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Can we do this again? What are you using for 5th grade next year?


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I am sure since we last did this people's plans have changed, right? :D I'd love to hear what people are going to be using next year for 5th....


Here's what we're leaning towards. All are subject to change LOL.


Math: MM6 and AoPS Pre-A or MM6 and Dolciani Pre-A

Writing: WWS and vintage composition, Kilgallon

Literature:: Figuratively Speaking

Science: BFSU and/or CPO Life Sciences

Latin: Henle Units 3, 4 and 5

Grammar: KISS Grade 6 and Reed & Kellogg for diagramming

Spanish: Breaking the Barrier Spanish or Espanol Para los Chicos y Grandes

Geography: World Geography with Kingfisher

History: K12 Human Odyssey Ancient History

Composer and Artist Study

Art with Dad weekly

Typing practice

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Math: MM 5 and LOF Fractions/Decimals

LA: MCT Town level

Latin: ?? We are halfway through LL1, and I'm not sure where we'll go next

Writing: WWS

History: SOTW Vol. 3, A Young People's History of the US (Zinn), and lots of living book supplements. Art, Music, and Science history to be incorporated chronologically

Science: BFSU, mostly B thread, supplemented with RS4K Biology and Ellen McHenry's Human Anatomy & the Brain

Literature: History-linked lit, mostly from WTM logic-stage early modern list.

Read Alouds: A Tale of Two Cities, Les Miserables, Great Expectations

Theater: local theater company drama classes

PE: horseback riding and ???

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Mine changes daily with Science and History


As of now:

math: Math Mammoth 5

grammar: R&S 5

writing: WWS and Killgallon Sentence composing

spelling: Spelling Power

foreign lang: Elementary Greek

Science:Apologia Zoo 2&3 OR Elemental Biology Logic stage

History: My own American History using mostly Guest Hollow, Draw and Write Through History, and some kind of spine (looking at Joy Hakim's or This country of Ours or Mara Pratt's)

Geography:Finish The Complete book of Maps and Geography

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Still very undecided here....


Math - CLE 500

English - grammar?, IEW, SWO E, Literature

Literature - particpate in LLfLOTR discussions with older brother (W/out re-reading the books), some of CHOLL Ancient History for Logic Stage, various literature re. to Ancient History.

Bible - BSF

History - VP Self Paced Greece/ Rome, still choosing spines (Early Times or Oxford's WIAT - only a couple, though), still thinking about weekly assignments and notebooking, <sigh>.

Science - maybe RS4K - probably 2 of them?

Latin - possibly Henle, very slowly, not sure which "study guide"

Logic - keep forgetting .... something along the lines of the WTM recommendation, and chess

Extras - Chess, piano lessons

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I will have twins in fifth grade next year. I'm not sure on some things, since I have always relied on a public school program for their writing, grammar, Spanish, and Latin. They won't be in the program next year.


Math: Saxon 7/6 for ds, CLE for dd, and both are using TT6 and TT7


Science: BJU on DVD



History: Story of the Middle Ages, Famous Men of the Middle Ages, and SOTW2

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise Book 5

Literature: Progeny Press guides

Spelling: Spelling Workout E and F

Extras- Typing, Reading Detective A1, Evan Moor Daily Paragraphy Editing

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Here is where I am at right now.


Math ~ Saxon 6/5


Science ~ Apologia Astronomy (We missed astronomy and Zoo3 at our former hybrid school, I'd like to get them both in before 6th if at all possible)


Lang Arts

Writing ~ IEW

Grammar ~ MCT Town

Spelling ~ AAS

Literature ~ TOG 3


Bible ~ not sure

Latin ~ Not sure

Spanish ~ Not sure (they've had 2 yrs of it already and I'd like for them to keep it up if possible)

History ~ TOG 3


Logic ~ Still looking, possible Critical Thinking Co

Typing ~ Typing Instructor for Kids


This is my first year planning & executing it on my own. Also my first year using TOG. We've previously used a hybrid school. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any.

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Math - I don't know... some sort of pre-algebra

LA - Introduction to Academic Writing, LL7

Science - Finish Biology, move to Chemistry - McHenry's Elements and C. Chem, Continue Story of Science - Newton

History - OUP and Ren. History portfolio (Finish renaissance in Europe, change focus to other continents)

Latin - Continue Latin Prep 1

French - Perhaps?

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Just started working on a plan here.


Language Arts:

Growing with Grammar 6

All About Spelling

Writing With Ease 4 or Writing with Skill

Literature ??


Math: Backing up to MUS Epsilon


Latin: Latin for Children?? We've done Song School & Minimus; I'm not really sure where to go from here.


Logic: Prufrock Press 1 hour mysteries, Chess


History: I'm leaning toward k12 History Odyssey Ancient


Science: Milestones in Science kit, maybe Ancient Science

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Mine can NOT change because I already have it all. Ordered 2 weeks ago and everything came last week :001_smile:


Math: TT6, Key to Series, Money Matters for Kids

Writing: WWE4

Science: Shepherd Life Science, World of Biology, Biology 101 (working on making a schedule for these)

Grammar: FLL4 moving to R&S 5 because she will be done with FLL4 early in the year I suspect

Spanish: GSWS then.... I have no clue

Geography: Mapwork with history

History: MOH1, SOTW1, Diana Waring CD's adding in Kingfisher, Usborne Encyclopedia of the Ancient World plus a ton of supplements I am working on scheduling together

Literature: This is going to tie in with History and Science plus classics. I am debating on getting a few lit guides to go through this year.

Vocabulary: Vocabulary Cartoons plus vocab from her science, literature and history.

Spelling: Spelling Power

Extras: Typing, volleyball, basketball, Awana, 4H, and band

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We did do one, but I have done much more planning since then! Here is where I am as of now. I can't wait to have the science in my hand to plan the year:


Math: Rod and Staff 6

Spelling: Rod and Staff 6

English/writing: Rod and Staff 5 After reviewing WTM, the authors feel the writing in here is enough. So I am not adding anything else, besides the outlining and narrations and dictation from across the curric.

Literature: Classical House of Learning

History: WTM style with Kingfisher History Encyclopedia and listening in to SOTW1 w/sis. I will use the KHE pg. #s from A.G., but she will do the work from WTM logic

Geography: finish the Complete Book of Maps and Geography and then get the Geography Coloring Book

Latin: First Form

Spanish: Spanish for Children

Music: piano and R&S music workbook

Logic: haven't looked into it yet. Will most likely be the WTM rec.

Science: Memoria Press grade 5 science set and John Hudson Tiner's World of Biology and an owl pellet kid and dissection kit from WTM recs and a microscope (and and and..I am still working on this... )

Art: Complete Drawing with Children, then maybe What Your 5th Grader Needs to Know, SOTW1 projects, and possibly a watercolor course at some point in the year. Lots of things we can work on here..

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forgot art then forgot geography..
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Here's what I'm leaning toward. My rising 5th grader was diagnosed with ADHD and a mild LD (math) last year, so we're still working on getting him caught up.


Language Arts: Barton Reading and Spelling Program, WWE2, HWOT


Math: Teaching Textbooks 4


Galloping the Globe with Considering God's Creation - for Bible, history, geography, science, art


French - leaning towards Power Glide Elementary


Computer Science - leaning toward this one - http://www.motherboardbooks.com/products/logo-adventures/






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We still have half our current school year to finish so this will likely change, but this is what I am looking at right now:


Bible - ???

Math Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Singapore 5A and 5B with IP and CWP, LOF PreAlgebra, Hands on Equations

Logic- Chess Kid, Orbiting with Logic, Grid Perplexors C, and ?

Arabic Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Finish Alif Baa and then start Al- Kitaab Part 1 3rd edition, Arabian Sinbad

Mandarin - Finish My First Chinese Reader 1 and then start My First Chinese Reader 2

French Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Pronounce it Perfectly in French, Easy French Reader, and Exercises in French Phonics

Greek Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Continue Athenaze 1

Grammar Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Rod and Staff 5

Writing Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Finish Jump In and write across curriculum, Killgallon

Spelling Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Rod and Staff 5/6, Webster's Speller

Typing Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Mavis Beacon (if still needed, if not then he will learn to use Word and Excel or something like that).

Handwriting - StartWrite

Vocabulary - WWTW

Literature Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 2nd half of Figuratively Speaking with literature selections based on the chapters.

History - Probably self-designed ancient Rome - early church

Geography - Probably self-designed studies of countries in the Middle East and/or Mapping the World with Art

Earth Science Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Continue CPO Physical, Earth, and Space Science

Invertebrates Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Self-designed study

Art - ??

Music Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Rod and Staff Music 4/5, Guitar lessons

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Arabic Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Finish Alif Baa and then start Al- Kitaab Part 1 3rd edition, Arabian Sinbad

Mandarin - Finish My First Chinese Reader 1 and then start My First Chinese Reader 2

French Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Pronounce it Perfectly in French, Easy French Reader, and Exercises in French Phonics

Greek Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Continue Athenaze 1



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Our 5th grade plans are mostly set:


Math-Singapore 5B/LOF Decimals and percents (this year did 4B/5A and LOF Fractions), then onto LOF Pre-Alg as time permits


History: Ancients-undecided between using Biblioplan again, this time using MOH spine instead of SOTW or letting her do Veritas self-paced course


Lang. Arts- WW Book 5, Megawords 2, Bibloplan Ancients readers, Writing Tales 2 (Grammar and Writing) with an IEW class at co-op


Latin- Latin for Children finish B and start C


Science- A Reason for Science level E at co-op


Art- Meet the Masters D at co-op


Geography- European countries and cultures at co-op


Typing class of some sort

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Our plans are evolving. :D Here's where I am today.


Math: RightStart E & Singapore CWP 4

Writing: WWE/IEW/Killgallon with plans to transition to WWS/Killgallon

English: Day-by-Day Dictation 5th Year & Literature Reading from Kolbe

Science: Behold and See 5 & BFSU as I get to it

History: From Sea to Shining Sea Catholic Textbook Project :001_wub:

Religion: Faith & Life 5 & Saint Biographies from Kolbe

Latin?: First Form?

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Well, we just started 5th at the beginning of the year, and here's what we're doing so far.


Math - AOPS Pre-Alg w/ some Dolciani thrown in

History - World in Ancient Times WTM style

Science - PLATO bio and lots reading and some kits, dissection day w/ dad

Latin - 2nd half of Latin Prep 1

Mandarin - with tutor

Religion - by me

Grammar, Vocabulary, & Poetry - MCT Voyage Level

Spelling - finish AAS

Writing - CW Homer A, Killgallon Story Grammar, & CC figures of description

Literature - reading & discussion and Figuratively Speaking

Reading - assigned history based and non-history based

Music - piano


plus units with: Artistic Pursuits, composer study, architecture study, typing, computer programming, and baseball, basketball, & swimming seasonally


And I think, so far, we feel good about it.:)

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Art: Atelier Art

Bible: Veritas Press Gospel Series

English: Shurley Grammar 6, Vocabulary from Classical Roots 4, The First Whole Book of Diagrams, Phonetic Zoo half of B-C, IEW US History Based Writing Lessons

Geography: Beautiful Feet Geography with Holling C. Holling books

History: Veritas Press Explorers to 1815 Series with SOTW activities

Latin: Latin for Children end of B-C

Literature: Veritas Press Literature Guides

Logic: Logic Puzzles

Math: Saxon 7/6 with various extras

Music: Opal Wheeler Biography Series

Science: Aplogia's Human Body and Astronomy

Spanish: I haven't decided what I'm going to use yet, but I want to begin formal lessons.

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Math: Singapore, R&S, and MEP (R&S will be the spine, Singapore and MEP will help him continue to stretch his wings...)


Latin: continue with LfC, and add in Latin Book One for more translation work


Greek: continue our crawl through Elementary Greek ...


History: Classical Studies: Famous Men of Rome with Memoria guide


World History: finish the other half of SoTW 3


American Studies: Artner unit 4; and a Holling C. Holling book


Literature: one or two of Memoria's 5th grade picks (using lit guide); the rest of his reading will be 1/2 tied to history, the other 1/2 his choice.


Science: Memoria's Insect guide with younger brother; and one book from God's Design physics series.


Writing: we write across the subjects using SWB's lectures as a guide.


Grammar/Spelling: R&S

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Still unsure on a few things, but here's what I have so far:


Bible: R&S Bible 5

Music: Continue piano/theory

PE: swim team, fun stuff together (biking, jogging, hiking, teaching aerobic/anaerobic exercise concepts, etc.)

Grammar/Latin: considering Bridge to Latin Road to English Grammar

Writing: narration, dictation, outlining, writing across curriculum (not sure if we'll use a curriculum)

Math: Horizons 5

Science: God's Design Heaven & Earth (earth/weather)

World Geography: World Geog. & You, Kingfisher Geog. Ency, lots of mapping

Reading/Literature: don't have reading list yet, but plan to coordinate books with geographical locations being studied---plan to start vocabulary notecard system; use Reader's Handbook for basic intro to lit terms

French: Mission Monde 3

Art: ???? may outsource, not sure



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Science: Memoria's Insect guide with younger brother; and one book from God's Design physics series.


Oh, I wanted the insects too. I liked it a lot when I looked at the samples. I really wanted to do the birds from 5th grade, the bugs from their 4th grade, plus the history of medicine from the 5th, AND the biology book from the same author of the history of medicine. I just don't see how I can fit it all in. So we are doing just the 5th grade set and the biology reader to make sure we cover all bases (with the couple of hands on kits I mentioned. ) I guess we will get the birds in depth this year. That is probably better. We have done lots of insect studies over the years, but I don't know anything about birds. Might be fun..


I also forgot in my list:

Bible: Memoria Press Christian Studies


I don't know how we are ever going to get it all in. But dd7 specifically asked for more Bible for next year. How can I turn that down?

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Math- Horizons 5 with CWP

Latin- Latin for Children B

Grammar- Shurley Grammar 6, Kilgallon, diagramming book tba

Writing- WWS, Creative Writer

History- Biblioplan yr 3 Early Modern

Literature- Biblioplan and classics selected by mom

Geography- Biblioplan and other US geo stuff gathered by mom

Science- Elemental Science Chemistry or Mr. Q Chem, or Ellen McHenry Chem (ok, I need help!)

Spelling- SWR if still needed

Music and Art- TBA

PE- gymnastics and maybe homeschool PE at Y

Bible- Scripture memorization and readings with mom

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Fifth grade plan:


Math- Horizons 5 (spine) w/ Math Mammoth 5 for introducing the topic.

Language Arts:

Grammar and Usage - Serl's ILL part 2, Evan Moore's Daily Paragraph Editing 5, KISS grammar

Writing- Serl's ILL part 2 + half of WWS 1

Spelling - Apples and Pears C

Vocab - Beginning Word Root from Critical Thinking Press.


Logic - Building Critical Thinker 2 (from Critical Thinking Press).

Foreign Language

French - L'art de Lire

Arabic - Medina University Course Book 1

Typing - Typing Instructor for kids.


Other - Beyond Five in a Row

Additional science: interest-based.

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Here's our 5th grade for next year;


CLE Math 600

CLE LA 500 (grammar only)


Megawords 2 & 3

SL Core 6 (History, Science, Reading, Lit)

So You Really Want to Learn Spanish 1 (stretching over 2 years)

Geography - http://www.SheppardSoftware.com & possibly Ellen McHenry's Mapping the World with Art

Art - Atelier

IEW Poetry Memorization

Logic Puzzles

Typing Instructor



Ballet, American Heritage Girls AND Girl Scouts (ugh, don't ask), piano, choir, running

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Every Day:


Saxon 6/5 and 7/6


Hake Grammar and Writing - which requires daily dictation, which I will pull from his favorite books starting with Blackthorn Winter.


Elementary Greek 2


ACE Spelling


2x/ week:



Programming - KidsRuby


Abeka Science / Health



Who is God

SOTW and a few read alouds

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We started 5th grade in January.


Math: finishing up Math Mammoth, Hands on Equations and Math on the Menu, Red Herring Mysteries (my kids love this)


English: The Creative Writer, Writing with Skill, MCT LA


Foreign Lang: Latin Prep, German


Art History: Art: A History (ironically, that's what it's called)


Science: RS4K Physics + workbook I wrote + Physics Workshop Lab


Religion: Loyola's Book of Saints and Journey thru the Bible




Tales from Shakespeare

Lassie, Come Home

The Big Wave

White Fang

My Side of the Mountain


I also have a big list of read-alouds. This reading list takes us to September. I have no idea what she's reading after that.


History: notebooking with Kingfisher History Encyclopedia, listening to SOTW 1


Black Ships before Troy (reading this now - this is just awesome)

The Wanderings of Odysseus

In Search of a Homeland

Archimedes and the Door of Science

D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths


this takes us to September in history...after that, my plans aren't solid, but our reading list is:


listening to SOTW 2

Stories of Beowulf Told to Children

Dangerous Journey

Favorite Medieval Tales

King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table

The Adventures of Robin Hood


D'Aulaire's Book of Norse Myths


we finish physics in September and are moving into Astronomy (with what I have no idea).



I can tell you our hits/misses already, too.


The Creative Writer is AWESOME. I was originally going to throw the book at her and have her do TCW on her own...but I decided that both of us are going to work thru it together and critique each other's work. ;)


Also, I love Kingfisher H.E., but my daughter thinks it is excruciating to notebook from it. As we add WWS, I may ease up on the notebooking a little.


Latin Prep is just awesome. I think that might be her favorite thing.


Art: A History is really neat. (There's nudity in it, though - just a warning.) She jots down notes about an artist in her notebook, then she does a colored pencil sketch of one of their famous works.

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We started 5th grade in January.


Math: finishing up Math Mammoth, Hands on Equations and Math on the Menu, Red Herring Mysteries (my kids love this)


English: The Creative Writer, Writing with Skill, MCT LA


Foreign Lang: Latin Prep, German


Art History: Art: A History (ironically, that's what it's called)


Science: RS4K Physics + workbook I wrote + Physics Workshop Lab


Religion: Loyola's Book of Saints and Journey thru the Bible




Tales from Shakespeare

Lassie, Come Home

The Big Wave

White Fang

My Side of the Mountain


I also have a big list of read-alouds. This reading list takes us to September. I have no idea what she's reading after that.


History: notebooking with Kingfisher History Encyclopedia, listening to SOTW 1


Black Ships before Troy (reading this now - this is just awesome)

The Wanderings of Odysseus

In Search of a Homeland

Archimedes and the Door of Science

D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths


this takes us to September in history...after that, my plans aren't solid, but our reading list is:


listening to SOTW 2

Stories of Beowulf Told to Children

Dangerous Journey

Favorite Medieval Tales

King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table

The Adventures of Robin Hood


D'Aulaire's Book of Norse Myths


we finish physics in September and are moving into Astronomy (with what I have no idea).



I can tell you our hits/misses already, too.


The Creative Writer is AWESOME. I was originally going to throw the book at her and have her do TCW on her own...but I decided that both of us are going to work thru it together and critique each other's work. ;)


Also, I love Kingfisher H.E., but my daughter thinks it is excruciating to notebook from it. As we add WWS, I may ease up on the notebooking a little.


Latin Prep is just awesome. I think that might be her favorite thing.


Art: A History is really neat. (There's nudity in it, though - just a warning.) She jots down notes about an artist in her notebook, then she does a colored pencil sketch of one of their famous works.



I love your book lists! We've been doing random classics, but I like the idea of doing something more formal. Maybe I'll follow your lead and make a book list.

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Math- finish CLE, move to pre-algebra

Reading- novels, So you really want to learn English

Grammar- Growing with Grammar 5

Writing- finish Sentence to Paragraph, WWS

Latin- First Form

History- ??

Science- I'm trying Science Fusion modules

Vocabulary- Cesar's English 1

Music- guitar lessons

PE- baseball, golf

Art- walk through a museum ??

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Grammar: R&S 5

Spelling: R&S 5

Writing: I haven't decided...Killgallon with either WWS or Wordsmith Apprentice

Vocabulary: VFCR 5

Reading/Lit: CLE Reading 5/RFWP Time Trilogy Lit. series

Latin: First Form

Logic: Orbiting with Logic/Red Herring Mysteries

Math: Daily Mental Math 5 with LOF Pre-algebra I & II, and then...something

Spanish: continue with the free video series on knowitall.org (until we complete all three levels), at some point we will give SFC another try

Geography: Star Spangled States w/workbook

Health: Schoolaid Health 5

Art: Artpac 5

Music: R&S Music 6&7, continue piano lessons and children's choir

Science: Apologia Botany

History: US History using various resources I have on the shelf, maybe a little Truthquest if I feel like it

Bible: I don't know...maybe continue with PAC

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Grammar: R&S 5

Spelling: R&S 5

Writing: I haven't decided...Killgallon with either WWS or Wordsmith Apprentice

Vocabulary: VFCR 5

Reading/Lit: CLE Reading 5/RFWP Time Trilogy Lit. series

Latin: First Form

Logic: Orbiting with Logic/Red Herring Mysteries

Math: Daily Mental Math 5 with LOF Pre-algebra I & II, and then...something

Spanish: continue with the free video series on knowitall.org (until we complete all three levels), at some point we will give SFC another try

Geography: Star Spangled States w/workbook

Health: Schoolaid Health 5

Art: Artpac 5

Music: R&S Music 6&7, continue piano lessons and children's choir

Science: Apologia Botany

History: US History using various resources I have on the shelf, maybe a little Truthquest if I feel like it

Bible: I don't know...maybe continue with PAC


I'm curious about what Daily Mental Math 5 is.




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I'm curious about what Daily Mental Math 5 is.





Here it is. We have been using the series since third grade. It covers all sorts of mental math topics...for example, the fourth grade one includes the four basic operations, imagining a 3D shape (like a triangular prism) and counting the faces, basic geometry (perimeter, symmetry, tessellation, etc.), measurement conversion, word problems, calculating totals or change with money, the next item in a sequence, prime and composite numbers, squaring numbers, rotate a patterned shape mentally and draw it, decimals, fractions, and a whole lot more. There is no explicit teaching, but the lessons slowly build on each other to teach concepts.

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Math- AoPS Pre-Alg, last little bit of MM Blue maybe LOF Pre-Alg and some sort of Challenge Math

Writing- WWW, CTT creative writing 2

Grammar- MCT Town, Spectrum Grammar

Vocab-Caesars English

Lit.-reading to go along with History and then what ever else I can convince him to actually read.

History- CTT "Early European Wars", and "Life in the Dark Ages"

with additional reading from K12 HO and Oxfords "The Medieval and Early Modern World" series.

Science- Co-op and maybe CTT Biology

FL- not sure yet even which lang. DS wants Spanish DD wants French.

Art- Co-op with some "Art Appriciation" from my old college text books.

Logic- CTT Information Right or Wrong (had planned to be doing already but putting off til next year) Also one or two of the following: Orbiting with Logic, Mind Benders, Red Herring Mysteries.... They all look fun.

Philosophy- "The Examined Life" or "Philosophy for Kids"

Typing- ??? not sure which program but something more formal then Typing Mat.

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hmm. still really undecided here. these are some tentative thoughts though...


Science - Apologia (not sure which one. we're using astronomy this year and really like it though)


History - SOTW and Activity Guide


Geography - Daily Geography (by Evan Moor)


Math - CLE


Grammar - Growing with Grammar ??


Spelling - Phonics Zoo maybe??? AAS???


Writing - IEW A


Typing - ??


Literature - ??


CLE is the only thing we will definitely use. everything else is in the research stage. we currently use BJU for spelling and english, which i like fairly well. i'm considering switching to IEW though, as it will be cheaper than the bju dvd route and can be used with both kids. i'm considering SOTW too, as it can also be used with both children.

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LA: WWS, Killgallon as supplement, R&S 5 for grammar only, reading list (not complete yet) with narrations/simple lit. analysis as in TWTM, continue Editor-in-Chief.

?? Phonetic Zoo again for spelling


Math: Singapore 6A and B, CWP, or maybe MUS Algebra (or both?)


History: history and geography as detailed in TWTM using K12 HO as a spine, adjusting assignments to account for WWS.


Science: ?? we are more interest-led than program led, but still figuring out the direction we will take


Logic: puzzles and brain-teasers from various workbooks, games


Galore Park Latin


Rosetta Stone Spanish which will be more on his own; I hope to find a Spanish tutor eventually.


continue Typing Instructor if needed


Art: we are very slowly working through the Calvert courses (history of painting, sculpture, architecture). I'll be looking for an art class for the hands-on stuff.


Music: continue instrument lessons and theory.


PE: ??

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Careful there;) It may look like much, but we go slow and steady and he will probably only spend about 90 minutes a day on all of those put together.

Good to see you here. I am still interested in learning Arabic, at least at the introductory level, thanks to your inspiration. Whenever I think of you, I want to do more foreign languages.


And we are going to start Getting Started with Spanish, just like Halcyon, who already finished it, though.


I just recommended Getting Started with Latin to a mom who was thinking of getting Rosetta Stone, which is way more expensive.

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Good to see you here. I am still interested in learning Arabic, at least at the introductory level, thanks to your inspiration. Whenever I think of you, I want to do more foreign languages.


And we are going to start Getting Started with Spanish, just like Halcyon, who already finished it, though.


I just recommended Getting Started with Latin to a mom who was thinking of getting Rosetta Stone, which is way more expensive.



She's inspiring me to do more languages as well. Greek anyone? :D


We're not done with GSWS but will be by fall, if not sooner. It's much faster than GSWL for us, perhaps because I already know Spanish somewhat.

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My 5th grader;


HOD~Finish Preparing and start CtC. This includes, Bible, History, Science, Vocab., dictation, spelling.


English~either continue with Shurley or start R&S. I'm not sure which route to go. We like Shurley but I would also like to use R&S jut to make using HOD that much easier.




Spelling~AAS if we continue. This year I hope to finish level 3 and do level 4 over the summer.


Latin~finish Latin Primer A.


Alert Cadet and AWANA.

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Here's what we're thinking currently:


Latin: Finish Lively Latin 2/start Henle (unsure what level)*

Math: SM 5*

English: CW Homer, AAS*

Memory: Various, including beginning Horatius at the Bridge*

Greek: Athenaze (as slow as we need to go)*

History: SOTW 3, supplemented w/Catholic history resources

Science : Unknown, may go to MPH 5/6 and incorporate BFSU 2

Classical Studies: Famous Men of Greece

Literature: One of the Memoria Press Literature Programs

Logic: One of the logic series from Prufrock Press


The * subjects are completed every day. The others are completed once or twice a week.

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For fifth grade next year my ds will be using:


Math: Teaching Textbooks 6

Grammar: Growing with Grammar 5

Writing: Winning with Writing 5 or IEW

Spelling/Vocab.: Soaring with Spelling and Vocab 5

History: Veritas Press Self Paced History Courses~New Testament Greece and Rome (we will move on to next one if he finishes early)

Science: Not sure yet.....Apologia or REAL Science Biology Level 2

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She's inspiring me to do more languages as well. Greek anyone? :D


We're not done with GSWS but will be by fall, if not sooner. It's much faster than GSWL for us, perhaps because I already know Spanish somewhat.


I started this Tuesday with a library copy of Getting Started with Spanish. we already did 15 lessons since it is so very easy. I haven't studied Spanish, but I have three years of French study. I want to buy a used copy now if I can find any. If anyone is done and ready to part with theirs, let me know please.

However, I am not very pleased with our Lively Latin 1 study now since it is very easy after we are done with GSWL. Ds7 misses the sentence translation! Lots of the grammar is very simple and i dont think it will last more than 30 weeks to finish. Each lesson takes less than two weeks to finish. I mainly want to buy some time for my ds7.1 so that I can keep both boys together for Latin, and all other languages we are doing. I don't want to go at different speed because I want to make it easy, even though it means ds9 has to slow down a little. Ds7 is A fast learner of the two, so this approach does work well. In a year or so we hope to add French.

Halcyon, did you ds6 do GSWL before he started Lively Latin?

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