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Posting from the hospital.

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UPDATE: He was supposed to come home today but they are still holding him hostage. He talked to two drs. this morning but he really didn't understand what they said well enough to relay to me so I will have to track them down and grill them when I get there.


Thank you guys so much for the support. It means the world to me and even my hubby said that he really appreciates it. I will post later today after I find one of the drs. and figure out what is going on.

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UPDATE: He was supposed to come home today but they are still holding him hostage. He talked to two drs. this morning but he really didn't understand what they said well enough to relay to me so I will have to track them down and grill them when I get there.


Thank you guys so much for the support. It means the world to me and even my hubby said that he really appreciates it. I will post later today after I find one of the drs. and figure out what is going on.


Maybe they want to do bypass surgery? My dad had a heart attack at 50 and his heart was already in bad enough shape that stents weren't going to cut it. He's a 65yo cancer survivor now, so it was the right decision. No one wants to hear heart surgery, but it gave him many more years with his grandbabies than he would have had otherwise.


Thank you for the update. I'll check back later, so please post as you hear more.

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I just wanted to offer prayer and a little encouragement. A little over a year ago my dad had a heart attack...didn't realize it and ended in the ER a month later

With the beginning stages of congestive heart failure. They put in a stent in the one problematic artery, told him to change his diet and we would have to wait and see what happened. It is a year later, he's lost 40 or 50 pounds and has completely recovered. He is even exercising now. I will pray that your husband embraces the lifestyle changes necessary to give him the new lease on life my dad has, he is in better shape and happier than he has been in 20 years.

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Maybe they want to do bypass surgery? My dad had a heart attack at 50 and his heart was already in bad enough shape that stents weren't going to cut it. He's a 65yo cancer survivor now, so it was the right decision. No one wants to hear heart surgery, but it gave him many more years with his grandbabies than he would have had otherwise.


Thank you for the update. I'll check back later, so please post as you hear more.


No, I finally got ahold of someone who knew what was going on. While his heart enzymes are dropping they are way higher than they want them to be and they can't seem to get his blood pressure down to an acceptable level. Hopefully things will have improved by tomorrow.

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No, I finally got ahold of someone who knew what was going on. While his heart enzymes are dropping they are way higher than they want them to be and they can't seem to get his blood pressure down to an acceptable level. Hopefully things will have improved by tomorrow.


I hope so too.

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