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She wants to wear make-up and shave her legs...

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yet she still plays with her Breyer horses and watches cartoons. This is such an interesting time. I feel like crying so sometimes I do. :D


When I took her to Carowinds (amusement park) two weeks ago, she held my hand while we walked around the park and still loved the kiddie rides as well as the giant coasters. I can't figure out if she is still a little girl or not. I don't think she knows either.


She just got a new haircut, and it made her look so much older! Tonight, she is wearing her first bit of make-up to church, just a little mascara and lip gloss. I have convinced her to wait on shaving her legs until spring. I'm not going to shave this winter, so why should she? :lol::lol::lol:


Ten minutes ago she came in the bathroom while I was doing my make-up and told me she thinks her booKs are getting bigger (she barely has any right now). :svengo:


I am so proud of her, even though she makes me want to :willy_nilly: almost daily. I just wanted to share. I know you moms of middle school girls will understand.


Here's a pic of my girl:



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yet she still plays with her Breyer horses and watches cartoons. This is such an interesting time. I feel like crying so sometimes I do. :D


When I took her to Carowinds (amusement park) two weeks ago, she held my hand while we walked around the park and still loved the kiddie rides as well as the giant coasters. I can't figure out if she is still a little girl or not. I don't think she knows either.


She just got a new haircut, and it made her look so much older! Tonight, she is wearing her first bit of make-up to church, just a little mascara and lip gloss. I have convinced her to wait on shaving her legs until spring. I'm not going to shave this winter, so why should she? :lol::lol::lol:


Ten minutes ago she came in the bathroom while I was doing my make-up and told me she thinks her booKs are getting bigger (she barely has any right now). :svengo:


I am so proud of her, even though she makes me want to :willy_nilly: almost daily. I just wanted to share. I know you moms of middle school girls will understand.


Here's a pic of my girl:




This sounds so much like my oldest - she turns 10 today. It's so bittersweet.

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I'm right there with you Nakia. Mine turned 11 this summer and we are having all kinds of talks about modesty and make-up etc, but she still loves her American Girl doll. We are not allowing makeup, she'll go overboard with it.


It's bittersweet, isn't it? Not so little, but not so big either.:grouphug:

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I must have done something wrong.


I have one turning 13 tomorrow who wouldn't touch make up with a 10 ft pole. My 17 year old won't even wear dresses.


I'm consoling myself by letting my 5 year old wear make up and buying barbies for my 1 year old. They might girlify her.

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We're there too with our 11yo. I haven't let her wear make-up outside the house yet, but she keeps trying to sneak out with it. She'll turn 12 right after xmas, and I've thought about giving her some mascara and lip gloss for xmas... don't know yet, we'll see. But yeah, there still toys she likes, loves cartoon and playing with her brother and sister. But she's all grown up too.

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We are there too...my daughter turned 11 in September...some minutes she is very grown up and the next she can act like a 3 year old...hormones kicking in, I know. She also likes to play with her stuffed animals, but other times doesn't like to do any such thing. We haven't done the make-up or the leg shaving thing yet...I am sure it is just around the corner...but I am not rushing it.

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I am so there with you.

DD 10 started shaving this past summer. She was so embarrassed by how dark her leg hair was. Now, she does it on her own and very infrequently. I think the novelty of it has worn off. As for the makeup, she lives around it and often helps me come up with new colors for my line so it isn't a high interest for her. I did buy her some clear mascara when she started asking to wear mascara. It is really funny though when she has asked me to cover a pimple with concealer so no one could see it. It took me quite a while to figure out what she was talking about since I couldn't even see the thing.

One day she is acting so mature and the next we are having a melt down because we moved one of her stuffed animals.

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yet she still plays with her Breyer horses and watches cartoons. This is such an interesting time. I feel like crying so sometimes I do. :D


When I took her to Carowinds (amusement park) two weeks ago, she held my hand while we walked around the park and still loved the kiddie rides as well as the giant coasters. I can't figure out if she is still a little girl or not. I don't think she knows either.


She just got a new haircut, and it made her look so much older! Tonight, she is wearing her first bit of make-up to church, just a little mascara and lip gloss. I have convinced her to wait on shaving her legs until spring. I'm not going to shave this winter, so why should she? :lol::lol::lol:


Ten minutes ago she came in the bathroom while I was doing my make-up and told me she thinks her booKs are getting bigger (she barely has any right now). :svengo:


I am so proud of her, even though she makes me want to :willy_nilly: almost daily. I just wanted to share. I know you moms of middle school girls will understand.


Here's a pic of my girl:




Watch out! The other day my 12yo dd was stretched out on her bed wearing a tank top. Suddenly it dawned on me that she had shaved under her arms...without ever asking/telling me about it. Yikes!!!

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I must have done something wrong.


I have one turning 13 tomorrow who wouldn't touch make up with a 10 ft pole. My 17 year old won't even wear dresses.


I'm consoling myself by letting my 5 year old wear make up and buying barbies for my 1 year old. They might girlify her.



I "*sort of*, but not really, worry about this, believe it or not. lol Mine are 18 and 12 and it's like pulling teeth to get them to wax their brows. I've managed it once, and it really needed to be done..ok, mybae not "really", but they are both very dark. The youngest will only wear a bit of makeup when she has a ballet performance. The oldest was rather put out when I asked if she might want to wear a little blusher and lip gloss to a family wedding where many photos would be taken. She did, but I felt guilty for asking. She hasn't touched the stuff since then. They do have nice skin and coloration, so I think that plays a part in their not noticing any need for such embellishments. I don't know. They do bathe daily.


I don't understand why some girls are so gung ho and others are so resistent. The leg thing? I won't touch that. My oldest has never shaved (she isn't hairy, but I think tackling the legs might be ok), and the youngest ought to at some point in the next year or so, but has never asked and I hate to bring it up and have her feel concerned. They don't watch network TV, so I think that is part of the reason it's not on their radar. They have spoken in horror at what little they have seen of Dance Moms & Toddlers & Tiaras etc, so I think they are also taking a bit of a political stance. They are both highly involved with community activites-- dance, art, college, etc etc., and they have never reported anyone saying a word to them about shaving, makeup, etc. So I guess it's not an issue and I should never make it one.

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I worry about this, believe it or not. lol Mine are 18 and 12 and it's like pulling teeth to get them to wax their brows. I've managed it once, and it really needed to be done..ok, mybae not "really", but they are both very dark. The youngest will only wear a bit of makeup when she has a ballet performance. The oldest was rather put out when asked if she might want to wear a little blusher and lip gloss for a family wedding. She did, but I felt guilty for asing. They do have nice skin and coloration, so I think that plays a part in their not noticing any need for such things.


I don't understand why some girls are so gung ho and others are so resistent. The leg thing, I won;t even tough, My oldest has never shaved (she isn't hairy, but I think tackling the legs might be ok), and the youngest ought to at some point in the next year or so, but has never asked and I hate to bring it up and have her feel concerned. They don't watch teen TV, so I think that is part of the reason. They have spoken in horror at what little they have seen of Dance Moms & Toddlers & Tiaras, so I think they are also taking a bit of a political stance.


I wish my mom had approached these topics with me as a young teen. I was too shy to ask. What/when I learned, I learned from much less reliable sources than my mother.

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We're there also. DD turned 11 in May and has grown like a weed the last year. 5 1/2 inches! I've joked about putting a brick on her head to slow her down. Now she'll say "where's that brick?" when she tries on a favorite dress that's too short. So far she's bummed about all the changes that have come in a short period of time...having to wash her face a couple times a day and just not in the shower, deodorant, too big to play in Chick-fil-a:tongue_smilie:, the list goes on and on. Seems to have happened all of a sudden. I keep encouraging her with "there are good things about growing up" but realize I need to start backing up my statement. A later bedtime can't be the only benefit?! Asked other moms what there is that's good and we're all drawing a blank for that age?! Um, ah, well...nada. :)Just a tough time. I'm just treasuring this time as she still does her own thing without regard to other kid's opinions. She's still secure despite the changes taking place, but I'm not sure that can last throughout puberty even with homeschoolers.

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I wish my mom had approached these topics with me as a young teen. I was too shy to ask. What/when I learned, I learned from much less reliable sources than my mother.


What do you mean? I bought the lip gloss and blusher. I have Lady razors. I wear light makeup.


They see they are attractive as they are, and the fact is, it's true to anyone who sees them. No pores, lovely color by nature, thick healthy hair etc. If they were blond and all body hair was invisable, I'd not even be participating in this conversation. None of the little girls my dd's age in our hsing group are into make up. My oldest has her artsy friends and they all seem quite comfortable in their own skin. I should be rejoicing, really. :)

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I've done what I can. :) I took them to the waxng place, I bought the lip gloss and blusher. I have lady razors. I wear light makeup.


I can only do what i can do. :tongue_smilie: They think they are precfectly fine and lovey as they are, and the fact is, it's true. No pores, lovely color by nature. If they were blond, I'd not even be participating in this conversation. lol


Then you've done as much as I would have wanted someone to do for me. :)


I hope my daughter stays blonde, so I don't have to worry quite so much about this with her.

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I allowed my dd (11) to start shaving this summer. The hair on her legs was dark and she was embarrassed to wear skirts. She hasn't mentioned make-up yet but I'll probably introduce some light lip gloss, etc when she turns 13. I would consider allowing her to wear it before then if she was interested... just my 2 cents worth.:001_smile:

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So why do some little girls worry about hair on the legs and some do not? Why so some 5 year olds want to wear makeup at all. It really is a terrible message to let them buy into, especially at such young ages.


Society can really mess up perfertly lovely girls and make them worry about all of the wrong things. The more I think of this, and the more dh is reading over my shoulder and laughing, "Are you crazy?" the more I realize what terrible messages we send young girls about their not being good enough the way they are.


He said I should never take them to wax their brows ever again unless they ask.

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I knew I wasn't alone! Bittersweet is a really good word for it.


Nope...you're not alone. :grouphug: Your dd is beautiful!



We are there too...my daughter turned 11 in September...some minutes she is very grown up and the next she can act like a 3 year old...hormones kicking in, I know. She also likes to play with her stuffed animals, but other times doesn't like to do any such thing. We haven't done the make-up or the leg shaving thing yet...I am sure it is just around the corner...but I am not rushing it.


Sounds so much like my dd.

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I so understand! My oldest is 11 and shaves her legs but has no desire to wear makeup. She had her first cycle this month and was just playing dolls with her little sis this week. Sometimes I think it is all affecting me much more than it is her.:tongue_smilie:

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Then you've done as much as I would have wanted someone to do for me. :)


I hope my daughter stays blonde, so I don't have to worry quite so much about this with her.


Reading through this, I think Ive done too much. It shoud come from them, not society, not mothers. There is no reason on earth a 10 year old should have to take the time to shave her legs or to even think why not shaving could possibily be an issue. We should leave them be.

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Reading through this, I think Ive done too much. It shoud come from them, not society, not mothers. There is no reason on earth a 10 year old should have to take the time to shave her legs or to even think why not shaving could possibily be an issue. We should leave them be.


I never mentioned shaving to my dd. She came to me and asked. I said it was fine. If she came to me and asked to wear makeup, I would tell her no. I'm not completely sure why but changing her face bothers me a bunch more than shaving the hair off her legs. I agree it should come from the kids but even when it does it doesn't mean I will allow it.

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Oh, I don't think we should be too hard on ourselves as mothers. Leave the guilt trip for others to dole out.:tongue_smilie:


Shaving legs, make-up... all of it, I think it's a personal decision between a mother and her precious dd. Some girls may not be aware or care about hair on their legs.... that's perfectly fine. But I do think some girls are a little more aware of their bodies at a younger age. My dd started going into puberty at 9 so we had address body changes at a much younger age than some families.


I don't think I did anything to make my dd (11) want to shave her legs this summer. Except shave my own.:D


She simply noticed that she had a lot of dark hair on her legs and was embarrasssed by it. We explored it a bit, had a girl day together and painted our toes and put curlers in our hair and I was able to grasp a little bit more of what she was feeling. I didn't feel like she was jumping off the deep end by asking so I said yes.


All this to say that I think you simply have to meet your dd wherever she is and base your decision on their emotional and physical maturity.


Girls are awesome, yes?

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Yes, girls are awesome! Sometimes, we have entirely too much awesome around here, lol.


I have no problem with my girls shaving and wearing make-up, at an appropriate age. And I fully intend to encourage my middle dd to wax her uni-brow when she is a teen. :D

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Right there with you...minus the makeup. And I've told her she can shave her legs, but she can't figure out how, so she wants me to teach her. Gulp.


It's not as bad as you think! I had the same feelings about helping my dd but when we were done I felt really good about myself that I had done it. It meant a lot to her so it meant a lot to me.

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As a fourth-grader, my first time in public school, I was teased unmercifully about my unshaven, obviously-hairy legs until I took my mom's razor and shaved with no supervision or instruction. Yes, there were a few cuts, but it was worth it to me....until my mom saw my legs. She went BALLISTIC and I tried to tell her how hard it was to already be a freak for religious stuff reasons and then all the extra weirdness. She didn't get it, she was more concerned about me damaging her razor (??) and also not asking her to be allowed to shave my legs.


IMO, a person's body is their own, but obviously every family is different. One of my daughters had neon pink hair for four years, then went blue/green and is now mostly blue. The other was magenta for a couple years, with an occasional foray into purple or green, but is now sticking with purple. One has an eyebrow piercing, the other has a nose piercing, both done while minors and obviously fine with me since I had to sign off on the piercings. Shaving? Not even on my radar.


All that is to say....what does it mean to YOU that your daughter wants to shave her legs? Or wear makeup? I guess I just don't understand why a parent's emotions should come into play in an aspect of a child's bodily hygiene or basic appearance.

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I'm right there with you, Nakia. I knew this day would come, but even so it is so hard to watch a daughter making such rapid changes! My heart goes out to you!


Dd is 12 going on 20. She already has her figure and is wanting to wear makeup in the worst way. She is becoming so beautiful, and it is making dh so concerned - LOL! As much as I love watching this transformation take place, I miss my little girl so much. I'd give anything to visit with that little girl again for a few minutes; play Barbies with her one more time, read stories and say bedtime prayers like it was not so long ago.


I raised three sons to manhood, and still miss the little boys they used to be, but there is something about a daughter that is so much more bittersweet, somehow so different.


Here's a picture of my own dd.






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One day she is acting so mature and the next we are having a melt down because we moved one of her stuffed animals.



:lol: This totally describes by 11 year old too!!! Wants to cuddle at night, wants to have her freedom, wants to be taken care of, wants to be independent....confusing for the rest of us!


Best thing I did was to get her to read The Care and Keeping of You and The Feelings Book. At least this way it is just not me telling her certain things and she understands why she feels the way she does!

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greenvneck, I'm not sure if you are addressing me, but I'm fully supportive of my dd wanting to shave and wear a little make-up. Just because we are all feeling nostalgic doesn't mean we aren't supportive. I love watching my girls grow up!


Lucinda, Your dd is beautiful!!

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Well, I know why my 5 year old likes to wear makeup. It's the same reason that she likes to mop the floor.

She wants to be like me.


My children have been very sheltered from cultural influences-not because I want to force them to be a certain way, but because I want them to be free to choose their own path.

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I am right there with you. My dd is 11 and one minute she is my sweet little girl and the next minute she is someone else.


She asked me to start shaving her legs when she was 9. One of the neighbor boys told her she had hairy legs.:glare: We discussed the pros and cons. She decided to wait and see how much lighter her hair would get that summer since it was the beginning of Spring. Last year she decided to shave so we went and purchased a razor just for her. She is not consistent with shaving. She shaves her legs when they bother her. Truthfully, it is a non-issue for me. It is her body and her decision to make. Up until the 1940's, I believe, women in the USA did not shave their legs or underarms. The razor manufacturers saw an untapped market and went for it.


As for the makeup, last year I told her she could follow the same schedule my mother gave me growing up. 6th grade-lip gloss/light lipstick. 7th grade-add blush. 8th grade the works. For some events she has worn light makeup since there would be a lot of family photos but I have been teaching her how to apply the makeup. No repeats of the 1970's pottery blue eyeshadow with brown eyes. I thank my mom for putting a stop to that when I was 13.

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