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So, anyone see Magic Mike?

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I went with my bff last week. I knew it was going to be bad, but I wanted to see the dancing. The story was week, and the acting so-so. The part I hated the most was the drug use, although I suppose that is common in that community.


Still, though, the dancing was reeeeeeeeeeeally nice.

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I haven't seen it but my FB newsfeed is full of pro vs anti Magic Mike/Shades of Grey commentary. They seem to be woven together right now. I went to a male strip club with friends when I was 19 and it irked us all out. I just don't get it, I guess, cause I have zero desire to watch that on the big screen.

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I am so far from into the male dancer thing... but I love a good laugh. I probably won't see it, but did see a funny meme on FB about pining for it to come out in Imax 3D.. I don't even want to KNOW what might come flying at me!

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I just didn't expect the dancing to be SO graphic with the female audience members. I really enjoyed Channing Tatum's actual dancing (he had some moves for sure), but I was just appalled at the graphic sexual stuff, and the constant use of the f-word.

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22 of us girls from work today went to dinner, margaritas and the movie. I also took my sister. My sister leaned into me and said "the story line is kind of stupid!". I replied "we didn't come for the story line!":lol:


It isn't something I usually would induldge in but things have been nasty at our work lately because we have a new manager grrrrrrrrr (need I say more) so we all went out. It was a blast for all of the laughing.

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I went with my bff last week. I knew it was going to be bad, but I wanted to see the dancing. The story was week, and the acting so-so. The part I hated the most was the drug use, although I suppose that is common in that community.


Still, though, the dancing was reeeeeeeeeeeally nice.


It has a plot? :lol::lol:

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I just didn't expect the dancing to be SO graphic with the female audience members. I really enjoyed Channing Tatum's actual dancing (he had some moves for sure), but I was just appalled at the graphic sexual stuff, and the constant use of the f-word.


From the reviews I've read it seems the way it's being sold is rather deceptive. It seems like it's going to be a strip show on film but is more about the lifestyle and how it's ultimately not a kind or good one to the men involved. Channing Tatum was a stripper at some point and wrote or helped write the screenplay.


I think that in that context the drug use, graphic sexual stuff and swearing should be expected and is appropriate for the story.


Funny thing is that the ads made it seem like a movie I would not enjoy. I'm not a fan of male strippers and have never gone to see them but the reviews have made me want to see it.

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My dw, who tends to avoid controversy (I revel in it enough for the both of us), posted a FB comment speaking out against the plethora of Christian women in her newsfeed that were promoting this movie... It initiated a very long Facebook thread!


Good for her! I did the same and was amazed at some of the back and forth. I even blogged about it. :tongue_smilie:

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No, I was one of the speak out against it people. What I have noticed is there was a lot of people talking about going to see it, but I haven't heard a peep about people who saw it. I can only assume it didn't live up to their expectations or as PP stated wasn't as advertised.

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I went with my bff last week. I knew it was going to be bad, but I wanted to see the dancing. The story was week, and the acting so-so. The part I hated the most was the drug use, although I suppose that is common in that community.


Still, though, the dancing was reeeeeeeeeeeally nice.


I can't agree to call that dancing. It was gyrating and simulated sex for sure, but not dancing. JMO

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I have mixed feelings about this because I believe some men, and women, enjoy stripping. I'm not saying all, but yes some.


As a kid we were really close to a set of neighbors with kids the same age as of. The boy always wanted to be a stripper. It turned out he didn't become one. When asked once he admitted he didn't have a good physical build for it. (He looked fine with his clothes on. So I never asked for more details)


He did end up marring a stripper who liked her work. They now have a kid. Been married for several years.

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Good for her! I did the same and was amazed at some of the back and forth. I even blogged about it. :tongue_smilie:


I just read your blog post, totally agree with you.

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I probably won't see it. Dancing men just don't anything for me. If they're getting hot, sweaty, and nekked, it better be a movie about getting yardwork done. Shower scene purely optional.


YES! The dancing just seems so effeminant. I've been to to male strip shows. One I walked out on minutes into it. It was gross, and the men were obviously flirting with each other anyway...and had breakouts on their rear ends from all the baby oil they shined themselves with. ick.


The other was in Vegas, and was actually made up of men that were gymnasts and martial artists. They did AMAZING things, which was really really fun to watch. But the dancing part..eh. Not my thing, and now that I'm married I would NEVER go to something like that again. I don't want my husband doing that with women, and I won't do it with men.

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I saw it with my BFF a few days ago. I wouldn't see it again since the plot was boring and the acting bad. The dancing part was expected so it didn't bother me at all. There were a ton of old ladies there when we went which I found robe funny.

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I went to a club with some girl friends a long time ago when I was single. Then, a few weeks later, one of the guys that worked there showed up in my counseling office wanting therapy (not one I saw that night luckily). I got quite the earful about the whole sordid thing, especially the drug use which he said only made the dancing tolerable. I wasn't that into it before, but that really turned me off for good. I felt very sorry for him.

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I knew it was about Channing Tatum's life, so I guess I was expecting the stripper stuff to be there, but maybe not be the entire movie, and I didn't expect the stripping to be so "hands-on" if ya know what I mean.


I haven't read 50 Shades, and don't plan to.

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I probably won't see it. Dancing men just don't anything for me.


I have no interest in seeing it for the reason quoted. Also, reading some reviews validated (for me) my decision. I enjoy eye candy, but if I'm going to pay for the cost of a movie I want a decent story to go along with it. Good acting is also a requirement.


I went to a Chippendales type show when I was single and in my twenties. I'm not a visual person, but had a blast at the show. I think part of the fun though was just being out with the girls.


About 15 years later, a friend was getting married. Like me, she married late in life. Her maid of honor got her a stripper even though she specifically asked not to have one. When he showed up in the guise of the pizza delivery guy, we saw that most of us were old enough to be his mother. I think he was 18 or 19. Instead of having him strip, we sat him down and talked to him. He didn't care much for what he was doing, but he made good money and it was putting him through college. He talked about his girlfriend and their plans for the future. We gave him motherly advice. When he left, he thanked us for a really nice time. :lol:

We tipped him as though he had actually danced for us.

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I saw it, I loved it. Would watch it again.

Not reading 50 Shades, but that is because of it being poorly written, not because of content.

I had a whole lot more written, but thought "it's so not worth it" so I guess that is all I'll say.

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Definitely not my thing. I don't plan to ever see it. And from everything I've heard, 50 Shades would make me want to gouge my eyes out from the writing, independent of the content, so there's no way I'll be reading it.




I have read Game of Thrones but I am not going to read 50 Shades.

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My dw, who tends to avoid controversy (I revel in it enough for the both of us), posted a FB comment speaking out against the plethora of Christian women in her newsfeed that were promoting this movie... It initiated a very long Facebook thread!


I've seen a little bit of that among some Christian women. I just don't get it. Makes me think of Romans 1.

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