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How many bumper/window stickers do you have on your car

How many bumper/window stickers do you have on your car?  

  1. 1. How many bumper/window stickers do you have on your car?

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I consider myself a fairly considerate driver, but I won't be pushed around either ;-)


I always thought the number of bumper stickers had more to do with one's political affiliation. I see many cars completely plastered with liberal stickers, and comparatively few which express a conservative POV. I have always found this interesting.

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And I've been known to wax eloquent on the highways and byways. :)


Ha, ha!! I was just remembering the time I drove the church van (complete with name of church, etc., printed on the side) home from a retreat. Some guy cut me off on the highway, and I had the secretary convinced for just a moment that I had... um... given him the universal sign of approval :D

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And, while I'll admit to a certain amount of passive agressiveness on the road when I'm cranky (serenely ignoring the flashing headlights from the SUV behind me, for example), I have never experienced anything I would call road rage.


And, just in case anyone is interested, the stickers are from: my son's ballet school, my daughter's college, the local Shakespeare theatre and our local NPR affiliate. Those are the "permanent" ones. At any one moment, I might also be displaying on the shelf under the rear window a flyer for whatever show one of the kids is in.

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I had to laugh at this quote from the article:


"Drivers who do not personalize their cars get angry, too, but they do not act out their anger; instead, they fume and mentally call the other driver rude names, but then move on. "


I have one bumper sticker and would have more if I found ones I like. But I am definitely one of the people who fume silently or mostly silently. My kids laugh when I get super annoyed with another driver. I say, "I hope that person pees on him/herself!" I don't think I consider that proper road rage.


My bumper stickers says "Children learn respect by example."


Let me add: my bumper sticker is particularly hilarious when you think I'm being a good role model in the car by hoping someone pees on themself. :) But I reserve that for the drivers who are putting us in danger.

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Nor do I suffer from road rage. My dh on the other hand, loves bumper stickers and definitely has driving issues. We compromised just recently on this issue and I allowed him to tape a Ron Paul bumper sticker to the back window for a while.


I did once have a bumper sticker that said KidsHappen and I was really sad to lose that van. I would get another one in a heart beat if I saw one.

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I like bumper stickers, and we have 2-3 on each car. Political or homeschooling are the two major categories. But.... no road rage! Really--I'm a pretty passive driver and I don't even yell and swear when I'm alone.


Occasionally I do use sarcasm..."Yeah, that was smart." or "Don't let the red light deter you or anything."


I'm wondering if they counted "Christian fish" in their study? Hmmmm...

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I have 1 auto club sticker(AMA), 1 bumper sticker that says "Children are a gift from God" and 1 Prolife "ribbon" auto magnet that simply says "Choose life". I do not have road rage. LIkely that is due to the cross I have hanging from my rear view mirror, it tends to remind me to display a Christian attitude when I drive even if little old ladies driving too slow start to irritate me.

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in which my dd participates.


I don't think plastering the car with stickers is a liberal thing. I've seen cars plastered with some amazingly hateful conservative messages. I've also seen cars plastered with confederate stuff -- I live in a state where some people still think the civil war should have gone the other way.


I suspect the more willing someone is to be outwardly controversial, whether liberal or conservative, particularly if the message hateful, the more the person is likely to have a problem keeping his/her emotions from affecting his/her driving.


In other words I think the car that is plastered with youth sports, schools, "my child is an honor student at..." , ect may have less of a tendency to outward aggression.


I do say bad things when the windows are closed. Physically acting out with my car, I don't do. It's stupid. It's dangerous. And one of my kids is going to be a driver in a couple of years and is watching me with great interest. He and I talk about every move I make and why sometimes.


I live in a high traffic area. I hope people start realizing the road rage behavior is a huge waste of gas.

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We have the stick family decals on our back window. So there is my hunting hunting, myself as the gardener, dd9 fisherman(girl), dd5 carrying a purse, dd3 holding a baby doll, ds infant, and our dog.


I thought they were very cute and promoted family. Plus it helps me to identify my suburban since there are so many out there that look the same!


As for road rage. I think you have to live in a place where there are more than five cars on the road at the same time to encounter that. Although getting behind combines on the highway is annoying.:001_huh:

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I have a magnet from our ballet school, and I answered no stickers but I might have one from the zoo. I can't remember. I don't think dh ever put my Operation Frogwatch sticker on, either.


I do like to instruct others on how they might improve their driving, especially when it could lead to less irritation for me, but I wouldn't say that I experience rage, per se. ;) :D

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I consider myself a fairly considerate driver, but I won't be pushed around either ;-)


I always thought the number of bumper stickers had more to do with one's political affiliation. I see many cars completely plastered with liberal stickers, and comparatively few which express a conservative POV. I have always found this interesting.



Perhaps it's a regional thing...because when I lived in the midwest the opposite could be said....there were far more conservative 'stickered-up' vehicles on the road...and here in the NW I would say liberal stickers abound...though really, it would be more "enviornmentalist" stickers than 'liberal', per se.

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I have about 5 I think....but I think their study is a bunch of hooey! For one, I always thought I was a road rager...but I'm not, according to their description. And dh has nothing personal on his car, there is a sticker and hanging 20 sided dice...but *I* put them there...not him. LOL And he is a total road rager according to their definition. And those little jerks I call the "fast and furious kids" in their pimped out little Hondas and whatnot....they rarely have stickers and those little brats totally drive as described as "road rage" by the researchers...though I don't believe they are driving that way due to rage....did that make sense???? LOL:auto:

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I have a bumper sticker but I haven't put it on the van yet. When I do it will be my only sticker not issued to me by the government. On the front window I have to have my DOD decals so that I can get on base. :001_smile:


The bumper sticker I bought for the back is from our local homeschool used bookstore (Moore Expressions) it says "I am my kid's teacher" My ds loved it when we saw it on another van when we were waiting for a red light. He looked over and said "Hey mom there's a group of homeschoolers, we should get a sticker for our van that says we homeschool" I've been looking for one but hadn't found any at the time. They also had one that said "Public School" and below that said "aren't YOU worried about socialization?" My dh thought that was great but they were out of them so we'll have to wait until next time to get one.

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I absolutely dislike any form of bumper/window stickers on my vehicle. I don't feel the need to plaster my opinions or my church, school, and political affiliation out there for all of God and country. Plus it makes my car look, well, tacky. :tongue_smilie::lol:


I do enjoy reading others' though, and do sometimes want to bash my car into some idiot who voices an outrageous opinion other than mine own. I'm not known for road rage though. Honest. :blink:

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...Prayer Team decal ( a very small one), and it's on the windshield, in the upper corner on the passenger's side. Oh, I almsot forgot the oil change reminder decal that they always put in the upper corner of the windshield on the driver's side. That's it: two decals & no bumper stickers.

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And I'm the only one with a tendency to lean on the horn and rev the engine... but only when people are really being idiots ;)


DH actually has a ton more stickers than I do, and some of them pointedly opinionated (LOL... not that I disagree with them or anything, just that I'm surprised no one has let the air out of his tires yet!) I only have three little fish from our aquarium membership. Very sweet and peaceful looking. :D

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I didn't mention road rage. I had an incident last week and had to explain to my daughter what an 'old white hair' and 'old f@rt' meant. She does know what Hang Up and Drive!!!! means. And at 6 yrs old, if someone does something stupid on the road, she says, Maybe their on their phone, mommy. At least she hasn't heard what I mumble under my breath while in the throes of road rage.:D

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not by my choice:) Last week at Star Wars weekend, the kids got so excited about a couple of bumper stickers that they had there. So now, my van says,"May the Force Be With You Always." DH's SUV says, "My other transport is the Millenium Falcon." He is the most laid-back driver ever, and I have way too much going on INSIDE the van to be concerned with everyone else:)

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Mine aren't stickers though.


I have a flag cling that has been on my window since 9-11 and a camo ribbon that I got when DH went back into service.


I will make comments about slow drivers but I don't tailgate, yell or make obscence gestures.

However, I do have a poweful glare for those who just won't use those turn signals.

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But I don't want a permanent sticker, so I thought I would buy one of those magnetic ones. Well, we live next to a middle school and I have lost three "Pray for Our Troops" yellow ribbon car magnets.


So does that make me three times as likely to succumb to road rage or is this middle school rage?


Claire in NM

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I have two. One is a Ron Paul bumper sticker. :w00t:


The other is a small (about 4" diameter) window cling for g Diapers that says "leave less of yourself behind." It's in the lower right corner of my driver side window.


I don't have road rage, but I think I could if I had to drive a lot. :D I hate driving. But, I pretty much try to stay local and avoid busy times of day. I don't ever act out, but I do talk out loud to other drivers. "Oh, yeah, nice signal." "Come on, pick a lane, lady." "You need to turn that base down, my fillings are being rattled right out of my head." Mainly it's entertainment for my kids, I'm not usually upset.


I'm a chicken driver ever since we were hit by a drunk driver about 4 years ago. I go out of my way to avoid any circumstance that would bring us in closer to a car/driver whose actions I question.

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On our old car we put stickers (smallish ones) of the flags of beloved places/countries we had visited. Our window was not covered though. Only had about 5 or so. Wish it was covered! That would have meant more traveling!:001_smile:


Now that we have a "newer" car, and nicer than any car we have ever had, there are no stickers on it.

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Hmmmm, that's very interesting. I wouldn't have thought of that correlation because here, the cars I see that are plastered all over tend to belong more to the laid back, hippie types and they seem to stay pretty cool under pressure. I never thought of stickers as equating with territoriality.....

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