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what did you tell you husband when he asked, "What do you want for mother's Day?"

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A gift certificate/money for a person(s) to come and thoroughly clean my house from top to bottom.

He asked and I said, "I want money to hire a housecleaner person come and clean this house from top to bottom." to which he responded, "I don't have $2000 dollars."


But, he is giving me $100 for this!!!

Edited by mhg
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He hasn't asked, but that is because he knows the answer: I don't want anything for Mother's day. In fact, I'm working on Mother's day. So, actually, I might like him to bring me some lunch.


Usually, we take such occasions to buy something we need for the house. I appreciate those gifts a whole lot more than ones just for me. ;)

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I can never say I want anything- or even hint at it- because my husband, sweet as he is, will have it for me the next day! I made the mistake of telling him I was thinking about a Kindle for school books, and he came home with an iPad!!! (A combination 10th anniversary, Mother's day, birthday present)

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My birthday and Mother's Day are always close to each other, so he asks.


Last night, actually. He asked what my top three things were that I wanted, and I answered with:


1. An elliptical machine

2. A trip somewhere awesome

3. More time in my day


He just grinned and said that I always ask for expensive stuff, but that I managed to top even myself this year with asking for something priceless!


(And no, I will not receive any of those things; he asked what I wanted. I'll probably receive some electronic gizmo that I'll insist I don't need and then find myself completely dependent upon a year from now.)

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I tell him to have my little boys pick out some sort of flowers (either hanging baskets or pots etc. Not cut, so they last longer.) I love the crazy combos they pick out. Last year I got two baskets, one for each side of the porch (according to the kids). One boy picked light pink, the other picked out this flaming orange color. :lol: Totally clashed, but I loved it. Another year, one gave me white flowers in a pink pot, the other gave me red flowers in an orange and blue pot. :D One day I may have matching flowers.....

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He didn't ask... but I told him (and the kids) that I wanted to go to the local Jazz on the Lawn the night before, as a family. And that I need all of their help setting up for the clothing give away at church. So we will do those things :) I expect him to cook something yummy to take to Jazz too.

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My kids always go to my favorite greenhouse and get me perennials for my garden. I love seeing what they pick year after year.


Otoh, my birthday is coming up and if he's foolish enough to ask he's going to get a list as long as my arm and he can pick one.


What I really want is a turnout for my newest pony.

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I told him and the kids the same thing--breakfast in bed. They did that last year, and the girls were so beside themselves with happiness to do it for me, they could barely sit still. I also asked him for a night or two in a cheap hotel by myself to recharge and plan and have a sort of retreat, and he agreed it was a good idea, but I don't know if I'll actually go through with that one!

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Before the subject of Mother's Day even came up, I surprised my husband with a gift -- an airline ticket, rental car reservation, and two-night stay at a lovely bed and breakfast. You see, I'm sending him to see *his* mother, who will be seventy-three this year.



Long ago, my son and I saw a movie in which a character lamented that mothers gain sons when their daughters marry but lose sons when their sons marry. Later, I pointed out that this observation was somewhat true for his grandmother: Mr. M-mv and I had moved three thousand miles away when my son was only seven months old, and though we moved partway back, we are still more than a thousand miles from our childhood homes.


"You won't lose *me*," my son assured me.


"Oh, don't make promises yet, sweetie. When you find the right partner, you must invest in *your* dreams -- wherever they take you."


"I will always make time to see you, Mom."


And I believe he would have.


With another Mother's Day approaching, I couldn't help but remember his child-like promise. What a gift it would have been to spend time with my adult son -- walking in companionable silence, perhaps, wandering through a bookstore, sharing a good meal.



My mother-in-law, one of the finest women I have ever met, was *so* excited when she learned her son was coming "home" to see her, which, in turn, deeply touched my husband.


That was gift enough for me.

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Before the subject of Mother's Day even came up, I surprised my husband with a gift -- an airline ticket, rental car reservation, and two-night stay at a lovely bed and breakfast. You see, I'm sending him to see *his* mother, who will be seventy-three this year.



Long ago, my son and I saw a movie in which a character lamented that mothers gain sons when their daughters marry but lose sons when their sons marry. Later, I pointed out that this observation was somewhat true for his grandmother: Mr. M-mv and I had moved three thousand miles away when my son was only seven months old, and though we moved partway back, we are still more than a thousand miles from our childhood homes.


"You won't lose *me*," my son assured me.


"Oh, don't make promises yet, sweetie. When you find the right partner, you must invest in *your* dreams -- wherever they take you."


"I will always make time to see you, Mom."


And I believe he would have.


With another Mother's Day approaching, I couldn't help but remember his child-like promise. What a gift it would have been to spend time with my adult son -- walking in companionable silence, perhaps, wandering through a bookstore, sharing a good meal.



My mother-in-law, one of the finest women I have ever met, was *so* excited when she learned her son was coming "home" to see her, which, in turn, deeply touched my husband.


That was gift enough for me.


:thumbup1: That is so sweet. I never had the chance to meet my MIL but I am sure she would have loved a visit from her adult sons.

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