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How many of you have a passion area outside of family and homeschooling?

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Paper crafting (scrapbooks and cards, etc.) - wish I made it more of a priority

Baking - especially whole wheat and healthy

Cookie Decorating - LOVE it


Weight Watchers - as weird as it is, I love it. I've lost 80 pounds in the last year and I feel great. Im on maintenance now and some day I hope to be a leader and help others.

And I LOVE board games. Sometimes with my kids - sometimes without. I just love the thinking and strategy. LOVE it.

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I need a life coach or maybe a mom. I'm curious - how do you get certified?


I completed my life coach training and certification through a training program accredited by the International Coach Federation. After completing the 6-month training program, the certification included conducting a certain number of client coaching sessions (to demonstrate proficiency as a coach) as well as passing a written test.


Coaching is an unregulated business in the U.S., so training and certification are not required (and there are lots of coaches practicing without either). However, I wanted to be sure that I could provide the best experience and results possible for my clients so formal training and certification are important to me.


I started out coaching women on life/career issues (I had a 20 year business career before leaving the workforce to begin homeschooling in 2009), but have since shifted my practice to work primarily with parents of kids on the autism spectrum. However, I do still take on clients outside of that niche if there's a good mutual fit and I can provide the support the person is looking for.

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Reading and travel. I love planning travels -- not even for myself necessarily, but for anyone. It's kind of a weird past time, but the moment I have a "travel project," it almost consumes me. I love looking for the best deals, the best inexpensive places to stay, the travel logistics, etc. So if any of you have any travel-related questions...?!


My mil is the same way with travel. If someone is flying she'll be tracking them and texting them throughout the day. We call her "Secret Agent D". :001_smile:

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I have a serious passion about fabric. Of course I love to quilt, but also sewing clothes for us, for dolls, for puppets (church puppet ministry always needs costumes), etc. My passion began before marriage and I'm relatively certain it will continue after our kids are grown.

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I knit and teach knitting classes. I love showing people that they can create something.


I'm also in Scouting. Really involved in scouting. I'm a pack trainer and the Committee Chair of a large troop. I'm also running for a District chair position. (Which means I'll need a third uniform.) I also do training for the council and work at Day camp.

My husband says that it's too much scouting. :D

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I knit and teach knitting classes. I love showing people that they can create something.


I'm also in Scouting. Really involved in scouting. I'm a pack trainer and the Committee Chair of a large troop. I'm also running for a District chair position. (Which means I'll need a third uniform.) I also do training for the council and work at Day camp.

My husband says that it's too much scouting. :D


I should have included Scouting!! Definitely not "an hour a week", LOL. I love it though. I'm super psyched about Wood Badge this spring. :-)

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I really enjoy playing french horn which is something I have done on and off since 6th grade (over 25 years). I used to be involved in an adult orchestra but it required me to commit to a night out each week for rehearsals. When my children became old enough to participate in a local homeschool band program, I noticed that they allow parents to participate in the classes/performances. This has been a perfect fit for me as I enjoy playing alongside talented students and sharing my experience with them. In addition, my children see me playing and practicing and are encouraged by what they will be able to do someday soon.


I also love working with a local crisis pregnancy center to help educate and encourage young ladies (and young men) in the area of purity. I organize an annual father-daughter purity ball, as well as speak and conduct classes when the opportunity arises. This is something that God has placed on my heart and I am enjoying being able to inspire others to walk in His ways for them.

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As a Christian as well as a painter and art teacher, I am very passionate about the visual arts as they are connected to our faith. I have organized groups for Christians in the arts, spoken at conferences, organized special art events in my community and coordinated a total of three church art galleries. Teaching art at a private Christian school, as well as to homeschool students in my community, is part of this as well. It is a call to a specific area of church ministry that I truly love.




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As a Christian as well as a painter and art teacher, I am very passionate about the visual arts as they are connected to our faith. I have organized groups for Christians in the arts, spoken at conferences, organized special art events in my community and coordinated a total of three church art galleries. Teaching art at a private Christian school, as well as to homeschool students in my community, is part of this as well. It is a call to a specific area of church ministry that I truly love.





Lucinda, I would love to hear more about how you teach visual arts. I am fairly creative, but not artistic, per se. We were painting with watercolours the other day and then added in some acrylics and glitter. :lol: (Because that's how I roll.) As I was painting my pink pony with purple glitter shoes (not hooves, Converse high-tops) I thought about how my drawing/painting has not changed at all since 5th grade. :001_huh:


Do you have any good resources?


Off to read your blog in case you have any ideas there....

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Gosh - I feel a bit embarassed to say that although I love my family, I'm not exactly passionate about them! Nor homeschooling; that's just sort of "what I do" - like laundry, and driving my grandmother to BINGO :D I'm part of my family, and homeschooling is a part of our family life. Both are of interest to me, but aren't interesting to me (if that makes any sense).


My passion is art.

I like to see it, create it, critique it, imitate it, teach it ... and sometimes even destroy it so I can re-make it!

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For me it is Photography and photoshop


It started off as a hobby and now i'm lucky enough to have it as a business. I can make my own schedule and make enough extra money that it really helps our family out financially and it allowed me to go part time at my full time job I was working.


I get to paid to do what I love... I especially love doing weddings.. You get to witness so much love and happiness. :)

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Lucinda, I would love to hear more about how you teach visual arts. I am fairly creative, but not artistic, per se. We were painting with watercolours the other day and then added in some acrylics and glitter. :lol: (Because that's how I roll.) As I was painting my pink pony with purple glitter shoes (not hooves, Converse high-tops) I thought about how my drawing/painting has not changed at all since 5th grade. :001_huh:


Do you have any good resources?


Off to read your blog in case you have any ideas there....


Sure...we could chat about it. Why don't you send me a pm when you have the chance?




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The Gospel of Grace. :001_wub: Other than Christ?


Natural Health is a passion of mine. Now after learning a lot, Yamuna Body Rolling in particular is my passion. I hope to be a practitioner someday.


I also love Zumba. It has done so much for me. Really, the confidence and joy that one gets from dancing can be life-changing.


I have always loved board games and video games, my husband and I share that.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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Well, it WAS college. I absolutely love being a student, and my passion is learning about children ages 0 to 5 yrs old. But I had to drop out, yet again, because the kids are not in a good place with their classes for me to be taking a full load of classes of my own.
:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Sympathy and admiration.
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My passion is exercising. It makes me feel great. I enjoy doing it. I love having a functional body. :001_smile: I've seen a myriad of health issues evaporate once I started exercising regularly and eating healthier. I love sharing all of this with people so I became a Team Beachbody Coach. It is struggle to find enough time to support others, learn about this business and homeschool two kids full time and a preKer. I thought I had no free time before - now I must be in negative numbers for free time. I'm actually using free time from the future.:lol:

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I knit and teach knitting classes. I love showing people that they can create something.


I'm also in Scouting. Really involved in scouting. I'm a pack trainer and the Committee Chair of a large troop. I'm also running for a District chair position. (Which means I'll need a third uniform.) I also do training for the council and work at Day camp.

My husband says that it's too much scouting. :D


Could you sew velcro to your uniform and just swap the badges out?

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Sailing, sewing, reading, and history

I used to play piano all the time, but for some reason I haven't been into it lately.

Skiing was also on the list - but that had to come off with the two knee surgeries :) I do love the outdoors, though :)

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Could you sew velcro to your uniform and just swap the badges out?


I thought about that but I would also have to swap out the epaulets and those are a pain. I already have two shirts because I wanted one of the new ones. I think the easiest solution would be to just limit myself to the two jobs. ;)

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I've been a certified child passenger safety tech for over 10 years. It's a passion I deeply believe in. I've also been a sponsor of Missionettes at our church for 11 years. It is such a blessing and joy to see the girls growing in their knowledge and relationship with Jesus. :D


I knit and crochet too, but not as much as I'd like, and I digiscrap (too much probably).

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My passion is sutainability and smart growth planning. I am always thinking of the best use of resources so that we don't need to use a lot so that everyone on this planet can live with at least the basics. I really want to have an urban homestead where I grow a lot of our food and whtever I don't grow I will try to get locally or forage for.


I enjoy reading and hiking. For a short while sewing was a hobby. I also enjoy learning about topics related to health and medicine.

Edited by MistyMountain
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I have several! I've had precious little time to pursue any of them this past year or so with 3 under 2.5, and I'm hoping to get back a little more of that as the kids get a little less time-intensive.


The big ones:

Travel. DW shares this one with me. I've been backpacking in eastern Europe and travelled in China. When the kid are a little older we plan to start travelling within the US, and later on abroad with them.


Sailing. This is a huge one for me, I've gotten in a few sails in the past year, but NOT ENOUGH. Someday I'd love to own a boat and take the kids sailing. Maybe we can homeschool in the boat in the summer. :-D My dream is to buy a broken old boat and fix it up.


Furniture building. This is a new one for me, I'm building DD a bookshelf and hope to build her a bed at some point. And maybe a dining room table for us...


There's also, sewing, crochet, various craftiness, reading, walking, yoga, gardening, etc....

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So many fascinating women! I'm reading your interests and thinking, "How neat!" I shared that I am passionate about the issue of human trafficking. Related to this, I received an email last week asking me to sit on an advisory board for a NGO whose work I totally admire. Although my first priority is husband and kids, I am so thankful to be involved, even in a small way, in this work to end modern-day slavery.

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I'm so impressed with all your interests/passions/talents!!


I have absolutely nothing I'm interested in pursuing. I've thought about how sad that is, but there is nothing that I want to do now or once I finish homeschooling. I definitely don't want or plan to go back to work, so it would be nice to have something I'm interested in, but I've got nothing. I like to read and nap. No, I'm not kidding. That's what I plan to spend my days doing once my kids are grown. :shrug:



This is me! I am a bit interested in local politics, but it's not a passion (at least not yet).


And I had my first nap today after many months w/o. DH had to get up at 5 am today, so I decided that everything else could wait--even my book.



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