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Life is good again (long)

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Three and a half years ago, my husband's job cut everyone's base pay and changed the commission structure. The changes meant his take home pay was $1,000 less than it had been, and there was no way we could cut things enough to make ends meet. After a lot of prayer, DH approached me with the desire to quit his job, cash out his small IRA, and start his own business. Right around that same time, we found out we were expecting.


It was a long, difficult three and a half years. We found out our home was full of lead and my youngest had elevated levels expected to increase. Our drug dealer neighbor targeted us for retaliation. We made the decision to walk away from our home for the kids' medical and physical safety. The kids never had more than a single pair of shoes at a time. We typically only had 2, maybe 3, pairs of pants for each person. But we always managed to make do and find a way to replace what really needed replacing. In hindsight, we can see now that God always provided what was needed in one way or another.


This week DH signed a new large client on retainer. The income will take us completely off of food stamps and bump the kids off of the state's free medicaid program and onto a premium plan. After putting aside money for taxes, increasing our food budget to make up for the lost food stamps, and covering the new insurance premiums, we should have about $500 left over to start buying things we've been putting off (like getting DD2 her first bed) and paying off debt. My car will be first, because it will be paid off in November even if we don't pay extra. That will free up $300 that we'll also put towards the next debt. It's exciting to know that we'll be paying off debt and have some disposable income again.


The other great news is that the cipro injury to my left heel appears to be suddenly healing. I could barely walk a mile and was often in high amounts of pain. All week my ankle has been feeling like a very mild, healing sprain with very little pain when wearing my shoes. The plantar fasciitis part of it is slightly worse than what it was before cipro but well within my tolerance level. For the first time in 2 months, I have hope I'll be able to walk, really walk, again.


Then there's my shoulder, which I injured 7 months ago but didn't get treated due to lack of insurance. It has hurt every day since, some days worse than others. It's been feeling pretty good the last couple of days. I don't know why, but I hope it continues.


Finally, the cough I've been fighting for the past 2 months seems to be getting a little better. If it doesn't get obviously better, I should be able to see a doctor at the end of the month thanks to the new income.


Plus I live next to this place.


I just wanted to share with someone.

Edited by joannqn
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This is such a happy post to read, both because it gives me hope that we'll not be in our own difficult financial situation forever, and because I'm really happy for your family! Congratulations, and also, well done -- throughout the difficulties, you've worked hard and kept your family together. Enjoy the goodness. :)

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Yay! I'm so glad things are improving for you guys. And, hey, I didn't realize someone else on here had tendon damage from Cipro. I was limping around in pain for several months two years ago. It did heal, and now I'm pain-free. (Although hiking still makes me nervous!)



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Yay! I'm so glad things are improving for you guys. And, hey, I didn't realize someone else on here had tendon damage from Cipro. I was limping around in pain for several months two years ago. It did heal, and now I'm pain-free. (Although hiking still makes me nervous!)




I know of two other people at WTM that experienced adverse reactions to Cipro. I've met two others IRL. And I spoke to a homeschool mom whose friend had a complete rupture requiring surgery from it. It doesn't seem as uncommon as they try to make it sound. I'm just glad I decided to wean DD rather than nursing her while on it.

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JoAnn, I can't tell you how this lifts me up. You guys have had it really rough, with the old house mess and health issues and working through the school mess and all. What a great post to read . . . hoping things just keep going up from here!

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I remember when you chose to walk away from your house and when things changed with your dh's job.


It is FANTASTIC to see how far God has brought you and your family! God is so good when we let him take control! Thank you for sharing your wonderful news!


What a blessing to live near that nature preserve... I love the pictures on your blog.

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I remember your housing situation and how sad I felt for your family at that time. So glad that things are turning around for you, praise God for His faithfulness to your family! And what a blessing to live next to the nature preserve, enjoy your summer!

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You are such an example to others!! Thank you for sharing your story....as so many of us would throw in the towel. And praise God for His sustenence and care for you- meeting your needs during a tough time.

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