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Sister Wives

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:lol: That made me laugh. I have real life stories I could tell, but I shall refrain.


But! --Solomon of the bible --had over 1000 women at his disposal. He managed.


OMG! Really?! (not a bible scholar here, obviously!) but I have to jump in to say....


Omg that is SO apropos!!



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:lol: That made me laugh. I have real life stories I could tell, but I shall refrain.


But! --Solomon of the bible --had over 1000 women at his disposal. He managed.


I don't think anyone could pretend that those wives were "satisfied" either sexually or emotionally.

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What religion are they? I saw the show a few times and it didn't say.. I was assuming they were of an LDS branch (specifying BRANCH because I know that mainstream LDS don't practice polygamy anymore) but it looks like some of you are saying they're not?


As for the actual practice of having more than one wife..I think I could be happy enough that way.. it would be kinda fun to have a "sister wife" to share in all the life-stuff. (as long as it was someone with whom I could be friends)


It'll never happen though. :laugh:


The term "branch" in the mainstream LDS church means a small congregation. This contrasts with the term "ward," which means a full congregation. So, as a member of the mainstream LDS church, I would call them a splinter group or offshoot sect or something along those lines.


Their particular church seems far more palatable to me than I would have expected before watching the show. In the most recent episode the Browns ranted against Warren Jeffs (FLDS). They really dislike the closed community, child brides, arranged marriages, wife reassignment, and the abuses. I thought they made a good point about how the illegality of polygamy pushes these families into the shadows where they are unable to report the abuses without the fear of having their families torn apart.


I live in Utah and occasionally see the pioneer dresses and FLDS hair types. They tend to stick out in public. Maybe I've seen some from the church the Browns belong to, but they seem to dress like the rest of us so I wouldn't know.

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OMG! Really?! (not a bible scholar here, obviously!) but I have to jump in to say....


Omg that is SO apropos!!




Setting the bar a little high for that baby, aren't they? ;) Kody says four is IT for him, but he knows men with 7-8 wives.

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I watch this show. I like it and l like the wives - except Robin gets on my nerves a little. I think they are all likeable and seem normal except for the fact that they aren't!


I do find it some what interesting that the same crowd that spews vitriol towards the Duggars seems to be A-OK with the Browns. Actually, I find that really bizarre. The Brown kids seem a little cranky and disrespectful, but it is the Duggar kids people are "concerned" about. :confused:

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:lol: Um, I can't think of her name...she's blonde..... Christine! Just thought of it.


She seems increasingly dissatisfied. She likes living alone. She just allowed her 8 year old daughter to move in with Meri because she doesn't get along with her. She seems to contradict Kody (gag-- the "K") more often and more vigorously than the others. I don't know...just a hunch.


My other hunch is that Kody is gay. :tongue_smilie:

No, seriously. I think he is.




Yep me too. Overcompensating?? But then again he has horrible taste, the stupid shaggy scooby doo hair...NO gay man I know would leave the house like that ever.Ever.

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I must be about the most jealous woman in the world but there's no way in heck I would be okay with sharing my husband. Yeah, there's sometimes I'd like someone that could help with the laundry or watch the kid so I could go the to grocery store by myself but I'd rather get a nanny or a housekeeper rather than a sister wife. Something about the whole concept just makes me feel kind of icky.


What do you do about arguments? You know the wives have to disagree sometimes. I want my husband to be behind and supporting me and he can't do that if he's got four wives to be there for.


Yep me too. Overcompensating?? But then again he has horrible taste, the stupid shaggy scooby doo hair...NO gay man I know would leave the house like that ever.Ever.


Elizabeth - your comments are awesome. :lol:

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I must be about the most jealous woman in the world but there's no way in heck I would be okay with sharing my husband. Yeah, there's sometimes I'd like someone that could help with the laundry or watch the kid so I could go the to grocery store by myself but I'd rather get a nanny or a housekeeper rather than a sister wife. Something about the whole concept just makes me feel kind of icky.


What do you do about arguments? You know the wives have to disagree sometimes. I want my husband to be behind and supporting me and he can't do that if he's got four wives to be there for.




Elizabeth - your comments are awesome. :lol:


Not only that, but when they're doing the deed I would be constantly thinking that his thoughts are wandering to another wife instead of me. Honestly, I don't see how this sort of arrangement doesn't drive them up the wall. :tongue_smilie:

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Yeah, there's sometimes I'd like someone that could help with the laundry or watch the kid so I could go the to grocery store by myself but I'd rather get a nanny or a housekeeper rather than a sister wife.



:iagree: Exactly! I have that "disney-style" love and I am not about to share it. Now, the laundry? I'll share that :D

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The term "branch" in the mainstream LDS church means a small congregation. This contrasts with the term "ward," which means a full congregation. So, as a member of the mainstream LDS church, I would call them a splinter group or offshoot sect or something along those lines.


Their particular church seems far more palatable to me than I would have expected before watching the show. In the most recent episode the Browns ranted against Warren Jeffs (FLDS). They really dislike the closed community, child brides, arranged marriages, wife reassignment, and the abuses. I thought they made a good point about how the illegality of polygamy pushes these families into the shadows where they are unable to report the abuses without the fear of having their families torn apart.


I live in Utah and occasionally see the pioneer dresses and FLDS hair types. They tend to stick out in public. Maybe I've seen some from the church the Browns belong to, but they seem to dress like the rest of us so I wouldn't know.


The Browns are AUB.

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I watch this show. I like it and l like the wives - except Robin gets on my nerves a little. I think they are all likeable and seem normal except for the fact that they aren't!


I do find it some what interesting that the same crowd that spews vitriol towards the Duggars seems to be A-OK with the Browns. Actually, I find that really bizarre. The Brown kids seem a little cranky and disrespectful, but it is the Duggar kids people are "concerned" about. :confused:


HUH? What crowd is that? Do you mean me? Because as far as I know, the Browns aren't affiliated with the Gothards, Pearls, etc. Personally, I could care less if that family has twenty MORE kids. Have at it. And I don't really care HOW many wives Kody Brown takes, as long as I'm not one of them.

But seriously? You can't see the difference? These women are adults, making their own decisions to live this way of life. More power to them all. But when all is said and done, whatever else Ma and Pa Duggar and Kody and his wives do in their private lives, I cannot respect them for pimping out their families for the consumption of the American public.



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HUH? What crowd is that? Do you mean me? Because as far as I know, the Browns aren't affiliated with the Gothards, Pearls, etc. Personally, I could care less if that family has twenty MORE kids. Have at it. And I don't really care HOW many wives Kody Brown takes, as long as I'm not one of them.

But seriously? You can't see the difference? These women are adults, making their own decisions to live this way of life. More power to them all. But when all is said and done, whatever else Ma and Pa Duggar and Kody and his wives do in their private lives, I cannot respect them for pimping out their families for the consumption of the American public.




But since they are pimping, against our better judgment, might as well consume huh?

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But since they are pimping, against our better judgment, might as well consume huh?





75K per adult, per episode. Not bad coin. The Duggars have a bigger following, more "consumers," and are pretty shewed businessfolk from what I understand, so I'm sure the Brown's 395K is a pittance. ;)



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75K per adult, per episode. Not bad coin. The Duggars have a bigger following, more "consumers," and are pretty shewed businessfolk from what I understand, so I'm sure the Brown's 395K is a pittance. ;)




Holy crap! I've wondered what they were bringing in from the show, but I never guessed that much. The whining about finances did seem a little contrived, but all the carrying on about affording a house that could accommodate everyone when they are making almost half a million per episode is pathetic.

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Michelle has talked in the past about how she "blanket trains" each baby. :001_huh:


i knew she trained her kids. she also makes them learn to sit quietly in chair, but in that episode it still looked gentle and not abusive. her blog implies they are spank free and rather gentle. i hate the pearls book, so i was just shocked to see the affiliation. i know the ATI or whatever it's called is into corporal punishment though. i was just hoping they were the exception.

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Michelle has talked in the past about how she "blanket trains" each baby. :001_huh:



When would she ever have need to do this? :tongue_smilie: Maybe she got sidetracked with the first two or so, but after that? Who has the energy to tell older sibs to leave the baby alone? Pick it up! Pick it up!


LL, crazy atheist defending the Duggar Michelle. :lol:

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The germaphobe in me isn't crazy about sharing my razor with others in my house (my own children); I cannot imagine "sharing" my husband. :tongue_smilie:


Well, to start off, there is THAT.:lol:


Meh. To each his own and all that. I often tell dh that I need a wife to cook and clean for me, but I think what I really want is a maid;).


They are like a train wreck. You just can't look away. I mean, it seems like things run as smoothly as could be expected. They are all adults and chose this lifestyle. Personally, I couldn't do it. I'm kinda possessive about my dh. Call me selfish.

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I have watched it a few times but what really just makes me think gross. He was talking in one episode how he goes to a different house each night (different) bed.


Seriously ladies would any of you want to have his you know stuck in 3 someone other or more ladies then come to you cause they obviously don't cover and then come to you every 4th night/just saying the whole lifestyle just seems nasty to me


don't need to talk jealousy and stuff when all the ladies mention feeling weird if they step in the other ladies bedroom




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I don't think anyone could pretend that those wives were "satisfied" either sexually or emotionally.


Well. From an archaeology standpoint, Solmon never exisited. For a kingdom as large as he was to have claimed/built there is no physical record of such. Other cutlures of the time have stone momuments and reccords, and yet nothing remains of Solomon's kingdom. (Or David's) Certainly various pharoahs have claimed in stone many ridiculous number of offspring.


Maybe he existed, and had 1000 women at his disposal (but only 10 sons? Interesting mathematics, really lol), and maybe he did not.


Could he staisfy 1000? Is his legacy yet to be discovered beneath the sand? Some men can do it 2.7 times a day. I am betting most men could, given the right circumstances. ;)

Edited by LibraryLover
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Well. From an archaeology standpoint, Solmon never exisited. For a kingdom as large as he was to have claimed/built there is no physical record of such. Other cutlures of the time have stone momuments and reccords, and yet nothing remains of Solomon's kingdom. (Or David's) Certainly various pharoahs have claimed in stone many ridiculous number of offspring.


Maybe he existed, and had 1000 women at his disposal (but only 10 sons? Interesting mathematics, really lol), and maybe he did not.


Could he staisfy 1000? Is his legacy yet to be discovered beneath the sand? Some men can do it 2.7 times a day. I am betting most men could, given the right circumstances. ;)


Well, many, many of his marriages were political alliances. He wasn't marrying all of those women for the sex.;)

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I tried to watch that show, but it felt dirty to me. Even reading this thread feels wrong! I just wanted to point out that he does not have four wives. He has one wife and three concubines.

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HUH? What crowd is that? Do you mean me? Because as far as I know, the Browns aren't affiliated with the Gothards, Pearls, etc. Personally, I could care less if that family has twenty MORE kids. Have at it. And I don't really care HOW many wives Kody Brown takes, as long as I'm not one of them.

But seriously? You can't see the difference? These women are adults, making their own decisions to live this way of life. More power to them all. But when all is said and done, whatever else Ma and Pa Duggar and Kody and his wives do in their private lives, I cannot respect them for pimping out their families for the consumption of the American public.




Wait, I don't get this. You are fine with the Brown situation because they are adults making these decisions? Their decisions do not affect the children there? You dislike the Duggars because of the way they raise their children because the children are minors and don't have a choice? Do I have that right or am I misunderstanding?


Isn't it a parent's job to raise their children according to what they think is best for their child (as long as there is no abuse)? The Duggar's are in no way abusing their children. IMO, the Brown's are subjecting their children psychological abuse. How confusing that lifestyle has to be to their children (which is probably why people say they seem unhappy). Think about that and then compare to the Duggar children who are happy and well-rounded.

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Kody gay? Nope I never saw that--more like a kid in a candy store.


Now Janelle---I think she is gay. I've thought that since the first or second show I watched.


I like the Duggers. I like watching the Browns. I don't know what I think about the Browns. I'm LDS, so can kinda understand the principal of multiple wives, but it is illegal. I'm one of those people who likes to live by the letter of the law.

So, I don't know what I think about them other than I find their show very interesting. I like to see how others live---always have.

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I like the Duggars - I don't watch the Browns but I'm not a fan.


They can call their relationship whatever they want but since polygamy is against the law and his other wives are not really married to him then all I see is adultery with consent or in modern day terms an "open marriage".

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What religion are they? I saw the show a few times and it didn't say.. I was assuming they were of an LDS branch (specifying BRANCH because I know that mainstream LDS don't practice polygamy anymore) but it looks like some of you are saying they're not?


As for the actual practice of having more than one wife..I think I could be happy enough that way.. it would be kinda fun to have a "sister wife" to share in all the life-stuff. (as long as it was someone with whom I could be friends)


It'll never happen though. :laugh:


The term "branch" in the mainstream LDS church means a small congregation. This contrasts with the term "ward," which means a full congregation. So, as a member of the mainstream LDS church, I would call them a splinter group or offshoot sect or something along those lines.


Their particular church seems far more palatable to me than I would have expected before watching the show. In the most recent episode the Browns ranted against Warren Jeffs (FLDS). They really dislike the closed community, child brides, arranged marriages, wife reassignment, and the abuses. I thought they made a good point about how the illegality of polygamy pushes these families into the shadows where they are unable to report the abuses without the fear of having their families torn apart.


I live in Utah and occasionally see the pioneer dresses and FLDS hair types. They tend to stick out in public. Maybe I've seen some from the church the Browns belong to, but they seem to dress like the rest of us so I wouldn't know.


Oops, sorry about that! I didn't realize that the term "branch" actually had a meaning of its own for the LDS church… I was using it in an attempt to not offend any 'mainstream' LDS folks who don't want to be identified with the other groups… sort of like the various branches of a tree, going this way and that. I'll remember not to use it! :001_smile:


(and i'm glad they don't agree with THAT sort of polygamy.. i don't have a problem with people doing it when they're all consenting and everything is by choice… )

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What religion are they? I saw the show a few times and it didn't say.. I was assuming they were of an LDS branch (specifying BRANCH because I know that mainstream LDS don't practice polygamy anymore) but it looks like some of you are saying they're not?


As for the actual practice of having more than one wife..I think I could be happy enough that way.. it would be kinda fun to have a "sister wife" to share in all the life-stuff. (as long as it was someone with whom I could be friends)


It'll never happen though. :laugh:


You're right. They belong to a Mormon splinter group. According to wikipedia, they belong to the Apostolic United Brethren.


Aha. Thanks! :D I should have gone searching there!

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The only difference I see between this thread and the Duggar one is that nobody seems dead-set on defending everything that the Duggars do. There have been criticisms and speculation about the Browns in this thread, just like there were about the Duggars. I don't think anyone hates either family, but people do disagree with some of the actions/practices of each family.

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I'm pretty sure that he's had a marriage ceremony for each and they all identify as wives.


:iagree: They believe that they are married before God, even though the law does not recognize it. They are in committed relationships. They are faithful within the context of polygamy. They wear wedding rings as a symbol of their commitment. Polygamy is legal in other places. It just isn't legal here.


WRT Duggars vs. Browns, I watch both shows. Dh hates it when I watch the Duggars, but he doesn't mind the Browns. Last night I asked him why. He said it was because the Duggars (in his opinion) give too much credit to God for things that are actually a choice on their part. He cited the current pregnancy as an example: she got pregnant because they had sex without using birth control. That tends to happen whether or not God thinks it's a good idea. He has a point. Does God really want crack-addicted women to get pregnant? Or young girls who are victims of rape? I don't think so. I think it is simply a matter of natural consequences (good or bad). I believe in free will, so I don't believe that everything that happens is what God wants to have happen.


And I'm not sure the Duggar kids are escaping psychological abuse. Some of the Gothard stuff is pretty messed up, IMO. The Brown kids at least know they have a choice whether or not to be polygamist when they grow up. Their parents will love them either way. I don't get the same impression from ATI/Gothard families.

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My response in red, below:


Wait, I don't get this. You are fine with the Brown situation because they are adults making these decisions? No, not fine with it. Not disapproving either. As I said, I don't really care either way. They can all do what they want. Their kids, their lives, their marriage(s). But I don't agree that the blanket statement "Oh, everyone who hates the Duggars loves the Browns" applies, nor is it a fair characterization. Their decisions do not affect the children there? Rhetorical question--- duh. You dislike the Duggars because of the way they raise their children because the children are minors and don't have a choice? Do I have that right or am I misunderstanding? I dislike the Duggars because they are using their children and lifestyle for financial gain. And they subscribe to what I and many others consider abusive parenting techniques (Gothards, Pearls, etc.) But their kids, their choice. I dislike the Browns because they are using their children and lifestyle for financial gain. But as far as I know, they're not Gothard-ites. Their kids, their choice.


Isn't it a parent's job to raise their children according to what they think is best for their child (as long as there is no abuse)? The Duggar's are in no way abusing their children. Again, I'm not going to bother answering your rhetorical question at the beginning of this paragraph. However, do you know for a fact that the Duggars are not abusing their children? No, you don't, any more than I know that they are. BUT, we do know that the Duggars subscribe to an ideology that has been well-known, especially in recent weeks, to be linked with abusive parenting. IMO, the Brown's are subjecting their children psychological abuse. How confusing that lifestyle has to be to their children (which is probably why people say they seem unhappy). No, I think the kids seem unhappy because their parents have film crews in their faces, they were suddenly moved out of state and are living apart for the first time, and have not been 'trained' to "have a cheerful countenance." Perhaps there are other reasons, surely there are, but how would we know what they are? We only see what TLC films and airs. Think about that and then compare to the Duggar children who are happy and well-rounded. Um, is that some sort of chastisement? :001_huh: Duggar children are trained to have a "cheerful countenence" at all times. "Happy" is all that's allowed. I've heard Michelle say that herself on the show. And personally, I wouldn't exactly call them "well-rounded."


TXMary2, I noticed the same thing (those who hate the Duggar family seem to like the Brown family). Odd.

I think you're confusing "like" with "odd fascination" which I think is how many of us have termed it. And HATE?! Wow. Strong term, and entirely yours, not mine.





And you know, some people LIKE sardines but DISLIKE smoked herring.




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TXMary2, I noticed the same thing (those who hate the Duggar family seem to like the Brown family). Odd.


I just think the Browns are better parents. Their kids seem like normal kids, and don't have to act like little adults and raise the littles. The parents make it clear to them that they can choose the parents' value system, or not, and that they'll love them either way. There are a few more moms than you'd expect, but in the end, they do seem like a normal family in most ways.


The Duggar kids seem... brainwashed. No other way to put it. It creeps me out.

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I have not read everything yet, but...

I've never watched Sister Wives but




:D I often tell my DH I'd love it if he went out and got another wife to help me around the house and with the kids. She can watch the littles while I homeschool the bigs :D and I will happily do all the laundry and ironing if she does all the cooking :D


I am LDS - and I would be first in line if they ever bought the practice of polygomy back :lol: (J/K but maybe not if I've been having a bad week) :tongue_smilie:

It seems it would be easier/cheaper to hire help. :D

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I just think the Browns are better parents. Their kids seem like normal kids, and don't have to act like little adults and raise the littles. The parents make it clear to them that they can choose the parents' value system, or not, and that they'll love them either way. There are a few more moms than you'd expect, but in the end, they do seem like a normal family in most ways.


The Duggar kids seem... brainwashed. No other way to put it. It creeps me out.

I generally agree, but I also wonder how much of it has to do with the control in the editing room the parents keep. I know that in both cases, we're not seeing the whole story.


I like both families, wouldn't choose either of their lifestyles, but find them interesting. I relate a lot more to the Browns, because outside of the whole polygamy thing, we're pretty similar. I could be friends with the Brown ladies, though I'm not sure I'd want to be around their dh for long. Sometimes Christine reminds me of one of my best friends -- their attitudes toward a lot of things, etc. ... there's even a slight physical resemblance and they were raised pretty much the same way, minus the polygamy thing.

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I just think the Browns are better parents. Their kids seem like normal kids, and don't have to act like little adults and raise the littles. The parents make it clear to them that they can choose the parents' value system, or not, and that they'll love them either way. There are a few more moms than you'd expect, but in the end, they do seem like a normal family in most ways.


The Duggar kids seem... brainwashed. No other way to put it. It creeps me out.


Several of the Brown kids seem angry and depressed - not normal. They do not live in a normal environment. It is bizarre. I'll take 18 siblings and a rosy view of life over that.

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Several of the Brown kids seem angry and depressed - not normal. They do not live in a normal environment. It is bizarre. I'll take 18 siblings and a rosy view of life over that.


I haven't seen the whole show, only the first five or six episodes, so I don't know what happened later on. In the episodes I saw, though, they seemed pretty normal. I'd imagine that having to flee to another state over the whole polygamy thing caused a lot of issues.

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