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"Gunna" is not a word!

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This drives me crazy. "I'm gunna go there." "We were gunna come but couldn't." ACK!!!! BTW, this is both written and spoken and it makes me want to bang my head on a wall. Just had to get that out. /vent.


Whatchya gunna do about it? :lol:


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There's also no such thing as an "innernet", but speech goes in such ways. Some things are just hard to articulate precisely, hence, language changes, it is liquid. I do use "gonna" sometimes in writing, when my purpose is to be conversational. It can't all be The Queen's English.


About the only phrase that really makes me want to beat someone over the head with a copy of Elements of Style is "I could care less..." AAAAAHHHHHHHHHRRRGHHH! :D

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If it's not a word, what is it? An unintelligible utterance? It's in my Shorter Oxford:


gonna /gɒnə/ verb (pres. pple). non-standard. E20.

[ORIGIN Repr. a pronunc.]


Going to (see go verb 36).


M. Shulman
I'm gonna keep on yelling till you let me out.




Here's Billie Holiday singing "I'm Gonna Lock My Heart" way back in 1938. :tongue_smilie:


Edited by nmoira
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It's 'gonna'. Not 'gunna'.





Here on the Texas coast, it probably would be better spelled 'gunna'. :D


I say it, but rarely write it. My worst habit is 'fixin to'. No matter how much I try to stop, I always find it creeping back into my vocabulary.

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I don't believe I've ever seen it spelled 'gunna'. I never type 'gonna', but, yeah, I'm totally guilty in saying it. Sorry :blush:.





Here's Billie Holiday singing "I'm Gonna Lock My Heart" way back in 1938. :tongue_smilie:



Very nice. Thank you.

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I still think many people in the UK have that beat.


My relatives keep saying a certain word, the last time they did it (on the phone) I had to run outside, scream, and start yanking my hair


"innit" "innit" innit init innit init init innit innit innit INNIT :glare:


ITS NOT A WORD, ORALLY OR WRITTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The correct usage would be "isn't it? or isn't that right?"





:rant: ahem.....sorry for that :tongue_smilie:, as you were.

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I never realized how often I use gonna until ds asked how to spell it. :001_huh: we had a nice chat about the written word vs. the spoken word. I still use it. I enunciate better in good company though. ;)


as in, "Whatcha gonna do when 'dey come for you, bad boys, bad boys..."




You know you're singing it now, go ahead, enjoy the moment.

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Prolly is not a word either. :glare:


That one makes my eyes cross and sends shivers down my spine. What really bugs me is when I see someone using it who I KNOW has had a decent education and should know better. I mean, it doesn't even make sense! I could at least understand "probly," because that's how it sounds when most people say it (especially when they say it quickly).


I say "gonna" all the time (unapologetically--I'd sound like like a pompous idiot if I tried to say "going to" all the time, especially around here!), but I would never write it unless I was writing dialogue or transcribing speech.

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Sorry, I use it. People around here already tend to look at me like I'm from another planet. I really would rather not contribute to that view. I speak in a way that everyone in this area does, which includes saying words like gonna, betcha, probly, spose, and the occasional eh thrown in (which means many different things). I don't sound as much like a hick as some around here, but I certainly don't sound refined by any means.

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Out of curiosity (not to hijack the thread or anything :D) Does anyone else say "jeet?" for "Did you eat?" I'm curious to know if it's just a Florida thing or if other people say this too. :)
I've been known to say "djeet."
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And you're in Portland, Oregon? Oh wow! I guess it's not just a Southern thing or are you a Southern girl living in Portland? :p

Canadian, southwestern Ontario. But I've spent a fair amount of time in Florida. :001_smile:

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