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What are you using for first grade this year??


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Let's see if I can remember this without looking at a list:


Phonics: Finish up Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading

Math: MUS Alpha

Handwriting: Zaner-Bloser 1

Grammar: First Language Lessons

History: Story of the World 4 (with older sister)

Science: WTM Science (Biology)

Art/Music Appreciation: Library resources and coloring books

Art: Drawing with Children, I think

Spelling?: Not sure yet.




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We're pretty much repeating what I did last year with my oldest. Some of the levels are different since they have opposite strengths.


LA: SWR, WWE1, FLL1, WWW1 (just for fun), SL Readers 2 (finish), SL Readers 3


Math: Singapore 1B/2A, IP 1B/2A, CWP 1, Miquon Red, Horizons 1, LOF


History/Geography/Lit: SL Core A


Science: Noeo Biology I


Latin: SSL 2 (praying it'll be done sometime this year)


Critical Thinking: Lollipop Logic




Spanish: Salsa


Music:. No idea but I've got to do something with this oh so musical child

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We just completed first grade and used:


Bible: BJU Bible, various devotional books


Math: Singapore Math 2/3a as our spine while dabbling with MEP, Beast Academy 3a, random books and other resources (Cyber Chase is huge right now!), CWP


Science: has been interest led and we studied Chemistry (using NOEO) and human body


LA: BJU English and Spelling, readers, read alouds


Other: logic, crafts, anything else that she wanted to work on

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I'm looking forward to learning what others have planned, too. We're following TWTM pretty closely this year. We shall see how this goes. :D


The plan for us is:

OPGTR followed by FLL when we hit the appropriate lesson


WWE level 1

RS math (supplemented with miquon and LoF on Fridays)

SOTW book 1 with AG

DK First Animal Encyclopedia, Green Thumbs, and The Kingfisher First Human Body Encyclopedia

Telling God's Story 1

Atelier for art

Piano lessons

Zaner-Bloser Handwriting


We use the library heavily for all sorts of books, etc. Also, we'll supplement with fun things like Happy Phonics, Reading Eggs, art books, Met performances at the movies, RS math games, etc.

Edited by sclisa
forgot to add handwriting
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We're doing:






Easy Classical- Animal/Plant/Human Body



Singapore Math


I've picked up Artistic Pursuits, but as of right now we haven't fit it into our schedule. We do year-round school, May-April, so I'm hoping by the Fall we'll have a better system down so we can add it in then. We may join CC in the fall, for the social and practice/reinforcement. I'll probably just add the memory work for 10-15 minutes into our calendar time, but not do much more outside of the weekly meeting. But I have the Foundations 1 book that we're starting to go through to do some of the memory work. My kids aren't very good at memorizing, so I'm trying to go slowly through it, taking a whole year.

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Reading: finishing OPG and HOP levels 4&5.

Spelling: Spelling Workout, although there is a chance we'll have to switch to AAS later in the year.

Grammar: FLL 1

Writing: WWE 1

Handwriting: Zaner-Blouser

Math: Finish Right Start A, start Right Start B

History: SOTW: Ancients, I Love America (done with 'Apa who's a big American history buff.)

Science: We're following WTM recommendations, but we're supplementing with the Evan-Moor science workbooks for Plants, Animals, Human Body, and Simple Machines (ds5 is obsessed with simple machines.) Also the Nature Connection (on the weekends with Daddy.)

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LA: WWE1, FLL1, Pathway Readers, OPGTR (finish), ETC 2/3, ...CTGE 1 (maybe)


Math: SM 1A/1B, IP 1A/1B, LOF


History: SOTW 1 with AG


Science: RSO Life, Mr. Q's Life (only supplementing)


Handwriting: GD Italics



...oh yeah, and I am afterschooling. (LOL) We started about 2 weeks ago and are schooling through the summer as well.. I go at the kids paces' because I realize I have quite a lot that I'd like to get through. The kids LOVE all things school right now, so we are having a ball.

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Life of Fred Elementary, living math

WRTR, Simply Spelling, possibly additional copywork

Living Books Curriculum Grade 1 world hist., American hist., science, geog., storytelling, composer & picture study, possibly art

+ various resources and curricula for Latin, Khmer and Spanish


Literature to be decided.

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Our school year runs from Jan-Dec so we are almost half way through 1st grade. Four more days and then we will be taking a break until July 9th. We are using:


Grammar: FLL1

Writing & Penmanship: WWE1 - using this to practice both manuscript and cursive handwriting

Spelling: R&S - starting in July; switching from AAS

Math: MM; may throw in some Miquon and CWP for good measure

History: SOTW 1 with some TOG Yr. 1 thrown in for good measure

Science: NOEO Biology - starting in July; We're doing Apologia Astronomy now


Bible: Telling God's Story Year 1 (this will be new to us starting in July)


Art: not sure; have not done a specific art curriculum as of yet

Music: DS1 - violin; DS2 - piano

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Math: CLE 100's and MUS Alpha

Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting

Science: Sonlight

History: Sonlight Core B with SOTW Audio/AG

Comp: WWE Level 1

Phonics: Phonics Pathways

I think that's it for now....still considering Spanish...thinking La Clase Divertida.


Extracurricular: Cub Scouts, YMCA Homeschool P.E., Art Class, and Soccer/Baseball depending on the season.

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I love to see what others are using.


We are using:


Bible- Child Training Bible

Math- CLE 1 and Singapore 1A & 1B

L/A- FLL, WWE 1, CLE L/A 1, ETC (I rotate these)

Language- French

Reading- OPGTR, Abeka Readers

History/Science- Trailguide: Paths of Settlement

Geography- Evan Moore 1st grade

Art- The Usborne book of art ideas & some art study

Lots and Lots of literature


We do not do everything everyday, I switch things around to keep it interesting.

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We start in September ish, after I have the baby in mid august...


Finish opgtr

AAS 3-4

Getty dubay C

FLL 2/3

Finish song school Latin then start LfC A

CHOLL ancients

IEW finish up PAL writing then do articles and stories and story sequences

Finish RS B and do SM 2

My own nature studyish science focusing on the desert, birds, astronomy and maybe oceans.


Tennis, violin, soccer, and clay class, Lego club too!


We will do school until I go into labor, and then restart a month or so after the baby is born.

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Right now we are just doing AAR1 (with BOB books & ETC to review/stretch it out until AAR2 is released).


In August, we'll start:

Singapore 1A/1B

WTM science recs (animals, plants, human body)

Evan-Moor Beginning Geography

E-M How to Teach Art to Children

6 Trait Daily Writing (Evan Moor)


Then, probably around Jan., we'll start:



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Starting this fall with a young 1st grader...



-lots of read alouds

-Phonics Pathways + I Can Read books

-AAS ?

-Peterson handwriting

-FLL and WWE probably, though we might hold off another year... not decided



- Singapore or RS, haven't decided

- Miquon



-Nature journal (Charlotte Mason science)




-SOTW 1 audio + activities

-picture books



- Atelier

- Drawing with Children

- piano?

- Exposure to classic art and music


French (we're a bilingual family)

-Leo et Lea

- read alouds



- maybe CCM, not sure. Maybe just Baltimore Cat

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Bible: bible study guide for all ages

Math: MUS alpha

Science: elemental science

Reading: OPGTR

grammar: FLL1

Writing: WWE

spelling: AAS1

Handwriting: HWT

History: SOTW vol1


I think that's it. Hopefully it won't be too much, but I'm sure we'll get to all of it eventually. And I plan on doing a 4-day schedule, so we can do co-op and time with dadda w/o rushing or ending up skipping a day. This is our first year of ordering actual curriculum, other than HWT, so I'm excited, but also anxious that we'll be able to manage it. Oh, and add a new baby coming in the middle of the fall, so I'll be a little loopy. :-D

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Memoria Press Grade 1



Saxon 1/MM1





Our Solor System @ coop

Elemental Science Earth/space-not starting till after Christmas



Our main goal this year is reading readin reading & math. Everything else if we get it done great if not... it's ok.

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Seton Religion 1

Fr. Furlong Bible stories, narrate & draw in a blank book

Seton American History 1

Map Charts & Graphs A


Scott Foresman Math 1

Seton Readers 1

100 EZ lessons

Copywork by me

K- 2 Primary Writing Workshop

Reading for Thinking Skills

Reading for Comprehension

a-z worksheets.com phonics & spelling worksheets

Seton Science 1 and Abeka Science 1

Classical Music...need to finalize

Disney's It's a Small World Learning Library

Lot's of read alouds


Art & PE at co-op once a week

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RS B / MM (once we've finished RS B)


Expedition Earth / Intellego Unit Studies

La Clase Divertida

Telling God's Story 1

ES Biology / Intellego Unit Studies

SOTW 1 / Intellego Unit Studies

Meet The Masters / Usborne Art Treasury

D'Nealian Handwriting 2


Something for logic, since DD enjoys it.

And at some point, something for Spelling. Right now, I'm just going to call ETC spelling to keep it simple for myself.


She'll also do a once a week co-op, a once a month art class at one of the museums, ballet/tap, and Girl Scouts.


Wow...this sounds like a lot! We're not doing all of it every day. I figure I have 7 days to get 5 days worth of schooling in, so if we don't get it all done one day, we can work on it the next.

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Math Mammoth

Story of the World

First Language Lessons

K12 Phonics 1


Usborne Science activities and various science books

What Your First Grader Needs to know

lots of read alouds




we just finished K so we're taking a break for a month or so then we'll do light school until mid September after we come back from Vacation.

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Grammar/Writing: FLL and some WWE

Math: MM 2, Sunshine Math

History: SOTW 1

Reading: Books!

Bible: Episcopal Children's Curriculum

Music Appreciation: Classical Kids series

Art: individual artist studies (check out my blog for examples)

Science: Not sure yet, maybe Mr Q


I'll add in Life of Fred and some Critical Thinking Co materials if time (and the budget allow)

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I'm thinking:


Singapore 1B, 2A

IP 1A, 1B

SOTW, Volume 1

100 Easy Lessons (if this fails, Phonics Pathways)

Explode the Code

Italic Handwriting

Analogies for Beginners

+ a Science class

+ adding in WWE or WwW later in the year

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Math: MUS Alpha and Beta

Spelling: AAS 2 & 3 (maybe 4 if he flies through these two, I'm not sure)

Writing: Cursive copywork and WWE 1 in print

Grammar: FLL 1 & 2

Science: Elemental Science Biology and Earth and Space

History: SOTW 1


Art: :confused:


PE: :confused:


We started our curricula in January, so he usually moves up a level then instead of September. We just move up whenever we happen to move up.

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Math: Math Mammoth

Science: Still undecided. Probably Usborne books (she loves these) and I'm tempted to buy Sonlight science for the box

Phonics: Finishing OPGTR

Writing: From WWE Instructor's text, copywork and dictation

Spelling: Natural Speller list for first grade

Grammar: FLL1

History: SOTW4 (Tagging along with older sibling)

Geography: Country study

Spanish: The Complete Book of Spanish

Art: Outsourced to dad, modern art picture study

Music: Piano lessons and practice, plus composer study (listening to classical music during school)

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First grade is just wrapping up here.


Math: Miquon, Singapore 1A/1B/2A, CWP1, IP1, Logic Safari 2

Language Arts: WWE1, FLL2, AAS3, reading from a list of assigned books, read-alouds, and lots and lots of free reading

Handwriting: Getty Dubay C

History: SOTW1 with AG

Science: WTM; then RS4K Pre-Level Biology, Chemistry, and Astronomy; the BFSU; then our own Pre-History / Dinosaur study; now back to BFSU and RS4K :banghead:

Geography: Evan Moor Beginning Geography

Art: Discovering Great Artists, Artistic Pursuits

Languages: Song School Latin, Le Francais Facile

Bible: Telling God's Story

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I'm limping along to the end of first grade. Here is what we've used:



Phonics: ETC - we're in 5 right now.

Math: Saxon 2, but dropped in favor of LoF Elem to finish the year. We're in Cats.

Handwriting: McRuffy 1st grade cursive - I love that the sentences follow a phonics progression

Writing: WWE 1

Reading: Using the MP first grade plans to pace reading

Nature studies: CLP Nature Reader 1

Literature: followed the LCC 1st grade list

History: 3 homemade studies - Dinosaurs, ancient Egypt and "Castle Times"


It was simple and easy and focused on reading and writing.

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Phonics/Reading: Finish up OPGTR - currently about halfway done, I think

Grammar: Continue in FLL Level 1

Spelling(/Vocabulary?): Nothing, unless we see that it is needed. So far she is good with spelling

Math: Math Mammoth Finish 1-B, then (start) 2-A

Writing: A Reason for Handwriting Book A, then maybe B, copywork

Science: Mr. Q Classic Science Elementary Life Science

History: Mystery of History Volume I (Second Edition) +Audio book,

Bible: Continue w/ Jesus Storybook Bible, AWANA, Big Truths for Little Kids


If she handles that load well, I am considering Song School Latin starting the second semester, very gently paced.

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I *think* we will be doing


Math: Saxton 2, Dreambox

Phonics: Phonics Pathways, Various Readers, coding with mom

Spelling: AAS 2

Writing: Finish IEW PAL Writing, then.... something

Science: BFSU

History: SOTW 1 (using Story of Science selections to bridge science and history, for "funsies")

Geography/Cultures: Trip around the world series

German: Varous resources, lots of time with other kids


Art and Music are mixed in with the rest

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Ds6 just finished 1st grade. He was using:


Math: Singapore 1B & 2A

Phonics: Reading Reflex (finished up during the first half of the year)

Lang.Arts: Journal writing, copywork, and independent writing using the writing process

History/Lit/Rdg: Sonlight Core C/Core 2 with 2 regular & advanced readers

Science: WTM-style study of anatomy and botany

French: L'art de Dire

Art: Drawing with Children

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We're coming up on our half year point. I work about 3-4 days out of the house, so some of this is independent work for when dh is in charge of the monkeys.



Spine= Math Mammoth: currently 1b. He'll probably move into 2A by late summer.

Supplements: MEP, Zacarro, LoF: Butterflies, living math books


MCP Plaid Phonics A

Spelling Workout A

How to Teach Spelling 1

McGuffey Eclectic Reader

Serl's Primary Language Lessons

Zaner-Bloser 1

Lollipop Logic

SOTW Lapbook - I'm using CHOLL, Ancients with dd and he's tagging along with this because he doesn't like the activities in CHOLL.

Intellego Science: Finishing up weather and then we'll move into astronomy

SSL1 (since we're going slow, I'm hoping 2 will be ready when we're done.)



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God's Great Covenant (w/Big Sis)

PAL Reading (2nd half)

PAL Writing

Horizons 1 Spelling

McRuffy 1 Math, with Singapore 1A/1B and Miquon

Geography and History tagalong with Big Sis

Five in a Row--Volume 2

Science--not sure


music--piano and dance lessons, co-op


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Ambleside Online Year 1, with a few minor tweaks, for all subjects

Phonics-Reading Eggs, Language Lessons for Little Ones Volume II and LLATL Blue

Math-RS A, once we finish Math Lessons For A Living Education, Vol. 1, and Dreambox

Science-NOEO Chemistry Level 1

History-History Odyssey Ancients Level 1

Copywork-Printing With Pictures B and C

Art and Music-Harmony Fine Arts Year 1

Logic-Lollipop Logic Book 1

Still trying to find something for foreign language

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We will start on Monday, but most of our subjects have already been started since we had finished our previous curricula early.


Bible: Vos Story Bible, scripture memorization

Math: finish Saxon 2, start Saxon 3

Spelling: Spelling Workout B, C

Writing: narration, copy work and dictation from our literature

Grammar: Rod & Staff 2

Cursive: Handwriting Without Tears

Literature: chosen mainly from AO and SL

History: SOTW 1 and activity guide

Science: finish Elemental Science ESA, then...chemistry?

Chinese: study with a tutor 3 days a week

Arts: Artistic Pursuits, Artist studies, Classical Kids, Kistler online

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For Astro (technically a 1st grader, though he'll be doing a bit of 2nd grade work):


MUS Alpha

Spelling Workout A (finish) and B

Zaner Bloser handwriting 2M


Together with Link (3rd grade):

Artistic Pursuits with some Drawing is Basic thrown in on off weeks

Bible - though I'm not 100% sure of what we're going to use yet. Top three at the moment are Apologia Who is God?, God's Great Covenant, and Long Story Short Devotional.

Reading - assigned reading each week

Journal every morning - something short, similar to what they do in PS


Apologia Astronomy

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Reading/ Spelling: AAS + Readers + BOB books ... explode the code, maybe. We might quit after level 1 1/2.

Math: Singapore + Flashmaster

Science: Apologia Exploring creation Astronomy (with Big Brother)

Grammar: GWG

Social Studies: BFB Early American History (with Big Brother)

Bible & History: MOH 1 (with olders)

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This is our tentative list for next year.


Math-Singapore 1A & 1B

Science - Singapore early bird science

Grammar - FLL

Phonics -Explode the code 3-5 & The reading lessons

Spelling - K12 reader .com

Critical thinking - Logic safari

Social Studies / Geography - Road trip USA & Beginning geography

History - SOTW volume 1

Literature - Lightning Literature or Ambelside

P. E. - P.E Central

Writing- New American cursive

Bible- Calvery Curriculum


Extra Curricular - Ballet, Tap , Gymnastics ,Piano and Art Class

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I am not done / set on what we are useing -- but here is my draft





Story of the World; http://www.amazon.com/The-Story-World-Classical-Earliest/dp/1933339004/ref=pd_sim_b_1 In addition to the history readings, we are working our way though the activity guide and also several related read-a-loud as well as following along in our Bibles as well. I am trying, thanks to Inter-Library-Loan to get as many read-alouds as I can and flesh out the subjects.


http://www.biblioplan.net/ Ă¢â‚¬Å“BiblioPlan's curriculum is Christ-centered, literature-based, easy to follow and inexpensive.Ă¢â‚¬ It pigeon-tails with Story of the World; offering more extra reading, and syncing Bible History with the SOTW chapters. I only bought the teachers guide. I wanted the synergized schedule of the Bible and SOTW and all the additional reading. I am really excited; about the additional options weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll have.


http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0794528333/ref=oh_o00_s00_i00_details -- The Usborne Encyclopedia of World History. A photo encyclopedia to give us visual images to Ă¢â‚¬Å“seeĂ¢â‚¬ the history we are studying.




First Language Lessons; http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1933339446/ref=oh_o01_s00_i00_details I realize I need to give both boys a strong foundation in grammar. My plan is to do it three times a week.


Spelling Work Out Level A. http://www.amazon.com/Spelling-Workout-Level-Student-Edition/dp/0765224801/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1338944042&sr=8-13 May have to change this out, but weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll power though as long as we can. It doesnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t seem to be teaching spelling in any systematic way.




Finishing: Mind Benders. http://www.criticalthinking.com/getProductDetails.do?code=c&id=01330 .


Finishing: Dragon logic (2nd to 3rd grade books anyway) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1593631227/ref=oh_o01_s00_i02_details.


Primarily Thinking, Grades 2-3 http://www.amazon.com/Primarily-Thinking-Grades-Judy-Leimbach/dp/1593630387/ref=pd_sim_b_68


Logic Links (Mindware's Best Logic Problems : Level A) http://www.amazon.com/Logic-Links-Mindwares-Best-Problems/dp/1892069504/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1338945771&sr=8-1




http://www.mathmammoth.com/. This will be out main math curriculum (starting 2nd Quarter). First Quarter is all MATH FACTS.


Supplementing with : Spectrum Math http://www.amazon.com/Math-Grade-Spectrum-Thomas-Richards/dp/0769636918/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1334086517&sr=1-1.


Also with: Math Minutes. http://www.amazon.com/First-Grade-Math-Minutes-Hundred-Better/dp/1574718126/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1334086409&sr=8-7 We do them twice a week. I time them and we record the time. After we make it all the way through; we will start over




Exploring the Code.



Truth Quest.

We will be covering Ă¢â‚¬Å“oldĂ¢â‚¬ US history (Viking till I am not sure) as our Social Studies. We feel it is important to look at the US yearly; but we also feel it is important to remember we are alone on this globe. I had NO world history or cultures till high school and not much then. My kids are going to study the US and our place in time, history and the world at-large from the start. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0975290878/ref=oh_o01_s00_i00_details




SonLight Science Level A: http://www.sonlight.com/ASG.html Biology, Botany, and Physics. they rate it as Kindy to 2nd level so it will be a soild fit for First Grade. I really need an open and go science, science is not by best. Daddy does a lot of science with them, but I feel we need something a bit more directed and orderly.









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