towel around, which I haven't checked yet...prob end up doing a load of laundry instead of soaking.


Any other suggestions?

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Lately I've been zoning out in front of the TV with some good old shows on Netflix. Right now it's Heroes. I also enjoy playing search and find video games by PopCap, althought lately, I don't even have the patience for them.

I used to read a bunch. Right now I can't even read a sentence without my mind wandering.

I know you said no exercise, but I find the meditative exercises of yoga very helpful. Cyclical breathing and total body relaxation work for me.

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Other than drinking, which is a serious consideration these days, what suggestions do you have for relaxation/stress relief?


Excerise is out, arm can't take any prolonged movement...even walking, my arm starts to feel like it's ripping out of it's shoulder.


Reading isn't working, my concentration is shot.




Soaking in the tub is next on the hit parade...assuming there's a clean towel around, which I haven't checked yet...prob end up doing a load of laundry instead of soaking.


Any other suggestions?


I already posted my suggestion on the FB page. ;) :D

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I can't do yoga. You need 2 arms functioning to be able to do that.


Shannon, I have RSD in my rt hand/arm. Easiest way to explain, it's like the nerves in my arm are constantly telling my brain that it's broken, mangled, smashed.


Def not able to weight bear at all.

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Tea with the dh. Relaxes plus it makes me look younger.




I listen to my iPod, sometimes music, sometimes fluffy podcasts (I'm a Disney nut). I read for enjoyment, nothing serious or for school planning. I like to sit outside on our deck and enjoy the woods, creek, birds.

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little things that help us:

- having a bird feeder. sitting watching the birds is peaceful

- a routine that includes relaxing moments. i'm starting my day with a cup of coffee and all of you.

- getting outside and just sitting for sunrise or sunset. if you need a screened in gazebo, then for us that's worth saving for.

- making music. singing with the kids, by myself, playing the piano or anything i can manage for even just a few minutes helps a lot.

- and for me, little rituals that i do each day at the same time become more relaxing. eg. my favourite morning music is "mozart with your morning coffee". i hadn't played it in years, after listening to it most mornings when the kids were little. i put it on the other day, and the relaxation just flowed thru me





ps. does a sling help the arm at all?

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This summer has been hell and I am exhausted. Sometimes I am so tired and sore it hurts to just sit in a chair. So I go for distraction first and foremost. Comedy is the best because it distracts you and then if you really get laughing it releases endorphins as well. I also watch a lot of documentaries because at least then I am still learning while being distracted and not accomplishing much else. I am working my way up to finishing the books I was reading when my hubby had his HA two and half months ago. Some days I only get a few sentences in.

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Meditation. Turn off the computer. Meditate.


Works for me.




This in a darkened room with nice incense, scented candle, or blend of essential oils for sniffing. If it is bright indoors, eyeshades will do the trick. No eyeshades? A long dark sock or washcloth over the eyes will work. Earplugs help too but are not necessary.

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ps. does a sling help the arm at all?


My sympathies Imp :(


Does heat or ice help? Or is it a situation in which only medication relieves pain?

Any stimuli is misinterpreted as pain. I can get away w/heat if it's cold out, trying to combat the chill, or in a tub full of hot water...prob is, when I take the heat away, or get out of the tub, the difference in air temp causes it to react anyways, so while I get a bit of edge off, it comes roaring back w/a vengence.


Ice is a bad, bad, bad thing. Cold, even just from being in a pool, makes my hand and arm swell and turn purple. Honestly, if it wasn't so painful, it would be down right ridiculous. I've had women do a dbl take and ask me in a panicked voice what was wrong w/my hand b/c I was at the deli too long, or didn't hustle fast enough through the frozen food dept. I feel horrid for their panic, and offers to 'sit down, I'll call for help' and having to explain, no, it's nerve damage...meanwhile, I'm talking through gritted teeth, in a cold sweat, and praying to get out of the store before I pass out or hurl on someone's shoes. Thankfully, it doesn't happen every time, but...


Needless to say, I haven't gone grocery shopping unattended since RSD set in. :glare:


ETA: I can't use a sling. Bending my arm that far is painful on it's own, a sling would be a nightmare.

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At the risk of sounding new-agey, I would suggest trying a Bikram (hot) yoga class if there is a studio within a reasonable distance. I know you had commented earlier about not being able to do yoga, but Bikram is not a 'normal' westernized yoga. It is a 90 minute class done in a room heated to 105 degrees with 40% humidity. It has helped me with some chronic pain issues related to depression, although I understand that my experience with chronic pain likely pales in comparison to yours.


There is a page on the Bikram website that has a testimonial from a gentleman with RSD. He briefly discusses his therapy and experiences and claims to now be in remission. Like anything in life, of course it is to be taken with a grain of salt, but I just thought I would send this your way.

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It probably sounds a little corny, but spending time in nature is my favorite way to relax. Either taking a walk through the woods or along the beach, or just sitting on the bench in my garden, is immensely peaceful.


Meditation is great too, though I've had mixed success with it. I have a terrible time with "monkey mind". :glare:

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I've been watching Star Gate SG-1 on Amazon Prime. I need to turn it off though, and read - I scored some interesting looking books at the Goodwill today. I'd love to have an adult drink instead, LOL. How about a nap? Or a quiet, hot bath with candles?

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