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What is your avatar/profile photo?

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What is your avatar/profile photo? Does it have a particular meaning to you?


Mine is a picture of me when I was 3 years old, vacationing at Daytona Beach, FL with my mom and dad. I've always liked that picture, so I decided to use it.



Mine is baby me.


Your picture is adorable!

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Mine is me. The photo was taken at a photo shoot I had done to showcase my face painting designs. The photographer took dozens of photos of the designs I painted on various children and then looked at me and said, "okay, your turn". :001_huh: I was NOT expecting to have my picture taken. But, it was fun. And, the pictures turned out pretty well and dh really likes this one. He saved it as his screen saver at work. :)

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Mine is when I got to see Obama up close and shake his hand. It was a huge thrill, not so much b/c it was Obama, but b/c he is a real-life Presidential candidate. I'm the one in the pink shirt and glasses.


I rotate my avatars between that one and these (sorry they're so HUGE; I don't know how to make them smaller):



Just the funniest darn BBC sitcom that only lasted 12 episodes...




and ds, immediately after his very first high school football game (freshman), and they won by something like 35-0. *All* the moms were on the field taking pics like this:




My voter's pamphlet photo...



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I love it too! I'd love to change it... but I will keep it the same. Don't want to make the Hive restless. ;)


You can change it... as long as it is another picture of Amelie. :D In my mind, you and Amelie are the same person, so if you change your avatar, I will be very confused. :confused: (She sounds like Jenny, but she doesn't look like Jenny.)

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What is your avatar/profile photo? Does it have a particular meaning to you?


Mine is a picture of me when I was 3 years old, vacationing at Daytona Beach, FL with my mom and dad. I've always liked that picture, so I decided to use it.


It's of the tall ship Elissa.


My son was involved in a seamanship training.





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it's me....in my (at the time) new shirt...."Reported"...it's a gamer funny...:D


Love that pic, but it kinda drives me bonkers because every time I see it, I try to remember who it is you look like there. Someone British and funny, I've got that much down, beyond that...I can't think. Your tag line is great, too ~ "Don't forget to be awesome". Love that.

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My avatar pic is a view of Mount Baker, as seen from the islands in Puget Sound. I use it on my photo blog, too, since it goes with the whole Ski to Sea theme (the name of my blog). I really like it when people use pics of themselves as avatars, but I'm so partial to this lovely view of Baker, I put my own photo in my profile.:)

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Love that pic, but it kinda drives me bonkers because every time I see it, I try to remember who it is you look like there. Someone British and funny, I've got that much down, beyond that...I can't think. Your tag line is great, too ~ "Don't forget to be awesome". Love that.



LOL...I have one of those faces, I guess....people are always saying I look like "someone"...LOL Yet, few can put their finger on it... :tongue_smilie:


The "Don't Forget To Be Awesome" is sort of a long story...but it's a fav of mine...so much so that I have personalized license plates that say DFTBA :lol:

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Mine is a painting by 18th century painter Jean-Honore Fragonard called "The Reader". I identify with this painting because I have painted a number of portraits of women, so I really love the piece. I also relate to the image because as I homeschool my dd I am starting to read again, which I'm hoping will lead to the joys that I experienced when I was young reader. My actual photo is with my profiile.


Good question. Thanks for asking!






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Mine is a picture of me that my husband took in February when he bought a new camera. I am not very photogenic, and it took several dozen photos before we got one that didn't make me gag. My younger son, on the other hand, looks like a professional model in any picture taken of him ever. So lucky.

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The one way out in front is TBOM -- I'm always telling him to slow down and wait up for the rest of us. The one way at the back is Princess Honey Baked, and the two in the middle are the Goose and the Flea. If I wanted to be really accurate, I'd put the Goose way at the back, since I'm always telling her to hurry up.


I've thought about adding an egg to the picture to represent the new ds, but haven't gotten around to it.

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