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If it doesn't seem to bother the mother, then go mama. It probably doesn't bother them, and so really, it's none of anyone's business. But not every kid who nurses to 3 or older does that. I personally teach nursing manners--what is acceptable nursing behavior for me and my children. For instance, I don't let my children do acrobatics while nursing. You're either nursing, or you're doing acrobatics; you're not doing both at the same time at my breast. That's part of our nursing manners. So if those moms don't mind having their shirts pulled open, then that's their choice. My kids don't do that--they never have. But if they did and I wasn't comfortable with it, I would not allow them to nurse at that time if they did. I'm sure those moms would do the same if it really bothered them.


Exactly. My toddler was developing some bad habits, where he would whine and yank my shirt every time he wanted to nurse. I don't like that so I taught him to sign when he wants to nurse and he learned quickly that asking politely got a response and yanking on my shirt didn't. So nope, nursing a toddler does not mean they are going to fling your shirt open, they are capable of asking in other ways, they just need that modeled, like any other undesired toddler behavior.

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Exactly. My toddler was developing some bad habits, where he would whine and yank my shirt every time he wanted to nurse. I don't like that so I taught him to sign when he wants to nurse and he learned quickly that asking politely got a response and yanking on my shirt didn't. So nope, nursing a toddler does not mean they are going to fling your shirt open, they are capable of asking in other ways, they just need that modeled, like any other undesired toddler behavior.




I have witnessed nursing moms allowing themselves to be mauled, letting their child grab at their other br**st etc. I remember noticing this before my oldest was even born and thinking "NO WAY". :lol:

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Short mother, tall toddler (on a chair no less!), and nursing standing up? They went all out to make that cover shot as awkward and unnatural as possible.

:iagree::iagree::iagree:Thank you. I *knew* this seemed awkward. I just couldn't verbalize it.


I don't think there's anything wrong with a three year old nursing. I nursed my first dd until she was 27 months, so three isn't all that *out there* to me.

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I have witnessed nursing moms allowing themselves to be mauled, letting their child grab at their other br**st etc. I remember noticing this before my oldest was even born and thinking "NO WAY". :lol:

I had one gymnast (tolerated within limits), but no twiddling, never, ever, ever. Never. Nor ambush nursing. Biting was never an issue with either girl, but would have ended the session right then and there. And no twiddling. *shudder*
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Where the other pics are posted, (I think the link is on page 3?), one of the moms that was photographed gave this quote:


"The philosophy resonated with us, and it felt comfortable. Other forms of parenting felt like I wasn't in my own skin."


and I've thought of it periodically as I've read all the responses to the whole hoopla here and on facebook. And in the end, that's what it comes down to. Parenting the way we parent, we do because it is comfortable for us. I think all moms and dads (at least most of them) parent the way they do because they feel this way. So what if one family's way isn't the same as another's? I can use this quote to explain how I feel about pretty much the opposite way of parenting than what this lady is describing.

Anyway, I haven't seen it on here so much, but on fb it's all very judgmental. And I'm just wondering why people can't just accept life for what it is, and realize that the quote above (whether they've read it or not), applies to everyone.

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I'm a huge proponent of extended breastfeeding. I nursed #1 for 27 months until she self weaned due to the fact that my milk changed because I was pregnant with #2. I nursed #2 for slightly over 4 years when I got pregnant with #3 and I had to wean her because it hurt so bad to nurse. Currently nursing #3 who is only 6 months old.


That being said, the cover of Time is just weird. I mean, who the heck nurses like that??? It's simply an attention getter.

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And Photoshop. Let's not forget the wonder that is Photoshop at erasing even the slightest hint of dark circles and making women everywhere feel inferior for having pores. :tongue_smilie:


LOL Amen!! Thank you for putting into words (with great humor I might add) what I think bugs me most about the cover. It looks designed to play on women's insecurities.


I'm sure there are some moms who bounce right back after having a baby and look amazing and that's wonderful, but there are a lot of us who didn't and had to deal with the shock of still looking 6 months pregnant AFTER delivering. I'm sure there are moms whose children are good sleepers and so they look well rested and gorgeous, but there are a lot of us who don't sleep well and look haggard and worn out. To stand there looking fit, beautiful and like you have it all together and throw out the challenge "Are you mom enough?" Seems like a really nasty dig at us moms who don't have it all together, who second guess themselves and wonder if they're doing the best thing for their child, who aren't glowing and radiant and who consider a day a success if dinner somehow happens to get cooked on time.


I'm not a competitive person by nature and not too horribly insecure (although I have my insecurities) and this photo provoked me as well. That headline "Are you mom enough?" is really offensive. I really love that blogger Moxie who responded "Time. Shut up!" lol I hate the comparisons made between women sizing up their looks, weight, their talents or lack there of. It's really mean and shame on Time for feeding into that. Women are so amazingly intuitive, creative and nurturing, it's a shame that those traits aren't played up instead.


LOL Okay, that was a lot longer than I thought it was going to be when I started replying. Oh well, I guess I had some feelings on the subject. :p :rant:


Peace to all my sisters! Beautiful and fit or tired and worn out and everyone in between. You're all beautiful in my eyes! muah! :grouphug::grouphug:

Edited by Ibbygirl
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Where the other pics are posted, (I think the link is on page 3?), one of the moms that was photographed gave this quote:


"The philosophy resonated with us, and it felt comfortable. Other forms of parenting felt like I wasn't in my own skin."


and I've thought of it periodically as I've read all the responses to the whole hoopla here and on facebook. And in the end, that's what it comes down to. Parenting the way we parent, we do because it is comfortable for us. I think all moms and dads (at least most of them) parent the way they do because they feel this way. So what if one family's way isn't the same as another's? I can use this quote to explain how I feel about pretty much the opposite way of parenting than what this lady is describing.

Anyway, I haven't seen it on here so much, but on fb it's all very judgmental. And I'm just wondering why people can't just accept life for what it is, and realize that the quote above (whether they've read it or not), applies to everyone.


:iagree::iagree::iagree: I didn't see the other pictures from the shoot, just the cover, but I do love that quote. So true. Live and let live. Life is so difficult to navigate just with it's own troubles let alone external pressures being put upon us to be more like someone else. No thanks! I have enough trouble just trying to raise my two special needs kiddos. I do the best I can and if someone thinks I'm a hot mess so be it!

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Glad to hear it! Those comments left me :confused:


After the Psychology classes I have taken I can se how this is a field day for some pervs. My dad who is a police officer as well as worked in prisons he said this magazine would be fought over in prison by sickos to satisfy themselves to. I mean it is worng and hateful but it is a fact.


A perv can use a pic of a small child playing in the dirt for their sick imaginations can you imagine how this even fuels it more? I am not trying to be mean but surely you are not living under a rock? This is the world we live in. Maybe it is because I have family in the law field that it is in my face so to speak but to me this is kinda obvious.

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After the Psychology classes I have taken I can se how this is a field day for some pervs. My dad who is a police officer as well as worked in prisons he said this magazine would be fought over in prison by sickos to satisfy themselves to. I mean it is worng and hateful but it is a fact.


A perv can use a pic of a small child playing in the dirt for their sick imaginations can you imagine how this even fuels it more? I am not trying to be mean but surely you are not living under a rock? This is the world we live in. Maybe it is because I have family in the law field that it is in my face so to speak but to me this is kinda obvious.



This isn't the first breastfeeding cover of a magazine, I don't think the media should make decisions based on the prison population.

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LOL Amen!! Thank you for putting into words (with great humor I might add) what I think bugs me most about the cover. It looks designed to play on women's insecurities.


I'm sure there are some moms who bounce right back after having a baby and look amazing and that's wonderful, but there are a lot of us who didn't and had to deal with the shock of still looking 6 months pregnant AFTER delivering. I'm sure there are moms whose children are good sleepers and so they look well rested and gorgeous, but there are a lot of us who don't sleep well and look haggard and worn out. To stand there looking fit, beautiful and like you have it all together and throw out the challenge "Are you mom enough?" Seems like a really nasty dig at us moms who don't have it all together, who second guess themselves and wonder if they're doing the best thing for their child, who aren't glowing and radiant and who consider a day a success if dinner somehow happens to get cooked on time.


I'm not a competitive person by nature and not too horribly insecure (although I have my insecurities) and this photo provoked me as well. That headline "Are you mom enough?" is really offensive. I really love that blogger Moxie who responded "Time. Shut up!" lol I hate the comparisons made between women sizing up their looks, weight, their talents or lack there of. It's really mean and shame on Time for feeding into that. Women are so amazingly intuitive, creative and nurturing, it's a shame that those traits aren't played up instead.


LOL Okay, that was a lot longer than I thought it was going to be when I started replying. Oh well, I guess I had some feelings on the subject. :p :rant:


Peace to all my sisters! Beautiful and fit or tired and worn out and everyone in between. You're all beautiful in my eyes! muah! :grouphug::grouphug:


I get what you're saying, but I don't see how this particular image sets the bar too high. We don't know WHAT that mother looked like right after giving birth. This is THREE YEARS later. Most people who are going to bounce back have done so by then. Nursing longer doesn't keep you looking like you're in a post partum fog longer. That kid could have had colic for two years and she'd still have time to recover from it.

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I get what you're saying, but I don't see how this particular image sets the bar too high. We don't know WHAT that mother looked like right after giving birth. This is THREE YEARS later. Most people who are going to bounce back have done so by then. Nursing longer doesn't keep you looking like you're in a post partum fog longer. That kid could have had colic for two years and she'd still have time to recover from it.


Grrrr I so admire articulate people who can say exactly what they mean. I always feel like I'm fumbling for the right words and STILL can't say what I want to say. lol I think what I was trying to say was actually two different sentiments that I got from looking at the cover image. One, the mom is obviously attractive and looks well rested and put together for a mom with a toddler. I guess by put together I don't mean her clothing so much as her makeup and hair all done up nicely and obviously she finds time to work out because she looks pretty fit. Two, the caption of the picture is what I find inflammatory more than anything and coupled with the image of the mom looking good it seems antagonistic.


Maybe it's just me, I never had experience with children before I had my own and both of mine are Autistic so maybe they were just more challenging than a typical child? I don't know, but I know it's always been a struggle for me and not for a lack of trying. I'm just saying I never look that good on a day to day basis. I was never a glowing beautiful mom-to-be when I was pregnant like some women are. I looked haggard and tired. Even when my kids were toddlers I was still struggling with finding time to work out and care for myself. My oldest didn't sleep through the night until her brother was born when she was 3.8 years old and she started her day at 4am and went like the Energizer bunny all day. She cut out naps while she was still an infant! (She also has ADHD and OCD as well as being on the Autism Spectrum.) So maybe it is just my circumstances or maybe I'm just a wimp lol dunno. But I know that people judged me and thought I wasn't "enough". I'm glad that I have the personality that doesn't really care too much, but of course nobody likes being scrutinized and judged.


Although I completely agree with you that we have no idea how this particular mom looked when she had a newborn, it was just the way the editorial was posed and with that caption "Are you mom enough?" that I found antagonistic and like someone else posted that it seemed to fuel the Mommy Wars. I just think it's too bad that people can't play up what is special and unique about women and celebrate that instead, but maybe that wouldn't sell magazines? lol


Grrr nevermind. I can never express myself well. I'm probably not communicating what I'm thinking/feeling effectively. :p It's hard to put feelings and impressions into words. :tongue_smilie:

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This isn't the first breastfeeding cover of a magazine, I don't think the media should make decisions based on the prison population.



No they should not you are totally right. But knowing what is happening with me and my childs picture would be reason enough to not do this.

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No they should not you are totally right. But knowing what is happening with me and my childs picture would be reason enough to not do this.


But all these idiot responses on yahoo is a reason to do it.




How many people here said she should be thrown in jail?


Sure on mommy boards bf is pretty normal. But in the real world? Not so much.

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But all these idiot responses on yahoo is a reason to do it.




How many people here said she should be thrown in jail?


Sure on mommy boards bf is pretty normal. But in the real world? Not so much.


I understand your point totally. But the knowing, is it really worth it? To be blunt some sicko that already is up on charges for being a baby raper is using this image of her child et etc. Nothing is worth that. I do not think it is sick or bad but all way around this was very poor taste. Period. Things like this does not help the image at all.


Society is sitting back saying yep weirdo etc etc. This was not thought out on anyones part very well. After the classes I have taken, the things I have heard from firsthand knowledge of the prison system there is no way I even feel comfortable putting beach pics of my kids on a public forum. That is sad but that is the way it is.


There is always going to be the crazy person why feed them? Like we all say here, Don't feed the trolls! Don't feed the pedophiles either.

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After the Psychology classes I have taken I can se how this is a field day for some pervs. My dad who is a police officer as well as worked in prisons he said this magazine would be fought over in prison by sickos to satisfy themselves to. I mean it is worng and hateful but it is a fact.


A perv can use a pic of a small child playing in the dirt for their sick imaginations can you imagine how this even fuels it more? I am not trying to be mean but surely you are not living under a rock? This is the world we live in. Maybe it is because I have family in the law field that it is in my face so to speak but to me this is kinda obvious.


:confused: The percentage of people who are pedophiles is very, very small. Don't get me wrong; I am not a fan of the picture. I just don't make evaluations of pictures of kids based on what a prisoner would j*c* off to. :001_huh:


I'm in the mental health field, married for a former police officer and the "perv potential" didn't factor into my evaluation of this pic at all.

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I understand your point totally. But the knowing, is it really worth it? To be blunt some sicko that already is up on charges for being a baby raper is using this image of her child et etc. Nothing is worth that. I do not think it is sick or bad but all way around this was very poor taste. Period. Things like this does not help the image at all.


Society is sitting back saying yep weirdo etc etc. This was not thought out on anyones part very well. After the classes I have taken, the things I have heard from firsthand knowledge of the prison system there is no way I even feel comfortable putting beach pics of my kids on a public forum. That is sad but that is the way it is.


There is always going to be the crazy person why feed them? Like we all say here, Don't feed the trolls! Don't feed the pedophiles either.


Our psychology classes must be vastly different. Pedophiles seek and find images of children; true story. But they will do so regardless. I don't want my kids' image being used that way, but if it IS, no actual harm is done to my child.


You can't manage sexual predators by wearing certain clothing, or trying to avoid engaging them. Living life doesn't *feed* them. They will find and use ANYTHING.

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:confused: The percentage of people who are pedophiles is very, very small. Don't get me wrong; I am not a fan of the picture. I just don't make evaluations of pictures of kids based on what a prisoner would j*c* off to. :001_huh:

And if we eliminate everything that would excite every perversion, sickness, compulsion, fetish, fantasy, etc. out there (and no, I'm not equating these), there would be little left. Not even teddy bears. Edited by nmoira
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And if we eliminate everything that would excite every perversion, sickness, compulsion, fetish, fantasy, etc. out there (and no, I'm not equating these), there would be little left. Not even teddies.


Right. You can't put the responsibility on the victims (although some of the situations being discussed don't involve victims). It's not up to the healthy, normal people to manage pedophiles and other sexual crime predators by avoiding triggering temptation.


(Which is one of many reasons I am totally against spiritual culturalisms that cover women.)

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After the Psychology classes I have taken I can se how this is a field day for some pervs. My dad who is a police officer as well as worked in prisons he said this magazine would be fought over in prison by sickos to satisfy themselves to. I mean it is worng and hateful but it is a fact.


A perv can use a pic of a small child playing in the dirt for their sick imaginations can you imagine how this even fuels it more? I am not trying to be mean but surely you are not living under a rock? This is the world we live in. Maybe it is because I have family in the law field that it is in my face so to speak but to me this is kinda obvious.


I understood what was meant (what you wrote above was pretty much was I figured people were thinking), I just don't think it makes a lot of sense as a criticism of the Time cover.

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Exactly. My toddler was developing some bad habits, where he would whine and yank my shirt every time he wanted to nurse. I don't like that so I taught him to sign when he wants to nurse and he learned quickly that asking politely got a response and yanking on my shirt didn't. So nope, nursing a toddler does not mean they are going to fling your shirt open, they are capable of asking in other ways, they just need that modeled, like any other undesired toddler behavior.


My youngest nursed past 3 too and we just didn't nurse in public the last year or more ever. We nursed at nap time and bed time. Never in the middle of the night either. My oldest nursed until close to 2 and I felt pressured to quit (even though he definitely would have continued longer). Regretted it.


Some of the comments on the stories are so sickening. It's fine if AP or long term nursing isn't your style. But to insinuate this is child abuse and parent driven is just ridiculous. I'm sure there are narcissistic parents that are "AP". Just as there are narcissistic parents parenting in other ways screwing their kids up just as well. Every parent/child combo is different.


This is my first comment on this thread, so I'll say I'm not a big fan of the picture either. It was clearly used to get attention and it sure worked for them.

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But all these idiot responses on yahoo is a reason to do it.




How many people here said she should be thrown in jail?


Sure on mommy boards bf is pretty normal. But in the real world? Not so much.


I don't think it is. I think all the idiot responses is a good reason NOT to have this picture as the cover. It clearly isn't opening people's minds to the idea at all. It's just making it shocking for people who aren't used to it.

I think it was in extremely poor taste. I know why the magazine did it - all they care about is selling, being talked about, getting publicity. But I don't understand a couple of things - a) why, if it's an AP article, does the picture make it look as though it's all about EBF? Is it really that big of a part of it? and b) why would the moms do it? I know they think they are opening the eyes of the public or trying to make them understand, but come on. That's just not how it works... maybe the moms didn't know the headline, whatever - but if I were them, I would be kind of p*ssed that I was used in such a divisive way. jmo

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But all these idiot responses on yahoo is a reason to do it.




How many people here said she should be thrown in jail?


Sure on mommy boards bf is pretty normal. But in the real world? Not so much.


I don't think it is. I think all the idiot responses is a good reason NOT to have this picture as the cover. It clearly isn't opening people's minds to the idea at all. It's just making it shocking for people who aren't used to it.

I think it was in extremely poor taste. I know why the magazine did it - all they care about is selling, being talked about, getting publicity. But I don't understand a couple of things - a) why, if it's an AP article, does the picture make it look as though it's all about EBF? Is it really that big of a part of it? and b) why would the moms do it? I know they think they are opening the eyes of the public or trying to make them understand, but come on. That's just not how it works... maybe the moms didn't know the headline, whatever - but if I were them, I would be kind of p*ssed that I was used in such a divisive way. jmo


I agree.

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But all these idiot responses on yahoo is a reason to do it.




How many people here said she should be thrown in jail?


Sure on mommy boards bf is pretty normal. But in the real world? Not so much.


Reading one page of those comments makes me question humanity. They were the dumbest, most stupid, nonsensical, cynical and heartless comments.


Someone needs to shut the internet off until we all can learn to communicate.

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Reading one page of those comments makes me question humanity. They were the dumbest, most stupid, nonsensical, cynical and heartless comments.


Someone needs to shut the internet off until we all can learn to communicate.


:iagree: "shut the internet off" :D:D


The incest comments were too much. Add in the comments from people who thought this child was not eating solid foods and I wanted to cry. And then there were the men who wanted to share. :glare:

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I don't think it is. I think all the idiot responses is a good reason NOT to have this picture as the cover. It clearly isn't opening people's minds to the idea at all. It's just making it shocking for people who aren't used to it.

I think it was in extremely poor taste. I know why the magazine did it - all they care about is selling, being talked about, getting publicity. But I don't understand a couple of things - a) why, if it's an AP article, does the picture make it look as though it's all about EBF? Is it really that big of a part of it? and b) why would the moms do it? I know they think they are opening the eyes of the public or trying to make them understand, but come on. That's just not how it works... maybe the moms didn't know the headline, whatever - but if I were them, I would be kind of p*ssed that I was used in such a divisive way. jmo


I am sure the moms had no idea what the headline would be. I bet the editorial staff pitched a lot of different headlines in a meeting and chose the one that they thought grabbed the most attention.


Well, AP can include, among other things, cosleeping, babywearing, breastfeeding, and responding to baby's cues. Honestly, they really did pick the one that would get the most attention.

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I am wondering if I'm the only one who read the subject line and thought Advancement Placement instead of Attachment Parenting. Sigh... nursing days are so long ago.


LOL That was my first thought too. You're not the only one! ;)

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I don't like it. Not because I feel like it's obscene, it makes me feel like it's making fun of women who choose to do that (yet the title almost makes fun of those who don't). It's just so awkward feeling.


I agree. In fact, I don't know the last time I disagreed with you! I am AP and nurse until at least 2.5 years, but the photo seemed to be trying to start another mommy war and poking fun at extended nursers. I won't read it.

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I think all the idiot responses is a good reason NOT to have this picture as the cover. It clearly isn't opening people's minds to the idea at all. It's just making it shocking for people who aren't used to it.

I think it was in extremely poor taste. I know why the magazine did it - all they care about is selling, being talked about, getting publicity. But I don't understand a couple of things - a) why, if it's an AP article, does the picture make it look as though it's all about EBF? Is it really that big of a part of it? and b) why would the moms do it? I know they think they are opening the eyes of the public or trying to make them understand, but come on. That's just not how it works... maybe the moms didn't know the headline, whatever - but if I were them, I would be kind of p*ssed that I was used in such a divisive way. jmo


Me too! I would be really upset if I was told by the magazine people that it was going to show long term breast feeding in a positive way only to see the final cover. Although I would think the mom would have had an inkling when the photog told her son to stand on a chair and for her to put her hand on her hip like that.

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On my facebook newsfeed today:



My MIL had one cat who would still nurse on his mother when he was fully grown and bigger than she was. It was a kind of funny thing to watch, but I guess she tolerated it (maybe because he was from the only litter of kittens she'd had before she was fixed, and was the only kitten of that litter they'd kept, so he was her only baby?).


Kind of wish I had a photo of it to post :).

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>>Um. I'm only 29 with three children, all of which I EBF and many of the other moms I know are in their 20s and none of us had babies to use as accessories. I've never even known someone that did. Am I sheltered or something?<<


I was 28 with 4 and very much an AP parent. My dd is 20 with her first and is very much an AP parent. I can tell you though, that we know a LOT of parents in their 20's who literally have babies, hurry back to their jobs, leave their kids overnight on the weekends, and it's life as normal - baby gets taken care of by whoever, whenever, as long as their lives aren't too disrupted. Yes, this is quite common. Maybe you ARE sheltered, but there's probably not anything wrong with that! :tongue_smilie:


Not just moms in their 20's, I might add. I know a wide age range of parents who do this. In fact, it is the norm as far as I can see, which makes me some weird freak to most people I know since I do not and have never done this. In my area, you are expected to go back to work, dump the kid off as soon as and whenever possible and have a "life".

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Short mother, tall toddler (on a chair no less!), and nursing standing up? They went all out to make that cover shot as awkward and unnatural as possible.


that was my issue with it too...and her stance was very defensive...i've nursed toddlers too and i never did it sanding up like that. it was usually when my sons were in my lap or lying down next to me. there was more definitely more cuddling and loving...the cover just looks odd! but a cover like that is what sells...

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:iagree: "shut the internet off" :D:D


The incest comments were too much. Add in the comments from people who thought this child was not eating solid foods and I wanted to cry. And then there were the men who wanted to share. :glare:



:ack2: That was the worst! I had to stop reading at the man who had posted "me next" :cursing:. That just made me mad.

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Those are some heels she's rocking. :D


LOL Yeah they are! I like her shoes, but God knows I'd break my neck in heels that high. More power to her! The thing that disturbs me is that she talks about the stuff her mom dealt with for breasfeeding her 'way back in the 80's'!! lol Oh my! I feel so old now! hehehehehe :tongue_smilie:

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LOL Yeah they are! I like her shoes, but God knows I'd break my neck in heels that high. More power to her! The thing that disturbs me is that she talks about the stuff her mom dealt with for breasfeeding her 'way back in the 80's'!! lol Oh my! I feel so old now! hehehehehe :tongue_smilie:

I'm still repressing that part of the interview. Nursing through college I can deal with... but not that. :lol:

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:ack2: That was the worst! I had to stop reading at the man who had posted "me next" :cursing:. That just made me mad.


Actually, that's pretty funny. I think this lady did AP women a huge disservice by allowing herself be used a tool for the condescending cover and title.

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I nursed my ds until he was 4yrs and a couple of months. I've nursed in all sorts of circumstances - on beaches and in shops and in coffee shops and standing in a queue to get a passport, on planes and trains and moving tuk tuks - without ever covering myself with a scarf or blanket. I think my perspective is pretty open-minded, but this picture is somehow just "icky". It's confrontational, and I'd be hardpressed to think it will encourage anyone to look at breastfeeding in a more open-minded manner. It's finding that ordinary mothers are nursing ordinary toddlers in an ordinary relationship that will suggest to others that it might be okay for them too. This picture does not do that.

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A great blog post that I read today when Kellymom posted it on their facebook page:



It's a nice post, but GAH!! the medical details were a little rough to read. :eek: :svengo: Oh that poor little girl!! I hope I don't offend you Dustybug, it's a nice blog post, but I just wanted to give a head's up to anyone else who is a little squeamish about those things like I am. lol The breastfeeding part begins in the fourth paragraph if anyone needs to skip ahead a bit. ;) :p hehehehehe

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There was another article about the mom on Yahoo today. Don't you just love Yahoo reporting? lol The title of the article says "Jamie Lynne Grumet Defends Her Time Magazine Breastfeeding Cover", but she never gives her response to the backlash of comments that were raised in the article, but she does admit that she knew exactly what she was doing when she posed for that picture.


"We knew exactly what we were going to get in to' date='" Grumet said as her son, Aram, fidgeted on the couch beside her. "I do understand why Time chose this picture because…it did create such a media craze to get the dialogue talking." [/quote']


What do you all think of her comments??

Edited by Ibbygirl
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