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SINKING...I need ideas and I need them fast

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So, for those of you that don't know the BG... I'm recently divorced (last year).


My pride really doesn't want to type this but I need help to figure this out. I'm really struggling financially. I am new to an area in KS and we are BROKE. I haven't gotten a dime of child support ( I don't want to get into that, because bashing isn't my thing). I have a job but I'm bringing in roughly $1300-1400 per month and it's just not enough. After rent and the bills plus food and gas I just can't do it. I am canceling cable as we speak. It's really the only luxury that we still have. My rent is as cheap as it gets. I am looking for a different place to live even so.


I can't qualify for food stamps because I can't qualify until I register my kids for school and the schools are closed until the 25th of the month. The only other option I have to qualify is to take my kids to the doctor and get paperwork from them, but I don't have the money to take them to the doctor and my state health insurance hasn't gone through yet.


We are living off of mostly pasta, eggs, rice and bread. I work full time so it's hard to find extra time as it is. My parents live a couple of states away so going there isn't an option right now.


I'm going to stop whining, but what I'm really looking for is some really good advice on how to make ends meet because I am sinking fast. Sigh. I am new to the area or I would babysit. There is 1 lady that asked me once recently and I jumped at the opportunity. Any more ideas?


And please be gentle with me this is hard to admit as it is.

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check out all food pantry's so that you and kids are fed.


Do you belong to a church? You can ask for help there.


Can you borrow the money to go to the doctor? Or call every doctors office around and tell them our situation and see if one will let you make payments but get the papers you need now so that you and your kids can eat.



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check out all food pantry's so that you and kids are fed.


Do you belong to a church? You can ask for help there.


Even if you don't belong to a church you can ask for help. Random people drop in at our church to ask for help. Expect to get a lot of questions if you don't belong to that church, though. Most will want to be sure you have a genuine need and aren't just scamming them. :grouphug:

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Our food bank helps with food stamp stuff? Did you apply online? I haven't heard of them needing to see a doctor or go to school. Maybe a birth certificate for food stamps. That seems so strange and unhelpful.


If you don't have a church I would start contacting local churches for help. The state should start garnishing wages for your child support. In our state, there is a child support thing on the social services website. You might want to look into that.

Edited by Hausunterricht
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Can you check Craigslist for other babysitting jobs? Make use of your local food bank so you are not spending more money than you have to on food. I will pray for you for sure, but you need to be assertive about collecting child support. You need to get on the phone with support enforcement and get to work getting the money you are owed. In the long run making sure you get your support is going to be better for your kids than working extra jobs. So sorry for you.

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check out all food pantry's so that you and kids are fed.


Yes. We have done this, but usually you can only go 1x per month and they only give you enough meat for about 2 servings. Maybe I'm not going to the right place.


Do you belong to a church? You can ask for help there.


I do belong to a church, but we are new there. I guess it can't hurt to ask, right>


Can you borrow the money to go to the doctor? Or call every doctors office around and tell them our situation and see if one will let you make payments but get the papers you need now so that you and your kids can eat.


I'm wondering if maybe I can go to the health department.




Thank you.

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My first thought is to look for food pantries in your area. We have one in our town and several nearby. They have food and often also other necessities - clothes, school supplies, etc. If you'd like to PM me with more details on your geographic area, I'd be happy to do a search for you.


Second, our local electric and gas company has a program for assistance with bills and a program where they cannot turn off the power if there are children in the home. You might want to see if your local utility offers anything similar.


Third, there are numerous charitable organizations in our area that help families who are struggling. A Google search for "assistance programs" with your city or county should bring up some possibilities. Possibilities include The Salvation Army, Catholic Charities.


Fourth, our local county's Department of Social Services offers a variety of temporary assistance. You could see if your local county or city governments offer anything.

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The food stamp office should have a list of local resources, food pantries, etc they can refer you to as well. And I see you have a 4yo, so you should still qualify for WIC at least for a little longer - it covers until they are 5.

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Even if you don't belong to a church you can ask for help. Random people drop in at our church to ask for help. Expect to get a lot of questions if you don't belong to that church, though. Most will want to be sure you have a genuine need and aren't just scamming them. :grouphug:


I think Im going to have to do this. Thank you.


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If you called a church near by and asked for a pastor and told him your situation they (I'm thinking what mine would do if someone called) would tell you to come to Christ's Pantry and get some meals (we have freezer meals made by members and stored in the church's freezer. Those in need come and get a meal or two). They would likely know a doctor in the church that would work with you somehow.

And we have paid nursery workers for various functions and you'd be able to bring your kids along, and they'd tell you who to call.

You wouldn't need to be a member or even a believer...a mom looking for help would be qualification enough.

Obviously large churches will have more resources.

Good luck. I admire you for looking for help.

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The ones in our area are over-subscribed, but one of the ones I know about can always provide a box of basics that will carry someone over. You have to show a payslip, etc. but that is all. A friend that volunteers with them tells me that the "working poor" are their primary customers.


Our hospital also has a clinic that will do basic doctor visits like you describe for $10-25 dollars. Most of the staff volunteer their time.

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:grouphug: I can't imagine how frustrating your situation is. I will keep your family in my prayers.


Did someone tell you that your kids need to be enrolled in school to get food stamps? That doesn't seem right to me, though I've never applied myself.


Definitely check out food pantries and churches. If there is a Catholic Charities or St. Vincent DePaul Society in your area, go there. (They have no religious requirements.)


Can you find a sliding scale medical clinic? I agree with asking a doctor's office to help you out, too.

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Are you paying utilities? Is there an option to spread the cost evenly over 12 months instead of paying actual usage per month? We find it easier for our budget to do this.


I also recommend a church. I belonged to a large Baptist church that had a food bank and clothes closet. They helped anyone in the community who asked for help. I do not know what kind of information they requested though.


Your menu right now just may be what it is. You need cheap, easy to prepare meals while you're going through a rough time. Do your kids like salad? Would it be too much to buy lettuce and easy veggies like carrots and tomatoes? That can add something healthy to stretch a dinner farther. If the kids need snacks, consider things like popcorn, fruit and cheese, and peanut butter crackers. I'm thinking a large block of store brand cheese and a jar of peanut butter could last a while. I'm not sure how much a bag of apples might be though. I'm pretty bad at remember prices.



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Our food bank helps with food stamp stuff? Did you apply online? I haven't heard of them needing to see a doctor or go to school. Maybe a birth certificate for food stamps. That seems so strange and unhelpful.


I applied online. but I had to go in for an interview because I had applied for so much stuff?? I guess. And I have their BCs. They said that I need to be able to prove that they live in the home with me. I thought it was kinda strange myself. I guess the number of people getting food help around here is really high. Maybe thats why???


If you don't have a church I would start contacting local churches for help. The state should start garnishing wages for your child support. In our state, there is a child support thing on the social services website. You might want to look into that.


As for the garnishing wages...my exH quit his very high paying job as soon as CS was ordered to be "self employed" and now doesn't make any money supposedly :001_huh:. Basically, he quit his job so that the IRS and CS couldn't garnish his wages.

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We've been in some really tight situations lately, where I was trying to figure out how I was going to put gas in the car to get to work.


What worked for me is listing the kids' used clothing on eBay. Every time something sold, it was a relief that it was $5 more and another gallon for the gas tank!


If you're able to get a couple extra dollars, you can then go to yard sales to buy used items for resale on eBay. (It takes a while to work up to that, but at least eBay stuff can be done when the kids are in bed.)


I hope you're currently able to get some assistance very soon! :grouphug:


If you want to know anything else about selling on eBay, just let me know.

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In our state we have a Community Services Agency (CSO) that is meant to help people in need. They have a variety of programs available from utility assistance to food assistance. It is the same agency that oversees Head Start Programs so I would look for those if you don't find the same name organization. You would need to schedule an appointment with a case worker. At the CSO you can also receive a list of food pantries in the area. Most only allow one visit a month, but if you can visit enough,you can get more food and supplies. My experience however has been that you never know what you will receive, but something is better than nothing. In addition, the CSO is who distributes government commodities every 3 months. It isn't much food, but it really helps.


I would also call organizations such as Salvation Army, the one here offers assistance for food and bills.

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Can you check Craigslist for other babysitting jobs? Make use of your local food bank so you are not spending more money than you have to on food. I will pray for you for sure, but you need to be assertive about collecting child support. You need to get on the phone with support enforcement and get to work getting the money you are owed. In the long run making sure you get your support is going to be better for your kids than working extra jobs. So sorry for you.


Craigslist!!! Great idea. I will check that out. Thank you. You're right. I want to have time for my kiddos. CSE will supposedly start to work on the case after I can get my kids registered for school. I guess I need to try to find another food bank.

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My first thought is to look for food pantries in your area. We have one in our town and several nearby. They have food and often also other necessities - clothes, school supplies, etc. If you'd like to PM me with more details on your geographic area, I'd be happy to do a search for you.


Second, our local electric and gas company has a program for assistance with bills and a program where they cannot turn off the power if there are children in the home. You might want to see if your local utility offers anything similar.


Third, there are numerous charitable organizations in our area that help families who are struggling. A Google search for "assistance programs" with your city or county should bring up some possibilities. Possibilities include The Salvation Army, Catholic Charities.


Fourth, our local county's Department of Social Services offers a variety of temporary assistance. You could see if your local county or city governments offer anything.


OK. Another food pantry. I'm sure it's worth the gas that I will use driving there. I try not to drive much of everywhere because there have been times that I haven't had enough money for gas to get to work but we gotta eat.


And the companies around here do do support for utilities but you have to have registered for it by feb or march can't remember.


Google search...check.


Thank you.

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The food stamp office should have a list of local resources, food pantries, etc they can refer you to as well. And I see you have a 4yo, so you should still qualify for WIC at least for a little longer - it covers until they are 5.


WHAT?! It goes till 5??? I thought it was only till 2 or 3 or something. I will get on that because WIC helps with great food. It would be nice to have some fresh fruit and veggies around. :)

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What about writing a few articles to post online? There are a few sites that aggregate articles, and you get paid a small amount each time the article is read. I am not sure exactly how it works, but pm me if you want the limited info I have on it. I have heard that some people really crank out articles and supplement their income that way.


My MIL works for an organization that helps local people with bills and large expenses. It is connected with their church's food pantry which serves anyone, without checking anything, but this service is more along the lines of helping with occasional large expenses - car repairs, glasses, expensive meds, that sort of thing. Maybe someone in your county has info about a service like that in your area?


And, on this note -


As for the garnishing wages...my exH quit his very high paying job as soon as CS was ordered to be "self employed" and now doesn't make any money supposedly :001_huh:. Basically, he quit his job so that the IRS and CS couldn't garnish his wages.


In several states that would be considered voluntary impoverishment, and CS would be calculated on your ex's income prior to quitting his job. If he did not pay, it would come out of his tax refund, and that check would go to you. If you haven't investigated that, please do. Not sure about your state, but maybe worth checking.



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Get the local paper every day of the week for a week. Usually so much stuff is listed for the community in there. Start calling the churches-every one of them. They'll give food to who ever asks, even if you go to more than one. Then, the county may have a soup kitchen open a few days a week-or every day if you're lucky.


Are there any non profits that are in the county that can help with college classes, computer classes, and such?


Buy at garage sales. That's the lowest rung on the price ladder.

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Find the WIC office for your area and call to make an appt. They have higher than food stamp income limits, so you should qualify. The WIC office can approve you and print out checks for you the same day you go in, I think. And yes, a child qualifies until they are 5.


I would double check about needing school registration for food stamps.


If you are already using the food bank, ask them about soup kitchens and summer lunch programs. Where I live schools are providing free lunches during the summer to children. Adults cost $3 if you buy, but you can brown bag it..


In my county the United Way has an employee who will meet with you and answer questions about all assistance programs, like commodity boxes, food stamps, insurance, WIC, etc. Can you call to see if yours offers that or knows of a place that does?

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You can also try the health dept for the dr's appt. If that is a requirement there they should be familiar with the paperwork needed.


I guess that I could try to go back and talk to someone else at the Soc. Serv. place and see if someone else gives me different instructions. I will call the health department. The guy only gave me 10 days to have it done...it's hard to work and get all of this done!

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I don't know why you were told your kids had to be in school to get food stamps. We did very recently with all kids in homeschool. No questions asked. It will only be an issue for us once all kids are school-aged and I have still chosen to remain a stay-at-home (homeschooling) mom. I was told if all kids are school- aged, both parents have to participate in work/ searching for work (which isn't an issue in your situation).


Also, I' don't know what you do for a phone, but remember that free cell phone program? I would cancel any landline and get that. Phone lines get expensive.


You will most likely get EIC when you file your taxes. Can you talk to your employer (HR) about getting it now? No big deal for the employer, just a few tax forms to complete. They add that into your check every week...


Here, I have been seeing flyers everywhere for the summer food program for school- aged kids. It's the summer time version of free/reduced school lunches. It's also breakfast too. Not sure how the limbo aspect of your current situation will factor into it.

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If you called a church near by and asked for a pastor and told him your situation they (I'm thinking what mine would do if someone called) would tell you to come to Christ's Pantry and get some meals (we have freezer meals made by members and stored in the church's freezer. Those in need come and get a meal or two). They would likely know a doctor in the church that would work with you somehow.

And we have paid nursery workers for various functions and you'd be able to bring your kids along, and they'd tell you who to call.

You wouldn't need to be a member or even a believer...a mom looking for help would be qualification enough.

Obviously large churches will have more resources.

Good luck. I admire you for looking for help.


That would be awesome. I think I'm going to have to just get on the phone and start calling. It's hard to choke down my pride, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I don't want to live on welfare for forever.

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Oh, as far as the legal situation goes- does just let it go. There are legal programs here that help indigent in a number of ways.


there is a non-profit that organizes all the pro bono in the area.

there is also an office that will schedule hour long appointments with various lawyers at an extremely reduced rate of you are representing yourself- so you can get accurate information.

the same organization puts on several lectures about various topics.


dig and see what your area has to offer.

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I forgot the :grouphug:


Thank you. :001_smile:




The ones in our area are over-subscribed, but one of the ones I know about can always provide a box of basics that will carry someone over. You have to show a payslip, etc. but that is all. A friend that volunteers with them tells me that the "working poor" are their primary customers.


Our hospital also has a clinic that will do basic doctor visits like you describe for $10-25 dollars. Most of the staff volunteer their time.


Yes, many of the pantries around here are SO hard to get food from because so many people need it. I tried one (you can only go there once every 3 months) and you have to call by 8 am and get put on a list to get food. The phone line is literally busy from 7:45 until 8:30 and then all of the spots are filled. It's really hard. And they only do it once a week. You gotta keep calling and calling and calling. No big deal to get the help you need but it does go to show you how many people are in need right now.


ETA: I will be looking for a cheaper place to take them to the doctor.

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:grouphug: I can't imagine how frustrating your situation is. I will keep your family in my prayers.


Thank you.


Did someone tell you that your kids need to be enrolled in school to get food stamps? That doesn't seem right to me, though I've never applied myself.


Well, no, they told me that for some reason I have to be able to prove that they are living in the home with me. And enrolling them in school or having my doctor's office give documentation is what would suffice for paperwork. I don't have a drs office here because I haven't gotten my state health ins yet. I would've thought that the custody order and BCs would be enough. Guess not.


Definitely check out food pantries and churches. If there is a Catholic Charities or St. Vincent DePaul Society in your area, go there. (They have no religious requirements.)


Catholic Charities is the one that has been helping us. They are amazing. The just can only do so much, you know? Things like my Dd's only pair of shoes breaking, etc. are covered.


Can you find a sliding scale medical clinic? I agree with asking a doctor's office to help you out, too.


I wonder if a public health dept would even count since they are wanting it from my drs office to prove that they are living in the home??? It's so hard to get answers from the SSR people. Really hard. I'm gonna check that out, though.

Edited by lovinmomma
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Are you paying utilities? Is there an option to spread the cost evenly over 12 months instead of paying actual usage per month? We find it easier for our budget to do this.


I will check on this. I have to call tomorrow and find out if I can set up a payment plan for our electric bill. Somehow (I guess with the heatwave we just had) my electricity bill DOUBLED. I almost fell off my unicorn when I saw that.


I also recommend a church. I belonged to a large Baptist church that had a food bank and clothes closet. They helped anyone in the community who asked for help. I do not know what kind of information they requested though.


It seems like the general consensus is to call local churches and try reaching out and finding more food banks. Sounds like a plan. :D


Your menu right now just may be what it is. You need cheap, easy to prepare meals while you're going through a rough time. Do your kids like salad? Would it be too much to buy lettuce and easy veggies like carrots and tomatoes? That can add something healthy to stretch a dinner farther. If the kids need snacks, consider things like popcorn, fruit and cheese, and peanut butter crackers. I'm thinking a large block of store brand cheese and a jar of peanut butter could last a while. I'm not sure how much a bag of apples might be though. I'm pretty bad at remember prices.




Thank you. :D Any kinds of fruit or veggie and cheese and even crackers are out of question right now. I have gotten bread from our food pantry because you can come every day and get that. No questions asked so we have been doing a lot of bread and I try to make PB stretch as far as possible. I figure that it's a great protein for them.

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Why wouldn't you be able to qualify for food stamps if your kids aren't in school? I think someone is lieing to you I had help a few years back and none of my kids ever went to school


Here's a cut and paste from another post:


I applied online. but I had to go in for an interview because I had applied for so much stuff?? I guess. And I have their BCs. They said that I need to be able to prove that they live in the home with me. I thought it was kinda strange myself. I guess the number of people getting food help around here is really high. Maybe thats why???


Seems kinda strange to me, too. I have the CO as well.

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We've been in some really tight situations lately, where I was trying to figure out how I was going to put gas in the car to get to work.


What worked for me is listing the kids' used clothing on eBay. Every time something sold, it was a relief that it was $5 more and another gallon for the gas tank!


If you're able to get a couple extra dollars, you can then go to yard sales to buy used items for resale on eBay. (It takes a while to work up to that, but at least eBay stuff can be done when the kids are in bed.)


I hope you're currently able to get some assistance very soon! :grouphug:


If you want to know anything else about selling on eBay, just let me know.


Actually, I've been thinking a lot about trying to start selling on ebay to make ends meet. I used to feel lots of stuff from around the house on there. I would need to get to a place where I had an extra few bucks to purchase something to sell on ebay. lol

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My heart hurts for you. I have no real advice, just :grouphug:


I wish you lived close to me so I could help


Thank you. :grouphug:


In our state we have a Community Services Agency (CSO) that is meant to help people in need. They have a variety of programs available from utility assistance to food assistance. It is the same agency that oversees Head Start Programs so I would look for those if you don't find the same name organization. You would need to schedule an appointment with a case worker. At the CSO you can also receive a list of food pantries in the area. Most only allow one visit a month, but if you can visit enough,you can get more food and supplies. My experience however has been that you never know what you will receive, but something is better than nothing. In addition, the CSO is who distributes government commodities every 3 months. It isn't much food, but it really helps.


I would also call organizations such as Salvation Army, the one here offers assistance for food and bills.


Community Services Agency? I wonder if I just call Head Start if they could give me a list of places?

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Be persistent, don't worry about your pride. We are not our circumstances.


Do you have any day old bakery stores in your area? What about talking to your grocer to see if they can give you some inside info on clearance items.

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:grouphug: Thank you.


What about writing a few articles to post online? There are a few sites that aggregate articles, and you get paid a small amount each time the article is read. I am not sure exactly how it works, but pm me if you want the limited info I have on it. I have heard that some people really crank out articles and supplement their income that way.


I would love more info on this. Thank you!


My MIL works for an organization that helps local people with bills and large expenses. It is connected with their church's food pantry which serves anyone, without checking anything, but this service is more along the lines of helping with occasional large expenses - car repairs, glasses, expensive meds, that sort of thing. Maybe someone in your county has info about a service like that in your area?


I can check around. I have several friends that are working and are in similar situations. It's tough out there! Thank you.


And, on this note -




In several states that would be considered voluntary impoverishment, and CS would be calculated on your ex's income prior to quitting his job. If he did not pay, it would come out of his tax refund, and that check would go to you. If you haven't investigated that, please do. Not sure about your state, but maybe worth checking.




He is still court ordered to pay. They didn't reduce it. They just have no way to garnish it now. And I could see some at tax time but I need to make it through until then. Doubtful that he will get a return of any sort, though. THANK YOU


Get the local paper every day of the week for a week. Usually so much stuff is listed for the community in there. Start calling the churches-every one of them. They'll give food to who ever asks, even if you go to more than one. Then, the county may have a soup kitchen open a few days a week-or every day if you're lucky.


Will do. I think McDs (across the street) has free newspapers.


Are there any non profits that are in the county that can help with college classes, computer classes, and such?


Not that I have found. Just FAFSA.


Buy at garage sales. That's the lowest rung on the price ladder.


I will and that's what I have done but right now I don't even have the cash to drive to garage sales or buy anything at the garage sales. lol. Pathetic, I know.


Find the WIC office for your area and call to make an appt. They have higher than food stamp income limits, so you should qualify. The WIC office can approve you and print out checks for you the same day you go in, I think. And yes, a child qualifies until they are 5.


Alright. That's on the top of my list. WIC would be awesome!


I would double check about needing school registration for food stamps.


I will call and see if I can talk to someone else. He even gave me a verification paper saying that I needed that so I'm inclined to think that any other person would tell me the same thing simply because that's what he wrote in the file and they hate to look like they don't have it all together. :D


If you are already using the food bank, ask them about soup kitchens and summer lunch programs. Where I live schools are providing free lunches during the summer to children. Adults cost $3 if you buy, but you can brown bag it..


When my kids start back to school they will get free lunches and breakfasts. YEA!


In my county the United Way has an employee who will meet with you and answer questions about all assistance programs, like commodity boxes, food stamps, insurance, WIC, etc. Can you call to see if yours offers that or knows of a place that does?


I will try calling United Way



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I will and that's what I have done but right now I don't even have the cash to drive to garage sales or buy anything at the garage sales. lol. Pathetic, I know.




It's not pathetic, it happens. :grouphug::grouphug:


With regard to food stamps, many of these agencies are way under staffed and very overworked. You need to be politely pushy.


"Besides school registration, what can I use for proof of residency. I can't register them until xx/xx."

When they say drs office, ask what else. Clarify if that means a public health dept. Keep asking and...push a little. Nicely


It took me months to get insurance coverage when I was pregnant and DH lost his job, if I hadn't been pushy it would have taken longer. My emergency wasn't theirs, but they were responsible for giving me the information I needed.


If they haven't started processing your app and won't until the end of the month, realize that means two more months until the app is finished at minimum.



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Around here DSHS has one appointment in the beginning and once a year for a review. I would go back in of you have the time And try again. Do not feel bad.


I have my divorce decree and proof of address and birth certificates for my children. We need food stamps. I cannot afford to feed us right now.


I find you just have to say the right words sometimes.

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1. You should be registering for school now-ish if you're a new move-in in KS. While schools may not start until mid to late August here, if you are a new move-in, typically they will encourage you to register before the returning student registration time period.


If you are going to homeschool, you can register with the Dept of Ed. website at any time you'd like.


2. Here in KS it is VERY common to have free meals (breakfast and lunch) for anyone under 18. Common distribution points are the schools themselves, the library, the big local park, or churches. Since you are likely going to qualify for free/reduced meals, that's something I'd ask about when you call whatever the local school is. I think the adult meal charge in my town is $1. They send backpacks home with meals for the weekend when they don't do distribution.


3. You can use WIC here to take to the farmer's market to get produce. ;)


4. The local United Way will be more help to you than SRS. SRS had SERIOUS budget cutbacks from the governor and there are starting to be long delays on things.


5. The local health department has a sliding scale payment program....depending on where you are (feel free to pm me) there are local free medical clinics as well---or sliding scale fees.


6. In my neck of the woods, many churches run some sort of pantry program....we also have a collaboration of churches working together to provide hot meals to anyone who would like to eat several times a week. Many other communities are running similar programs.


7. If you are in an itty bitty small town, it may be worth your while to go to a larger town to access food pantries, etc.

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While your income is reduced & stressed, get yourself on some assisted rent housing lists in the area. It might take a long while to get an opening, but it happens.


Take full advantage of your circumstance right now while things are tough, there's a lot out there for retraining, education, childcare, assistance for struggling families. It's not always going to be this way, get it going while you can. This is your turn to utilize into resources you pay for.


You didn't mention childcare $$$ daycare issues, do you have family helping you out with that? That one is the killer for newly single moms.


Do you have any side skills you could do besides childcare? (Which, btw, is an awesome home business-big bucks there) - sewing, yardwork, gardening, laundry, respite care, cleaning - along those lines?


You mentioned the gas bill is horrendous for the travel, is there any chance you have a bus system you can use for a bit to cut the costs down there or is that just really unreasonable? Any chance to carpool with a co-worker?

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I would try a govt health dept for the doctor's appointment to get the paperwork for food stamps. Just tell them straight up that you need to get your kids documented to get your food stamps application through and that the situation is dire. Another thing I would look into is if there is some kind of social services advocacy group in the area that can help you get set up with things like food stamps and WIC. Some of them are provided through organizations that also run shelters and they can help get things moved along. They help people in crisis get set up with the services they need. Also if you start checking with food banks, you may be able to find out about an advocacy service that way too. Another thing - if you are paying your own utilities, apply for whatever utility assistance program the companies offer. I would also look for all of the charity services in your area and ask for some temporary help, whatever they offer. :grouphug:

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Do you have custody papers in effect at this time? That might be why they want them in school to prove where they live. If you have custody papers that show you as the primary home for the kids that should work, not sure why they would want anything more. For us we just had to bring in the custody agreement which shows me as the primary custody and primary placement of my kids.

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