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It makes me so mad when parents "misunderstand" the rules at the Y on purpose

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The kids and I went swimming tonight. There are signs posted all around the pool with the rules. There was a woman in the pool with her toddler. She got a kickboard for the toddler - a no-no in the family pool. (BTW - I understand how someone could bring one in by mistake but not what happened next.) The teen life guard came over and nicely told her that kickboards are not allowed in this pool but the lap pool only. She sat there arguing with him. The head life guard came over to explain to her why she could not have it in the pool. She pretended not to understand. I finally got fed up and told her "You may not have this in the pool. Period." She gave me a dirty look but all of a sudden understood and obeyed the rule.


Not ten minutes later, she circumvents the lifeguard at the slide at the deep end by going behind him where he couldn't see her, grabs a necklace showing swim proficiency, puts it on her toddler and sends him down the slide. The poor baby couldn't swim and had to be pulled out by the lifeguard. It took 4 lifeguards to get her to get her baby and get out of the pool. :banghead:

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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She really didn't care that her baby almost drowned? :confused: (at least that's what I'm assuming since she put a kid who can't swim down a slide in the deep end) What on earth?


I wasn't right by her at that point so I couldn't hear what she was saying to the lifeguards but ds14 was right there. He said that she was doing the "My baby just wanted to have fun on the slide. He was fine. You're overreacting." kind of thing. Perhaps she didn't know it was so deep and then didn't want to admit to being foolish? I really don't know.

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Why would anyone put a three year old down a slide in the deep end?!


Ok, maybe there are 3 year olds who can swim that well, but I've just never met one.


But OBVIOUSLY this lady KNEW her kid couldn't swim. Was she trying to hurt the baby on purpose?! What is WITH people?! I hope the lifeguards did more than make her get the baby out of the pool; she should be banned from the pool for some length of time, I would think, for pulling the necklace tag stunt she did.


Seriously. What kind of crazy...

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I wasn't right by her at that point so I couldn't hear what she was saying to the lifeguards but ds14 was right there. He said that she was doing the "My baby just wanted to have fun on the slide. He was fine. You're overreacting." kind of thing. Perhaps she didn't know it was so deep and then didn't want to admit to being foolish? I really don't know.


:blink::crying::crying: That poor child!


What the HELL?! What the BLOODY HELL?! Was she STONED? Or is she just that **** stupid??


Yes, she ought to be banned. But more than that she ought to be investigated for brain damage.


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What the HELL?! What the BLOODY HELL?! Was she STONED? Or is she just that **** stupid??


Yes, she ought to be banned. But more than that she ought to be investigated for brain damage.


The only reason I can think for her to react the way she did was that the toddler was not upset or crying. In fact he wanted to go down again. But he obviously couldn't swim and was trying to reach the side unsuccessfully when the lifeguard jumped in. From the toddler's perspective it was a fun ride with a nice guy to lift him out when he was done.

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The only reason I can think for her to react the way she did was that the toddler was not upset or crying. In fact he wanted to go down again. But he obviously couldn't swim and was trying to reach the side unsuccessfully when the lifeguard jumped in. From the toddler's perspective it was a fun ride with a nice guy to lift him out when he was done.


Thank goodness the lifeguards were doing their jobs.


That mother sounds like a complete moron. And I'm being generous.

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Unfortunately, this isn't that uncommon. I used to be a lifeguard at a pool that had two water slides, and we had parents trying to send their toddlers down all. the. time. We had to have lifeguards posted both at the top of the slide *and* at the bottom of the stairs to make sure nobody who shouldn't be going down the slide even started going up the stairs. Of course then the poor lifeguards at the bottom ended up having to repeat the rules again and again to the bonehead parents, often more than once to the same parents. It's like they just didn't want to believe that water slides could *possibly* be dangerous.

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Not ten minutes later, she circumvents the lifeguard at the slide at the deep end by going behind him where he couldn't see her, grabs a necklace showing swim proficiency, puts it on her toddler and sends him down the slide. The poor baby couldn't swim and had to be pulled out by the lifeguard.


I wonder if poor child will survive or be left in a car on a hot day.

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I hate when people think the rules don't apply to them. :cursing:


:glare: It seems to be a common theme. And usually it just irritates me, but sometimes, it makes me so angry I see red.


Last week my dd3 had surgery. There is *no* food or drink allowed on the whole floor as it is a children's hospital and on that floor it is all surgical, so these wee ones haven't eaten in a while, some for quite a while. So, to be sensitive to their needs, NO food.


Some dumb morons just had to bring their McDonalds in. McDonalds!!!!!!!! The whole floor smelled of the crap. Uh yeah, I went up and made a complaint. I did NOT want my baby coming out of surgery smelling food she couldn't have after having not eaten for 14 hours.


(I get that people need to snack, maybe for blood sugar reasons, or nervous energy, or what have you, but for crying out loud! Small snacks you can nibble kept in your purse, folks, not fast food that leaves a strong aroma all over!!!)


This is up there with those who let their dogs run loose on school grounds where there are signs posted all over saying, "No Dogs on School Property!"


What is with people who think the rules don't apply to them?! :001_huh: For the record, they DO. :glare:


(/rant - Sorry! Pet peeve much??)

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There's a lot to be said about having your own, personal pool. Dealing w the general public is such a crapshoot. Idiots like this everywhere, and I don't need the constant blood pressure spike. We don't have our own pool, but this is going in my justification file for getting one.:eek:

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My Y would've revoked their membership. That's awful. When I worked as a lifeguard I had a family come into my neighborhood that did something similar except she just didn't give a flying carp that her toddler was running around and she wasn't watching him. They all got into the pool and left him on the lounge chairs. Well not even 5 seconds later the toddler goes running over to the side of the pool and jumps in. Down he goes I blow my whistle as prep to let people know a lifeguard is coming in and they turn around and see him, grab him, put him out of the pool and then turn back to their conversation. Then when our head lifeguard comes over and says you guys have to leave, they pitched a mega-fit.

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We live around water and pools, so my kids swam at an early age. My oldest is even on the community swim team, but I have never heard of a swim necklace. What is it? I've googled and just saw jewelry.


Kids have to pass a swim test. At our Y in FL, you got a necklace if they didn't pass the test. It lets the lifeguards know who can and can't swim.

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I hate when people think the rules don't apply to them. :cursing:




The irony is that these people think there are too many "rules" however it is unfortunate that the YMCA and other facilities have to create rules that may seem common sense to most of us.


There was a thread the other day about military bases having rules that "children must be attended while outside" and the poster goes on to say with a :tongue_smilie: her toddler "escaped" the house and was riding his tricycle in the street around a cop car. Then ponders that the military has such harsh consequences by taking children from their parents for repeat offenses. To me it is common sense that children (especially toddlers) are supervised while outside near a road.


Mind boggling.

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What the HELL?! What the BLOODY HELL?! Was she STONED? Or is she just that **** stupid??


Yes, she ought to be banned. But more than that she ought to be investigated for brain damage.


My thoughts exactly. As a mom whose child very nearly did drown, reading the op made me feel like I was going to vomit. Ugh. People make me sick.

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:confused: How awful. I would they would ban her for a period of time. When I was little, maybe not much older than that, I almost drowned in a lake. I remember that awful feeling or not being to breathe and then sitting on a hot metal yellow swing (Yeah, metal swing, also not a good idea) because someone had pulled me out and crying while someone got my mother. For some reason I remember she wasn't watching me, someone else was in charge.

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I'm glad your lifeguards were firm with her. Our y is like that too, but some other places we've been they are more lax and that makes people like the mother in your experience more dangerous.

At our Y they don't have proficiency necklaces. In order to go down the slide you have to pass the test then the lifeguard ties a special plastic band on your wrist so it's more like the things they have at waterparks. It would be quite difficult to get the special plastic from the lifeguard since they keep it in a pocket on their person.

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What the HELL?! What the BLOODY HELL?! Was she STONED? Or is she just that **** stupid??


Yes, she ought to be banned. But more than that she ought to be investigated for brain damage.


My thoughts exactly. As a mom whose child very nearly did drown, reading the op made me feel like I was going to vomit. Ugh. People make me sick.

:iagree: What is wrong with people!? :glare:

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Kids have to pass a swim test. At our Y in FL, you got a necklace if they didn't pass the test. It lets the lifeguards know who can and can't swim.


Yup. The thing is, there was a lifeguard at the bottom of the slide to monitor who goes up. He almost stopped the child but then saw the necklace and thought that the child might be a precocious swimmer (it's rare but we have a very few at our Y). Even so, he did move even closer to the edge to especially watch this child come down. That was why the lifeguard was so quick to get the child once he got down to the water. This lifeguard is ds's friend and ds was standing right next to him so ds saw the whole thing. I didn't see this part because I was swimming farther down the pool. But everything in the pool stopped when the lifeguard jumped in!

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He almost stopped the child but then saw the necklace and thought that the child might be a precocious swimmer (it's rare but we have a very few at our Y).


I have two cousins who were regular fish by 2-3 years old... but they practically grew up on their parents' scuba charter boat. IME there aren't too many kids who are extremely comfortable in the water at that age.


My 9 y.o. dd couldn't swim independently at that age, but she LOVED jumping in and going under water. She would yell and scream and have a fit if we caught her. She *wanted* to go under. (Of course we'd be right there to help her bob back up after the jump. I'm sure some people thought WE were crazy. LOL!)

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