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How do you keep track of books you want to read?

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Last year I kept a spreadsheet of books I wanted to read in 2011 (mostly suggestions from posters in the "book a week" threads!). I didn't like it because I couldn't access it when I was away from my home computer - for example, at a library when I actually wanted to get a book! Are there any websites or Android apps that are handy for this purpose? I just want to list the book & author name, and maybe a memo for who recommended the book or if it's available at a certain library (since I have cards for 5 different library systems...) I just started a Cozi to do list named "books" but was hoping for something better.

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That idea is pretty cool! I'm not-techy and just write them on the back pages of my reading notebook. The front of the book is lists and dates of books I have read. It's always fun for me to get to the middle of the notebook and see how many pages listed books I wanted to read compared to the pages of books I actually read.

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My iphone has a handy little "notepad" function and I type my list of books I want to read, movies I want to see, things I want to buy at the store, things I have to do, questions I need to ask my doctor, etc. on there. I can access these lists from anywhere since I always have my cell phone with me whether I'm at home, out and about, etc.

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My iphone has a handy little "notepad" function and I type my list of books I want to read, movies I want to see, things I want to buy at the store, things I have to do, questions I need to ask my doctor, etc. on there. I can access these lists from anywhere since I always have my cell phone with me whether I'm at home, out and about, etc.

:iagree: I keep book lists for me and my dd on my phone. I put a capital L after the author/title if I know it's available at the library, and then the initials of the lib system it's available at. That when when I'm there I can go look for what I know should be on the shelf.


If you find an app that works better for this I'd love to hear about it!!


ETA: I just found one called My Book Tracker. No reviews yet, but it's free so I'm going to try it!

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:iagree: Although actually I keep them in my amazon wish list. That way they aren't in the way when I want to order something else.


Same here. Books I want to read and books I want to take a closer look at. I love reading amazon reviews too. Often the 1-2 star reviewers will reccomend a similar non-fiction book they feel is better, so I check those reviews first.

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Mostly? I just buy them. That is, of course, how I end up with book stacks of reproach, but... there are certainly worse things I could do. Heh, heh, heh.


Book stacks of reproach. :lol: Love it.


I keep a file folder with little slips of paper with recommendations I jot down when I hear of a good book and reading lists of books I should read. No, I can't access these when I am away from home, which might be part of the reason books sit in the file folder for an average of 4.5 years before they get read.

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I have a Dropbox folder on my phone with reading lists I keep in excel. There is a spreadsheet for each kid. The lists show the title, author name, reading level, recommendation source and then I have a column marking which ones we want to read next and which we have already read.


Dropbox is an online file sharing program (free). We started using it to coordinate documents among several of us working on a project at church and now my husband's business uses it.

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I tend to jot my 'want to read' list in a notebook at home. When I'm wanting something to read, I'll go through my lists & request various books from the libraries (can do this online w/ my library system, which is nice since I'm often requesting books at midnight...). Most of my library visits are to pick up things I've requested rather than just randomly wandering around looking for a book.


I love, love, love Goodreads, but tend to use it more to track what I've read rather than what I want to read.

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Oh, I love the Amazon Wish List idea...I realized I'm already doing this to some extent, with separate wish lists for books & other...I just need to update it.


And I like the downloading a sample to my Kindle idea, too! Not so much for keeping track, but for just giving something a try.

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:iagree: Although actually I keep them in my amazon wish list. That way they aren't in the way when I want to order something else.


I have an amazon wish list for my to be read books. In the notes section on the side, I've noted if the book is at the library, if it's an e-book, if I've borrowed from a friend, etc.

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I've tried a few different websites -- LibraryThing is very popular, but I've found GoodReads to be the most user-friendly without sacrificing functionality.


I have a shelves for Already Read, Currently Reading, and To Read.


Bonus is they use your titles and ratings/reviews to create recommended books for you. My To Read list just keeps growing and growing....!

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I keep mine in my cart on Amazon and then click save for later and they just collect at the bottom. That way when I buy stuff they are not in the way. When I am out I also use my notepad on my iPhone to remember. Actually, sometimes I even just take a picture of the cover of a book. My dh thinks I am funny ;)

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I was going to recommend looking for a goodreads app. Goodreads is great in that you can keep a list of books you want to read, what you are reading, and books you've read. You can also custom make your own bookshelves.

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Mostly? I just buy them. That is, of course, how I end up with book stacks of reproach, but... there are certainly worse things I could do. Heh, heh, heh.

LOL... If they stare at me too long I lend them to people and hope they'll tell me how they were... ;)

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I'm a goodreads dropout. I guess I'm just low-tech. I have a cute little notebook (the cover looks like an old-fashioned library card) and I write the names/authors down in and then when I read them I put a little checkmark next to it. It's not perfect, but I usually keep it in my library bag or next to the computer- I also get lots of suggestions from the book a week thread, so that's handy. But I am ALWAYS losing my phone!

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Since I have an android phone I use google documents to create a spreadsheet for the books I want to get from the library. That way I can type them in on my laptop but still be able to access them from either my phone or the library internet computers.


I've found that I have never been happy with any of the websites I try because there is always something I don't like. By using google documents I am able to design it perfectly for me.

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We use and love Goodreads. I write a little review of most books I finish just for the writing practice and for the fact that it makes it easier for me to remember the book two years later. I also keep track of my want-to-reads there, and that's where I look when I want to request books from my library.


My DD uses Goodreads, too. She enjoys the fact that there are lots of lists and you can follow particular reviewers whose tastes/interests are similar to your own, so she can get ideas about what else she might want to try, based on what she has already liked.

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We use and love Goodreads. I write a little review of most books I finish just for the writing practice and for the fact that it makes it easier for me to remember the book two years later. I also keep track of my want-to-reads there, and that's where I look when I want to request books from my library.


My DD uses Goodreads, too. She enjoys the fact that there are lots of lists and you can follow particular reviewers whose tastes/interests are similar to your own, so she can get ideas about what else she might want to try, based on what she has already liked.


I try to write reviews too for very similar reasons. Lately, however, I've been in a writing slump and have just been giving star ratings without writing anything.


I like the lists (shelves) too. It's much easier to keep things organized so when I'm in the mood for a specific genre I can just look on that particular shelf.

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I have four separate Amazon wishlists--one for books I want to own, one for library books, one for sewing/crafty books, and one for schooly things.


Yes, I like the multiple list feature! I have about 8 on amazon and another 15 wishlists on my library's system. I'm surprised that folks don't seem to mention library wish lists. I know that they can turn them over to the police if a warrant is issued, but, it's a great way to keep things handy and not overbuy from Amazon. :)


If I wanted to keep a list on my android device, I'd simply use ListMasterPro, which I already have. It has a booklist category.

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Add me to the people who use an Amazon wish list. The list is not public, because I don't necessarily want anyone to buy me the books on the list.


My library system also has a "save to a list" option online. The only problem with that is they don't have everything I want to read. However, I do have some books on that list too.

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