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Completely bizarre personal injury (Yes, tmi!)

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This is a personal whine & pout--just telling you that upfront.

I put on a clean pair of panties this morning, and my denim capris (I'm having a rare snuggle-in-blanket day). Everything seemed fine, but I went & flopped down in my chair and immediately felt this terrible pain near my...teAkettle. Stood up and immediately shed clothing on lower half of body (sorry, dds!). Turns out that there was a 1" long shard of some type of bamboo stick, complete with sharpened ends, in my underwear. :blink::eek: Now I have a sore & lightly bleeding puncture wound right where my right b*tt cheek joins with my...you know. Now I'm walking funny, and it's spoiled my "sitting on my b*tt" day, and they just don't come very often.


Thank you for reading & (hopefully) commiserating.

You may now go read something way more interesting. :D

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Hopefully you've gotten it all out.


Maybe you should go to the doctor, and have it checked. I only say this because my grandmother stepped on a toothpick and ended up having that toe amputated for gangrene.


That isn't an area you really want to be concerned about infection.

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This is a personal whine & pout--just telling you that upfront.

I put on a clean pair of panties this morning, and my denim capris (I'm having a rare snuggle-in-blanket day). Everything seemed fine, but I went & flopped down in my chair and immediately felt this terrible pain near my...teAkettle. Stood up and immediately shed clothing on lower half of body (sorry, dds!). Turns out that there was a 1" long shard of some type of bamboo stick, complete with sharpened ends, in my underwear. :blink::eek: Now I have a sore & lightly bleeding puncture wound right where my right b*tt cheek joins with my...you know. Now I'm walking funny, and it's spoiled my "sitting on my b*tt" day, and they just don't come very often.


Thank you for reading & (hopefully) commiserating.

You may now go read something way more interesting. :D


I'm sorry to do this but....





:lol: It was funny to read! I know it's not actually funny, but still...


When I was about 11 years old, I got a big splinter on my b*tt cheek. I was leaning against a rough-hewn bookcase, slid slightly sideways and...:eek: A huge, red-hot-poker of wood went through drawers and all, straight into my hindquarters. I checked it out in the bathroom mirror and...yup. Forget about a speck in the eye, I had a log in my tush. Imagine my mortification at that age having to get mom to dig the sucker out. :svengo: It was horrifying!

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I'm sorry to do this but....





:lol: It was funny to read! I know it's not actually funny, but still...


When I was about 11 years old, I got a big splinter on my b*tt cheek. I was leaning against a rough-hewn bookcase, slid slightly sideways and...:eek: A huge, red-hot-poker of wood went through drawers and all, straight into my hindquarters. I checked it out in the bathroom mirror and...yup. Forget about a speck in the eye, I had a log in my tush. Imagine my mortification at that age having to get mom to dig the sucker out. :svengo: It was horrifying!

Well, yeah, the part of me that isn't wincing in pain is laughing at the sheer ridiculousness. :D


Looking at the bright side, I *am* glad that I'm not 11 years old with a splinter in my backside! :lol:

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I will check my underwear from this point onward!


And check for sharp points in your underwear, forward, backward AND onward!


The OP made me laugh! (not at your pain, I'm sorry about that!)

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It's also possible the stick wasn't in your underwear until it fell off your shirt or hair or something else. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!


I'd heard on a knitting podcast about a woman who sat on a metal double-point knitting needle. It was on an episode dedicated to knitting horror stories. She went to the ER saying she sat on a needle and had a puncture wound. The nurses thought it was a little needle, like a pin, and rolled their eyes until the woman dug her knitting out of her purse (yes, she was still knitting while waiting) and showed them the NEEDLE. Although from what I recall her would was right in the fleshy part away from the more delicate areas.

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Hopefully you've gotten it all out.


Maybe you should go to the doctor, and have it checked. I only say this because my grandmother stepped on a toothpick and ended up having that toe amputated for gangrene.


That isn't an area you really want to be concerned about infection.




Nice going Parrothead. Now poor Julie is going to be thinking she might need a hoohaw amputation.


Julie, I'm sorry about your injury and that Chuckie is so insensitive. ;)

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I'm sorry to do this but....


:lol: It was funny to read! I know it's not actually funny, but still...


Yeah, the ER doctor laughed when I showed up with my first big splinter, not at my pain but at the oddity of the injury. The first was about an inch of mechanical pencil lead that crammed in underneath my fingernail when I reached into my bookbag. The second was a big splinter I got (underneath a different fingernail :glare:) when I reached inside a cabinet.


Both hurt like the dickens. :blink:

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Nice going Parrothead. Now poor Julie is going to be thinking she might need a hoohaw amputation.


Julie, I'm sorry about your injury and that Chuckie is so insensitive. ;)




Don't worry, Julie. I'm sure your kettle will survive and be good as brew...er...I mean new.



Edited by Nakia
typed wrong word
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Don't worry, Julie. I'm sure your kettle will survive and be just as brew...er...I mean new.




OH My word. Julie I am sorry you have pain, but I about fell over laughing at your story.


Wow. The things one can read on WTM.


One time my mom sat on a sewing needle....she went screaming down the hall asking my horrified SIL (she was about 20) to pull it out of her bottom.

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Nice going Parrothead. Now poor Julie is going to be thinking she might need a hoohaw amputation.


Julie, I'm sorry about your injury and that Chuckie is so insensitive. ;)

Well, the reason I want her to go get it checked out is so she doesn't have to get a hoohaw amputation.


Seriously, can you imagine! I've tried hard to not laugh about having to have a hoohaw amputation.

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Well, the reason I want her to go get it checked out is so she doesn't have to get a hoohaw amputation.


Seriously, can you imagine! I've tried hard to not laugh about having to have a hoohaw amputation.




Seriously...I think Chuckie is right....it could get infected....especially since you have no idea where that stick came from!

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"One in a million shot doc! One in a million!". :lol:


On a more serious note: :eek:


That really must have hurt!!! I'm sorry that happened!


That was exactly my first thought when I saw "bizarre personal injury"! Fusilli Jerry!


That really stinks. Maybe sitting on an ice pack would be the best of both worlds.

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Well, the reason I want her to go get it checked out is so she doesn't have to get a hoohaw amputation.


Seriously, can you imagine! I've tried hard to not laugh about having to have a hoohaw amputation.


I can put in a good word for her with my ER doc. He only laughed a little.

Edited by Pippen
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Guest submarines

Ouch! :grouphug: I've found odder items in clean clothing, ever since my dear kids started hiding "treasures" in their pockets.


When I was 6 weeks pregnant with DS something similar happened, but I never found what punctured me. There was quite a bit of blood, and for several days I thought I was miscarrying. Then my logical DH convinced me that the bloody imprint on my underwear didn't match my anatomy the way it was supposed to :001_huh:. Which was a huge relief.

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You live on a farm, right? Feed the animals hay? We've had pieces of straw/stems from the hay get in the laundry before... stuck to someone's pants or what-have-you and, voila, right in the laundry. Maybe you found an inconveniently sharp stem?


Sorry about the pain, but I have to admit I was :lol: about the unfortunate location. What a surprise, huh?

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When I was around 6 I was very fascinated with escalators. I just loooooved the way my Keds slid over the little teeth where the escalator meets the landing. So, 2 days before Christmas on a packed Nordstrom's escalator I decided to sit down. :blink: Imagine my surprise when the teeth grabbed my pants and began eating my hiney!!!! (Of course I did this right before we were getting off so my mother could not possibly pull me off) I wanted to ride it like a slide. :tongue_smilie:


Well, as patrons are starting to spill over me (after all kid eating escalators do not just stop) a very nice ER Dr jumped on the center thingy, ran in front of me and ripped my tush out of the jaws of consumer death.


The worst part was he was a young and cute Dr, and even though I was 6 I was mortified to be pantless in front of him :svengo:.....and a thousand holiday shoppers. :blushing:It only got worse when he promptly directed my mother to take me home and sit me in a bath with Epsom salt. :leaving:


I had escalator teeth marks right across my bum for a very long time.

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Guest submarines
When I was around 6 I was very fascinated with escalators. I just loooooved the way my Keds slid over the little teeth where the escalator meets the landing. So, 2 days before Christmas on a packed Nordstrom's escalator I decided to sit down. :blink: Imagine my surprise when the teeth grabbed my pants and began eating my hiney!!!! (Of course I did this right before we were getting off so my mother could not possibly pull me off) I wanted to ride it like a slide. :tongue_smilie:


Well, as patrons are starting to spill over me (after all kid eating escalators do not just stop) a very nice ER Dr jumped on the center thingy, ran in front of me and ripped my tush out of the jaws of consumer death.


The worst part was he was a young and cute Dr, and even though I was 6 I was mortified to be pantless in front of him :svengo:.....and a thousand holiday shoppers. :blushing:It only got worse when he promptly directed my mother to take me home and sit me in a bath with Epsom salt. :leaving:


I had escalator teeth marks right across my bum for a very long time.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh! This is terrifying. If I were to have a phobia, it would be getting chewed up by an escalator. This could've been much worse. :grouphug:


I will have to have yet one more talk with the kids about escalators.

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When I was around 6 I was very fascinated with escalators. I just loooooved the way my Keds slid over the little teeth where the escalator meets the landing. So, 2 days before Christmas on a packed Nordstrom's escalator I decided to sit down. Imagine my surprise when the teeth grabbed my pants and began eating my hiney!!!! (Of course I did this right before we were getting off so my mother could not possibly pull me off) I wanted to ride it like a slide.


Well, as patrons are starting to spill over me (after all kid eating escalators do not just stop) a very nice ER Dr jumped on the center thingy, ran in front of me and ripped my tush out of the jaws of consumer death.


The worst part was he was a young and cute Dr, and even though I was 6 I was mortified to be pantless in front of him :svengo:.....and a thousand holiday shoppers. :blushing:It only got worse when he promptly directed my mother to take me home and sit me in a bath with Epsom salt.


I had escalator teeth marks right across my bum for a very long time.



I'm sorry, but :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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My dh came home from work today, and I told him immediately what had happened to me. He listened, showed an acceptable amount of concern, and managed not to laugh at all. He then described his day, which was full of miseries like burned up well pumps, missing livestock, and many hours of extra work. I told him I was sorry it was such a crummy day for him. His response?

(Wait for it.....)












































At least it was better than a poke in the @ss with a sharp stick! (and then lots of guffaws). :lol::lol::lol: :glare: :D

Edited by Julie in CA
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My daughter cut herself down there once in a swimming pool...long story. We were told to just keep Neosporen on it and keep it as dry and airy as possible. She wore a skirt for a long time! It was horrible...


So did my dd! Only hers resulted in 2 nights in hospital, and stitches. Horrible does not begin to describe it...


So Julie - OUCH! but aren't you glad the splinter ended up where it did and not somewhere ... worse!


To Simka - I shall now officially add a kids-and-escalators phobia to my kids-and-swimming-pools phobia.

Edited by nd293
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Guest submarines
So did my dd! Only hers resulted in 2 nights in hospital, and stitches. Horrible does not begin to describe it...


So Julie - OUCH! but aren't you glad the splinter ended up where it did and not somewhere ... worse!


To Simka - I shall now officially add a kids-and-escalators phobia to my kids-and-swimming-pools phobia.


I need to know. In order to expand my phobia list. How do kids hurt themselves there in swimming pools? :001_huh:

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When I was around 6 I was very fascinated with escalators. I just loooooved the way my Keds slid over the little teeth where the escalator meets the landing. So, 2 days before Christmas on a packed Nordstrom's escalator I decided to sit down. :blink: Imagine my surprise when the teeth grabbed my pants and began eating my hiney!!!! (Of course I did this right before we were getting off so my mother could not possibly pull me off) I wanted to ride it like a slide. :tongue_smilie:


Well, as patrons are starting to spill over me (after all kid eating escalators do not just stop) a very nice ER Dr jumped on the center thingy, ran in front of me and ripped my tush out of the jaws of consumer death.


The worst part was he was a young and cute Dr, and even though I was 6 I was mortified to be pantless in front of him :svengo:.....and a thousand holiday shoppers. :blushing:It only got worse when he promptly directed my mother to take me home and sit me in a bath with Epsom salt. :leaving:


I had escalator teeth marks right across my bum for a very long time.


a little while ago a child was almost killed on an escalator, she was 2 years old, and tripped while getting off, her top got caught and then her hair. She was just about suffocated before passersby were able to cut her hair and top off.

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I need to know. In order to expand my phobia list. How do kids hurt themselves there in swimming pools? :001_huh:


In dd's case, they were playing around, trying to push / pull each other into the pool. She was on the outside, another girl was in the pool, trying to pull her in. Dd slipped so one leg went in the pool, one stayed out, and the body part in question made contact with the edge of the pool. If you had natural birth and a baby with a really big head, you will have a picture of the damage done to poor dd.


Although the children's hospital certainly did their "due diligence" to confirm the source of the accident, they also said it's not the first such accident they'd seen.

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In dd's case, they were playing around, trying to push / pull each other into the pool. She was on the outside, another girl was in the pool, trying to pull her in. Dd slipped so one leg went in the pool, one stayed out, and the body part in question made contact with the edge of the pool. If you had natural birth and a baby with a really big head, you will have a picture of the damage done to poor dd.


Although the children's hospital certainly did their "due diligence" to confirm the source of the accident, they also said it's not the first such accident they'd seen.


I had a friend in high school who tried to jump over a bench. One leg went over, one did not. Ouch!

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Guest submarines
In dd's case, they were playing around, trying to push / pull each other into the pool. She was on the outside, another girl was in the pool, trying to pull her in. Dd slipped so one leg went in the pool, one stayed out, and the body part in question made contact with the edge of the pool. If you had natural birth and a baby with a really big head, you will have a picture of the damage done to poor dd.


Although the children's hospital certainly did their "due diligence" to confirm the source of the accident, they also said it's not the first such accident they'd seen.



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