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beliefnet test results :)

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I'm sorry I just really feel the need to be able to talk about it. :D


I did the Belief-O-Matic test and here's what I got:


1. Reform Judaism 100%

2. Liberal Quakers 99%

3. Baha'i Faith 94%


Interesting. I don't really know anything about any of these. Never heard of Baha'i Faith. I'll have to spend some time reading up on these, but if anyone has any thoughts, or recommendations, or suggestions I'd love to hear them! :)

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Never heard of Baha'i Faith. I'll have to spend some time reading up on these, but if anyone has any thoughts, or recommendations, or suggestions I'd love to hear them! :)

I'm a Baha'i.

Feel free to PM me with any questions, if you want to ask, or ask any questions here. No pressure. :)

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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Well, maybe you're more into social justice than a religion.


As far as Baha'i, would you say that you "regard heaven and hell as current qualities of life based on the quest of an individual for spirituality. Life after death is dependent on one’s focus on spirituality in this life."? And that all world religions basically teach the same thing?


I find it interesting that they rank any form of Judaism with Baha'i! LOL Yeah, don't get your faith system from a quiz. ;)

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Well, maybe you're more into social justice than a religion.


As far as Baha'i, would you say that you "regard heaven and hell as current qualities of life based on the quest of an individual for spirituality. Life after death is dependent on one’s focus on spirituality in this life."? And that all world religions basically teach the same thing?


I find it interesting that they rank any form of Judaism with Baha'i! LOL Yeah, don't get your faith system from a quiz. ;)



I know, after reading the short intros to each one, they are so different. I did it mostly for fun, but still find it interesting what I came up with. :)

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Well, just some thoughts:


Do you want to find a religion that seems to fit what you already believe, or do you want to find a religion that most closely represents what God wants you to believe, such that you will be challenged to change your beliefs? Which one will bring you the most peace? Which one is more likely to take you to where you want to go after your earthly death--the one you made up, or the one God made up?

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Well, just some thoughts:


Do you want to find a religion that seems to fit what you already believe, or do you want to find a religion that most closely represents what God wants you to believe, such that you will be challenged to change your beliefs? Which one will bring you the most peace? Which one is more likely to take you to where you want to go after your earthly death--the one you made up, or the one God made up?


This only works if you believe God is a "person" who wants something.

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I think the Belief-O-Matic quiz is interesting and fun but on par with a Cosmo quiz. Your results can be an interesting jumping off point to look at other religions or to dig deeper into what you believe and that is where its value lies. IMO.


I just took the quiz and my results were:

Your Top 3 Faith Match Profiles Are:

1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)

2. Neo-Pagan (97%)

3. Liberal Quakers (94%)


I'm not sure why Neo-Pagan was such a high match, but the others I agreed with a lot of what the descriptions said. It was hard for me to choose just one answer on many of the questions, I wonder what my results would be if I went back and chose the other answer I was leaning toward.


For me I don't think we can really know for sure whether God exists, where everything came from, what it all means, and what happens after death. Certain things feel more right than others but I don't know if I could fully believe those things are TRUTH because then I would wonder if it is just wishful thinking.


Good luck on your spiritual quest OP!

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I took it again, and this is what I got:


1. Neo-Pagan (100%)

2. Unitarian Universalism (95%)

3. New Age (92%)

Pretty accurate, given that I am a Neo-Pagan, and would love to go to a UU church if there was one close by. :D

ETA: And my match with conservative Christianity was a whopping 19%. No wonder I don't fit in well around here.

Edited by Mergath
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OK, so let me get this straight -- there's an online quiz you can take to figure out which religion is best for you? :eek:


I don't even trust the quizzes that tell me which shade of lipstick is best for me... ;)

Edited by Catwoman
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I feel badly for all the folks who lived before the internet was invented.


Was there such a time? ;)


i took that quiz last year I think. It always put some Quaker thing up there, along with my actually current religion. It was really accurate in my case!

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OK, so let me get tis straight -- there's an online quiz you can take to figure out which religion is best for you? :eek:

I don't even trust the quizzes that tell me which shade of lipstick is best for me... ;)


This quiz has been around for quite a few years. I remember taking it at least 4 years ago or so. The questions asked are quite deep - some of them, anyway. I personally thought that the test was very accurate. It came out very accurate for most that I know. It's fun to do and takes a few minutes.

Now, off to find one that chooses the best lipstick shade. :lol:


my match with conservative Christianity was a whopping 19%. No wonder I don't fit in well around here.


Mine was about that also, maybe even lower.

I very often feel the same way, that I don't fit in too well around here.

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1. Secular Humanism (100%)

2. Unitarian Universalism (90%)

3. Liberal Quakers (77%)


The faith I was raised in was the second to last on my list. I think secular humanism fits. I never heard of it until I took that quiz for the first time but it does describe my beliefs. I like that term better than atheism. ; ) I went to a Universal Unitarian church and I might go back again. I liked it.

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I just took the Belief O Matic quiz and my results were:


Mormonism 100%

Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant 95%

Eastern Orthodox 86%

Roman Catholic 86%



My least compatible was New Thought and Taoism at 14%. I don't know what the New Thought religion is, but will be researching it later (along with the others that I know nothing about).


I mostly took the quiz for fun, but the results were quite accurate.


Elvis and Miss Kitty

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I just took the Belief O Matic quiz and my results were:


Mormonism 100%

Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant 95%

Eastern Orthodox 86%

Roman Catholic 86%



My least compatible was New Thought and Taoism at 14%.

I mostly took the quiz for fun, but the results were quite accurate.


Elvis and Miss Kitty

Yes. I have found that for most that I know the top few ones are the most accurate. :) I find all this stuff fascinating and love it.

The ones that are lower down on the scale, say less than 50% or whatever, they're usually not the compatible ones at all. For example, Roman Catholic and Conservative Christian/Protestant, etc. - were all rather low on the scale for me.

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This only works if you believe God is a "person" who wants something.

So, would you want to make that determination on your own and find out too late that you were wrong? Or would you decide to research it sufficiently by actually going to church regularly and studying that church's actual doctrine and be willing to be persuaded? You could always walk away if in the end you cannot believe, but to decide ahead of time that there just isn't a God who has a plan based on your own thoughts and second-hand information just doesn't seem logical.

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Yes. I have found that for most that I know the top few ones are the most accurate. :) I find all this stuff fascinating and love it.

The ones that are lower down on the scale, say less than 50% or whatever, they're usually not the compatible ones at all. For example, Roman Catholic and Conservative Christian/Protestant, etc. - were all rather low on the scale for me.

I find it fascinating also. I also like to read the posts from people who have different beliefs and perspectives. I very rarely post, but I sure enjoy this place!:)


I think I might spend part of my evening researching New Thought and any of the others in the list that I have not heard of (or know nothing about)!

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So, would you want to make that determination on your own and find out too late that you were wrong? Or would you decide to research it sufficiently by actually going to church regularly and studying that church's actual doctrine and be willing to be persuaded? You could always walk away if in the end you cannot believe, but to decide ahead of time that there just isn't a God who has a plan based on your own thoughts and second-hand information just doesn't seem logical.


Why would you go to all the trouble of actually researching, studying, and attending a church when you can just take this simple quiz and find out everything you need to know within minutes? ;):D


And FWIW, Belief-o-Matic sounds like a Ronco product that Ron Popeil would have sold on late night TV back in the '70's. (For all I know, maybe he did. And I'll bet he gave you a free Ginsu knife set with it, too, but only if you called before midnight tonight. :tongue_smilie:)

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So, would you want to make that determination on your own and find out too late that you were wrong? Or would you decide to research it sufficiently by actually going to church regularly and studying that church's actual doctrine and be willing to be persuaded? You could always walk away if in the end you cannot believe, but to decide ahead of time that there just isn't a God who has a plan based on your own thoughts and second-hand information just doesn't seem logical.


Who in this thread has done that? :confused:

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I got:



  1. Orthodox Quaker (100%)
  2. Eastern Orthodox (91%)
  3. Roman Catholic (91%)
  4. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (89%)
  5. Seventh Day Adventist (88%)
  6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (75%)

My actual denominational affiliation is Anglican. Usually on these tests though that comes in at around #4 for me, with Orthodox, Lutheran, and Catholic first. I've never got Quaker before, I'm surprised since I didn't include pacifism among my beliefs and I said that baptism was required - i don't really fit there as well as a number of the others.

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I got:




  1. Orthodox Quaker (100%)

  2. Eastern Orthodox (91%)

  3. Roman Catholic (91%)

  4. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (89%)

  5. Seventh Day Adventist (88%)

  6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (75%)


My actual denominational affiliation is Anglican. Usually on these tests though that comes in at around #4 for me, with Orthodox, Lutheran, and Catholic first. I've never got Quaker before, I'm surprised since I didn't include pacifism among my beliefs and I said that baptism was required - i don't really fit there as well as a number of the others.

This is the one that often throws me off. I think my answer to this question is how I end up with the Quaker. The question actually says something about a baptism ceremony being required. Truthfully the ceremony isn't a requirement, just the baptism. Technically that could be done with tap water in the kitchen if need be. No ceremony required. ;)

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i just took that quiz! that was fun! i got:


1) Orthodox Quaker (100%)

2) Mainline Conservative Christian / Protestant (97%)

3) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) (90%)


orthodox quaker?? i wasn't expecting that, lol. and then the latterday saints is funny because my dad was raised reorganized latterday saints, and his whole side of the family still attends a community of christ church. i thought that was funny.

Edited by mytwomonkeys
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I think the Belief-O-Matic quiz is interesting and fun but on par with a Cosmo quiz.


:iagree:That's what I was thinking. Still, I couldn't resist...


My top 3 were UU (100%), Neo-Pagan (94%), and Liberal Quaker (81%). WOW. I read the descriptions and I do not identify with any of those. I was raised in the UMC but I was never very religious as an adult.


ETA: Okay, after taking their Politic-O-Meter test and getting spot-on results, I wanted to give this silly test a real chance. This time I actually weighted my answers by selecting High, Med, or Low.




My new top 3:




  1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)

  2. Secular Humanism (94%)

  3. Theravada Buddhism (90%)


Edited by Element
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Well, it seems pretty cheesy but I did it anyways. :tongue_smilie:


My results:


1.*Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)

2.*Eastern Orthodox (95%)

3.*Roman Catholic (95%)



Vague at best. Of course I fall into number 1 but that hardly describes anything! I'd like to see it break number one down into actual Protestant denominations because many of them are very different.

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Or would you decide to research it sufficiently


There is no research known to man that is sufficient to prove that there is or is not a God, never mind one who is or is not a "personal" God.


to decide ahead of time that there just isn't a God who has a plan based on your own thoughts and second-hand information just doesn't seem logical.


Logic would tell you that Church doctrine, along with any "testimony" from any other human, is second-hand information. The only things left are your own thoughts and reason.

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This is the one that often throws me off. I think my answer to this question is how I end up with the Quaker. The question actually says something about a baptism ceremony being required. Truthfully the ceremony isn't a requirement, just the baptism. Technically that could be done with tap water in the kitchen if need be. No ceremony required. ;)


Yes, it is a difficult question. I thought "required for what?" Required for Christians to be baptized, I'd say yes. Required for salvation - not necessarily.

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Well, it seems pretty cheesy but I did it anyways. :tongue_smilie:


My results:


1.*Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)

2.*Eastern Orthodox (95%)

3.*Roman Catholic (95%)



Vague at best. Of course I fall into number 1 but that hardly describes anything! I'd like to see it break number one down into actual Protestant denominations because many of them are very different.


I think there might actually be a version of the test that does that.

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There is no research known to man that is sufficient to prove that there is or is not a God, never mind one who is or is not a "personal" God.




Logic would tell you that Church doctrine, along with any "testimony" from any other human, is second-hand information. The only things left are your own thoughts and reason.



I respect this, but I don't understand it. I believe many things, but there are only 3 things I KNOW for sure, and this is my top #1: I know there is a God. I have first-hand evidence.

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I've done that one a few times and Quaker keeps coming up for me too.


Quaker like the religion, or Quaker like the guy on the oatmeal box? (I haven't taken the quiz, so I don't know these things. :tongue_smilie:)


Although I guess they would have to say, "The Quaker" if they meant the oatmeal dude, right? ;)

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I respect this, but I don't understand it. I believe many things, but there are only 3 things I KNOW for sure, and this is my top #1: I know there is a God. I have first-hand evidence.


I don't want to derail this thread but I don't really understand how one could have first hand evidence of the existence of God. Do you care to explain or is that too personal of a question?

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:iagree:That's what I was thinking. Still, I couldn't resist...




Have you rescinded your offer to get together? I came back to respond but it is gone! I think we would get along nicely, we even share names but you spell yours wrong - it is missing the last letter, 'h' :tongue_smilie:

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Have you rescinded your offer to get together? I came back to respond but it is gone! I think we would get along nicely, we even share names but you spell yours wrong - it is missing the last letter, 'h' :tongue_smilie:


AAAh! This thread! It's so crazy that this goofy quiz actually has me thinking about things. I'm sorry. I edited what I wrote because I didn't want to sound like I was making fun of us/you in case you were genuinely a spiritual person because... well, I'm not. I try to "do the right thing" and that's about as far as I go.


I retook the quiz, and this time weighted my answers by actually selecting Low, Medium, or High priority, and I'm still a UU-Quaker-Pagan-Humanist-Buddhist, so YES, I think we could still get along very well and any other wandering do-gooders are welcome to join us for coffee (and I promise not to edit this post.:D)

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My matches were:



1.*Orthodox Judaism (100%)

2.*Islam (94%)

3.*Sikhism (88%)


I wasn't surprised by the results, except for Sikhism. I don't know much about their beliefs, so that would be interesting to research. I think the results could be even more accurate if there were more precise options besides "agree/disagree/inapplicable".

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Logic would tell you that Church doctrine, along with any "testimony" from any other human, is second-hand information. The only things left are your own thoughts and reason.


Amy, neither logic or faith has told me this. :confused: I don't believe what Christ gave to his apostles, who in turn gave it to the Church by the power of the Holy Spirit, is second hand information.

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I tried again and didn't crash it!


1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)

2. Secular Humanism (92%)

3. Theravada Buddhism (84%)



What would they know? :glare::tongue_smilie:


Can a person be UU without any desire to attend church? Their views seem so very liberal that the only difference I can see between a pretty much secular/DIY religious person and a UU is the UU goes to a UU church (or did or wants to) and the others don't.


Secular humanist is right enough. Buddhism makes me shout.


Fun stuff :)


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I got 100% EO, 100% RC, and 97% Mainline Conservative Protestant.


I took this about a year ago and EO was further down the list. Since we've been studying Church history this year and reading lots of Saints stories, I answered much more quickly and easily and got 100% EO. I'm converting in a few weeks, yay!

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I crashed the program. :001_huh:



Nice going Rosie~ :lol:


I was pegged as


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (100%)

Jehovah's Witness (89%)

Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (79%)





I'm a disowned R. Catholic with no home anymore...maybe the Scientology folks would have me?

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I don't want to derail this thread but I don't really understand how one could have first hand evidence of the existence of God. Do you care to explain or is that too personal of a question?


It IS very personal; the most important thing to me, but I would love to share what I know.


My evidence is when He speaks to me. It usually comes as words in my mind, sometimes an impression, an image, a thought, or a combination of those. At any rate, information is communicated to me, and at the same time I am filled with a feeling of love and peace so strongly that it could be described as a burning in my heart. It is the most real thing I experience.


I know that I have a Father in heaven who loves me (and everyone). I would not know it more if He were to appear before me.


Besides my own personal evidence, and besides the witnesses recorded in the Bible, we all have evidence of God in nature; the Earth and all things on it, and the motion of the planets do witness that there is a Supreme Creator. ;)


I do agree with you that there is no evidence to prove there is not a God.

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