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And yet another Weight Loss Update brought to you by Nance.

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Alas, I still have not lost that elephant's penis. ;)


But as of this morning, I DID lose a 5000 BTU air conditioner! That required losing 55 lbs, and as of this morning, I'm down 56!


I've gone from 247.6 lbs to 191.6 lbs. I only need to lose two tenths of a pound more to be "overweight" instead of "obese" as per BMI according to fitday.com! Yes, I'm actually excited about being overweight!


I'm more than ready to get out of these 190's and see the 180's already! (180-something sounds so much farther away from 200 than 190-something does lol). Only 1.8 lbs away from achieving that, but it's going to take 4 more lbs to make it an even 60 lbs and lose that elephant's penis haha.


Incidentally, I spent the last two days cleaning out my closet and dresser. There were a lot of things that were too big, of course. But I also dug up a bunch of things I'd previously packed away because they were too small. A lot of them fit now. It was like going clothes shopping in my own closet. Fun! :D


How's everyone else doing? Anyone else have weight loss updates to share?

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Well, I am down 6 1/2 pounds in the past 4 weeks. Just trying to watch portion sizes and walking with friends as much as we can......along with lots of spring chores with the horses and yard.


I was down to the low 180s when I got tendonitis in my ankle and couldn't walk or do much of anything for weeks and then only a little bit..........a year later I had put 20 pounds back on and am working that off SLOWLY.

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I'm so happy for you.


This week, I reached 150, so I am no longer in the overweight category, although I still have a bit to go before I actually look good.


Weight loss is really slowing down, so I'm just going to have to be happy with slow progress, but progress, never the less.


Congratulations again an your closet shopping.

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Well, I am down 6 1/2 pounds in the past 4 weeks. Just trying to watch portion sizes and walking with friends as much as we can......along with lots of spring chores with the horses and yard.


I was down to the low 180s when I got tendonitis in my ankle and couldn't walk or do much of anything for weeks and then only a little bit..........a year later I had put 20 pounds back on and am working that off SLOWLY.


Congrats on the 6 1/2 lbs! That's like 26 sticks of butter, gone! :D It's always frustrating how slowly weight comes off considering how easy it is to put on! Then again it's good that you're getting it back under control after only putting on 20 lbs. I always let it get SO ridiculously out of control and gained such a horrible amount of weight. I really don't know why! But I think this time I have really changed my whole lifestyle and don't intend to ever do that again!




I'm so happy for you.


This week, I reached 150, so I am no longer in the overweight category, although I still have a bit to go before I actually look good.


Weight loss is really slowing down, so I'm just going to have to be happy with slow progress, but progress, never the less.


Congratulations again an your closet shopping.


Wow, that's awesome! Congrats on no longer being "overweight!" :) I think the lower you get the more it slows down but that is quite an achievement so even slow progress, as long as it's in the right direction, would be okay I'd think! :D Thanks for the supportive comments!

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Nance!!! Weigh to go!!!!:party:


I would say weight up for me, but you keep on going down and I'll catch up!!! Three years ago I was near my goal (20 pounds from it) at 172...2 mortgages for 31 months did me in...I was stunned when I stepped on the scales at 265!!! I am now 224 and have lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks...we have a big vacation in 5 months so my goal is to be at 172 by then...then spend the last 4 months of the year getting to 150ish..so I'm aiming for 10 pounnds a month..and this month I may hit 12-14! :)


I do the 3 day diet every Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday...and stick to 1200 calories or less the other days...I walk 15 miles a week...so far soo good...I've done it before ....stayed at 140 for 10 years, but then babies came along and that never came off easily...so, happy to redeem my new sizes...everything is loose in my 16's so should be able to get into 14's by 210! :)


I will be thrilled to jump out of the 190s!! Go for it and show some pictures when you get the gumption to!! :)

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Nance!!! Weigh to go!!!!:party:


I would say weight up for me, but you keep on going down and I'll catch up!!! Three years ago I was near my goal (20 pounds from it) at 172...2 mortgages for 31 months did me in...I was stunned when I stepped on the scales at 265!!! I am now 224 and have lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks...we have a big vacation in 5 months so my goal is to be at 172 by then...then spend the last 4 months of the year getting to 150ish..so I'm aiming for 10 pounnds a month..and this month I may hit 12-14! :)


I do the 3 day diet every Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday...and stick to 1200 calories or less the other days...I walk 15 miles a week...so far soo good...I've done it before ....stayed at 140 for 10 years, but then babies came along and that never came off easily...so, happy to redeem my new sizes...everything is loose in my 16's so should be able to get into 14's by 210! :)


I will be thrilled to jump out of the 190s!! Go for it and show some pictures when you get the gumption to!! :)


So you've lost over 30 lbs so far, congrats! You're doing great, too!! :) A big vacation is definitely a good incentive! Glad you have an incentive, and a plan, and over 30 lbs of success so far! I've put up a stray progress picture here and there, but I'll definitely do some more update pictures soon. Maybe when I hit that 60 lbs lost milestone. :)

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I am holding steady. Want to be slimming....but, holding steady is good too, for now.



Way to go!!! Nance. You are doing great. Keep up your good work! So, how do you feel?


Oh, I love closet shopping!


Maintaining is definitely better than gaining! When you're ready you'll start losing again! (Have I mentioned lately there's a great weight loss challenge social group for help with that)? hehe.


Thanks for the encouragement! :)


I am feeling really good! Physically, no more back aches (sciatica), which is really nice. A bit more energy than I used to have, the stairs are easier, I can stand longer without feeling like I need to sit down or that my ankles bother me from supporting all that weight, etc! Mentally/emotionally, I feel a lot more confident and better about myself in general. So, it's a good feeling! :)

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Maintaining is definitely better than gaining! When you're ready you'll start losing again! (Have I mentioned lately there's a great weight loss challenge social group for help with that)? hehe.


Thanks for the encouragement! :)


I am feeling really good! Physically, no more back aches (sciatica), which is really nice. A bit more energy than I used to have, the stairs are easier, I can stand longer without feeling like I need to sit down or that my ankles bother me from supporting all that weight, etc! Mentally/emotionally, I feel a lot more confident and better about myself in general. So, it's a good feeling! :)


Yay!!!! I was hoping that was the case. Go gettum Nance!! Can't wait for your next update.

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I lost a kitty. :D


I was walking with my mom and one of her cats got tired. I offered to carry it back. I said as much and passed it back to her and she said, "He's a big boy. 10lbs." That's when I realized I'd lost a complete kitty from around my middle. No wonder I feel better, he was heavy!


Working on the next kitty cat.

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Alas, I still have not lost that elephant's penis. ;)


But as of this morning, I DID lose a 5000 BTU air conditioner! That required losing 55 lbs, and as of this morning, I'm down 56!


I've gone from 247.6 lbs to 191.6 lbs. I only need to lose two tenths of a pound more to be "overweight" instead of "obese" as per BMI according to fitday.com! Yes, I'm actually excited about being overweight!


I'm more than ready to get out of these 190's and see the 180's already! (180-something sounds so much farther away from 200 than 190-something does lol). Only 1.8 lbs away from achieving that, but it's going to take 4 more lbs to make it an even 60 lbs and lose that elephant's penis haha.


Incidentally, I spent the last two days cleaning out my closet and dresser. There were a lot of things that were too big, of course. But I also dug up a bunch of things I'd previously packed away because they were too small. A lot of them fit now. It was like going clothes shopping in my own closet. Fun! :D


How's everyone else doing? Anyone else have weight loss updates to share?



I am so happy for you!! :party: So inspiring! I need to get my rear in gear! :D

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I lost a kitty. :D


I was walking with my mom and one of her cats got tired. I offered to carry it back. I said as much and passed it back to her and she said, "He's a big boy. 10lbs." That's when I realized I'd lost a complete kitty from around my middle. No wonder I feel better, he was heavy!


Working on the next kitty cat.


LOL I love that! Even if you think you've "only" lost 5 or 10 or whatever pounds...try carrying it around for a while! Or looking at what that looks like in the form of hamburger meat or a sack of sugar or something at the store...it's a lot of weight! And it would definitely get tiring carrying that around after a while! It all adds up! Congrats on your first 10 lbs! :D


I am so happy for you!! :party: So inspiring! I need to get my rear in gear! :D


Thank you! I of all people know how hard it is to get motivated (until eventually you just do; if only I hadn't waited so long heh). But you can do it! :grouphug:

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I thought about you yesterday, Nance, when I was walking my dog. I thought, "Hey, I can actually tell Nance I've logged some April miles." Now if I could just stop the nightcap, I think I would have a much better chance of losing some weight. :) You really are inspiring!!!

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I thought about you yesterday, Nance, when I was walking my dog. I thought, "Hey, I can actually tell Nance I've logged some April miles." Now if I could just stop the nightcap, I think I would have a much better chance of losing some weight. :) You really are inspiring!!!


Haha go log them!! I'm going to go walk soon myself. Just waiting for it to warm up a wee bit more!


Great job!


So what are you doing that results in your fabulous weight loss?


I've cut out grains entirely, pretty much. If it's got flour in it, I don't eat it. So no bread, no pasta, no cakes, cookies, etc. I don't eat white potatoes, either. No rice.


I don't eat sugary stuff.


I don't buy much processed light/fat free stuff, I stick to whole/natural foods as much as possible.


I do still eat fats. I eat butter, mayo, peanut butter, olive oil, coconut oil.


I eat whatever meat/poultry/seafood etc that I want, fruits, veggies, squash, occasional sweet potatoes, nuts, cheese/eggs/dairy, stuff like that, paying attention to when I'm 'satisfied'/portion sizes.


I drink mostly water and sometimes milk.


If I want something sweet it's usually fruit, or a homemade smoothie, maybe a sugar free jello. Occasionally some dark chocolate.


I walk for exercise.


I don't really usually miss that stuff, either, by the way. You get used to not having it. I don't feel hungry all the time, I feel good, and I'm losing weight a lot faster/easier than I ever did before. In the past I've always done Weight Watchers type diets and tried to eat more low-fat but this seems so much easier because I'm not weighing my food, measuring my food, counting "points," calories or anything else, so I don't feel like I'm obsessing over every bite that goes into my mouth... I just avoid the 'bad carbs' that I was basically addicted to and which my body couldn't handle and which caused me to gain excessive amounts of weight. And I feel less hungry than I did when I was trying to eat more low fat.


I'm not saying I'll never ever eat another piece of bread or bite of pasta as long as I live. I'll probably eat that stuff once in a while, maybe on special occasions or for rare indulgences, but for the most part I choose to avoid them because I feel better, look better, lose better etc when I do.

Edited by NanceXToo
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Y'all rock! Congrats on losing whatever amount you've lost - any number down is a good number!


I started at about the same weight as Nance - 247ish. I'm down 10lbs. I still have so far to go, but I love that just that 10lbs put me in a different pant size. Like Chucki, Easter weekend is going to do me in, but Monday is a new day, right?

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So you've lost over 30 lbs so far, congrats! You're doing great, too!! :) A big vacation is definitely a good incentive! Glad you have an incentive, and a plan, and over 30 lbs of success so far! I've put up a stray progress picture here and there, but I'll definitely do some more update pictures soon. Maybe when I hit that 60 lbs lost milestone. :)


Thanks! 41 pounds to be exact! :). I have to celebrate every last one! So glad summer is on its way with fresh veggies and outdoor exercise! :)

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You are my idol in the classroom and in life!!! I need to buy my butt a scale so I can see what is happening. Although I have several pair of pants in the closet that will tell the tale. Oh how I miss my GAP jeans....2 kids ago.:tongue_smilie:

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Congrats, Nance.


I am down about 6 lbs. I don't have the exact date when I started, it was maybe 4 weeks ago. I had to tighten my belt by another notch a week ago. Today won't help, though, with dinner at the in-laws'. I haven't quite decided if I'm going to behave today, but I'm leaning towards splurging, and then getting back on track tomorrow.

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Thanks for sharing what you do. You're doing a great job. :)


You go girl!


I am so happy for you ladies!




Thanks, all! :)


I've probably blown it all over the weekend. But during Lent I lost 7 pounds. Back on the wagon Monday morning for hopefully another few by next weekend.


Congrats on the 7 lbs! That's 28 sticks of butter! :D Don't think of the weekend as blowing it, holidays and special occasions are always going to come up and we're going to indulge sometimes. THE most important thing is what you do afterward. Whether you shrug and go "Oh well, I blew it anyway, may as well just forget the whole thing" or if you go "Okay, I enjoyed the holiday, now back to regular life" and get right back on track. You can do it. :)


Y'all rock! Congrats on losing whatever amount you've lost - any number down is a good number!


I started at about the same weight as Nance - 247ish. I'm down 10lbs. I still have so far to go, but I love that just that 10lbs put me in a different pant size. Like Chucki, Easter weekend is going to do me in, but Monday is a new day, right?


Yep, it is! Congrats on the first 10 lbs, that's a great start! And going down a size and being able to fit into something you couldn't before is always a great feeling!


:hurray: Yay! Good for you!


I'm doing very well and losing at a conservative, supposedly healthy, rate. Which means I'm not losing as quickly as I would like to! I'm down 28 lbs. with 12 lbs. more to lose.


28 lbs is awesome! You're almost 3/4 of the way there! Can't wait to hear about when you hit your goal weight!!


Thanks! 41 pounds to be exact! I have to celebrate every last one! So glad summer is on its way with fresh veggies and outdoor exercise!


Me, too! I'm so done with winter! It's warmed up here enough to walk outside most of the time but I want it warmer and I want more choices in fresh summer fruits and stuff, I'm ready! :D


You are my idol in the classroom and in life!!! I need to buy my butt a scale so I can see what is happening. Although I have several pair of pants in the closet that will tell the tale. Oh how I miss my GAP jeans....2 kids ago.


Haha I have that one pair of GAP jeans set aside, too, buttonflies, that I haven't worn in years, just waiting to see if I can put them on again one day....


Congrats, Nance.


I am down about 6 lbs. I don't have the exact date when I started, it was maybe 4 weeks ago. I had to tighten my belt by another notch a week ago. Today won't help, though, with dinner at the in-laws'. I haven't quite decided if I'm going to behave today, but I'm leaning towards splurging, and then getting back on track tomorrow.


Congrats on the 6 lbs! Splurging is okay as long as it is a conscious decision, I think. Own it and CHOOSE to do it, and then don't feel guilty about it later, just recognize that it might show up on the scale for a couple of days but that if you get right back on track and do the right things, it should come right back off. And you just keep going. :)


I am down 10, but I go up and down during the week when I'm not working at it.

Walking the dogs has helped firm up, tho!

I got into a dress for Easter that was a whole size smaller than I expected.


Congrats on the 10 lbs! Yes the scale fluctuates for me some anyway but would even more if I didn't constantly work at it. Walking definitely helps me as well. Congrats on the smaller dress size, that's a great feeling!!


Fill me in on the elephant reference? I had to look up an elephant's penis to see what you meant but all I came up with was that one weighed 20 pounds, which you have lost more than......what am I missing?


I'll repost the Weight Loss Conversion Chart in the post below, it's a lot of fun lol.

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How Much Weight Have You Lost?


1 pound = a Guinea Pig

1.5 pounds = a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts

2 pounds = a rack of baby back ribs

3 pounds = an average human brain

4 pounds = an ostrich egg

5 pounds = a Chihuahua

6 pounds = a human skin

7.5 pounds = an average newborn

8 pounds = a human head

10 pounds= chemical additives an American consumes each year

11 pounds = an average housecat

12 pounds = a Bald Eagle

15 pounds = 10 dozen large eggs

16 pounds = a sperm whale's brain

20 pounds = an automobile tire

23 pounds = amount of pizza an average American eats in a year

24 pounds = a 3-gallon tub of super premium ice cream

25 pounds = an average 2 year old

30 pounds = amount of cheese an average American eats in a year

33 pounds = a cinder block

36 pounds = a mid-size microwave

40 pounds = a 5-gallon bottle of water or an average human leg

44 pounds = an elephant's heart

50 pounds = a small bale of hay

55 pounds = a 5000 BTU air conditioner

60 pounds = an elephant's penis

66 pounds = fats and oils an average American eats in a year

70 pounds = an Irish Setter

77 pounds = a gold brick

80 pounds = the World's Largest Ball of Tape

90 pounds = a newborn calf

100 pounds = a 2 month old horse

111 pounds = red meat an average American eats in a year

117 pounds = an average fashion model

118 pounds = the complete Encyclopedia Britannica

120 pounds = amount of trash you throw away in a month

130 pounds = a newborn giraffe

138 pounds = potatoes an average American eats in a year

140 pounds = refined sugar an average American eats in a year

144 pounds = an average adult woman

150 pounds = the complete Oxford English Dictionary

187 pounds = an average adult man

200 pounds = 2 Bloodhounds

235 pounds = Arnold Schwarzenegger

300 pounds = an average football lineman

400 pounds = a Welsh pony

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Congrats on the 6 lbs! Splurging is okay as long as it is a conscious decision, I think. Own it and CHOOSE to do it, and then don't feel guilty about it later, just recognize that it might show up on the scale for a couple of days but that if you get right back on track and do the right things, it should come right back off. And you just keep going. :)

I did decide to splurge. I was thinking of all that great food...but I didn't eat nearly as much as I thought I would. Toward the end of the day yesterday I was talking to dh about it, and he agreed the food wasn't nearly what either of us had expected. He said he didn't eat so much, either. So I was planning on doing it without guilt, but now I can feel even better about it because it wasn't so hard to restrain myself. :001_smile:

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Passed the elephant heart - working on that bale of hay! About a dozen large eggs to go... or maybe just a bald eagle. I am doing more intense strength training now, and muscle weighs more than fat.... so as long as my clothes keep getting too big the scale no longer matters quite as much as it did when I started in late August. I did not add in the weights until about late December, as I simply wanted to focus on losing weight first.


I am less than 5'2" so if I tell you I was almost as big around as I am tall, will you believe me?

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Love this thread! It is so motivating and inspiring!:D


I've been trying to eat super healthy and work out consistently for several months now, and I personally know how hard you have to work to get off just one pound, let alone several. It takes a hundred decisions every day to stay on track. I think you all are doing great.:grouphug:


I don't own a scale and haven't weighed in a few weeks, but I was down 10 pounds last time I weighed. I haven't lost that much weight, but the size of my clothes keeps dropping. My body is changing shape before my eyes and that is what is so exciting. I am lifting weights 3 days a week, and the program involves lots of squats and lunges and pushups and planks, along with using dumbells and a barbell--I think this is what is causing the change. I am also doing cardio 6-7 days each week.


I was delighted a few days ago to put on a pair of size 6 capris that I bought at the beginning of March--they are too big! :) Thankfully I haven't worn them yet and can return them. :lol:


It is wonderful that we can celebrate with each other. Getting fit is hard, hard work. It's hard to eat salad while everybody else is having hot pizza and breadsticks. KWIM? But wow, is it worth it when my energy goes up and my clothes' sizes go down :D

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Alas, I still have not lost that elephant's penis. ;)


But as of this morning, I DID lose a 5000 BTU air conditioner! That required losing 55 lbs, and as of this morning, I'm down 56!



Congratulations! Losing an A/C unit is wonderful! Just imagine now how you would feel if you had to carry one around all the time. I bet that puts it in perspective, right?


I was supposed to go into maintenance mode a few weeks ago, but I have kept losing a little bit here and there. As of this morning, I finally admitted to SparkPeople that I'm an inch shorter than I had said, but because of losing another couple of pounds, I'm still just barely in the healthy range for weight. (I'm something like 5'1.5". I always tell my children I'm 5'2" on a tall day. I had set my height at 5'2" on SparkPeople, but I revised it down to 5'1" today in the name of honesty.)


We had lunch and spent the afternoon with my brother-in-law and his wife and daughter yesterday. I hadn't seen them in a few years. When I was getting dressed, I put on the jeans that fit a few weeks ago and discovered they were loose. So, I had to dig through a big bag of clothing that hadn't been unpacked since our move last summer to find a pair that fit. That, and the comments from the extended family, felt awfully wonderful.


I'm actually a little terrified of what happens next. As I mentioned before, I have never managed to maintain anything like a healthy weight. I'm either huge or in the process of losing. I'm really struggling to come to a soft landing and focus on staying where I am. And I don't feel like I have a handle on it yet. So, that's my current goal.


On a positive note, I noticed last week that SparkPeople says I have walked over 150 miles so far this calendar year. My goal now is to try and make it to 500 before 2013. My daughter says she'll sing the Proclaimers song for me if I make it!

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I am feeling really good! Physically, no more back aches (sciatica), which is really nice. A bit more energy than I used to have, the stairs are easier, I can stand longer without feeling like I need to sit down or that my ankles bother me from supporting all that weight, etc! Mentally/emotionally, I feel a lot more confident and better about myself in general. So, it's a good feeling! :)






I gained a human brain just this week. :glare: You'd think with an extra brain I'd be functioning better than I am, but no. :lol:


Most of my excess weight is in my stomach (that cortisol weight that makes me look 5 months pregnant) -but there is no way without divine intervention I can lessen my stress level right now, so I guess I'm stuck with it.


Congratulations to all the posters who've lost!

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I did decide to splurge. I was thinking of all that great food...but I didn't eat nearly as much as I thought I would. Toward the end of the day yesterday I was talking to dh about it, and he agreed the food wasn't nearly what either of us had expected. He said he didn't eat so much, either. So I was planning on doing it without guilt, but now I can feel even better about it because it wasn't so hard to restrain myself.


Well, that's a plus! Hope you're finding it easy to be back on track now!


Nance, so very happy for you!


Thank you! :)


Passed the elephant heart - working on that bale of hay! About a dozen large eggs to go... or maybe just a bald eagle. I am doing more intense strength training now, and muscle weighs more than fat.... so as long as my clothes keep getting too big the scale no longer matters quite as much as it did when I started in late August. I did not add in the weights until about late December, as I simply wanted to focus on losing weight first.


I am less than 5'2" so if I tell you I was almost as big around as I am tall, will you believe me?


Congrats on all your great progress! That's good that you're focusing on strength training, and on how your clothes are fitting!


Love this thread! It is so motivating and inspiring!


I've been trying to eat super healthy and work out consistently for several months now, and I personally know how hard you have to work to get off just one pound, let alone several. It takes a hundred decisions every day to stay on track. I think you all are doing great.


I don't own a scale and haven't weighed in a few weeks, but I was down 10 pounds last time I weighed. I haven't lost that much weight, but the size of my clothes keeps dropping. My body is changing shape before my eyes and that is what is so exciting. I am lifting weights 3 days a week, and the program involves lots of squats and lunges and pushups and planks, along with using dumbells and a barbell--I think this is what is causing the change. I am also doing cardio 6-7 days each week.


I was delighted a few days ago to put on a pair of size 6 capris that I bought at the beginning of March--they are too big! Thankfully I haven't worn them yet and can return them. :lol:


It is wonderful that we can celebrate with each other. Getting fit is hard, hard work. It's hard to eat salad while everybody else is having hot pizza and breadsticks. KWIM? But wow, is it worth it when my energy goes up and my clothes' sizes go down


You are doing awesome! That must be an amazing feeling to have a size 6 be too big!! I don't think I've EVER been a size 6 lol. I think I was in a size 22 jeans when I first started and now I'm comfortably in 16's (a stray size of my 14 shorts fit me though most of my 14's are still too small- soon!) :D Whatever the size, I just love that they keep going down and I can fit into things that I couldn't before. It's the best feeling!


Congratulations! Losing an A/C unit is wonderful! Just imagine now how you would feel if you had to carry one around all the time. I bet that puts it in perspective, right?


I was supposed to go into maintenance mode a few weeks ago, but I have kept losing a little bit here and there. As of this morning, I finally admitted to SparkPeople that I'm an inch shorter than I had said, but because of losing another couple of pounds, I'm still just barely in the healthy range for weight. (I'm something like 5'1.5". I always tell my children I'm 5'2" on a tall day. I had set my height at 5'2" on SparkPeople, but I revised it down to 5'1" today in the name of honesty.)


We had lunch and spent the afternoon with my brother-in-law and his wife and daughter yesterday. I hadn't seen them in a few years. When I was getting dressed, I put on the jeans that fit a few weeks ago and discovered they were loose. So, I had to dig through a big bag of clothing that hadn't been unpacked since our move last summer to find a pair that fit. That, and the comments from the extended family, felt awfully wonderful.


I'm actually a little terrified of what happens next. As I mentioned before, I have never managed to maintain anything like a healthy weight. I'm either huge or in the process of losing. I'm really struggling to come to a soft landing and focus on staying where I am. And I don't feel like I have a handle on it yet. So, that's my current goal.


On a positive note, I noticed last week that SparkPeople says I have walked over 150 miles so far this calendar year. My goal now is to try and make it to 500 before 2013. My daughter says she'll sing the Proclaimers song for me if I make it!


I'm really looking forward to hearing updates from you about your maintenance efforts. I know what you mean. My entire adult life has been spent in some phase of being overweight or being in the process of losing weight, but never at a phase of being at a healthy weight and trying to maintain that. And I guess I still won't do that because I just got to "overweight" instead of "obese" and I plan to TTC before I get to a technically "healthy" weight range! So if all goes well it'll still be quite some time for me before I ever get to a technically "healthy"/normal weight range and make any effort to maintain there! But someday I'll need to! Anyway, congrats again on your amazing accomplishments and good luck with staying there!!


I gained a human brain just this week. :glare: You'd think with an extra brain I'd be functioning better than I am, but no. :lol:


Most of my excess weight is in my stomach (that cortisol weight that makes me look 5 months pregnant) -but there is no way without divine intervention I can lessen my stress level right now, so I guess I'm stuck with it.


Congratulations to all the posters who've lost!


lol at the extra brain line...sorry to hear that you are struggling though. I know that's really NOT funny/fun. Have you tried a grain-free/low carb type of diet, just out of curiosity? I"m really amazed at how well it works compared to any low-fat diet I've ever tried in the past!

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Down a total of 35-36 pounds, which I think is a midsize microwave!


I still have about 30-40 pounds to go. I've been maintaining lately, but not losing... too much food, and not enough exercise.


ETA: Oh, and I was THRILLED when my WiiFit moved me from obese to overweight!

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Down a total of 35-36 pounds, which I think is a midsize microwave!


I still have about 30-40 pounds to go. I've been maintaining lately, but not losing... too much food, and not enough exercise.


ETA: Oh, and I was THRILLED when my WiiFit moved me from obese to overweight!


That's awesome! Congrats on the microwave!


My scale said 190.4 this AM- SO close to the 180's, just half a pound more! I hope it's by tomorrow, but going out to dinner tonight for my husband's birthday, so, I don't know. :P

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Well, it took a few extra days (I had my husband's birthday and a sister-in-law's 50th birthday party this week), but this morning I saw 189.8 on the scale!


I am quite happy to be in the 180's...even just barely...it "sounds" farther from 200 than the 190's did lol.


So, I've gone from 247.6 to 189.8, losing 57.8 lbs!


I dropped my Topamax four days ago and I'm just taking the Metformin now, and decided to start TTC again as of this month, so we're trying now, it's the time for it lol (I expect to see a positive on OPK somewhere between today and the next couple of days). We'll see what happens! Meanwhile I will of course continue with my diet and exercise and see if I can continue to lose some more weight before I get pregnant (although I do, of course, hope I get pregnant quickly, considering I will be 39 in just a couple of weeks and already feel like I've been waiting forever)!

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There's a contest in our local paper for weight loss. They pick three men and three women and follow them over a few months while they go to dietitians, the gym, whatnot.


The men lose twice as much as the women. I think it's been 15 weeks and the guys have all lost about 80 pounds (one lost 120!) and the women lose half that. Within a pound or two, but about half. :glare: And they still work just as hard.


So you deserve a huge congratulations because you are accomplishing something of significance.

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Well, it took a few extra days (I had my husband's birthday and a sister-in-law's 50th birthday party this week), but this morning I saw 189.8 on the scale!


I am quite happy to be in the 180's...even just barely...it "sounds" farther from 200 than the 190's did lol.


So, I've gone from 247.6 to 189.8, losing 57.8 lbs!


I dropped my Topamax four days ago and I'm just taking the Metformin now, and decided to start TTC again as of this month, so we're trying now, it's the time for it lol (I expect to see a positive on OPK somewhere between today and the next couple of days). We'll see what happens! Meanwhile I will of course continue with my diet and exercise and see if I can continue to lose some more weight before I get pregnant (although I do, of course, hope I get pregnant quickly, considering I will be 39 in just a couple of weeks and already feel like I've been waiting forever)!



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