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How old was/is you dh when you had your last baby?

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35 me 39 dh. We would have had one this year making us just turned 39 and 43. I am thinking of trying next month for the last time (we haven't tried since our loss) so we would be 40 and 44. That would be our last. I just can't get away from wanting a 4th and my kids are also begging me.

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Dh was 33 and I was 26 when I had our third. She just turned 10. Gosh, I never really thought about how young I was. I wanted another baby for many years, but in the last 2 or 3 years I'm totally content with being done.

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Dh was 45 when our last baby was born and I was 35. I would have another, but dh says he's too old. He's 53 and doesn't want to be in his seventies when a kid is college aged!


My dh and I are 10 years apart too. :) And we stopped for the same reason (except that I was done too and totally agree with another poster that dh would have to have them himself if he wanted more. LOL)

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We are also 10 years apart in age. DH was 45 and I was 35. We have 3 kiddos and were done. DH still frets over his age compared to his young kids. I will have to tell him about this thread because it appears that there are quite a few like us! :)

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Our last is due in August and he is 37. I'll turn 31 a few months before the baby's arrival. I'm done as this is my seventh and I really want a break. :tongue_smilie: He's done as he feels too old to have more. We've both agreed to discuss the issue after the upcoming baby gets older, maybe 3 or 4. ;)

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I'm sure there are other mama's out there with babies/toddlers and older dh's...:bigear:


...and don't forget the older mamas who share their husbands antiquity!

uh, that would be me.

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Dh was 56 when the last was born, but we did have a miscarriage earlier this year, so does that count as 58? His oldest daughter from his first marriage turned 39 last week. I'm 42. This is a lifetime commitment to raising Godly offspring. No retirement here. My oldest daughter, 17, is hoping to be pregnant at the same time as me (after school and marriage, of course). We'll see. This is God's show.

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