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Dad kills guy molesting his 4 yr old.

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It's well known on this board that I'm a pacifist.


This story shakes my firm stance a bit.


I don't really know what to feel or think, honestly.


If it were my child, I'd do everything I could to defend her against such an attack. I'd not have the INTENTION of killing the man, but I can understand how such a thing may happen. I certainly would NOT restrain myself from using physical force to prevent a child from being s3xually assaulted.


I do feel that able bodied adults have the duty to defend children, the elderly, the infirm, etc. from physical violence. In defending the helpless, it would never be my GOAL to kill the offender, but at the same time, I would not hold anyone (myself included) guilty of anything if the offender were to be killed.


Such an awful situation.

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It's well known on this board that I'm a pacifist.


This story shakes my firm stance a bit.


I don't really know what to feel or think, honestly.


If it were my child, I'd do everything I could to defend her against such an attack. I'd not have the INTENTION of killing the man, but I can understand how such a thing may happen. I certainly would NOT restrain myself from using physical force to prevent a child from being s3xually assaulted.


I do feel that able bodied adults have the duty to defend children, the elderly, the infirm, etc. from physical violence. In defending the helpless, it would never be my GOAL to kill the offender, but at the same time, I would not hold anyone (myself included) guilty of anything if the offender were to be killed.

Such an awful situation.



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But that is just it.. I don't believe anyone here is cheering that this father was put in such a situation. I think we can safely assume that this wasn't the first time the molester molested a child and wouldn't have been the last. They don't keep these guys in jail. So the "cheering" if you want to call it that is because he won't be able to hurt anyone else. Also those that were molested or have kids that have been molested might have stronger feelings on this subject.


:iagree: This. I am not sad 1 little bit for the perv that got killed. It doesn't sound like teh dad even intended to kill him, rather he intended to lay a beat down on the man that was hurting his little girl. The feelings when your child is harmed in such a way are very visceral. My oldest 2 kids have been molested, separate occasions, different abusers. Both times their abuser was a child/teen and even then knowing that it was a child that did this to mine, and likely they were abused themselves I still wanted to cause serious bodily harm to them. If I had caught someone in the act of harming them especially at such a young age (my kids were older when it happened to them, innocent but better able to protect themselves), I can see beating the person so badly they died. There is no thinking in the moment. You protect your own, and you don't stop to think "hmmm maybe I am hitting them too much/too hard" All you think is "you worthless pile of steaming sh*t, how dare you hurt my little one".


Yes it is traumatic that the little girl witnessed her daddy kill that guy but honestly I don't think it will do her long term harm. Not the way the molestation could/would, especially if her dady didn't do much of anything.


I relate it to ds8's car accident. Once the EMTs got him in the back of the ambulance and some morphine into him he was able to speak without screaming. Before we drove away he said "mom did you yell at him?" (referring the the driver that hit them), to which I answered "yes", he asked "did you tell him to watch out for you?" to which I answered "yes", he finished with "then I will be okay". Keep in mind he had just been in a major roll over accident, his foot was backwards, and he couldn't feel his legs. He was in pain, terrified and sure he was going to die. The thing that made him know he would be okay was knowing his momma was going to protect him. The guy that hit them is lucky he was already in the back of the police car when I tore into him, especially when I caught him smirking at my son's screams. If I could have gotten my hands on him I likely would have killed him. No one hurts my baby and smirks about it. In the end I am hitting him were it really hurts, we are sueing.


With the big kids molestations I got the police involved very quickly. I found out after the fact so that was the best I could do. But for them it was enough to know I would protect them.


I am not cheering the guy is dead, but I am cheering that this father did what he had to do to protect his little girl. I am cheering that no other child can be harmed by this perv. I am cheering that this little girl may actually come out stronger having seen her father respond in that way. A child seeing a parent respond so strongly to protect them works better in healing from trauma than any number of hours in therapy ime.

Edited by swellmomma
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I am not cheering the guy is dead, but I am cheering that this father did what he had to do to protect his little girl. I am cheering that no other child can be harmed by this perv. I am cheering that this little girl may actually come out stronger having seen her father respond in that way. A child seeing a parent respond so strongly to protect them works better in healing from trauma than any number of hours in therapy ime.


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But that is just it.. I don't believe anyone here is cheering that this father was put in such a situation. I think we can safely assume that this wasn't the first time the molester molested a child and wouldn't have been the last. They don't keep these guys in jail. So the "cheering" if you want to call it that is because he won't be able to hurt anyone else. Also those that were molested or have kids that have been molested might have stronger feelings on this subject.


:iagree: x a thousand.

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I CHEER HIM!!!!! I cheer him all the way!! If it were me I would say yep I did it and I am glad I did it. I have no remorse at all. It would mean nothing to me nothing at all. At the most I would be pissy if the creep got his blood on my shoes.


Those are my babies. I brought them in this world. I bathed them. I put lotion on them so their skin wouldn't dry. I agonozed over every choice I made, still do! I made choices that impacted my life for those kids. I have walked through hell for them as a disabled child struggled, as my ex turned his back and as friends walked away.


Hurt one of them you had best pray the law gets you first. Get down and beg they catch you before I do. There will be no quick death, no salvation because I will torture you until you plead for death. I rescue strays on the road. I stopped and helped an injured squirrel, I have saved puppies kittens and everything else. I have collected kids over the years because their homes sucked and they knew they were safe with me.


I could never hurt anyone unless you damage one of my babies. Your talkin to the mom who after killing a mouse and finding her babies I took them in as pets. Those kids they are my heart, the very air I breathe and I would rather die than lose them. I don't care how heartless it sounds. You hurt them and you do not deserve to breathe or eat or have another moments joy.


To each their own but I applaud the father who stood up and said enough! Too often they slip through the law, too often they do it again. Well this guy won't do it again.

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I can't say that I have 'blood lust'. I *can* say that the thought of this guy being killed when caught in the act of molesting a child simply doesn't cause me any negative feelings, other than for the child.


Frankly, it *did* occur to me that he wouldn't get to harm another child.


I completely understand the Dad reacting as he did.


While I'm not cheering the death, my emotional reaction is basically, 'one less dangerous garbage on 2 legs wandering about, preying on innocents'. No pleasure in it, but no negative feelings either.


Honestly, I think that many who prey on innocents COUNT on us holding ourselves to a higher standard than they do. Sure explains all the rights for criminals, and little protection for victims.

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I CHEER HIM!!!!! I cheer him all the way!! If it were me I would say yep I did it and I am glad I did it. I have no remorse at all. It would mean nothing to me nothing at all. At the most I would be pissy if the creep got his blood on my shoes.


Those are my babies. I brought them in this world. I bathed them. I put lotion on them so their skin wouldn't dry. I agonozed over every choice I made, still do! I made choices that impacted my life for those kids. I have walked through hell for them as a disabled child struggled, as my ex turned his back and as friends walked away.


Hurt one of them you had best pray the law gets you first. Get down and beg they catch you before I do. There will be no quick death, no salvation because I will torture you until you plead for death. I rescue strays on the road. I stopped and helped an injured squirrel, I have saved puppies kittens and everything else. I have collected kids over the years because their homes sucked and they knew they were safe with me.


I could never hurt anyone unless you damage one of my babies. Your talkin to the mom who after killing a mouse and finding her babies I took them in as pets. Those kids they are my heart, the very air I breathe and I would rather die than lose them. I don't care how heartless it sounds. You hurt them and you do not deserve to breathe or eat or have another moments joy.


To each their own but I applaud the father who stood up and said enough! Too often they slip through the law, too often they do it again. Well this guy won't do it again.


I like you.

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I am anti death penalty and of course, everyone deserves a trial. However, my husband and I would have done the exact same thing this man did. I don't think it would be about what we find "ideal" in society. It would be about the inner need to kill someone who was harming a child. Any child, not just mine.

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See I can't imagine killing anyone for any reason and if I had to I would forever be screwed up by it.

I could. If someone had a knife to my kid's throat, a gun to their head, I could totally picture killing to save my child.


I couldn't imagine NOT doing so.


I'll go a step further, and say that if I witnessed someone else's child in that situation, I wouldn't hesitate then either.


Thank God police officers have the same attitude.

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My relative in law m*l*sted his daughters, his step daughter, and did some things to his wives.... (and neighbors) Seriously, I would have counted it as "good & right" for him to be killed. While he was r*ping my cousin or after.... The problem with after is that the evidence then needs to be "played out" in court. But if he had been caught? with evidence? We would have cheered and my cousin may have not screwed up her life after.... on top of that's the way our family found out that cervical cancer was a s*xually transmitted disease.... All the ones that we knew that he m*lested... got cervical cancer...


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And the alternative is we all decent into the dregs of humanity? Is that really the answer???



I don't claim to know what the answer is, Bill. I *do* know that I'm sick to death of those who have no hesitation stripping over other's rights, up to and including killing someone for their own desire, screaming about THEIR rights.


I'm really sick of ppl like Clifford Olsen, (mercifully deceased now) screaming about his rights, demanding far more respect for himself than he ever considered showing to another human being.


There's something just wrong w/that. That someone can commit horrfying acts on another person, but demand, and receive, far better treatment.

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See I can't imagine killing anyone for any reason and if I had to I would forever be screwed up by it.


Exactly. I stand by what I first wrote. But yes, IF I were in some situation where I had to protect my child and it ended in death, I would definitely be "screwed up" by it forever.


Seriously, there is a difference between protecting wtih physical force and talking about torturing someone if this happened to you. Gross.

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I didn't cheer over the perp's death, but hey, that's the risk one takes when starting violence.


Seriously. You don't want someone beating you to death? Don't do something to provoke this reaction of out a normally civil person. That's a lesson a few people on this planet might want to take to heart if they want to live.




I...generally believe in non-violence. But, if I caught someone harming my child or any other defenseless person, I think I'd be capable of killing them.




My husband would have done the same thing' date=' and I would have tried. I think all logic and reason would have just gone out the window.[/quote']




And I think those with blood-lust have committed a killing in their heart.


I understand anger and animal-passions, but we have morality to (hopefully) rise above our baser natures.




I firmly disagree here. I think our "morality" in these "caught in the act" situations has led to things getting far worse. If we dealt justice quickly the way our brains tell us to act, I suspect we'd have far fewer problems.


When "what happened" is questionable, by all means, go to court and try to figure it out - then mete out justice and pray you got it all right. But here? There was no question with what was happening. I'm ok with instant justice and I'm ok that he died from it even if that wasn't the intent. There appears to be no question of guilt and it's highly doubtful this was his only victim.



Honestly, I think that many who prey on innocents COUNT on us holding ourselves to a higher standard than they do. Sure explains all the rights for criminals, and little protection for victims.


:iagree: And I think, in certain cases, it's wrong. (see above)

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See I can't imagine killing anyone for any reason and if I had to I would forever be screwed up by it.


I think that's how most people would respond—but they would also be forever screwed up if they watched an assault on their child and did nothing to stop it. Of course, doing nothing and killing the person aren't the only two options, but in a crisis situation, none of us knows for certain how we would react or how much force would be sufficient to stop it. From the few details presented in the OP's link, it doesn't sound like the killing was intentional.

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See I can't imagine killing anyone for any reason and if I had to I would forever be screwed up by it.


i can't imagine killing someone either. what an awful thought. with that said though, i can imagine defending myself or my family at any cost. i really don't know how i would respond in the situation at hand, but it isn't difficult for me to understand that the father reacted the way he did. i can't even fathom being in his shoes & trying to respond in a way that seemed humane.

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And the alternative is we all decent into the dregs of humanity? Is that really the answer???




Do you really think this father who witnessed a grown man violating his daughter and tore him off of her, beating him in the head a few times, is now the 'dregs of society'? What would you have down? Stand by politely and let him finish?

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One word: Good!

Okay, more than one word. One less dirt bag walking the streets w/ the potential to hurt anyone else.



:iagree: Any man brazen enough to do this to a child within walking distance of her father and other adults has done it before and would have done it again. He got what he deserved.

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I'm against the death penalty. I'm sure many would consider me a pacifist.


I will not cheer or be happy for another's death. The molester was someone else's child, someone's brother, someone's family. For them at least, I cannot cheer or be happy.


Do not misunderstand me though. The act was vile and deserved to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If it was my child, I would not have stood idly by (but killing him would have had to have been a freak accident). I absolutely can understand why the father reacted in such a manner. I DO hope that he killed him by accident rather than on purpose.

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Pig deserved it.


I wouldn't have a problem with the dad killing him a week later either. Kill a few b@stard child molesters. There's nothing moral about letting them continue with their animal passions that they won't rise above.


But the daughter didn't.


I think it feels good to see that man punished and dead for his crime but at the center of this one little girl had to pay the price for all of our happiness that's there's one less "dirtbag" out there. She'll have to deal with the molestation, with possible guilt about her molester's death, with seeing her father kill someone, with possible repercussions from the community, with possible charges and jail time, etc. All that so we (and I am including myself because I have that same feeling) can feel good about this guy being dead.

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I didn't cheer over the perp's death, but hey, that's the risk one takes when starting violence.


Seriously. You don't want someone beating you to death? Don't do something to provoke this reaction of out a normally civil person. That's a lesson a few people on this planet might want to take to heart if they want to live.


I agree. Cheering? No. I wish that neither the daughter nor the father had been placed in that situation. Understanding? Absolutely. You can lawfully shoot someone who breaks into your home because there is a reasonable assumption that they are up to no good and could harm your family. This man's daughter was being harmed. He was protecting his daughter. The full story isn't even out, maybe the man fought back or tried to run. We don't really know.


And I think those with blood-lust have committed a killing in their heart.


I understand anger and animal-passions, but we have morality to (hopefully) rise above our baser natures.


And the alternative is we all decent into the dregs of humanity? Is that really the answer???


So, everyone who protects another-their home, their family, their city, their country-by force and even killing when necessary is giving in to their baser nature and is one of the dregs of society? Everyone who understands that a few blows to the head hardly means someone was full of blood-lust is a killer?


And this is why I don't qualify as a liberal. :tongue_smilie:

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It's well known on this board that I'm a pacifist.


This story shakes my firm stance a bit.


I don't really know what to feel or think, honestly.


If it were my child, I'd do everything I could to defend her against such an attack. I'd not have the INTENTION of killing the man, but I can understand how such a thing may happen. I certainly would NOT restrain myself from using physical force to prevent a child from being s3xually assaulted.


I do feel that able bodied adults have the duty to defend children, the elderly, the infirm, etc. from physical violence. In defending the helpless, it would never be my GOAL to kill the offender, but at the same time, I would not hold anyone (myself included) guilty of anything if the offender were to be killed.


Such an awful situation.




I doubt that father intended to kill that man, and I hope his daughter won't lose him over this for any period of time.

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Do you really think this father who witnessed a grown man violating his daughter and tore him off of her, beating him in the head a few times, is now the 'dregs of society'? What would you have down? Stand by politely and let him finish?


That's a false dichotomy you've constructed from two extremes. We're not slaves to binary actions.


It's also pretty insulting to Bill.

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That's a false dichotomy you've constructed from two extremes. We're not slaves to binary actions.


It's also pretty insulting to Bill.


You don't think Bill's own statements reflected faulty logic and insult? We are all killers at heart and part of the dregs of society for understanding what this father did? For understanding that killing is sometimes a necessary part of protecting that which is one's business and duty to protect?

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:iagree: Any man brazen enough to do this to a child within walking distance of her father and other adults has done it before and would have done it again. He got what he deserved.


:iagree: I hate to agree but I absolutely did. Not only did this Dad stop what was already happening to his daughter he protected the potentially 100's of other children this other man WOULD have violated. Jail would not have changed him and he would NOT have spent life there. He would have been out in society with your children or grandchildren one day. Justice, whether intentional or not, was right.

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That's a false dichotomy you've constructed from two extremes. We're not slaves to binary actions.


It's also pretty insulting to Bill.


The question remains the same. What would *you* have done?



I find it pretty insulting to be compared to the 'dregs of society' because I have no condemnation for what this father did while protecting his daughter, as I would surely have done everything in my power to do the same (protect my daughter); and no pity in my heart for the man who died. Every fiber in *my* moral being says the father was RIGHT, given the information we have available.

Edited by ThreeBlessings
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I'm against the death penalty. I'm sure many would consider me a pacifist.


I will not cheer or be happy for another's death. The molester was someone else's child, someone's brother, someone's family. For them at least, I cannot cheer or be happy.


Do not misunderstand me though. The act was vile and deserved to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If it was my child, I would not have stood idly by (but killing him would have had to have been a freak accident). I absolutely can understand why the father reacted in such a manner. I DO hope that he killed him by accident rather than on purpose.


Part of the reason I applaud what this Dad did is because our "justice system" does such a poor job of handing out real justice. Say this man has been caught by police. He would have been put on trial, followed by years of appeals. Court trials are hell on victims. Then, after years of appeals, he is found guilty, sits in jail watching cable (paid for by us), gets out after a year or two and continues to molest children.

I would argue that this poor girl is better off having watched her father kill this horrible man than she would be in the above scenario.

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And I think those with blood-lust have committed a killing in their heart.


I understand anger and animal-passions, but we have morality to (hopefully) rise above our baser natures.




So in order to rise above his "baser nature" what was the father supposed to do? "Excuse me sir, but would you mind not doing that to my daughter? And if it's not too terribly inconvenient please have a seat and wait for the cops to arrive."

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See I can't imagine killing anyone for any reason and if I had to I would forever be screwed up by it.


I think we all would be screwed up forever if we witnessed our child being molested.


I can't say what I would do, and none of us can until er are in that predicament. That the monster lost his life? So what. So did that little girl. She will never return to the life she once had. Neither will that dad.

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So, everyone who protects another-their home, their family, their city, their country-by force and even killing when necessary is giving in to their baser nature and is one of the dregs of society? Everyone who understands that a few blows to the head hardly means someone was full of blood-lust is a killer?


And this is why I don't qualify as a liberal. :tongue_smilie:


You are completely distorting my position Mrs Mungo. I ordinarily think more highly of you, but it is not the first time you've done this. I'd expect it from others but you are better than this.



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You don't think Bill's own statements reflected faulty logic and insult? We are all killers at heart and part of the dregs of society for understanding what this father did? For understanding that killing is sometimes a necessary part of protecting that which is one's business and duty to protect?



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Pig deserved it.


I wouldn't have a problem with the dad killing him a week later either. Kill a few b@stard child molesters. There's nothing moral about letting them continue with their animal passions that they won't rise above.


The smiling face doesn't seem to fit here so I will just say I AGREE. Even the Bible says child molesters would be better off being drowned.


That is just as it should be in a situation like that!! WTG, Dad!!


I agree with this, too. If every Dad was watching over his daughter and did this, there would be a lot less child molesters.

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Doesn't sound like he meant to kill him - just make him stop what he was doing by hitting him in the head. The molester - caught in the act -is dead. I'm supposed to feel bad for a guy caught in the act of hurting a four year old in one of the worst ways known to man got hit in the head to make him stop and he died? Really?


There is not one single solitary study that I am aware of that shows us that child molesters can be fixed. None.


Let's liken this to the alleged Penn State Shower incident. You have two choices - stand by and do nothing or save the child being assaulted and risk something happening to the person hurting the child. We know what happened with the alleged Penn State thing - we have victims possibly in the double digits. So not stopping someone in the act certainly does nothing to help the current or potential future victims. We also know that with child molesters there are always other victims. We know they can't be fixed. It's like rabies. You can't cure it.


I would call it a no brainer. I save the child. Period. It would not mess me up to save a child. If the guy died it was his own fault. If he hadn't been hurting a child then he wouldn't have gotten smacked in the head. When does the responsibility get put back on the perp? You commit a crime you are risking either losing your liberty or your life depending on what you are doing.


I don't lose sleep over child molesters dying. Not one iota. So if that makes me a dreg of society or someone a slave to my baser instincts to some people I could care less about that person's opinion of me. Not my problem and I'm not going to lose one iota of sleep over that either.

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But the daughter didn't.


I think it feels good to see that man punished and dead for his crime but at the center of this one little girl had to pay the price for all of our happiness that's there's one less "dirtbag" out there. She'll have to deal with the molestation, with possible guilt about her molester's death, with seeing her father kill someone, with possible repercussions from the community, with possible charges and jail time, etc. All that so we (and I am including myself because I have that same feeling) can feel good about this guy being dead.


He didn't do it for all of us, he did it for his daughter. And again, I doubt the father intended to kill that mo ster.


I hope the daughter will grow up and admire her father for putting HIS life on the line to defend his daughter.

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You are completely distorting my position Mrs Mungo. I ordinarily think more highly of you, but it is not the first time you've done this. I'd expect it from others but you are better than this.




If she is distorting your position, perhaps you can clarify it?

Edited by ThreeBlessings
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You don't think Bill's own statements reflected faulty logic and insult? We are all killers at heart and part of the dregs of society for understanding what this father did? For understanding that killing is sometimes a necessary part of protecting that which is one's business and duty to protect?


That is not what I said.


I said:


I'm a man who knows I have it in me to act the same way this father did in this situation. It is understandable, and maybe justifiable, but killing another human being (in front of ones child no less) is hardly an act that is cause for celebration and cheering. This is a tragedy that should be treated with sobriety and a sense of compassion and understanding and not with applause.


I know that killing is sometimes necessary. I don't believe that makes it an occasion for whooping it up. Please don't create straw-men positions and attribute them to me, as that is a low road.



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No one would have an issue if an animal got killed while attacking a child. The animal needed to be put down etc etc. Any sicko who rapes babies is an animal. They do not deserve any less than being put down. They spread disease and prey on the helpless.


I am not getting graphic but after the incident, I was scared of my own shadow. I never told not ever because good little Catholic girls don't have those things happen. I had nightmares for years. I had issues with the way I viewed sex.


I always feared he would come back. When I was older the news came he was murdered. Someone found out that he had hurt their kid and shot him execution style. I have never told my family anything not ever. I slept that night. I was at peace.


That little girl will never have to wake up at night scared he is coming because her daddy made sure he would never hurt her again. She will be scarred but she will know he can never hurt her again.

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I said:


I'm a man who knows I have it in me to act the same way this father did in this situation. It is understandable, and maybe justifiable, but killing another human being (in front of ones child no less) is hardly an act that is cause for celebration and cheering. This is a tragedy that should be treated with sobriety and a sense of compassion and understanding and not with applause.





I truely, truely believe that, long-term, that little girl is healthier having watched her father kill that man then she would have been if there were a trial, followed by a few years in jail and then knowing he was a registered offender, living among us.

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I truely, truely believe that, long-term, that little girl is healthier having watched her father kill that man then she would have been if there were a trial, followed by a few years in jail and then knowing he was a registered offender, living among us.


Maybe. Either way there is likely to be a lot of trauma to deal with for both the girl and her father. That I think should be respected with an air of solemnity and compassion, and not one of celebration.



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No one would have an issue if an animal got killed while attacking a child. The animal needed to be put down etc etc. Any sicko who rapes babies is an animal. They do not deserve any less than being put down. They spread disease and prey on the helpless.


I am not getting graphic but after the incident, I was scared of my own shadow. I never told not ever because good little Catholic girls don't have those things happen. I had nightmares for years. I had issues with the way I viewed sex.


I always feared he would come back. When I was older the news came he was murdered. Someone found out that he had hurt their kid and shot him execution style. I have never told my family anything not ever. I slept that night. I was at peace.


That little girl will never have to wake up at night scared he is coming because her daddy made sure he would never hurt her again. She will be scarred but she will know he can never hurt her again.


:iagree: and :grouphug:.

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Maybe. Either way there is likely to be a lot of trauma to deal with for both the girl and her father. That I think should be respected with an air of solemnity and compassion, and not one of celebration.




Sure they might both need counseling. Or maybe not. But I think we should celebrate when someone stands up for the rights of the innocent. I view this situation as justice being served. It isn't always pretty but it should be celebrated.

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