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Poll: If you were getting rid of your landline which would you choose and why:

If I got rid of my landline I would use the following:  

  1. 1. If I got rid of my landline I would use the following:

    • Voip
    • Magic Jack
    • Ooma
    • Nettalk
    • Other
    • I would not get rid of my landline

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I have a child with a disability. I was advised that if I had someone in my house that had health issues I should keep my landline. 911 is more reliable with a landline.


We additionally have one regular phone that needs only to be plugged into the phone outlet with no additional electric power. It uses only the power from the phone line, so it can be used in a general power outage.

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We pay a ridiculous amount for our landline with caller id and such but I still won't get rid of it because of 911. The 911 operator can locate a land line geographically but can't, as far as I understand, with a cell phone or other service. We also have a plain old phone plugged directly into the wall jack so when the power is out we still have phone service.

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If I ditched the landline, I would use my cell phone. We have five working cell phones.


My DH won't let me get rid of the landline and we haven't used it in years. I have our home phone forwarded to my cell so I can get calls if we are traveling. The only landline phone we have in the house is located in our master bathroom.

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I plan to get rid of my landline in the next few months. We all have cell phones with unlimited texts and free long distance. We really don't need a house phone.


To those who are concerned about 911, I have heard that a leftover handset plugged into a jack can make a 911 call even if the line is no longer in service. That may no longer be true. I plan to check it out, but really I would just use my cell.

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We have used Ooma for the last two years without issues. For 911 you have to make sure to fill out a form on their site to link your address to your phone number, then it works fine. You do have to have internet and electricity for it to work though (thinking of emergencies). Your cell would probably work in that case.


At the time we bought Ooma, Magic Jack had to be plugged into the computer and the computer and internet had to be always on for it to work. Since then Magic Jack has the other option that is more like Ooma and a lot less money, so I voted with Magic Jack.

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When our house was built, they didn't set up our phone ahead of our move (despite our ordering service in plenty of time) and the phone was never connected to the box (when we moved and complained, they claimed there was no capacity and that it would be six weeks before we had phone service. We went with cells and never looked back; couldn't have a land line if we tried.

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We pay a ridiculous amount for our landline with caller id and such but I still won't get rid of it because of 911. The 911 operator can locate a land line geographically but can't, as far as I understand, with a cell phone or other service. We also have a plain old phone plugged directly into the wall jack so when the power is out we still have phone service.

Yep, landline person here too. The sound quality is far better on the landline, so I use that at home unless the call is long distance.

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I have a child with a disability. I was advised that if I had someone in my house that had health issues I should keep my landline. 911 is more reliable with a landline.


We additionally have one regular phone that needs only to be plugged into the phone outlet with no additional electric power. It uses only the power from the phone line, so it can be used in a general power outage.




I hate having the landline and would cheerfully get rid of it, but we've also seen how in disasters it can be useful to have multiple ways to get contact. If power is out for a while I couldn't charge my cell and certainly wouldn't have Internet access.


We'll keep the landline and I'll curse BellSouth monthly for their rates. :glare:

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We have AT&T.

We pay a huge amount each month and hardly use it.

But I get nervous in case one day there should be no

service reception on the cell phones (some catastrophe

God forbid). My thinking is that maybe landlines will still work.


We are forgetful about cellphones:

Also if we forgot to charge our cellphones (which we

sometimes do) and if we forgot where they were (my

son often leaves it in his coat pocket upstairs and I often leave

mine in my car), and we had to call 911 we wouldn't

be able to if we had no landline.

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We ditched the landline and only use cells. We had a land line that used our internet connection for awhile, but we eventually ditched that too.


911 in some places can locate you with a cell phone.


You can plug in a cell phone with no service plan in a central location. It will call 911 with no paid for service. Then, you always know where a phone is and you can always call 911.


I am more careful to keep my cell charged and either in my pocket or in a specific location so I'm not digging under the couch searching for it in the event of an emergency. I do not miss our landline at all.

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We got rid of our landline this week. We chose to go with something not connected to our internet. If the internet is down, I did not want to be without a phone. We kept our DSL/cable tv package--who knew you could dump your landline and still keep DSL?!


We chose to go all cell phones. We are not big tekkies here. Dh and I traded our more $$ plans, and we bought an extra phone for ds/a spare around the house.


Dh: Cricket phone, 300 mins., unlimited text, $25/mo.

Ds/spare: same plan as above, $25/mo.


Me: Cricket phone, 1000 mins., unlimited text, $35/mo.


Dd: T-Mobile, text only, $15/mo.


The Cricket phones have unlimited web too, but I haven't played with it much. I need to figure out GoogleMaps, it will surely be more reliable than my GPS.


I'm excited; it's taking some getting used to. I worry that we'll miss an emergency call in the middle of the night (not that anyone's ever called). Dh keeps getting his phone mixed up with ds's. The Cricket phone choices are very limited, and all three of ours look the same. If our power goes out for an extended period of time, we can use the car charger.

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Since 9/11, the 2003 Blackout, and a local ice storm that kept us without power for close to a week this past February, I have seen the convenience of a landline. Cell phones were useless to us in each of the above events and our trusty landline came through. We will not be getting rid of it...until they make it obsolete :tongue_smilie:.

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we ditched our landline 3 years ago because there was a terrible static on the line and numerous calls to phone company got us no where. We went with Vonage, but then after 18 months we started having problems where it would drop entire parts of the conversation, they kept telling us things were fine, so we ditched it and added a cell phone to our plan that is a family phone. It sits plugged in almost all the time and is linked with a bluetooth thing that I can plug a phone into. I bought a cordless phone set with satellites to plug into the bluetooth thing and now it's just like having a land line phone, without all the hassle.

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I am going to do this next month. A friend of mine in our town switched a few months ago. It was a bit of a hassle, but she's happy with it. It was a hassle because she needed to run a new, separate DSL line, and she wanted to keep her old number. It took a bit more work, but she got it all done. And I checked on it, you still have 911.


After our vacation I will start on it. I can't wait to drop the phone bill. There are just too many bills; land line, cell phone, internet, and cable. The land line is the first to go.

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We had tried Magic Jack before but the call quality was just not the best. We tried it again and it was better but still not as good as a landline. Our only (reasonable) option for highspeed is through our phone company which we also have unlimited long distance- so I have unlimited ld, caller id, call waiting, and high speed internet for $65, well worth it to me. When I talk I like to go on and on and just don't like the cell-phone for that anyway. To get the equivalent number of minutes I talk with on a cell wouldn't make it a bargain anyway. So, I'd say test out an option first because it might not work as well as you like.

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We unhooked the landline and used cell phones exclusively for about five years, but this past year we reinstalled a landline. We are with Frontier (Verizon) and it is really nice to have a home phone once again. One of the biggest issues for me was the fact that if someone was at home alone and did not have a cell phone, they were left without a way to get help in an emergency. We also prefer to use a landline for 911 calls.


If we have to cut back on costs, we'll opt to give up extras like going to movies, eating out, or giving up text messaging packages or even cutting back on the number of cell phones in the family. It's amazing how we have become so convinced that we HAVE to have these things.




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