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If you give someone advice, and they ...

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don't give you rep, do you feel slighted? I try to give rep when people respond to my thread or when I really appreciate what someone wrote, but the other day I was asking a lot of questions because I was getting started with SOTW, and I ran out of rep! Then I felt like a jerk. But come on, is rep really that important? Can't we all just help each other out? How do you see this?

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When you give something, you should not expect anything in return and you won't be disappointed. It is nice to respond in kind with something -- a thank you, a rep, or update. But sometimes, people run out of rep or forget or whatever. An acknowledgement is nice and I try to do that. But I am scattered sometimes and do forget. I would hope I am forgiven if that happens!

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In short, no. It really doesn't bother me whether I get positive rep, negative rep or no rep at all. It seems there are all these threads about rep, getting it, giving it, getting upset about it, etc. Just doesn't seem worth worrying about to me. :confused:


I rarely, well actually never give out rep, it just never occurs to me. All this talk of rep is a bit disheartening to me actually.

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I've tried... sometimes my computer connection won't let me (I get errors). There are a number of people I want to give "rep" to right now, but I'm behind.


This is really my first "visit" to the boards (for any length of time) for about a week. It's been a hard week.


So no, don't feel slighted. I appreciate what I'm given and gifted -- and hope that mine are worth "something." :001_smile:

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I'm so new...I didn't even know about the rep until Mommaduck explained it to me.


It's nice to know that a comment is appreciated but I always just went back and added it into the post.


I had no idea how big this forum was until I sat and just tried to go through the new posts......


I haven't even figured out how to track the ones I respond to....


I wouldn't be miffed if I didn't get a rep point....if you run out of rep and want to thank someone....doing it in the thread is always nice.


Do people really get that upset over it? That would surprise me unless there was some kind of bonus for getting the most rep.....:001_huh:


Maybe I'm just missing something....but I like the idea of a pm or something but only if what I said was really beneficial to the person I left the response to..........

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Most of my advice is knee jerk. I think generally people ought not to take my advice. (Unless it's horse stuff, that's safer than my general life advice) So considering that, I'm just relieved when I don't get neg rep.


That made me smile....so...If I didn't flub it...I gave you good rep!!



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I try to give rep whenever I get an answer to anything, but I always end up running out of rep, and then I cannot remember who I was supposed to rep.


I'm sorry if it was you.;)


I actually get rather annoyed because for those of us who are really active on the boards, there just is not enough rep in one day. :rant:


I feel like I'm being restricted from doing something nice.

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I like it, sometimes I actually hint for it, but it's certainly not something I think others SHOULD do!


Where my dh works they have a saying called "Low E": "The lower your expectaions (expectations="E") the higher your satisfaction! So, dh will say, "I have low E on this!"


So with reps it's the same way, you can have low E--fine without'em, but if you get'em, that's nice too! :D

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I'm not even sure I even understand rep. I don't think I've ever been on a message board that had this system. Or maybe I was and just didn't know it. LOL! I'm not super active on this board anyway. I read a ton and get a lot of awesome advice and info but don't seem to have a lot oftime to post. I don't even think I've posted enough to give or get rep yet.

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don't give you rep, do you feel slighted? I try to give rep when people respond to my thread or when I really appreciate what someone wrote, but the other day I was asking a lot of questions because I was getting started with SOTW, and I ran out of rep! Then I felt like a jerk. But come on, is rep really that important? Can't we all just help each other out? How do you see this?


I don't feel slighted about no rep for advice I've given, although I appreciate rep if someone thinks my post was valuable for a specific reason.


I do feel a bit slighted though, if someone has asked for advice, I chime in with a thought-out post, and then don't get acknowledged either personally or with a blanket "thanks everyone for your input." I try to respond to responders to my requests for advice with either a blanket "thank you" or a personal reply. I think it's just courteous. But I'm the kind of person who writes thank you notes for birthday presents and such.


OTOH, there are at least 4000 registered posters here, and I realize people are different in how they view things, and plain busy. So, it doesn't make or break my day. :D

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Gosh, no! I have only recently broken my age in rep points. I rarely get them and often forget to give them (I am trying to be better about it). But, it never would occur to me to feel slighted because someone didn't give me some after giving them particularly brilliant advice. Of course, I don't give brilliant advice, so maybe that is my problem. :D

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don't give you rep, do you feel slighted?


But come on, is rep really that important? Can't we all just help each other out? How do you see this?


No, I don't feel slighted. No, it's not that important. Yes, we should just be helpful for the sake of being helpful.


If I help someone and they give me rep, it's very nice. I don't sit there expecting it, but it is very nice. I try to give out rep to thank people or because I agree with them or because I want to encourage them, or some other reason. But I truly hope that people don't get offended by my lack of rep. I am often doing 20 other things when I'm online here and it is sooooo easy for me to forget that I owe someone rep. Also, if I try to go down the list of people who helped me I won't get very far before I run out of rep. And then if I want to resume the next day I'll run out before I get to the people who I want to rep for that day.


It's all in fun. It's just for a kick. I don't take it that seriously at all.

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No, I don't generally feel slighted. I'm on again off again with giving rep. I like to do it, but sometimes forget all about it. I've made it up to my dad's age in rep, but I see it because I subscribe to threads and go to my control panel to check for new posts first. Some days I only have time to do that and no time to get to new threads. That said, I do enjoy giving and receiving rep at times, but it's not the be all and end all for me here.

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I try to give rep whenever I get an answer to anything, but I always end up running out of rep, and then I cannot remember who I was supposed to rep.


I'm sorry if it was you.;)


I actually get rather annoyed because for those of us who are really active on the boards, there just is not enough rep in one day. :rant:


I feel like I'm being restricted from doing something nice.



Sometimes it tells me I can't rep a particular person and I know I haven't been over-repping them. I don't get it.

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Yes! I hardly have any rep, and at times I have a brief, FLEETING feeling of "Huh. I wonder why..."


Then I put on my big girl panties and move on. Would it be nice to have more rep? Yeah. But it doesn't make or break me, and it doesn't stop me from giving advice or asking for it. And I go for DAYS without even thinking about checking it because I'm busy just reading and responding, which is what I'm here for, afterall.


I'm rambling. My glass of cranberry wine is almost gone. ;)

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Well Thank you to all who responded! See the blanket thank you here!:001_smile:


I plan to continue to give rep when something really stand out to me, but not feel compelled to give it for every response, or to worry if I am in a hurry and forget.

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Well Thank you to all who responded! See the blanket thank you here!:001_smile:


I plan to continue to give rep when something really stand out to me, but not feel compelled to give it for every response, or to worry if I am in a hurry and forget.


Ah, you've warmed my heart. :lol:


Now I feel silly for what I wrote, :o after realizing from everyone else's replies that you were just asking about the rep. I guess what I was trying to say is, "don't bother with rep unless you really want to, a simple thank you is good enough" But if you forget to thank, then don't sweat it. :) And definitely don't sweat the rep.

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When you give something, you should not expect anything in return and you won't be disappointed. It is nice to respond in kind with something -- a thank you, a rep, or update. But sometimes, people run out of rep or forget or whatever. An acknowledgement is nice and I try to do that. But I am scattered sometimes and do forget. I would hope I am forgiven if that happens!


Sometimes I'm intentional in giving rep, sometimes it's random b/c I see a post that really touched me in some way. I don't rep everyone who responds to a question, it's time-consuming and I run out of rep.


I agree with Melissa.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I rarely give rep to those with multiple squares. Not because I don't find their posts helpful, informative, or funny. But I prefer to build up the rep of those still sporting a single square. :001_smile:


Spread the love around. :D

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don't give you rep, do you feel slighted? I try to give rep when people respond to my thread or when I really appreciate what someone wrote, but the other day I was asking a lot of questions because I was getting started with SOTW, and I ran out of rep! Then I felt like a jerk. But come on, is rep really that important? Can't we all just help each other out? How do you see this?


Oh, that's interesting.


I thought rep was given (positively) in those instances where someone's post was truly helpful to you, not simply because they took the time to respond.


Now, I'm looking at my rep, and feeling like it doesn't really *mean* anything; whereas before I was looking at it thinking that others were really inspired by whatever it was they repped me for.


So, if I were to write a post, and you gave me advice that wasn't really helpful to me (but certainly could be for others), and I didn't rep you. . .you'd feel slighted?


hmmm, something to ponder on. . .

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I just started posting regularly and had never given a rep until last night after spotting this thread. I would always try to say thank you, but I didn't understand this whole rep thing. So, quickly I tried to go back and for every thread I started I tried to skim and every time I said thank you I gave a positive rep point... and then I hit the wall where they wouldn't let me give any more.:glare:


I hope I haven't made anyone feel slighted. So, if you give someone great advice and they thank you but they don't give you a rep point, maybe they are just dingy and don't understand how or that they should give one.



who is sometimes and at least in this case dingy

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If you say thank you in the thread, that is enough imo. I try to always remember to thank people for their responses (sometimes one big general thank you, if there were a LOT of responses). I do the rep thing only if something really stands out ... for example if it is particularly helpful (what I call an epiphany post)


If I felt compelled to rep every single person who answers my posts, I doubt I'd post much because that would be too labor intensive :). Thank you is sufficient . Some people don't even do the rep thing at all.



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Don't know if anyone will read this far into the thread, but I want to go on record as saying that I don't want this thread to make people feel more compelled to give rep. I personally, want to feel less compelled because it is an extra step and I think it should be an occasional thing when something really stands out to you.


I posted this because for the first time I ran out of rep after being on the board a lot and it got me thinking. Also, I posted it because I know it is very important to some people and I wondered what everyone's m.o. is.

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Don't know if anyone will read this far into the thread, but I want to go on record as saying that I don't want this thread to make people feel more compelled to give rep.


I am glad you said this. I do try to give out all my rep frequently. I will try to give rep to a post that is esp. helpful to me, even if I am not involved in the thread. I will also give rep to people who make an excellent point, whether I am in involved in the thread or not. Once in a awhile I will go around "spreading love" when there has not been a great deal of insightful conversation to rep, then I just pick the people who have a posting history of being kind, polite, encouraging, helpful, etc.


I don't feel obligated to rep everyone who answers my questions, but sometimes if the answer is really great I will try to rep them. If I can't rep the person I will either send myself a PM as a reminder to rep them later, or I will send them a thank you PM.


I answer questions to try to be helpful, NOT in hopes of getting a green square. After all, we were answering each other's questions way back in the old days when there was no rep!!

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Since you asked...


If someone helps me out, I'll thank them in the thread.


I have been doing my best to undermine the current popularity contest that the rep system has become. It didn't work in junior high, and it isn't working now.


But I will always try to help people, if I am able, by sharing what I know. Gratis.

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