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what new "thing" are you most excited about for this fall?

momma aimee

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Nothing curriculum wise, we have found our fit now so nothing new that way.


What I am excited about for the big kids is the online classical lit classes they will take with our school board. First semester I am hoping for the following-


ds turning 9 will do fable & tales I which is a parent and child course

Course description says: Come ready to read and discuss! Parents and students take this introduction to the Socratic Method together, reading and studying a weekly fable or tale. The entire family is encouraged to participate in reading and asking questions about these claswsic short stories prior to class, so that when the parents and students come to class they are all able to explore the deep lessons and ideas in these seemingly simple readings.


the big 2 will take


Classic Adventures I

this is a socratic dialogue course using stories of modern adventure, including Farmer Giles of Ham, The Merry adventures of robin hood, kidnapped and other. This is a good transition course for those new to socratic discussion. Sutdents will uncover deeper meanings in some of western culture's best lvoed adventure stories


Classical English Poetry

This poetry class is an introduction to selected classic poems and poets. The course will explore the various types of figurative language, rhyme and rhythm used in poetry. This course is meant to give an appreciation for and enjoyment of poetry. We will examine how the great poets have instilled beauty and truth into the poems they have written. Some of the poets we will study are Shakespeare, Robert Browning, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Emily Dickinson, Robert Service, WIlliam Wordsworth and Robert Frost.


Introductory Great Books

Read and discuss original works from the greatest thinkers in literature, theology and philosophy. Through socratic dialogue, the students consider and question the works in order to discover their truths. Introductory great books is at the or to the W_____ online program. Many courses require Introductory great books as a prerequisite.


Second semester I am hoping for ds9 to take Fables & tales II


The bigs will take any of the above we could not fit in during semester I OR will move on to


Modern Classics

This is a socratic dialogue course using modern classics. Students have a weekly reading assignment in preparation for a 1.5 hour class discussion. They will develop a deeper and richer appreciation of Christian Western Culture.


Human Society

This course covers the history of Ethical and Political thought in the pre-Christian West in the greek and Roman Philosophers, poets and historians. What is the nature of justice? How do we know what is good? how do pleasure, friendship, virtue, and God relate to a good life? What is the best form of gov't? Why do people disagree about the best form of gov't?


Depending on how they are doing with Meaningful Composition by that point I may or may not put them in in Highschool writing which includes class discussion, 1-on-1 tutoring along with weekly writing assignments.

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I am really excited to do history and science this year. For history we are doing a combination of TOG and SOTW. For science I am combining some of BFSU and RSO Life with lots, and lots of living books. We are also going to start notebooking this year which I am very excited about. I am also excited about my commitment to do more art and music this year, I think it will add a lot of life and fun to our homeschool!

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Moving on to Volume II of Story of the World. We REALLY took our time with SOTW1, only doing it over the summers gradually at first, then finally incorporating it into our school year last year. We're just about done with it and I just got SOTW2 in the mail to use this coming year.


I'm also looking forward to continuing Oak Meadow with both kids, it's a curriculum I really adore!


And I'm looking forward to my daughter continuing with Teaching Textbooks- it's a big success here and I love how it frees me up more. :D

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I'm excited/nervous about MP's 3rd grade package, we'll be doing a morning basket idea and adding Life of Fred. I'm hoping we like Fred enough to maybe get rid of Singapore. I'm also really nervous about adding my 4yo. for preschool (just to keep him busy). Forgot to add that i'm planning to go 4wks. on and 1wk. off year round.

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Notgrass America the Beautiful for my 8th grader. I think it's going to be *perfect* for her. My high schooler is envious, as she LOVES the looks of it and wants to know why it can't be high school level. :001_rolleyes:


The other thing I'm excited about is the fact that MUS is working for all three girls and we are NOT changing math curriculum again! :lol:

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For this board, I have to say MFW K5. It's my total stealth/surprise winner, the thing I never expected to like so much! :D (check back in a few months and see what I'm saying, haha) The preschool activity cards from MFW are turning out to be very practical and useful to us as well. They're just easy to pick up and use, and one turns out to be just the right amount of time for ds. I seem to be going in different directions these days (high school stuff and preschool at the same time, ack!), so I love that I can just pick these up and they WORK. Love it. :)


I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this! MFW K is on my short list for the next fall for dd2...


Just to clarify.... The MFW program with preschool activity cards is not the "K" program. It's the Preschool program for approximately 3-5 year olds. :001_smile: http://www.mfwbooks.com/products/M50/10/10/0/1

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HOD Rev to Rev. I've been on the fence about spending the $ but finally took the plunge. I chose convenience over cost...and I'm glad I did. I'm also excited about planning AAH with my youngers. Overwhelmed at the moment, but excited. And, I'm excited to start MFW US1 with my dd15 and ds14. It's not really meant for 9th graders so I'm a bit nervous how ds14 will do with it but I'm excited to have my high schoolers on the same topic and using the same books. Interested to see if any great discussions will ensue. AND, I'm excited to start doing some "real" school with my ds4 who is super-anxious to do "real" school. :D

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We're excited to have several trips planned throughout the school year --- Biltmore Estate, Williamsburg, Niagara Falls, and NYC.


Take me with you! Me! Me! Ah, I want to go visit Asheville, North Carolina :001_tt1:


(Regains composure) Ahem, I an excited to see History Odyssey in action. Not too much new here, but we will be glad to return to SOTW again. Although we learned a lot of early American History here, we miss SOTW. Ds also misses formal mapping.


Science Smart is also technically new for us we've never done the geography projects, but I'm not that excited.. More cautious, as there are a lot of projects involved. Writing out lists of materials for Geography, Science, and Art is okay, collecting them all? Not so much.

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I'm excited about:


~ Cycling back around to ancient history with everyone in the house!


~ Year 2 of TPS's Classical Track for dd-10th -- love, love this program for her!


~ 2nd grade :) -- fun!


~ SL read-alouds for 2nd


~ Giving IEW Poetry a try


~ Watching my ds-8th grow in independence & maturity over the year! (Hoping and praying about that and working on plans! ;) :) )

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I'm probably most excited about starting SOTW1. It looks really fun and interesting.


I'm really optimistic about my scheduling/record keeping plan. I hope it is streamlined enough to be useful, but thorough enough that I don't forget to use some great resources I have.

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I am very excited about this coming year. some of the things that I am excited about most:


Dd14 using MFW AHL and Mapping the World with Art. For my youngers I am excited about:



Winston Grammar for my dd12

SOTW 1 and MOH1

MY dd12 trying TT7

my ds10 finishing Singapore

HTTS & Phonetic Zoo



AND Having Everything scheduled, printed/copied and organized for this yeare

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We've already started school, but the things I've been most excited about:


IEW SWI-A (which is going GREAT)

GSWL (started this week, and DS and I both love it already)

Continuing with Singapore (will finish 4B next week and move into 5A after that)

Sonlight Cores D and P4/5 (we've done 3 weeks of D and 1.5 weeks of P4/5)

Getting DS2 reading (he's made huge progress in the last month)

Watching my bubbly optimist 3 year old and how much he learns by osmosis :D (I didn't realize he knows several 2-letter phonograms :001_huh:)

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In our second week here and growing in excitement over Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory partly just because having an easy to follow plan is proving a great stress relief to me. DS enjoying it is a much valued bonus. Other new things I'm excited about are GSWS and GSWL.

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Brave Writer

Pandia Press History Odyssey and RSO Life

Minimus with DS5 and DS7 (did Minimus and Minimus Secundus with DS11 when he was younger)

Meet the Masters and Atelier Art

Composer Studies (we've never done this before, and I'm looking forward to learning lots).


I'm also really looking forward to spending lots more time with just DS5 and DS7 now that DS11 is moving on to secondary school.

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I'm excited about using CW poetry for beginners.

I'm excited.....scared...ehhhh...excited about using CW Homer A :lol:.

I'm excited about starting Latin.

I'm excited about using SM with my three daughters, I love math and love SM.

I'm excited about using the McGuffey readers *with* audio, this way my dds can hopefully acquire a better accent than I have. (I can dream, can't I?)


Wow, reading this I should be really excited with the coming school year. Then why am I not feeling it? :001_huh:


Must be my destructo toddler.....I'm so not looking forward to the chaos at school time. Shudder.

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I am excited, after much purchasing of curriculum and much temptation, to be using Memoria Press 1st and 2nd grade curriculums with my daughters to keep the focus on the basics for now which they both really need.


I'll use TOG sometime as a supplement and more after they can read solidly - my 8YO really struggles. I also purchased MCT but that can wait a year also.


I am glad to have some firm goals. Also thinking of Beast Academy with my oldest. Can't decide. But if I do, I'll look forward to that. :lol:

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VP self-paced History

AOPS pre-algebra

Elementary Greek

VP lit. w/ guides

The Art of Argument

Bible Study Guide for All Ages



Wow, we have a lot of new stuff this year! Too bad my children don't share my excitement. :glare:


Duct tape, remember, duct tape. Draw the smiles and excitement right onto their faces. :lol:


Seriously, that's all good stuff. They'll love it.

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I've already responded with R&S English 3, but I'm going to have to change my favorite...


I just got Latina Christiana I in the mail and it is PERFECT! It is laid out so cleanly. The TM is easy to understand. It looks like a solid program. I am *SO EXCITED* to start this.... oh wait, LCI is for next year. Well, Prima Latina is in the mail and I'm sure it will be just as great. I am also just as impressed with the Greek Myths study guide I just received. I really like the layout of MP products. :D:D:D

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Oh man, everything! I had planned to school through June, but found that I needed a break as much as Miss P did. Now she's doing all-day theater camp, and then we're going on vacation, so we're really off until mid-August. And I'm getting excited about starting back up, which is a good thing I think! :D


Most exciting? Well, our reading list, we have some really great books planned. It's so fun to read and discuss together. I'm looking forward to getting back into MCT Town - I :001_wub: Caesar's English!!!! I'm excited about Math, we're doing Geometry first thing, and we haven't done that together yet (doesn't seem like she did much at ps, either) so we're going to enjoy Beast Academy together. LOF is always fun. Science will be all about biology this year, which is my favorite science. New Latin program, which I'm excited to start. Artist and composer studies, which we haven't done before . . .


Yeah, like I said, pretty much everything!!! :lol:

What do you have planned for your readers? My ds is 9 also and I am looking for some good books that ds7 will also enjoy.

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Dude, my kid can't even SAY the 2-letter phonograms, let alone knowing them. You go girl. :lol:


Ha! Well, they're the easier ones to say: "ee", "ar", that sort of thing. He's not saying "th", though he tries. I swear I won't have to teach this kid anything Kindergarten related. He just picks it up from big brothers! It's crazy. Well, I guess I'll have to teach handwriting. Don't want him self-learning that. BTDT. :tongue_smilie:

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What do you have planned for your readers? My ds is 9 also and I am looking for some good books that ds7 will also enjoy.


Well, since you asked: :D


Read Aloud or Audio Book

1. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

2. Treasure Island (cd & mp3)

3. The Three Musketeers (mp3)

4. Mr. Revere & I (cd)

5. Rip Van Winkle

6. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (cd)

7. Kidnapped

8. The Count of Monte Cristo (cd & mp3)

9. Little Women (cd & mp3)

10. Oliver Twist (cd & mp3)

11. The Jungle Book (cd & mp3)


Independent Reading

1. Calico Captive – Elizabeth George Speare

2. Carry On, Mr. Bowditch

3. The Notorious Benedict Arnold

4. Johnny Tremaine

5. My Brother Sam is Dead

6. Sarah Bishop

7. Marie Antoinette, Princess of Versailles

8. The Bloody Country

9. Flame-Colored Taffeta - Sutcliff

10. Streams to the River, Streams to the Sea

11. Seaman

12. A Gathering of Days: a New England Girl’s Journey

13. Lyddie

14. Island of the Blue Dolphins

15. The Ballad of Lucy Whipple

16. The Ruby in the Smoke

17. Shipwrecked – Blumbert

18. Valley of the Moon: The Diary of Maria Rosalia de Milagros

19. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

20. Heidi - Spyri

21. The Fledgling – Langon

22. Mrs. Frisby & the Rats of Nimh – O’Brien

23. My Side of the Mountain – George

24. The Ice Dragon – Martin

25. The Dark is Rising - Cooper


She might not read all of the IRs, but a good portion of them. We're doing Early Modern, as you can tell! We may also start MCT's Time trilogy this year, as she has developed a recent interest in time travel (well, just reading about it so far ;-)


This is for my big girl. For our Family read alouds, we're planning on doing a bunch of E Nesbit, Edward Eager, maybe a bunch of the Wizard of Oz books, Pinocchio, and we'll see after that . . .

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Doing Bio with my kids this year.


MCT-- we actually got a jump start on it, and are nearly done with Magic Lens (DS11) and halfway done with Grammar Town (DS8). We're several weeks into CE1 and WWtW1. All I can say is . . . wow! I feel so bad for kids who don't get to learn grammar and vocabulary this way! I can hardly wait for the right timing in our year to dive into Paragraph Town and the poetry books :D.


We're taking a short break from our regularly schedule Latin (DS11 finished BBLL1 and will start LL2; DS8 finished Prima Latina and will start LL1) to do Minimus together. I am very much looking forward to that, though a little nervous-- DS8 viscerally hates comic books; I hope I can coax him into enjoying the dialogues and interactiveness of Minimus.


Math math math math math math math-- both boys are such a joy and so excited about everything they do in math! DS11 was asked what he WANTED to learn yesterday, to set his own schedule. The first thing he wrote down was, "Algebra." He had to do Fred. DS8 has already torn up most of Singapore 4A, and has started LoF:Goldfish. If he finishes 4B in the fall, I plan to take a short interlude before launching 5A to do Penrose with him, and some other fun math pathways (maybe if he's done LoF elementary, we can start Fractions). There is no rush to some invisible goal line. Nobody is handing out homeschool medals for being first to calculus.


Reading with these guys. DS8 has gone from "reading is too hard, I hate it" just about 15 months ago, to "Magic Treehouse," reluctantly, to scooping up every MTH book he could load into his skinny little arms at the library, through Beverly Cleary . . . to now being halfway through Ender's Game as a self-reading project. He too has joined the family as one who has to be told to look up when walking so as not to bump into parking meters and telephone poles.


History. DS11 cannot devour history books fast enough, and the other day, DS8 commented, "Wow Mom, one book about Columbus left this stuff out; the other book left this other stuff out. The two books didn't agree on a few things . . . when you are learning about something, you really have to read more than one book about it, or you are not going to come even close to the whole story, are you?" These guys are going to be fun to work with on history this year.


Oh heck, I think I'm just psyched about this year in general ;)

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Doing Bio with my kids this year.


MCT-- we actually got a jump start on it, and are nearly done with Magic Lens (DS11) and halfway done with Grammar Town (DS8). We're several weeks into CE1 and WWtW1. All I can say is . . . wow! I feel so bad for kids who don't get to learn grammar and vocabulary this way! I can hardly wait for the right timing in our year to dive into Paragraph Town and the poetry books :D.


We're taking a short break from our regularly schedule Latin (DS11 finished BBLL1 and will start LL2; DS8 finished Prima Latina and will start LL1) to do Minimus together. I am very much looking forward to that, though a little nervous-- DS8 viscerally hates comic books; I hope I can coax him into enjoying the dialogues and interactiveness of Minimus.


Math math math math math math math-- both boys are such a joy and so excited about everything they do in math! DS11 was asked what he WANTED to learn yesterday, to set his own schedule. The first thing he wrote down was, "Algebra." He had to do Fred. DS8 has already torn up most of Singapore 4A, and has started LoF:Goldfish. If he finishes 4B in the fall, I plan to take a short interlude before launching 5A to do Penrose with him, and some other fun math pathways (maybe if he's done LoF elementary, we can start Fractions). There is no rush to some invisible goal line. Nobody is handing out homeschool medals for being first to calculus.


Reading with these guys. DS8 has gone from "reading is too hard, I hate it" just about 15 months ago, to "Magic Treehouse," reluctantly, to scooping up every MTH book he could load into his skinny little arms at the library, through Beverly Cleary . . . to now being halfway through Ender's Game as a self-reading project. He too has joined the family as one who has to be told to look up when walking so as not to bump into parking meters and telephone poles.


History. DS11 cannot devour history books fast enough, and the other day, DS8 commented, "Wow Mom, one book about Columbus left this stuff out; the other book left this other stuff out. The two books didn't agree on a few things . . . when you are learning about something, you really have to read more than one book about it, or you are not going to come even close to the whole story, are you?" These guys are going to be fun to work with on history this year.


Oh heck, I think I'm just psyched about this year in general ;)


Can I just say how much I love your whole post? Your enthusiasm is palpable and positively refreshing! :thumbup:

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Well, since you asked: :D


Read Aloud or Audio Book

1. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

2. Treasure Island (cd & mp3)

3. The Three Musketeers (mp3)

4. Mr. Revere & I (cd)

5. Rip Van Winkle

6. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (cd)

7. Kidnapped

8. The Count of Monte Cristo (cd & mp3)

9. Little Women (cd & mp3)

10. Oliver Twist (cd & mp3)

11. The Jungle Book (cd & mp3)


Independent Reading

1. Calico Captive – Elizabeth George Speare

2. Carry On, Mr. Bowditch

3. The Notorious Benedict Arnold

4. Johnny Tremaine

5. My Brother Sam is Dead

6. Sarah Bishop

7. Marie Antoinette, Princess of Versailles

8. The Bloody Country

9. Flame-Colored Taffeta - Sutcliff

10. Streams to the River, Streams to the Sea

11. Seaman

12. A Gathering of Days: a New England Girl’s Journey

13. Lyddie

14. Island of the Blue Dolphins

15. The Ballad of Lucy Whipple

16. The Ruby in the Smoke

17. Shipwrecked – Blumbert

18. Valley of the Moon: The Diary of Maria Rosalia de Milagros

19. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

20. Heidi - Spyri

21. The Fledgling – Langon

22. Mrs. Frisby & the Rats of Nimh – O’Brien

23. My Side of the Mountain – George

24. The Ice Dragon – Martin

25. The Dark is Rising - Cooper


She might not read all of the IRs, but a good portion of them. We're doing Early Modern, as you can tell! We may also start MCT's Time trilogy this year, as she has developed a recent interest in time travel (well, just reading about it so far ;-)


This is for my big girl. For our Family read alouds, we're planning on doing a bunch of E Nesbit, Edward Eager, maybe a bunch of the Wizard of Oz books, Pinocchio, and we'll see after that . . .

WOW!!!!! That looks good. I am going to add some of your read alouds to my list. We will be starting SOTW1 this year so I want some ancient times books for our IR's.

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It's funny but I am excited about being home more this year. We did CC last year and although we loved it I also felt like I wasn't getting everything done that I needed. Being that I basically used CC for science, history, and latin I am now tackling it at home. So I am excited about this yet very nervous also. We will start SOTW1, switching from FLL3 to RS4 with WWW4 for DS9 and sticking with FLL2 for DS7 and adding WWW1. I got Abeka science very cheap but still am not sure if it's what I want:confused:.

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Well it is not curriculum per se, but every Friday afternoon, instead of language arts, my oldest daughter and I are going to work on a quilt together while the younger ones nap. :001_wub: I am looking forward to that.


that is AMAZING

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IEW Advanced Communications, Speech Boot Camp, and Ancient History Themed Based Writing.


Also, since we got such a great deal, Apologia Zoology 3 with Experiments! I actually think it's strange that I'm excited about this since I'm not a science loving person, but every time I pick the book up, I can't put it down.

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