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Is there anything I can do about a sinus infection other than take antibiotics?

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I've had a cold for days, and while I thought it was easing up today because I'm not so runny, I think it's actually turned into a sinus infection *sigh* I really don't want to go to the doctor just yet. Is there anything I can do in the meantime to see if I can knock it out? (I don't have a neti pot, and my nose is totally blocked right now anyway. Grrrr!)



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I go to the health food stores and use homeopathic remedies. Kali muriacticum? & bracticum?___. there are two types. You'd need to ask. I was AMAZED at how well it worked on my full-blown stink down the back of my throat face pressure sinus infection.


I also will do mucinex and lots of water. ibruprophen helps as well because it is an anti-inflamitory.

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claritin has always worked for me-but they have put it behind the counter now where you have to have an rx to get the good stuff....nasal spray might help with the stuffiness.....but if it's a full blown infection,nothing else but rx meds kick it out for me...hope you feel better



In Texas at least you can get Claritin D otc, but they do have you swipe your DL and only purchase so much at a time.

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I thought I was in the same boat--had a cold or colds since the first of the year and since it didn't let up figured it was a sinus infection. Gave it a few more days anyway and it's eased up now. I was at the allergist today and they said there's a cold virus that's going around that's lasting longer than usual.


Allergra-D, mentholated Breathe Right strips and Zicam Intense Sinus Relief were my best help.

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Irrigating with saline, even without a neti pot. 1/4 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp baking soda in 8 oz. warm water. I pour the water into my cupped palm, bend over and inhale through nose. Spit out into sink. Repeat. Blow nose several times. Tip head to each side while blowing. Repeat 2 or 3 times a day. Yeah, it's a pain, but IMO better than going on antibiotics.

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Irrigating with saline, even without a neti pot. 1/4 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp baking soda in 8 oz. warm water. I pour the water into my cupped palm, bend over and inhale through nose. Spit out into sink. Repeat. Blow nose several times. Tip head to each side while blowing. Repeat 2 or 3 times a day. Yeah, it's a pain, but IMO better than going on antibiotics.



I do it with an oral syringe, like the kind that comes with kids' medications.

(Except now I'll be doing it with water that I previously boiled for 2 minutes and cooled down to warm, instead of tap water, to avoid the deadly brain-eating amoebas that probably don't live in IL anyway. )

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I do it with an oral syringe, like the kind that comes with kids' medications.

(Except now I'll be doing it with water that I previously boiled for 2 minutes and cooled down to warm, instead of tap water, to avoid the deadly brain-eating amoebas that probably don't live in IL anyway. )

Good point. I actually use distilled water, not tap. Forgot to mention that.

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I do it with an oral syringe, like the kind that comes with kids' medications.

(Except now I'll be doing it with water that I previously boiled for 2 minutes and cooled down to warm, instead of tap water, to avoid the deadly brain-eating amoebas that probably don't live in IL anyway. )


:lol: I was thinking the same thing. I'm off to CVS. I have no idea if they'll carry neti pots, but I'll look, since I've been meaning to anyway. I'll be trying this tonight, with or without, though. I took some ibuprofen for the general face achiness and that helped some. I have Mucinex if the saline rinse doesn't help, and I need to drink more water anyway.


Thank you all for the advice. Hopefully I can hold out a few more days and see if it really is that lingering cold that one of you mentioned.

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Sinus rinses.


My husband uses NeilMD stuff that we get at Target. He has successfully gotten rid of a terrible infection and warded off many others. During his worst sinus infection, it did take him 2 or 3 days of rinsing three times a day to see any improvement. And it took 2 weeks to have all symptoms completely gone.

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If she already has a sinus infection, a neti pot is not a good idea. It can spread the infection further. Mucinex (or plain Robitussin) along w/ lots and lots of water, and vitamin C and Zinc. Oh, and a cool mist humidifier-placed where it will blow over your head if possible.

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Last sinus infection I had I put oregano oil in the neti pot after reading about it online. It burned, I'll admit. Fire in the nose! But my sinus infection was gone in 2 days, and I have sinus disease seen on CT scans so rarely get through a cold without antibiotics for a sinus infection. Some sites don't recommend oregano oil and some do. Some recommend GSE in the neti also. Look it up and make an informed decision. It did work for me. I just did the oregano a few times and went back to the saline I had been doing before.


Sudafed - the real stuff that you have to show an ID for - does help for me to keep it draining and not be quite so prone to infection.

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A couple of years ago I had chronic sinus infections to the point that my allergist was beginning to talk about surgery. I had been on at least 3 rounds of antibiotics. Out of desperation, I ordered the extracts from The Sinus Doctor. I think the website looks like the biggest bunch of hooey I've ever seen, and I never would have ordered on my own. For starters, he is not even a real doctor. :glare:


However, a friend of mine had tried the products and thought they had cured her sinus infections, so I ordered as well. She let me borrow enough to last a few days. It worked!


Basically, it's cinnamon, thyme and clove extract. You put a few drops in a pot of boiling water and inhale it. When I was at my worst--unable to sleep because I could not breathe, and my eyes constantly watering because my sinuses were so swollen--I used it several times a day. Every hour, I either did a treatment, or I tried to use the Neti pot. I also kept a warm pillow on my sinuses for a few minutes every hour.


Now, two years later, I still have not had another sinus infection. I use a Neti pot daily, but I only use the extracts when I think I start getting stuffy. Hope this info helps!

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I used to require 2-3 rounds of antibiotics for sinus infections per year at a minimum. I haven't seen the doctor for one in three years, I think.


I take the Mucinex and Sudafed around the clock until it is clear. It is also vital to stop any/all antihistamines for as long as possible while cleaning the infection.




Antihistimines dry you up, keeping the bacteria in your sinuses.


Mucinex and Sudafed both help drain your sinuses, moving the bacteria out.




I agree with those that say no nasal irrigation with a sinus infection. It can spread the infection. I'm almost guaranteed to get ear infections if I irrigate when I have an infection. Save irrigation for allergies.

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Well, this is all very interesting. So I boiled away my amoebas for nothing?! :tongue_smilie: The water is still cooling on the counter, so I'll forgo it and take the Mucinex instead. Maybe if I take it and then go straight to bed, it won't make me feel so icky.

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If she already has a sinus infection, a neti pot is not a good idea. It can spread the infection further. Mucinex (or plain Robitussin) along w/ lots and lots of water, and vitamin C and Zinc. Oh, and a cool mist humidifier-placed where it will blow over your head if possible.


I have read this other places, but I had the opposite experience. I had a severe sinus infection when I was in my first trimester of pregnancy with DS2. The infection was already three months along when I got pregnant. I was told I could have no antibiotics, no OTC drugs, no essential oils, no herbs, nothing ! I was really miserable. Someone suggested the saline rinsing. So I did that several times per day - filled my whole head with salt water. (It may have been a bit more salty than the normal recipe !!! ) It did not drive the infection further in...it pickled it !!!! My sinus excretions and swelling dried up very quickly. I had a salt taste in my mouth and throat and salt water running out my nose. It was a relief to have it running at all after months of congestion ! Within a few days that infection was dead !!!

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I once had a very bad sinus infection. Even my teeth hurt. Here's what got rid of it.


Apple cider vinegar shots chased with a spoon of honey. It's nasty and burns going down, but it worked. I took two shots three times a day.


I suggest a neti pot as well. However, the vinegar shots do the trick every time. DH hates me when I make him do it, but it works.



Oh, if you crush up raw garlic and swallow that with honey it will help kill germs in your body too.

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I have read this other places, but I had the opposite experience. I had a severe sinus infection when I was in my first trimester of pregnancy with DS2. The infection was already three months along when I got pregnant. I was told I could have no antibiotics, no OTC drugs, no essential oils, no herbs, nothing ! I was really miserable. Someone suggested the saline rinsing. So I did that several times per day - filled my whole head with salt water. (It may have been a bit more salty than the normal recipe !!! ) It did not drive the infection further in...it pickled it !!!! My sinus excretions and swelling dried up very quickly. I had a salt taste in my mouth and throat and salt water running out my nose. It was a relief to have it running at all after months of congestion ! Within a few days that infection was dead !!!


My dh had a similiar experience...ummm without the pregnancy part.:lol: His infection brewed for 3 weeks and the first sinus rinses were...ummm...nasty. lol. He has sinus issues due to breathing in sand for 14 months in the first Gulf War and can't take antibiotics because he has had bouts of MRSA and avoids them at all costs. Sinus rinses are his saving grace.

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It depends on whether you have a fungal sinus infection or bacterial. My last sinus infection was over Christmas. I went to the health food store and she gave me a stron pro-biotic and that kicked it. But I have a lot of trouble with candida to begin with. Hubby went to my allergist and they gave him a cuts can and said he had 3 sinus infections so they gave him a sulfa-drug and prednisone.

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I always do sinus rinses with colds. I have never had an ear infection from it. You do jave to suck the water up your nose and spit it out your mouth. I use a bulb syringe and 1-3 cups of water with as much salt amd baking soda as I can stand.


It is great for breaking up and clearing out the congestion.

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