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I just don't understand Pinterest

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You have to install the little "pin" button into your toolbar.


As you're browsing the web for clothing, diy craft projects, curriculum, music, recipes, etc., if you find something that you really love, you hit the "pin" button. You'll then see a selection of images from the page you're pinning. Select the one you like, caption it and click "pin it." The image will be pinned to your Pinterest board, and if someone clicks on it, it will link them back to the original website from which the image came.


I divided my Pinterest into categories, so I have multiple boards. You can view mine here for an example. I only started a month or so ago, so I don't have oodles of things on my boards...(yet). :tongue_smilie:

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You can also find a thread about pinterest on here and browse everyone's boards and click the "repin" button when you pass your mouse over the picture. You can post it to an existing board or create a new one. (Just a word of warning, this is what people are talking about when they talk about how addicting pinterest is. I've wasted lots of time today and yesterday browsing through multiple food, homeschooling, and organization boards. But oh my heck, 90% of these ideas are so fabulous)

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Once you have your Pin It button installed it is incredibly useful. Say you are shopping for shoes and maybe trying to get ideas for decorating your house, as you come across ideas that you like on the internet you can just hit the Pin It button and save it to one of your boards. Then say you can look at all of your pictures for decorating an figure out what color scheme you like or if there is a particular style you like. Same with shoes. You could save 20 pair and then compare the pictures of all of them an determine which ones you like best. A lot of people have recipe boards, crafting boards or homeschooling boards. It really is so much more convenient that books marks especially if it is something visual in nature.

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I don't like it. Visually it is displeasing and distracting to me. It seems very disorganized and, much like flickering fluorescent lights, puts me in a very agitated state. It's like a photos-only Facebook filled with the random images that appeal to a bunch of people I don't know.


I like the visual appeal, but there is certainly something like the above. I enjoy looking. I notice things my friends like and think, oh, that's like her!


I also get discouraged because there are a lot of great decorating, home improvement ideas that I can't do.


The interface is a tad weird, it never leaves me logged on. It's a tad funky in the set up, but not clunky.


It it kind of like a public display of your bookmarks, or things you like. Probably not the ideal place for someone concerned about Internet privacy. Or it could be really great to create an online persona of things you'll never have, but think are fabulous. :tongue_smilie:

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The last few days, Pinterest has been really wonky. They are growing faster than they can keep up with, and it's causing things to be buggy. :/ I love it, but I really hope they get the bugs worked out. But maybe don't judge it for it's behavior this week? Try again in a few days?


Good luck!


a Pinterest Addict

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Like what?

Scads of usability issues that I noticed in my brief time there. I don't have time to do a full analysis of the site to post in response to your message here, sorry.


Standouts from memory included issues with entering and displaying descriptive names past a certain length, funkiness and problems in the way the link-back feature works, lack of categorization features, the fact that the site auto-adds a bunch of one's Facebook friends as people you're "following" without any warning, the fact that it is not immediately evident how to remove someone you're "following" (a grayed-out button is designed to be clicked on? really?), etc. The site gives the feel of being designed by someone with a gung-ho attitude but little to no experience in correct website or system design.

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You have to get an invite from someone. I got my invite via Facebook friends. Friend me on Facebook and I will send you an invite.



You don't have to get an invite from anyone; that's just a BS feature to increase the apparent exclusivity of the site. One can "request an invitation", and it is auto-sent within a day or so.

Edited by Iucounu
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The thing I don't like about Pintrest is that I end up feeling SO MUCH pressure every time someone "follows" me. Ahhhh! Now I must find something cute, clever, low fat, or pretty! Quick! :eek:


I can't handle that kind of pressure. I haven't been back in months. (And people are still "following" me...creepy...)

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You don't have to get an invite from anyone; that's just a BS feature to increase the apparent exclusivity of the site. One can "request an invitation", and it is auto-sent within a day or so.


I requested an invite from the site and never got one. I was able to get on immediately when a friend sent me an invite.


I guess pinterest isn't for you. :lol:


I personally love it. I've found so many great ideas on their for our homeschool group, school projects, the house we are building, scrapbooking, and recipes. I love being able to see my all my pins on my boards all lined up. It's been helpful to me in identifying my style with narrowing down items for our new house.


I love pinterest!

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You probably didn't wait long enough. Like I said, it's a sham feature; they're not going to throw away users, because they're trying to grow and have a widespread user base.


The idea of an external place to manage one's bookmarks is a decent one. They are not the first to the table with a similar idea, and the site isn't the worst I've seen. I just wish the implementation were better.

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I created an account, then never bothered to figure it out. I imagine it as a very visual bookmark tool, which REALLY appeals to me. I know once I figure it out I'll get sucked in for a spell until the newness wears off, so I'm hesitant to go in.


Does it work well with an iPad? I have my 'real computer' use down to about twice a month and I'm happy that way.

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You probably didn't wait long enough. Like I said, it's a sham feature; they're not going to throw away users, because they're trying to grow and have a widespread user base.


The idea of an external place to manage one's bookmarks is a decent one. They are not the first to the table with a similar idea, and the site isn't the worst I've seen. I just wish the implementation were better.


Yes, a few months ago it only took a day or so, but now people are waiting a week (maybe longer, I don't know). They usually give up waiting and ask someone to send them an invite. Those go through right away.

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You probably didn't wait long enough. Like I said, it's a sham feature; they're not going to throw away users, because they're trying to grow and have a widespread user base.


A week of waiting wasn't long enough???? :001_huh:


And I never did get an invite from pinterest. I requested one, waited, requested again. Still nothing. Finally gave up and found someone to send me one.

Edited by mom2samlibby
ETA: never got invite
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I checked, and mine took 2 days, after the request was submitted within the past two weeks. {shrug}


ETA: I thought of a practical reason for them to push users to get invitations from their friends, in addition to building a perception of exclusivity: they want to prepopulate their "followers" network, to enable them to present a much more mature appearance much more quickly. It's still not necessary to get an invitation from a human, as I found out.

Edited by Iucounu
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This thread reminded me that I couldn't get it to work. I installed the Pin It and it just wasn't working. I could only pin to one of my boards. Normally, I don't have issues with learning things like this, but I was wondering what I was doing wrong.


Just went back and tried it. It is working in ways in just wouldn't before. As others have said, it is just wonky sometimes.

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I love it, but I'm a visual person. My bookmarks are very disorganized usually :blushing: but I have an easy time organizing my pins. I have pins for house and decorating things, recipes, homeschooling general resources, homeschooling ideas for each child, birthday party ideas for each child, gift ideas for each kid, etc. I have a much, much easier time keeping those links organized in visual form, but I can understand how it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.

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You probably didn't wait long enough. Like I said, it's a sham feature; they're not going to throw away users, because they're trying to grow and have a widespread user base.


The idea of an external place to manage one's bookmarks is a decent one. They are not the first to the table with a similar idea, and the site isn't the worst I've seen. I just wish the implementation were better.


I refer to my science board often during the day because we use those websites. Use it however it works for you. It's brilliant in that respect. Pin whatever suits your fancy regardless of who is watching. I have followers I don't know. I'm not trying to impress anyone. It's quite utilitarian actually.


I don't bookmark on Chrome as much any more.


I don't pin recipes, vacations, crafts, etc. Just science mainly.

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okay, now I managed to get the pin it button above in my toolbar but when I press it it just says: "The bookmark is installed! Now you can click your pin it button to click images as you browse sites around the web."


I want to add images from pinterest to my boards. How do I do that?


Repin the pics that are already on pinterest. WHen you click on them there should be an option to "repin" and then you can select a board (or name a new one) to pin it to. If you are searching the web on your own and want to add an image, then you use the "pin it" tool.

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I love it, but I'm a visual person. My bookmarks are very disorganized usually :blushing: but I have an easy time organizing my pins. I have pins for house and decorating things, recipes, homeschooling general resources, homeschooling ideas for each child, birthday party ideas for each child, gift ideas for each kid, etc. I have a much, much easier time keeping those links organized in visual form, but I can understand how it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.



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I refer to my science board often during the day because we use those websites. Use it however it works for you. It's brilliant in that respect. Pin whatever suits your fancy regardless of who is watching. I have followers I don't know. I'm not trying to impress anyone. It's quite utilitarian actually.

I took your advice, thank you. I started by adding a bunch of purchase history and wish list stuff from Amazon. The lack of intra-pinboard organization doesn't annoy me now as much as I thought it would.


I also get more of why it's so popular-- the thrill of rummaging through a rummage sale or antique shop, etc. The same sort of curiosity and discovery impulse that makes shows like "Storage Wars" so popular, I guess. The website's faults are still a bit annoying, but overall I like its good points.

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Oh, I should not have opened this thread! I have been avoiding Pinterest because it is just so exactly the kind of think I will get sucked right into!


Look away look away look away look away :leaving:


In that case, in honor of your signature line, be sure to check this out from my Pinterest board:





Bwahahahahahaha! Come to the dark side! :biggrinjester:

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In that case, in honor of your signature line, be sure to check this out from my Pinterest board:





Bwahahahahahaha! Come to the dark side! :biggrinjester:




Well, unfortunately for me, that little running dude ran right to Facebook to ask my friends for an invite (which I received within 30 seconds, by the way). So yeah, I've already crossed over, thanks!


And as I mentioned on FB, the irony of it all is that I created my first pinboard, and it's called "Organization/Home Management." :glare: What a sucker.

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