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Tim Russert has died --- my radio just announced

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How very sad. CNN is reporting he was 58 and died of a heart attack at work. Apparently he had just returned from a vacation in Italy, and was home to see his son graduate from Boston College.


He was a class act, and I'll miss his presence. Wow. This is hitting me hard. I"ll have to watch Olbermann tonight; I know they are close.

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This spring, while covering the primaries, Tim said, "There are three things I want to experience before I die. See the Red Sox win the World Series, see the Buffalo Bills win the Super Bowl, and cover a brokered convention. I guess I've still got two to go!" Being avid Red Sox and Obama fans, we've quoted this many times in the past few months.


This is just so shocking.

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How sad!! And shocking, too.


My dh and I are in his age bracket. This is very disturbing to me. On one hand, this makes me want to get REAL serious about diet and exercise and overall health, but on the other hand it makes me wonder what for... after all you know this guy got good regular medical care (physicals, etc.). If this can strike someone like him, then who am I kidding when I think I can *really* avoid this if I only deprived myself a little more?


This is very, very sad. Meet the Press won't be the same.

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It is very sad. I'm saying prayers for his family and friends.


He may have died because he just got back from Italy. Air travel puts you at risk for blood clots in the leg than can travel and cause heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, or strokes. Read up about this before you travel on long air trips.

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I just found out when dh came home from work. I am just really shocked and really sad to hear this. It's really bothering me, and I'm trying to figure out why it should feel so personal--yet it does.


What a loss. What a sad story.


I just heard someone say "It's hard to find a picture of him where he didn't have a smile on his face. And through our sadness we can't help but smile when we see him."

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I just found out when dh came home from work. I am just really shocked and really sad to hear this. It's really bothering me, and I'm trying to figure out why it should feel so personal--yet it does.


What a loss. What a sad story.


I just heard someone say "It's hard to find a picture of him where he didn't have a smile on his face. And through our sadness we can't help but smile when we see him."


I felt the same way. That someone was right, too. I was watching the coverage with a tear going down my cheek while I smiled at his photos. Ruff news to hear.



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I agree with the others that this is affecting me more than I would have imagined, for some reason. Apparently a lot of other people too. He always seemed so fair and genuine. Surely not perfect, but you could just tell that he had a great heart, and it seems so unfair to be talking about him in the past tense right now! He was always a trusted bright spot of enthusiasm and intelligence on the election night coverage, and part of me dreads the descent into banality which seems likely without him around.


I heard someone describe this as a body blow to the nation, and you know, melodramatic as it sounds, I really have to agree with that sentiment, given the extent to which the media shapes our nation's perception of what happens in the world. It is a loss.

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It still hasn't registered. Buffalo won't be the same. We just lost one of our former mayors, Jimmy Griffin. He also was a South Buffalo Irish Catholic but he was 78, which is easier to deal with than a 58 yo who looked to be in the prime of his life.


I have a Tim Russert bobble head...how many media figures are there with their own bobble heads?

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