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Does your 15-16 year old know what the IRS is?

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I had the opportunity to hang out with some teens this week, and another adult in our group mentioned the IRS. Not one of the teens (aged 15-16) knew what the IRS is. I was shocked. I knew what it was at that age because I had a job, lol. Isn't this something teens that age should know?

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I would think so, but we were self-employed for many years. It gets talked about....:D


Doesn't surprise me. Today at work only one other person at dh's job could name the CURRENT vice-president. He and the other person were flabbergasted. It's a small group and it's a paycheck (read: lousy job), but wow!

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Mine does. When asked what they do, he responded, "harass people". Yep, he knows the IRS:lol:. Found out the other day he had no idea who Bach was though. That was a shocker. All 3 girls knew. He just wasn't interested when we covered musical people.:confused::glare::tongue_smilie:

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My oldest does. It was her idea to have a very scary costume for Halloween a few years ago. She dressed in a suit with a briefcase and sunglasses and made up an IRS badge for herself and declared she was an IRS agent. I know I'd be scared if they came to the door!

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Mine have known for many years, because we have very close family members who are IRS agents.


I loved it when my daughter, as a little girl, caught on to the big picture and said to them one day, "So you're like a detective who finds the bad guys who are stealing money? Kind of like Nancy Drew, only about money?" Yes! Exactly!


I would find it shocking if teens that age had no clue who the IRS was - do you think they never read the news?

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I had the opportunity to hang out with some teens this week, and another adult in our group mentioned the IRS. Not one of the teens (aged 15-16) knew what the IRS is. I was shocked. I knew what it was at that age because I had a job, lol. Isn't this something teens that age should know?


My 19yo knew what the IRS was when he was 7, as did his brother who is a year younger.


I just asked my 10 & 11yo, and they were vaguely aware that we pay money to the IRS, but they didn't know why, or that it had anything to do with taxes. (My 11yo suggested that the IRS takes our money to buy candy, but I don't think she was serious.) However, my "little ones" are very aware of what taxes are, and have a fair knowledge of what is done with tax money. That comes up a lot at our house, though I guess we haven't specifically mentioned the IRS much with them.

Edited by Spock
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My 11 yo knows what the IRS is and what it does. He's weird that way though. My 17 yo niece knew what it was.


My 11yo said he wasn't sure exactly but that they had something to do with taxes.


I am surprised teens wouldn't know at least that!

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Mine know, but for the last 2 years I have been trying to convince my ds that he should put on dress pants, a white shirt, and tie, and hand out cards that say Audit on them for Halloween. I told him it will scare the adults more than any monster he could think of.

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yes, but she thinks it's full title is BIRS, bloodsucking IRS. :D


LOL! My almost 8 year old knows quite a bit about the IRS, taxes, financing things, etc. My kids are usually apart of this kind of adult conversation and ask question about it, so we explain.

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