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What do you love about your teens? Feel free to brag.

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I love:


that I am the first person my almost 18 year old texts to tell me his test score.


14dd can be a pill lately (hormones), but she will surprise me and leave me a note saying she loves me on my laptop. That sweet girl is in there somewhere.


13ds is following his 1 hour of pc time a day. Is generally happy and pleasant to be around right now.


11dd (going on 19) is such a good helper. She does her chores right away and always is the first to jump up and help. Hormones and drama here most of the time so this is a delight.

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My 19 year old calls me first for most things and he also calls me when he just needs his mom. He's at college and I always thought that college was going to be when he became completely independent and didn't need me (or want me) anymore but I've found that he needs me more than ever. I love that he needs me and he calls me just to talk.


My 15 yo, I love that he is just who he is, with no worries about what others think. I wish I could have been like him back in the day (or even now!).

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My 19 year old calls me first for most things and he also calls me when he just needs his mom. He's at college and I always thought that college was going to be when he became completely independent and didn't need me (or want me) anymore but I've found that he needs me more than ever. I love that he needs me and he calls me just to talk.


My 15 yo, I love that he is just who he is, with no worries about what others think. I wish I could have been like him back in the day (or even now!).


Aww, so sweet. I don't know what will happen when my boy goes off to uni. I know I'll be mailing him weekly packages. He is also required to text me nightly for the first 6 wks. I'm paying so I figure I can set some rules. :lol:

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this is a good thread!


My 14 yr old is incredibly generous & giving. Case in point, it was recently the 6 (now 7) yr old's bday. Said little boy wanted purple lego studs for his bday. Not exactly something we can just run out and buy. I asked the older boys about it and found it was because they (the 3 of them) play some made up game called Stud Battle in which they I guess swap, trade, battle to win studs from each other (though everyone gets his own back at the end). Anyway, the 7 yr old has NO purple ones but his brothers do have some. So, as a gift, the 11 yr old and the 14 yr old gave the 7 yr old some of their purple studs.


Only, turns out, the 14 yr old gave all of his (he only had 2). So now the 7 yr old has 4, the 11 yr old has 2 (he halved his) and the 14 yr old has none. Seems small to type it out like that, but it really touched me.

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I absolutetly adore my teens. I have said it before, so forgive me for repeating myself, but I never expected to actually enjoy their company! I, erm, did not have that experience when I was a teen. :glare: Let's just say, I didn't give my parents much chance for enjoying me!


My oldest dd is such a joy: such a thinker and explorer. She was in Spain for 2 months and boy howdy, did we miss her. She energizes our household.


My next dd is also indredibly enjoyable. She is so quick to whip around the house or whip up a meal. Soooo helpful. And funny! And deep.


My oldest son is my quirky kid. He has challenged me in so many ways and caused me to grow. He has a great sense of humor, most of the time. He is like one of those stand up comedians who has fabulous moments, and then moments that fall completely flat. He is very loving --I love hearing him read books to his younger siblings.


Love those teens!

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I absoplutely love this thread! I have two younger kids (8 and 6) but many of my family and friends have teens. I see some good ones and others who I don't want my kids around at all. I want my kids to grow up to be the ones you're mentioning here. I wonder what you think has had the biggest impact on having good kids?

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My 15 year old son sees what needs to be done around the house, and does it; here's just one example:


he saw that I struggle going up and down and up and down the stairs take care of the washing (I have rheumatoid arthritis and try to limit the trips up and down) and he just TOOK CHARGE! He washes, dries, folds and puts away everyone's stuff!! I have not touched the washer in over 4 months!


And, he still give me hugs and kisses, just because!!!



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I absoplutely love this thread! I have two younger kids (8 and 6) but many of my family and friends have teens. I see some good ones and others who I don't want my kids around at all. I want my kids to grow up to be the ones you're mentioning here. I wonder what you think has had the biggest impact on having good kids?


:bigear: I'm guessing encouraging the good traits and training/discipline on the bad ones. I see some things on my 11 year old that I want to either train out of her or help her turn around to a better trait. Would love to hear what you all think you did right with your teens.

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I love that my 13 year old (Yikes, soon to be 14) still wants me to tuck him in at night. And I love that he will crawl into my bedroom and peek his eyes over the side of the bed and look at me because I told him I miss that little toddler who did that. He is such a sweet and caring young man when he is not being sarcastic and withdrawn.

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I love:


that I am the first person my almost 18 year old texts to tell me his test score.




Mine, too, ds17.


I also have 15yo twins, they are SOOOOOO FUNNY! I love their sense of humor and the way they stick up for each other.


I love how all of them have worked hard this year and risen to the challenges of the teen years with enthusiasm and perseverance.

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I love my 16yo's dedication to his life goals and his willingness to work hard to achieve his dreams. I love that he has dreams and goals. I love that he texts me to let me know what he's doing and still comes for a goodnight hug.


I love my 14yo's sweetness. Even though he's going through some teen angst lately he also always tells me things and comes for hugs. He has a good heart.

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I love that my 13 yr old dd still calls me momma when she is sick and wants me to lay in bed with her to rub her hair and face lightly until she falls asleep. She was sick last week and I forgot how much she still needs me to baby her.


In line at the grocery store today she came up behind me and put head her head on my back shoulder and hugged me while we waited in line.

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What a wonderful thread! I have a 16 year old daughter who has started college full time but still volunteers 2 days a week at a public school for profoundly impaired children. One of my friends is a teacher there and my daughter is able to work with her in her classroom. Most of the children are non verbal and most are in wheelchairs with little voluntary muscle control. She loves to go there and misses "their sounds" when she gets home in the afternoons. The children are so beautiful and she loves them. We are so blessed that she has the opportunity. I am so proud of her for TAKING the opportunity!

I have an 18 year old away at college. He finished 38 credit hours at community college before he went away to the university. He has a job there and still manages to get home to see us every couple of weeks or so. When he is home, he goes on long runs with my husband, eats every meal with us, comes to the office to help, and is generally wonderful.

My youngest is almost a teenager, I will hold all the bragging on him until the next thread. :D

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I've only been the mother of a teen for a few days... :001_smile:


I love that she's been asking for hugs and cuddles. I love her sense of humor. I love to watch her play piano (which I'm doing right now), she plays well and looks so darn sweet scrunching her face up at mistakes or getting a far away peaceful look.


I also love that she's sharp and has a good memory! She's like a secretary for me. :D I really appreciate her helping me remember things.


I'm looking forward to the teen years!

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Mine is 12 1/2. I hope that's okay to brag on him, too.


I love that he's such a nice kid, that he will stick up for other kids (and adults, too), that he gets outraged by the crap mean people do to other human beings, and that he still gives unsolicited hugs.

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My 19 year old calls me first for most things and he also calls me when he just needs his mom. He's at college and I always thought that college was going to be when he became completely independent and didn't need me (or want me) anymore but I've found that he needs me more than ever. I love that he needs me and he calls me just to talk.


:iagree: Except that mine is 21 and a girl (okay, so she's no longer a teen, but still). She also is always telling me how much she misses my cooking (and her univ. is known for its good cafeteria food). But she loves college life... She brings a joyful energy into our home and when she's home for a couple of days everything just seems a bit more festive.


DS18 is cooperative and helpful, if a bit forgetful at times. :tongue_smilie: Everything he does, he does well. E.g. when it's his turn to wipe down the kitchen after dinner, it sparkles. I hate running errands, so he stops by the store when we need a couple of things, and I haven't had to put gas in the car in months.


DD14 has "moods" from time to time, but she is generally happy and sweet. She still likes me to tuck her in at night, and I love lying there in the dark chatting with her about whatever. She's got a great sense of humor. She also has a confidence that her peers seem to respect. While many girls her age are overly loud or flirtatious--trying to prove something or trying to figure out who they are, I've seen none of that in her. (Let's hope it lasts :) )


One of the things I love the most about them, though, is their love for each other. They truly are good friends, especially DS with either of his sisters. They like to hang out together: going to the movies, to the pool, or just jamming around the piano.


Thanks for starting the thread!

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My 14 yo son still sits on my lap in public. He's always asking me to come watch his shows with him, or watch him play on his Xbox, and gives me his password on his ipod touch. :001_smile: We are still working on the be kind to brother and help mother without being asked.;) But he is a great kid, who is finding his voice, his independence everyday and I just love to watch him mature.

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I love that he still gives me morning & nightly hugs & a kiss

I love that he comes and lays across the bed to watch tv with me

I love that he is really good to his little brother. Helps him with anything and everything. Always encouraging him.

I love that he is helpful. Not just around the house but if we are out and he sees someone needs something he helps (someone trying to get something off top shelf, he will get it for them, they need help carrying something he helps, opens doors for others etc)

I love that he uses his manners (well most of the time he remembers)

I love that when he does lose his temper or act out he will apologize to me.



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My 19 yo is such a GREAT kid. He has a heart of gold and a generous spirit. Those things have gotten him into situations where he was taken advantage of yet he will still be the first one there for a person in need. He sticks up for people who aren't treated well, is a very hard worker, and is the most loyal person I know. i am so proud of the young man he has become.


Dd12 is so much like him. She is such a blessing. She has had to live through so many difficult situations including years and years of medical testing. She has the most wonderful spirit still, fun, loving, loyal. She has had a tender heart for the elderly since she was 5. We would go visit my (young) mom in the nursing hime and dd would brush mom's hair, put on make-up, help feed her. She would also go to the other elderly, cut their food, and help feed one woman who couldn't feed herself. As she was speaking to one man, he peed himself and it went all over. She felt bad for him and continued talking to him so he wouldn't feel bad. At age 5. :001_wub:Her love for the elderly continues, and she says the highlight of her week is her volunteer work at the retirement home. They all LOVE her there! She has increased her time to four hours every Monday.


She had the most beautiful relationship with my mom that I have ever seen. She was so proud of her nana and loved her so much, even when my mom was mean, inappropriate, or did something embarrassing. Mom had dementia. Dd also loves handicapped and disabled people, children, babies and animals. She is the most amazing girl I know.

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I love that today, even though he was exhausted and stressed out and sick with a cold and headache, 16yods came up and asked me if there was anything he could do for me today.


I love that my 13yodd enjoys organizing activities for my younger kids and will make the girls' hair pretty. She will often hug me and tell me my hair smells pretty.

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My 13 yo ds goes to a local Indian orphanage every Monday night to read to the orphans and help them with their homework.


And every Saturday morning he teaches the Cubbies class (3 and 4yo) at AWANA.


Every morning he takes his 2yo sister to the park to swing and play on the slide before starting his lessons.


He is a great kid and is going to make a great dad one day! :D

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My 14yo is very articulate, and can tell me with precision what he thinks or feels, and why, at any time. This makes it (somewhat) easy(er) to help him through any emotional teen turmoil. We had a fabulous 3.5 hour conversation the other night about a myriad of topics, including his inner life. I tell him every so often, "When we are done actively raising you, you are going to be one of my best friends."


If his mind is busy trying to tell me something about math or programming (his current passions), he willingly goes to get things for me (such as the laundry pile, a loaf of bread from the downstairs freezer, etc.).


He recently learned to wash the hand dishes, and does a great job, with a willing attitude, at cleaning up the kitchen now.


(where can we brag about our nearly-teens? My daughter is fabulous and darling, too. :D)

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I love that ALL of my kids, as teens, have been loving and compassionate towards others.


My 16yos and "baby" has a wonderful sense of humor, isn't afraid to hug me in public, is very responsible and loves his older sisters very much. He is also an awesome grandson to my mom and does things for her all the time.


My 18yod is hard-working and responsible. She tends to think that the world revolves around her a bit, but steps up when anyone needs her. She is quite funny, and very sure of herself. She is everyone's favorite aunt and babysitter - kids just adore her!


My 20yod is being included because she was still a teen when she got married (a month before she turned 19), and became a mom (the month she turned 20), and I am so proud of her for what she has become. This one was a tough younger teen, and very strong-willed. She is an awesome wife and mom. She is so wonderful and patient with my grandson. She wears him, nurses him, sleeps with him and never lets him cry. She is just so perfect at being a mom. Nothing has made me as proud as seeing that little man light up every time he looks at her.


My 22yod isn't a teen either, but she was a wonderful teen, and is a fun, loving, hilarious young adult who makes me laugh every day!

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Thank you for this thread!


I love that dd17 loves babies, will hug me spontaneously if I cry, will voluntarily do heavy housework that I can't handle because of my arthritis, and has a very strong social conscience.


I love that dd14 loves to play little-kid stuff with little kids, is brilliantly creative, and laughs joyfully whenever she wants to.

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I love that my twin 18yo girls come and jump on my bed, and talk to me about everything. They were homeschooled through 9th, and now attend a small Christian school. They are so, so sweet, help me with dinner even though they are now busy with homework and other activities. When they get stressed and are irritable with me, they then apologize quickly. I love it that they are not too grown up to play "adventure" wildly with their little brothers (11 and 8) or similar pretend games with the children whom they babysit (who adore them). I love to read their sweet notes to their older siblings on facebook. I love seeing the beautiful young women they are becoming, and I love seeing them make good choices in relationships. I have been pre-grieving their going to college next year, because I am going to miss them incredibly. This week has been especially difficult for me in this way, because we have had the most precious conversations these last two weeks.

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My 14 yr old gets up before anyone else every week day morning and prepares breakfast for the kids. Every Friday is his 'special' day in which he fixes french toast or pancakes. Even for me! :)


He also retrieves the baby from my room if he hears her stirring while going about his business. He brings her out, changes her diaper and feeds her breakfast.


And this week he pulled several hideous bushes from our front yard. No fussing or groaning about it.


My nearly teen is pretty awesome too. He also will retrieve the baby in the mornings and tend to her. Just yesterday he melted me. The baby had nursed and was still sleeping on my lap. The boy had been downstairs playing xbox. When his turn was up he came upstairs, came straight to the couch to check in on his baby. He saw she was sleeping, he smiled sweetly, softly chuckling at her squishy sleepy face. Then he gently stroked her arm in little swirls, whispering "hi sweet bebe".


Both boys (all the kids, but since the focus here is teens...) adore their baby sister and are so protective of her.


Oh which reminds me of another emotional moment in which I was talking to Eldest about a possible scenario. I incorporated his baby sister into this example, and his big brother bear came out. He began to cry. My intention was not to make him cry, just to make him think. He just loves her that much, it got him very stirred up. *mama melt*

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I love watching tv with my 13 year old dd. We snuggle up on the couch, get some munchies, and we watch all of our favorite shows. I am so going to miss that when she grows up. She is one of my best friends and I love spending time with her.


(Blubbering all over the place here...) I feel the same way about my daughter. She has told me for years that when she grows up, she is going to build a house that is attached to ours, so we can just climb through a connecting window to visit with each other every day. :D

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I love that when my 6 yo comes to tell me that the kid's toilet is stopped up, my 19 who was quietly reading in the living room went and fetched the plunger to take care of it without me asking him to.


I love that my 17 yo always calls and asks if I need any errands run when she's on her way home from work.


I love how my 15 yo takes breaks from her school work by cleaning the kitchen or asking if she can cook dinner.


I love how all of them want to chat with dh and me- even when I sometimes wish they liked to chat earlier in the day.


I really love how interesting our conversations are now and how witty they all are.

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