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newspaper blog says "more like homecrueling"

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There's 5 minutes I'll never get back. :glare:


Perhaps it's really her nose pressed up against the window as she watches her child go off to the government-sanctioned-social-experiment-subpar-learning-facility, wondering if there's a better way to educate her child? I think she's jealous. *shrug*

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One time I read this blog entry, and it was socially awkward. Then, I read another blog entry...and that was also socially awkward. The third blog entry I read was just full of gossip. After reading 3 whole blog entries in my entire life, I feel very qualified to say that all blogs are socially awkward, or gossipy.


I can't imagine why people read blogs. I mean, there must be some reason out there, but I can't come up with it. I feel so bad for the books and magazines that no one is reading because people are too busy reading blogs.



:cheers2: LIKE!!


(I'm just guessing, but her blog was probably one of the two socially awkward ones, right?)


I can't believe I just read through that, and all the comments. Seriously, they'll let people say or publish nearly anything these days...

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Bloggers like her really tick me off. She is NOT a journalist! Heck, she's not even an Editorial writer! Did you notice that she does nothing to defend herself? She's getting all these well thought out, logical responses from homeschoolers and all she can say is, "I'm sure there's always an exception to the rule." Too many people think that they can say whatever is on their minds with no research or support. THAT'S what public school has gotten us!

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I have to say that I am surprised at how often very nice and genuinely curious people have asked me what I plan to tell my kids when they come to me in anger for having deprived them of the public school experience.


To grow up?



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Reminds me of when I was at a professional meeting and a coworker expressed shock that we are homeschooling. He said, "But you seem so normal compared to the other homeschool moms!"


Thankfully he caught himself, and he's revised his opinion since :001_smile:.

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"I'm sorry I went to college in the first place. I should have been out working at what I was doing. I should have been out living life." - Shel Silverstein


Seems odd that if this is really her favorite quote, why so against homeschooling?

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"I'm sorry I went to college in the first place. I should have been out working at what I was doing. I should have been out living life." - Shel Silverstein


Seems odd that if this is really her favorite quote, why so against homeschooling?


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Dd 21 mentioned last week that she finally had an ahah moment about why she doesn't "fit in" with her peers (she is 21, gorgeous, talented, killer sense of humor, kind, loving, generous to a fault- she is a real weirdy)--

because she was raised cross-culturally; she was raised in a culture that has zero tolerance for bullying (vs a cutlure that allows "teachable bullying moments" - Thank God Ms. Talar was saved from becoming Penelope!, laughing at crude jokes, wearing lewd clothing, etc. She is part of a culture of decency.

Mocking others life-style choices, as Talar has chosen to do, based on nothing but a few antecdotes, is indecent and intolerant.


And what about all of the socially awkward kids at school. I went for 12 years and there was always a group that everyone avoided because they were just so...odd.

Edited by laughing lioness
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I couldn't even take that dumb thing seriously enough to be offended. It was just plain funny. Kids watching school buses??? :lol::lol::lol: Like Elegant Lion's son, my kids aren't even up early enough to see the bus. It comes by our house at 6:20! They do see it in the afternoon, at around 4:15, while they running around outside playing. They just feel sorry for the kids on the bus.


The part about bullying was not funny. Bullying builds character and teaches social skills?? Does she know how many kids COMMIT SUICIDE every year due to bullying. What an ignorant individual.

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Bloggers like her really tick me off. She is NOT a journalist! Heck, she's not even an Editorial writer! Did you notice that she does nothing to defend herself? She's getting all these well thought out, logical responses from homeschoolers and all she can say is, "I'm sure there's always an exception to the rule."


Her replies were awful. When someone pointed out that the homeschoolers in her limited experience were more likely the exceptions she said that the blog was about her opinion of homeschoolers and that anything that didn't line up with her opinion was an exception!

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I made the mistake of showing it to my kids, now they're laughing at "strange times in a conversation". Ugh... this joke is going to last a long time. :tongue_smilie:


My youngest insists there's plenty of bullying to go around for everyone, including homeschoolers.


They're also telling me they're "not shaped-ed-ed"


This lady is a ninny.


Mean kids are available as Bullying Tutors. I hear it only costs you your lunch money.

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Save yourself the pain....don't read the comments. Every time someone has a positive story about home schooling her comment back is "well, I said there were exceptions". So frustrating when people are trying to explain to her that her vision of homeschoolers is the actual exception and the majority of us are perfectly happy.

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I couldn't even take that dumb thing seriously enough to be offended. It was just plain funny. Kids watching school buses??? :lol::lol::lol:


Oh, I agree!! There was also a hilarious comment in favor of kids getting picked on at school because apparently it will prevent the kid from going crazy Charlie Sheen style!!

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"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."


* -- *Abraham Lincoln


An even better quote for these situations?


“Elinor agreed with it all, for she did not think he deserved the compliment of rational opposition.†-Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility

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I get Albany news stations where I live. I can't imagine that anyone who watches the news (or reads the Times Union!!!) would consider attending Albany public schools to be some kind of marvelous privilege that will prepare children for the real world.

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"I'm sorry I went to college in the first place. I should have been out working at what I was doing. I should have been out living life." - Shel Silverstein


Seems odd that if this is really her favorite quote, why so against homeschooling?


She lacks the mental capacity to apply the quote to anything beyond the page.

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"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."


* -- *Abraham Lincoln



She might want to think twice before she writes about something she knows nothing about.


An even better quote for these situations?


“Elinor agreed with it all, for she did not think he deserved the compliment of rational opposition.” -Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility



Love these quotes!


I was going to respond to her, and then I remembered Proverbs 18:2 says, "A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions."


Then, I found this quote, and decided I would rather be the wise man than the fool.:D


]“Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.” Plato

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She claims to see the value in being put in one's place by a peer. Why must she tempt me so?


:iagree: I'd like to say so many things, but I shall refrain. For now.


Second carppy Homeschool comment today. Other one was in a book by Johnny Bowden claiming The Master's Diet was best suited for "the homeschool crowd" Uh, say what?! :001_huh:

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Reading that blog entry was like shopping a thrift store. Among the unwashed tatters of circa 1980's strawman arguments, I came across this gem:


"Thank you for your opinion, but the plural of anecdote is not data."


I want it for my siggy! If I credit, I can has it, right????


Eff it, I'm taking it.


Thank you, Kristin, blog responder #18 of the already notorious Forgettable-and-Inspid-Homeschool-Blog Post of Logical Doom.

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A nice rebuttal from a very successful homeschooler at Psychology Today here.


Very nice and I love the way she said the only problems she really had with being unschooled were that other people feeling so uncomfortable with it that they felt the need to quiz her. In other words - she felt bad because these people with (probably) public school learned social skills didn't know any manners. :lol:

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Reading that blog entry was like shopping a thrift store. Among the unwashed tatters of circa 1980's strawman arguments, I came across this gem:


"Thank you for your opinion, but the plural of anecdote is not data."


I want it for my siggy! If I credit, I can has it, right????


Eff it, I'm taking it.


Thank you, Kristin, blog responder #18 of the already notorious Forgettable-and-Inspid-Homeschool-Blog Post of Logical Doom.




I think I'll be stealing that one too!

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I firmly believe that social skills are 90% nature and 10% nurture-- barring extreme abuse situations.


4 of my girls are so gracious, sociable, and sweet that people remark endlessly on their lovely "social skills." Those girls were homeschooled more years than traditionally schooled. Two of my children (one now in school, one still HSed) are weird, hair trigger and introverted, and I'm sure they make homeschoolers look very bad indeed.


This lady has to realize she's rushing to judgment... maybe she just wants more blog views?

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Funny. Who pays people for this stuff?


There is another blogger who got all nasty on a girl, age 13 or 14, whose mom pulled her to homeschool because of bullying. This girl was being picked on in the news at that time over a song she posted on YouTube that apparently everyone loved and then suddenly hated. Anyhoo. So this full-grown mom blogger is going off on this young teen and the whole homeschool "escapism" bla bla bla. Funny thing is, she had homeschooled her own kid for KG - and blogged about it - just the previous year. Ugh. People are just mean.

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if bullying was so "educational" to her life skills, why are schools trying to stop it? :confused:


Seems to me, the correct thing to do would be to "encourage" more bullying so all those kids that "don't get it" will get with the program.


Hmmm. I wonder if there are books I can buy to teach this to my kids. :tongue_smilie:


Do you think flushing their heads in the toilet once a week will do? Perhaps I should also steal their lunch money, too. Just want to make sure I have my bases covered!


Hot Lava Mama

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