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Easter pictures

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What a handsome crew, Jennifer! Happy Easter!


Thanks! Happy Easter to you too! Post a picture!!!


What a gorgeous family! I don't know if the ages in your sig are correct but my oldest son is the same age and well over 6 ft in shoes.


I think my son is around 6'4" now. And, yes. He's 15. Yikes!


Okay - I need more pictures!!! I love seeing all your families.

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I love looking at Easter pictures. Here is a picture of my kids and me. I am not sure why my youngest is goofing off, and I just noticed that my oldest has no shoes on. :lol:




Happy Easter!


LOL! I love it! Your youngest looks like a ham! He'd totally get along with my 11 yo. Very nice picture!!

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I hope this one works. It was taken with DH phone, but little children don't hold still so there's a lot of blurs.


Sorry it's ginormous. I tried making it smaller, but obviously failed at that. I don't know how to really fix it. But they're still cute.



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I don't have any of all of us (I was working in the nursery today so I wasn't decked out in anything except my volunteer t-shirt and jeans, anyway :tongue_smilie: ) but here are some of the kids before church this morning. :)


It was just one. But then I thought oh, why not, add another...two... :lol:

Edited by PeacefulChaos
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I usually try really, really hard not to let photos of myself out into the world, but my daughter put a lot of effort into making sure all of our clothing didn't clash. So, in her honor:


tell your daughter that i love her ensemble!:D super fun!



i love all of the pictures!! what beautiful families you have!


i have one picture of my kids from this morning, but my poor son has the palest blue eyes and he looks ridiculous squinting in the sun, lol. i would feel like a mean mom posting it for all to see.

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tell your daughter that i love her ensemble!:D super fun!



i love all of the pictures!! what beautiful families you have!


i have one picture of my kids from this morning, but my poor son has the palest blue eyes and he looks ridiculous squinting in the sun, lol. i would feel like a mean mom posting it for all to see.


DS6 does that, too (he's on the left in my picture, above...it was shady enough this morning in the front yard that it wasn't too bad...and he squints a little when he smiles, anyway)!!! He had his soccer pictures taken last week and it was sunny AND the field is by a lake... so not only sunshine, sunshine reflecting off water!!! :lol: So it always looks like more of a grimace, with squinted shut eyes...

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We had a sunrise service at 7 this morning. We live 30 minutes from our church so we were up TOO early! I was not in the mood to take pictures so this is just a snapshot dh took of me and the girls.



You all look lovely anyway - nice photo

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Here is the best one I could get of all three of mine. Two were ready for naps and my oldest was squinting from the sun. lol



Here is my favorite one of my two girls:



And here is one of DH and I (although I just realized his eyes were closed. lol)



Edited by Dustybug
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We gathered with 4 other families for a potluck brunch/egg hunt at a fairly secluded park rather than braving the massive public events. It made for some great photos! After the eggs were gone the kids moved on to collecting pinecones :lol:.


Then this morning, DS collected more eggs in our yard including one very perplexing one. It was tiny, white, and wouldn't open to reveal treats. Apparently a real egg fell out of our neighbor's tree!











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The best I could get - after I took this the 2yo ran off and refused to participate anymore :lol:






Awww! I remember those two-year-old moments! Very cute!


Lovely J. AND, you could be my friend's twin!!!!!!!


I could be? Cool! I've never been told that before.


I hope this one works. It was taken with DH phone, but little children don't hold still so there's a lot of blurs.


Sorry it's ginormous. I tried making it smaller, but obviously failed at that. I don't know how to really fix it. But they're still cute.




I actually prefer the bigger pictures! You saw how big mine was!


I love the smile on your dd's face!


There's a picture of my children on my blog...no picture of the whole family, though.


Oh my goodness! Pure sweetness!!! How old is that tiny little baby?


I don't have any of all of us (I was working in the nursery today so I wasn't decked out in anything except my volunteer t-shirt and jeans, anyway :tongue_smilie: ) but here are some of the kids before church this morning. :)


It was just one. But then I thought oh, why not, add another...two... :lol:


CURLS!!!! I love them! Are your boys very protective of their little sister? Mine are and I love it! They are all precious!

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I usually try really, really hard not to let photos of myself out into the world, but my daughter put a lot of effort into making sure all of our clothing didn't clash. So, in her honor:


I love it! And, you guys look absolutely nothing like I pictured! Isn't it funny how we all have an idea in our mind how people look? Anyway, you guys look great! And, I love how you coordinate. Your dd did a good job!


No pictures here--they'd only show everyone passed out from the flu... Just not quite the effect I'd want...


Aww. I hope you got a couple pictures anyway. Sometimes those pictures become family favorites!


We had a sunrise service at 7 this morning. We live 30 minutes from our church so we were up TOO early! I was not in the mood to take pictures so this is just a snapshot dh took of me and the girls.


You still look great! So, did you get a nap?


We didn't take any formal pictures, but here is one of my youngest son reading the four questions at the Passover seder at dh's cousin's house (dh and ds1 also in the pic), followed by everyone at my house (except me, because I took the picture!) for Easter dinner.


Awwww. Very sweet. Looks like you had a great time!


ETA: Holy huge pictures, Batman! I've tried four times to resize these. Not really sure why they are still so huge???? Sorry!



Here is the best one I could get of all three of mine. Two were ready for naps and my oldest was squinting from the sun. lol



Here is my favorite one of my two girls:



And here is one of DH and I (although I just realized his eyes were closed. lol)




I love it! Those dresses are so pretty - and your dds - oh my! So pretty! And your ds is adorable!


I love seeing you too! That color is great on you!


Here's dd.

And me, being goofy.

I can't turn them all the right way, sorry.


Those are very sweet shots! I must have seen a picture of you before because you look exactly like what I thought! Your dd is adorable!


We gathered with 4 other families for a potluck brunch/egg hunt at a fairly secluded park rather than braving the massive public events. It made for some great photos! After the eggs were gone the kids moved on to collecting pinecones :lol:.


Then this morning, DS collected more eggs in our yard including one very perplexing one. It was tiny, white, and wouldn't open to reveal treats. Apparently a real egg fell out of our neighbor's tree!


That's hilarious about the egg! My favorite one here is of him peeking from behind the tree. VERY sweet!!!! You are a great looking family!


Here are my four:







AWWWWWW! Those are some seriously pinchable cheeks in these pictures!!!! I love them!

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What beautiful Easter photos. I love all the coordinating outfits!


Oh, for Pete's sake. Hyrum is not a person, he's a snackin' cake. SO CUUUUUUUUTE!!!
Oh, my goodness! I totally agree!!! That is one adorable little boy! I love his wispy hair and chubby cheeks. And those little toes.
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My crew at the flower cross -- our church does this each year, everyone brings blooms to add and it's always so pretty! They're finally old enough that I can get all three to stand (almost) still, keep their hands (mostly) away from their faces, look in my general direction, and (sort of) smile all at once! :)



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Snow Chucki??? Ewww!!! I'm so over cold weather, lol!


What FANTASTIC looking families we have on here!!!!


Here are my 3 in a snapshot via cell phone. I did take some actual portraits (kind of - lighting was AWFUL), but haven't touched them yet, so cell phone pic it is!


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QUOTE=Jennifer in MI;3795699]Come on! You know you want to share!!!! This is my kids and me at brunch after Easter services. I have no idea how my oldest is that much taller than I am - I was wearing 2 1/2" heels and I'm 5'10" to start with!



I'm scared of the day when my son outgrows me! lol My little brother was taller than me when he turned 15 (he's 9 years younger than I am). He's 19 now and I definitely look UP to him.


I love looking at Easter pictures. Here is a picture of my kids and me. I am not sure why my youngest is goofing off, and I just noticed that my oldest has no shoes on.




Happy Easter!


I love your children's outfits! (especially the gloves!)









It was just one. But then I thought oh, why not, add another...two...


haha...I had to stop myself at three. Cute pictures!


I usually try really, really hard not to let photos of myself out into the world, but my daughter put a lot of effort into making sure all of our clothing didn't clash. So, in her honor:


I love her outfit too! Beautiful family!


No pictures here--they'd only show everyone passed out from the flu... Just not quite the effect I'd want...


:( Hope you all feel better soon!



Here's dd.

And me, being goofy.

I can't turn them all the right way, sorry.


Love the flowers in those pictures and the color on your dd's dress! I love the goofy pic too. I do that all the time, but I'm not brave enough to post the pictures!:tongue_smilie:


We gathered with 4 other families for a potluck brunch/egg hunt at a fairly secluded park rather than braving the massive public events. It made for some great photos! After the eggs were gone the kids moved on to collecting pinecones .


Then this morning, DS collected more eggs in our yard including one very perplexing one. It was tiny, white, and wouldn't open to reveal treats. Apparently a real egg fell out of our neighbor's tree!


LOVE your son's hat!


Here are my four:








I have to agree that I just want to squeeze that little man of yours!


I love it! Those dresses are so pretty - and your dds - oh my! So pretty! And your ds is adorable!


I love seeing you too! That color is great on you!



Thank you! :D


My crew at the flower cross -- our church does this each year, everyone brings blooms to add and it's always so pretty! They're finally old enough that I can get all three to stand (almost) still, keep their hands (mostly) away from their faces, look in my general direction, and (sort of) smile all at once! :)




I am seriously in love with those dresses! Adorable!

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