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What's on your shelf that you just never get to...?


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By "shelf," I mean shelf, hard drive, etc. And in this thread, I don't mean stuff you've bought that is inappropriate or wrong for your kids. I mean, specifically, curriculum you've BOUGHT and LIKE, but which it's looking like you MAY never get to, no matter how great the concept!


(I was inspired by this thread)


I'll go first -


What's sitting on your proverbial "shelf"?

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Don't even get me started! :-)


I've got stuff here for the grandkids and they are not even born yet. And I collect stuff I might want to tutor with. And as for my own self-education...well...yeh...I'm a hoarder. I don't hoard anything but books, but I have a problem when it comes to books. A serious problem.


Just looking at my books makes me happy though. And I like to study sitting on the floor, surrounded by them in piles.


Phonics is my worst problem in hoarding what I really don't need. Yeh, my spelling needs some serious attention...but...I have...like...so many curricula, I don't even know how many I have :-0

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Well, I shouldn't say *NEVER* get to, b/c we do get to them a good bit, BUT, I really wish we got to them REGULARLY...


Expedition Earth

REAL Science Odyssey

World's Greatest Artists


Even though I have them scheduled alongside everything else, they still seem to get 'missed' more often than I would like. My fear is that the same thing will happen with SOTW when we start it in July :(

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Wordly Wise vocab curriculum. I picked up the K level and really liked it but just never found time to fit it in. Plus my dd was reading at a young age and she is constantly asking for the definitions of words when I am reading aloud so I just put this workbook to the side for now.


Maybe I'll be able to incorporate it with one of my other daughters...

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I have an art loving son, but we never seem to get to "How Great Thou Art". We do, however, do lots of projects in history (Homeschool in the Woods - Time Travelers are fantastic!). At least we are being creative while we study history!


I also purchased a typing adventure program (I can't even think of the name of it!!). Unfortunately, we haven't touched it.

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A math game lapbook

Experiments for science....we do the chapters and discuss, watch videos, but have yet to do one experiment this year. We did several last year and loved them.

Drawing with Children. We did it once and I have not pulled it out since then.

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Oh my, I have way too many to list....but, from this year....

Latina Christiana

A biology program I downloaded...and printed......twice....

2 levels of sentence composing ...elementary and middle school.

Beautiful Feet Hx of Classical Music


Not to mention a host of reading books etc.


Oh well.....que cera




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How to Teach Art to Children

Drawing with Children

Artistic Pursuits


See a pattern? :tongue_smilie:



It's funny--sitting on the table beside me is Drawing with Children. I just pulled it out this morning. So help me, my poor kiddos are going to get some formal art if it kills me!:lol:

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Uh, anything science related. I mean to get to it, but I am a)afraid of blowing up the house and b) we never seen to have time.


Here too. I currently own 6 different science programs, and we just never manage to get to them (or we start them and don't finish them!). I just bought another one too :lol: I think we'll manage to do this one though--it's geared to DD6, but DD9 is enjoying it so far and we should be able to ramp it up to her level easily with the included pages for older learners and upper level reading.


(Famous last words, of course...)

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Right Start Math and Latin for Children. My 5th grader hates the LFC book. It's doesn't make sense to her. She wants me to pick a different program and learn it over the summer.


I love Wordly Wise and it has really helped my kids know a lot of new words. I hear them using their vocabulary words in daily life and I see it in their writing as well.

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Five in a Row for me too. I bought it for now 16yo. We rowed a few books. Same thing with the next kid. This year I realized that the youngest (soon to be ten) was getting too old. I recently sold many of the books we didn't absolutely love and sent the manuals to The Book Samaritan. :blush:

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Artisitic Pursits here too!

We are a science-oriented family w/out a shred of artistic ability. The extent of my art is the craft activities in SOTW AG. But we have two artistically gifted children so we are currently outsourcing it! I'm still trying to figure out where it came from. I was certainly not from dh or I.


FIAR was another bust.

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I bought a lot of stuff over the years that I never managed to get to with my older son. When the younger one got into logic stage and I finally realized that I needed to use what I had rather than continuing to buy more, I started going through the stuff and using it. There's too much to detail here, LOL! This year, he has done a set of video tapes about world religions that came with lesson plans; he has read through Bible Prophecy for Blockheads (which my older son did use a little); and he's currently working through a Prayer of Jabez Journal for youth (remember when that was popular?)


I'm using up various workbooks on geography and science that I've had around for years, mostly unused. Im using a bunch of science kits for the last time (some for the first time, even though they've been in my house forever)....

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Don't even get me started! :-)


I've got stuff here for the grandkids and they are not even born yet. And I collect stuff I might want to tutor with. And as for my own self-education...well...yeh...I'm a hoarder. I don't hoard anything but books, but I have a problem when it comes to books. A serious problem.


Just looking at my books makes me happy though. And I like to study sitting on the floor, surrounded by them in piles.



:lol::lol::lol:This is totally me!!!

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I have almost all the "What Your __ Grader Needs to Know" books, thinking I'll use them as supplements for exposure to things like more art history and idioms, but we never get around to it. We hardly ever get to Spanish either.


Ho, hum. Another thing that reminds me I'm not doing all I want to do. But it's nice to see I'm not the only one. We just need to focus on the basics and be happy with that.

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I have almost all the "What Your __ Grader Needs to Know" books, thinking I'll use them as supplements for exposure to things like more art history and idioms, but we never get around to it.


I like being able to get these Core Knowledge books out of the library. They're useful to glance at, but I can see why you never get to them.


Wanted to suggest a painless way to learn idioms together, using these FREE bookmarks on CurrClick. We love them! There are at least 12 sets, with 5 sayings in a set, and one "review" bookmark. I just print off a set and paste them to these nameplates so they look cool, but I have also just printed them on cardstock or regular paper, glued to cereal-box cardboard. :-)))


It's weird; I rarely consider "wasted" curriculum to be a total waste. Each time I buy something that turns out to stink, I learn so many valuable things: about us, about hype, about following the crowd, about reading reviews... they're definitely educational, at least for me. :lol:

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It's weird; I rarely consider "wasted" curriculum to be a total waste. Each time I buy something that turns out to stink, I learn so many valuable things: about us, about hype, about following the crowd, about reading reviews... they're definitely educational, at least for me. :lol:


Thank you for this. Totally true.

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Not something I bought, but I did spend loads of time on it and we're not using it. I read The Core and wanted to make a list of events for the kids to memorize. I spent countless hours putting together a list of timeline events and history sentences to memorize for Ancient history. We did it for a couple of weeks before the kids decided they hated it, and I didn't want to force it, so it sits in a notebook.


I also have a bit of an issue with buying reference books. They're always on deep discount or I'll see them at charity shops, and they're so cheap that I just can't pass them up. I have so many children's encyclopedias and other reference books, and really they don't get used all that much. But I just can't stop myself when I see one that's a really good deal.

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Meet the Masters


Galore Park Junior Science 2

a science kit on magnetism


half the stuff I've ever downloaded from Currclick

a boatload of classic radio shows I bought on a special deal


I have SOTW on the shelf but didn't plan to use it this year. Maybe next year. Or maybe CHOW, which I also already have...


Thanks for the reminder, I went through some of the stuff and saw the lapbook I downloaded for colonial America. Maybe We'll actually get to it.

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Latin (we always do great for about 3 weeks and then slowly fade away)

Spanish (see above)

Artistic Pursuits

Composer Study


Note: Latin and Spanish are no longer even in my siggy b/c I feel like a big fat LIAR listing them although they are technically part of our curriculum.

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Come sit by me vol 1 & 2. They are like a Canadian version of FIAR. They are great, but once I got sonlight I have not used them.


Mission Monde 1&2 (french curric)

LC1, with extra suppl programs

Hey Andrew, teach me some greek 1&2


Yeah the foreign language peice had to be dropped right around the time my curric for them actually arrived.


I have bought math and science books in advance so they will get used but have not yet.


Also have 3 out of 4 SOTW books and activity guides but we are not using them right now in fact 2 of them I have never cracked the spine on.

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By "shelf," I mean shelf, hard drive, etc. And in this thread, I don't mean stuff you've bought that is inappropriate or wrong for your kids. I mean, specifically, curriculum you've BOUGHT and LIKE, but which it's looking like you MAY never get to, no matter how great the concept!


(I was inspired by this thread)


I'll go first -




What's sitting on your proverbial "shelf"?


I did not find the Character study guide, am i missing it?

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a bit of an older thread, but I just had to say how I'm glad I'm not the only one that acquires more curric. than I use....



VanCleave's Science Around the Year


Write...from the Beginning

a couple of Literature pockets books


I would say I'm getting better about it, but we're only in Kindergarten!

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Writing Strands (I want to like it but I seriously just find something else to do when I think about it---we are random about doing that).

All those Kids Can books...I made gorgeous lesson plans connecting folktales to multicultural arts and crafts connected with geography etc for this year---um no.

Waldorf stuff--nature tables, Earthways, recorder--nuh uh.

Drawing With Children (and I have an artsy kid)

I have this Scholastic book that has all this mini math books to print out and assemble and keep in a notebook and there's activities involved with each story---just not happening.

Family Math

And this just kills me---Wordly Wise. My ds asked to do it last year and it was his favorite---this year--I think we've done 4 lessons.

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