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If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

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On a lovely, sprawling acreage. Woods on the property. The house would have a glassed inm heated porch for hsing (or big sunroom). Min of 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Property would have solid outbuildings. Master bdrm would have an ensuite and a hot tub. Big, open kitchen. Hard wood floors.


But its not like I've spent much time thinking about it at all. :lol::lol::lol:

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I really have dreams of living in Colorado. I grew up in Western Canada, and my husband is from Denver. He's been moving around since he was 18, but since we got married, we've lived in San Diego, NC, Hawaii, and now San Diego again. He's looking to get a job in the Denver area when he gets out in a couple years, as I really think that would be the perfect place for us.


What I really hope Colorado offers us - four seasons, mild winter with snow (I miss it but don't miss the crazy winters I grew up with), mountains, Boulder, lots of homeschooling opportunities (San Diego also has this), smaller population than California, cheaper property and more space, and most of all - grandparents for our children!

Edited by tammyw
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If money were not an object (as in I could not live there with what we make now) I'd live in NYC. My second choice if I had the money is Boston.


If I could live abroad I'd live in a somewhat largish city in England, Ireland or Scotland.


If I have to continue to live in some remote area I'd like to live in Alaska.

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I really want to live in Samarqand or Bukhara or Kashgar (or all three) for a year. If they let people live in Yellowstone, I'd do that too. Then I'd want to live in Alaska next to the ocean. Then maybe I could live in Jerusalem for a year, and then in Cairo. And after that someplace in Paraguay and then Prague. I suppose that's enough for now.

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Tak sa mycket, du ocksa. (I can't find the right characters in the Fire.)


I have all of my books on my shelf, including all of Astrid Lindgren's booksin Swedish and English. But my crazy kids insist on Latin instead. Latin makesno sense to me at all--with those annoying endings.

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If money were no object. I would keep my current house for a quiet getaway.


I would have a small cottage in Nauvoo, IL on land where my Dh's family lived in the 1840's.


I would have a beachfront house on the Oregon coast.


And an apartment in downtown Salt Lake city or a house in historic downtown Provo.


Now if we are talking getting away, I would love a week trip just me, no husband no kids. Somewhere with a swimming pool, room service and maid service and some money. I would love to go to Utah for a makeover at the Dressing your truth store, as I like to try makeup before I buy it. :D And I would love to go shopping with Carol Tuttle at thrift stores.

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In this country? Right where I am. I love it here. It is the perfect small city for me. It has everything I could want. It is a college town with lots of smart people to meet. A large international population to add interest, amazing access to arts and sciences and lectures on whatever you might imagine. I love that my kids have been on a personal tour of a synchrotron and have been to the opera. The colleges are big enough that we get the occasional super cool visitor. The city is full of energy and new ideas. It is fun when things like the Nobel Prizes are awarded and we get to see an interview with a winner in the local paper. We are within easy driving distance of NYC (the best city in the world!), Montreal, Boston, Washington DC, Philly etc.


So, I dream of living near the ocean or in London or a beautiful farm house in France, but this is a good place for me.

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Hmmm....well, if we could live anywhere in the world......


Johannesburg without the violence, is there still a safe area?


England outside of London

Scotland, outside of Edinburgh

maybe parts of Switzerland


Within the USA:


I would move back to Southern California in a heartbeat if DH would agree

Seattle area

San Diego area

even Portland as long as I could be West Coast again.

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Really, where we are except in the country a bit but closer to the larger city in our area. I hate living in the middle of town like we do and especially the town that we do.:D I would like a 20-40 acre place that we could have chickens, a few cattle, maybe a pig, horses for the kids, a place for a real garden, etc but mostly away from the laundry fragrances that attach me the minute I step outside our home now. We would also not be in the middle of Rally Town every year.:tongue_smilie:

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A little town about two hours north of here which has nothing much to recommend itself, really. I can't live there because of the train time table. If the train dh needed to get to work left just 20 mins later...


And I should like a residence next door to my great aunt in Warsaw and the means to travel to and from a few times a year. :)



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Fourth page and NOBODY has brought up that cute little country in Southern Europe where they talk loudly and eat lots of pasta?!?!?! :001_huh:

What is wrong with you people?! :lol: It is Heaven on Earth.


ETA: Most of the rest of Western and Southern Europe is great too. :)

Edited by Ester Maria
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Fourth page and NOBODY has brought up that cute little country in Southern Europe where they talk loudly and eat lots of pasta?!?!?! :001_huh:

What is wrong with you people?! :lol: It is Heaven on Earth.


ETA: Most of the rest of Western and Southern Europe is great too. :)


I'd live there too, in the northern part where it snows. I'd never have to worry about being on time again!

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I'd live there too, in the northern part where it snows. I'd never have to worry about being on time again!

Northerners are mostly on time, though. :glare: My theory is that they are too close to Austria and Switzerland to be as relaxed as the central and Southern people, because they are affected by the virus of productivity thanks to their geographical location, LOL.

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We lived on the beach in Seacrest, FL for several years. It was heavenly. Few people, never crowds, clear water... but I hear Hawaii is pretty amazing.


To the person who said they want a sunroom for a school room -- I do too. BUT, we have a whole lot of stuff on our walls. Where would we put it? White boards...?

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Northerners are mostly on time, though. :glare: My theory is that they are too close to Austria and Switzerland to be as relaxed as the central and Southern people, because they are affected by the virus of productivity thanks to their geographical location, LOL.


Oh well, I guess I can't have both snow and lack of punctuality in the same location! :lol:

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Fourth page and NOBODY has brought up that cute little country in Southern Europe where they talk loudly and eat lots of pasta?!?!?! :001_huh:

What is wrong with you people?! :lol: It is Heaven on Earth.


ETA: Most of the rest of Western and Southern Europe is great too. :)

I'd love to come visit, Ester! Does that count?


(I'd be completely intimidated to move to a country that I didn't speak the language)

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