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Peeking at gifts

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Okay, confess. Did you ever peek at your presents? Meaning, did you open them carefully, see what was inside, and then close them back so no one knew you saw the the gifts? I did it when I was 12 yrs. old and I was so disappointed on Christmas morning. I already knew most of what I was getting. I never did it again after that because it was so disappointing.

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Horrors, NO!


Part of the fun is the anticipation and surprise!


Dh, ototh, figured out around age 8 where his mother hid the unwrapped and wrapped gifts and pretty much knew what he was getting every Christmas after that. He doesn't like surprises. So I get him pretty much the same things every year.



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One year my brother and I faked sick and stayed home from school. I was about 8 and he was about 16. We found the presents, most of which were electronic that year for some reason, and we played them all day.


On Christmas morning we nearly freaked out when the most of the batteries were dead! :eek:


Years later we found out my parents used to stay up all night after we went to bed and assumed they'd worn out the batteries themselves.

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I absolutely did. My big sister introduced me to the idea, when I was about 4-5 yrs old and I was hooked. It wasn't a good Christmas unless I knew just about everything under the tree, not just my gifts, but everyone's gifts. :D Sometimes I could trick my sister into giving me hints that would give her gift away, sometimes I would find the gifts before they were wrapped, and sometimes I had to open them vvveeeerrrrryyyyy carefully and reseal them. I still like to know ahead of time. Keep in mind that we were quite poor and there were not too many things under the tree to figure out. I still like to know ahead of time. I think I just love the game of finding. Plus, I don't react very well with surprises. I do so much better opening something, when I have had time to work up the anticipation.


My sister felt disappointed that she had looked and never did it again.

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Nope. But one year I shook, measured (no joke), and poked at every single present until I had figured them all out. I went to the bookstore and even figured out which books were the right specifications to be what book. And I did the same with my brother's gifts, which I then told him what they all were. There was just one present I couldn't figure out - a large box that I had no idea about. So, of course, I made that my Christmas Eve open one gift thing. My mother tried so hard to dissuade me, but I wouldn't listen. I opened it... it was a lamp. A boring, boring lamp.


But even worse than the boring lamp was that Christmas morning was a COMPLETE letdown. I knew everything I was getting. I really learned my lesson and I never did that again.


My kids are freakish about not looking. I'll be like, don't look at this thing you can totally see... and they avert their eyes every time.

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Whenever I had half a chance. I looked through thin wrapping paper. I searched the top of Mom's closet. I carefully unpeeled wrapping paper. Once, I hit the jackpot and found Mom's notebook with the list of what she was buying. Mom never knew because I know for a fact any present I peeked at would have gone back to the store.


I wasn't at all disappointed on Christmas morning. For me, I think the compulsion to know whatever I could find out was more important than the gift.

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Always, always, always peeked!! DH (db back then) thought he'd outwit me and found a place that sealed presents in beautiful tin cans. Unfortunately for him he made the mistake of letting me know he thought he'd outsmarted me that year. I searched out the place that did it, opened my presents, had them resealed, then proceeded to amaze him with my ability to figure out what was in each can Christmas morning:D Worth e.v.e.r.y penny spent on resealing:lol::lol:

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You betcha. Except I TOTALLY cheated. I found out where my mom kept the receipts and just checked those.


We don't have any good hiding places around here, so the kids can see the boxes when they start arriving sometime around October. If they ask, I tell them they're gifts, maybe for them and maybe not, and they are welcome to open them if they want to ruin the holiday. So far, all secrets are still secrets. ;)

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Yes, I peeked. This may sound odd but I did it to reduce my disappointment on Christmas morning. My mom and I never 'clicked' on gifts. I have never liked her taste...nor her, mine. MY mom would give hints, and then I would be hopeful that I would like my present...just to be surprised with something that was absolutely not my taste.


Disclaimer: My mom likes to give clothes for gifts. My mother and my siblings are all dark complected, with very dark hair and dark eyes. I am very light skinned, blond haired, blue eyed. I didn't look good in the same clothes or colors that my mother/sibling would wear...thus the disassociation of styles.

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Yes, once. We never did again... I think it had to do more with the look of disappointment on my mom's face. Gift giving is her thing... it means so much to her. My Christmas wasn't ruined by peeking, but hers was, to me at the time, just destroyed.


Just the fact that someone GOT me a present was all the surprise I really needed :D

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We didn't ever peek, but one year my sister and I agreed to tell each other what Mom and Dad bought for us (siblings always knew what the others were getting).

Knowing what was in those packages on Christmas morning was so disappointing. We never shared that information again.

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Nope! I picked up, shook, rattled, and tried to guess, but never actually looked at them!


:iagree: Me, too!


But I did know someone who warned her daughter not to peek or she'd take the gift back to the store. The dd peeked; it went back to the store. The dd never peeked again.

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Every single chance I got! My mom used to wrap my present 3 times trying to keep me out because I was very good and sneaking, peaking, shaking, and manhandling till I figured them out. It never ruined Christmas for me because I was perfectly content to wait once I knew what was in them. I still hate surprises to this day. My husband knows better than to try to "surprise' me with something. Because while it might be enjoyable for him, it's misery for me.

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I never did as a kid BUT I do peek now. I always peek at my presents from DH. I appreciate DH buying me presents but it's not usually what I would buy myself and I need a few days to get used to the idea of what I'm getting.



Me, too! For some reason, it's like he's allergic to getting me what I've asked for. He says the best gifts are the ones you are not expecting. :001_huh: I say, maybe sometimes, but if your best idea is that odd kitten sweater, please remember I put those things on that Amazon wishlist for a reason! I do appreciate the effort he puts into it, but I am also glad that if you want, you can see what people bought you from your wishlist so when DH gets ready to do his last-minute shopping I can see that he decided against the gift I REALLY wanted on the first round because it is "too obvious" :confused:, and I can lay down extra hints. Or, practice my "thank you!" face. :blushing:


But other than that, no I don't peek and it took me a couple years of me having trouble concealing my confusion/dissapointment and him unhappy that he didn't hit it out of the park to figure out this way works for us.

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