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It's stupid, but I'm panicked today. I'm due in about 3 weeks, & I don't have a dr (don't ask why) & can't think what I need to do for baby. This is #5 for me, but I've only had home/birth center births. This one will be in the hospital--part of the reason I can't breathe.


Logically, I have no problem w/ a hospital birth, & I've known that this one would likely be such for a long time. Now that I'm *sure*... it's bothering me a little. :lol:


There's only one hospital in town (I'm pretty sure--I've been checking today), so I guess I know where I'm going. They've got a mw practice, so it could even be a similar experience to what I've done before, minus dh heating up leftover frozen pizza for dinner the night of the birth or forgetting to feed me at all. :glare: :lol:


Other than that...? I've got diapers. I think there are some newborn clothes in the top drawer for the baby. I'm supposed to pack a bag, right? Should I do that now? Nightgown, baby clothes, diapers, wipes--ooh, I wonder if I have wipes!, what else?


Really, I've done this before. Well, never over night--I was always home in 3hrs. I can't find any reviews on the mw's or the hospital, but since it's the only one, I decided to stop looking. If it's bad, I don't guess I want to know. But they look good on their own website. :lol


Be gentle. I've been calm about everything up to now because...there wasn't anything else I could do. I'll be calm again in a few minutes. I just...don't want to feel worse about things I can't control. If you understand.

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Call the hospital, but most of them will have diapers, wipes, and baby supplies for you. Some will even have toiletries for you. You might want to take some sleepers for the baby.


Check out this list


ETA: I would get the bag packed now, just in case you go into labor early.

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They really had everything the baby needed in terms of diapers, wipes, etc. In fact, I think they sent me home with a stash.


I think you can pack ahead if you want, but there is not that. Much you need. Comfy clothes, warm socks, your favorite blankie, a coming home outfit for the baby .... Maybe an iPod if you are into music. Really, with four other kids, I would be focused on their needs while I am gone - filling the fridge with their favorite foods, trying to stay on top of their laundry, planning who will take care of them ....


It going to be ok.

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I would pack the bag, especially since I think I saw you post in another thread about having short labors. DD1 was a hospital birth and I was packing a bag in between contractions with a posterior baby. :tongue_smilie: DD2 was a homebirth, but I packed a transport bag just in case. Other women I have known who had a hospital birth packed things that would make them feel more comfortable like their own nightgown, bathrobe, music etc.


Can you get a tour of the labor and delivery section of the hospital?

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Call the hospital, but most of them will have diapers, wipes, and baby supplies for you. Some will even have toiletries for you. You might want to take some sleepers for the baby.


Check out this list


ETA: I would get the bag packed now, just in case you go into labor early.


They really had everything the baby needed in terms of diapers, wipes, etc. In fact, I think they sent me home with a stash.


I think you can pack ahead if you want, but there is not that. Much you need. Comfy clothes, warm socks, your favorite blankie, a coming home outfit for the baby .... Maybe an iPod if you are into music. Really, with four other kids, I would be focused on their needs while I am gone - filling the fridge with their favorite foods, trying to stay on top of their laundry, planning who will take care of them ....

It going to be ok.



:iagree: with everything that has been shared with you here and especially with what is in red. Your new little arrival will get everything from you -- the four littles at home, well, they require a little advanced planning but I think that Danestress has hit on all of it.


And, yes, I would have my bag packed -- with the twins, dh and I were leaving for a routine office visit and we had already been to the hospital umpteen times. We were walking out the front door, well, he was walking, I was waddling or actually listing from side to side, and my mom called out "you have your bag with you, don't you" (interesting.....coming from the woman who labored for no less than a fortnight both times :glare:) -- dh looked at me, and I responded that I wasn't bringing the bag until there was a foot hanging out of me. :glare:


He went back to our room and got the bag -- good thing, the twins were born the next morning and we were sent to the hospital straight from the doctor's office that afternoon.


Pack the bag.:grouphug:

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Yes, I would go ahead and pack a bag now- then you can stop thinking about it. ;) I always pack 4 weeks ahead of time, that way I feel like I'm ready for whenever baby makes an appearance.


The hospital will probably have diapers, wipes etc for the baby- you'll need a sleeper to bring baby home in.

Hospital provides pads for you, but you will probably need toiletries, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, makeup etc.

I like to bring my own nightgown for after the baby is born- I'm just more comfortable that way. And a robe. Books to read, a phone charger, laptop and movies if you like.


My experiences with hospital births has been wonderful, so if I were you I would try to focus on how great it COULD be, since it's your only option. Maybe that will help take the stress off. :)


However, my absolute BEST advice is this: ENJOY your time at the hospital- everyone is waiting on you hand and foot, you don't have to get up to take care of other children, you can nap anytime you want to, some one BRINGS you your FOOD! It's crazy. By the time I had #5 I was (half) jokingly begging the doctor to let me stay longer than my allotted 3 days.... ;)

Congratulations and good luck to you!

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Yes, I would go ahead and pack a bag now- then you can stop thinking about it. ;) I always pack 4 weeks ahead of time, that way I feel like I'm ready for whenever baby makes an appearance.


The hospital will probably have diapers, wipes etc for the baby- you'll need a sleeper to bring baby home in.

Hospital provides pads for you, but you will probably need toiletries, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, makeup etc.

I like to bring my own nightgown for after the baby is born- I'm just more comfortable that way. And a robe. Books to read, a phone charger, laptop and movies if you like.


My experiences with hospital births has been wonderful, so if I were you I would try to focus on how great it COULD be, since it's your only option. Maybe that will help take the stress off. :)


However, my absolute BEST advice is this: ENJOY your time at the hospital- everyone is waiting on you hand and foot, you don't have to get up to take care of other children, you can nap anytime you want to, some one BRINGS you your FOOD! It's crazy. By the time I had #5 I was (half) jokingly begging the doctor to let me stay longer than my allotted 3 days.... ;)

Congratulations and good luck to you!


I called it my vacation. I actually got to read, not clean anything, and have someone to wait on me. The nurses were always begging me to send the baby to them :D

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It's stupid, but I'm panicked today. I'm due in about 3 weeks, & I don't have a dr (don't ask why) & can't think what I need to do for baby. This is #5 for me, but I've only had home/birth center births. This one will be in the hospital--part of the reason I can't breathe.


Logically, I have no problem w/ a hospital birth, & I've known that this one would likely be such for a long time. Now that I'm *sure*... it's bothering me a little. :lol:


There's only one hospital in town (I'm pretty sure--I've been checking today), so I guess I know where I'm going. They've got a mw practice, so it could even be a similar experience to what I've done before, minus dh heating up leftover frozen pizza for dinner the night of the birth or forgetting to feed me at all. :glare: :lol:


Other than that...? I've got diapers. I think there are some newborn clothes in the top drawer for the baby. I'm supposed to pack a bag, right? Should I do that now? Nightgown, baby clothes, diapers, wipes--ooh, I wonder if I have wipes!, what else?


Really, I've done this before. Well, never over night--I was always home in 3hrs. I can't find any reviews on the mw's or the hospital, but since it's the only one, I decided to stop looking. If it's bad, I don't guess I want to know. But they look good on their own website. :lol


Be gentle. I've been calm about everything up to now because...there wasn't anything else I could do. I'll be calm again in a few minutes. I just...don't want to feel worse about things I can't control. If you understand.



ime, you don't need diapers or wipies. You'll most likely bring home extras from the hospital. The only thing I packed for baby was an outfit to bring baby home in. Maybe a spare in case of accidents? But diapers don't get excessively wet those first couple of days. I really don't think I brought a spare.

I brought an outfit for myself to go home in. I think I packed my own pajamas and some stuff to take a shower. I'm a light packer. Any snacks or goodies that would make you feel more comfortable during your stay though they usually are good about over-feeding you :D Usually the food was my favorite part the hospital stay. Pack phone numbers if you need to.

:grouphug: and Congrats!! I hope everything goes well. I had 7 hospital births. They all went fine with very minor kinks here and there. Nothing serious or horrible.

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Yes, I would go ahead and pack a bag now- then you can stop thinking about it. ;) I always pack 4 weeks ahead of time, that way I feel like I'm ready for whenever baby makes an appearance.


The hospital will probably have diapers, wipes etc for the baby- you'll need a sleeper to bring baby home in.

Hospital provides pads for you, but you will probably need toiletries, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, makeup etc.

I like to bring my own nightgown for after the baby is born- I'm just more comfortable that way. And a robe. Books to read, a phone charger, laptop and movies if you like.


My experiences with hospital births has been wonderful, so if I were you I would try to focus on how great it COULD be, since it's your only option. Maybe that will help take the stress off. :)


However, my absolute BEST advice is this: ENJOY your time at the hospital- everyone is waiting on you hand and foot, you don't have to get up to take care of other children, you can nap anytime you want to, some one BRINGS you your FOOD! It's crazy. By the time I had #5 I was (half) jokingly begging the doctor to let me stay longer than my allotted 3 days.... ;)

Congratulations and good luck to you!


In red, I have to say that :iagree::iagree::iagree:. Especially when the twins were born -- my last night in the hospital, the Yankess defeated the Mets to win the World Series -- like another dream come true. But, I digress -- enjoy (as much as you are able) your time there -- take advantage of the time off your feet -- everything at home will truly be fine. Once you leave the hospital, you will be back to being chief cook and bottle washer (you know what I mean.)

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Have you had any prenatal care since your move? I would call the hospital and ask for a tour. It would ease my mind, whether it was better or worse than I feared.


Yes, yes, yes. I stopped taking hospital tours after #4 I think. But with #7 we had a different hospital and didn't know where to go and delivery was imminent. I wish we had taken time to understand what door to go in during daytime and during nighttime and what procedure to follow. We did it wrong :tongue_smilie: but we made it in time. :D

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Have you had any prenatal care since your move? I would call the hospital and ask for a tour. It would ease my mind, whether it was better or worse than I feared.




I called & made the appt for a tour, but...they only do those once a week, during a time slot that dh usually works, & kids aren't allowed, so...I'll see if someone can watch them, but...urgh. It makes me nauseous to think about going alone, & I hate asking someone to watch the kids for something so...optional. And...I don't want the hospital to ask me who my dr is. :(

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Have you had any prenatal care since your move? I would call the hospital and ask for a tour. It would ease my mind, whether it was better or worse than I feared.


I agree and find out who the drs could be that will be on call and let them know you recently moved and don't have a local dr. so they don't have a fit when you show up with no local dr. I was transported for my first birth (supposed to be a homebirth, in a not so homebirth friendly state) and the hospital staff and dr on call were mortified about the whole thing.


I think it's better they ask about your dr now than when you show up to deliver - it will be stressful either way, but I think more so when you're in labor. . .

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I took my favorite feminine hygiene products. The ones that hospital provided were very uncomfortable. I also felt better taking my homemade face wash, shampoo, and such. I did not take my own nightgown because I didn't want it ruined or have to change and have it end up in the hospital laundry system. I also packed a camera because we never pay for those expensive hospital pictures.


My midwife hospital deliveries were very beautiful experiences.


You could try taking a tour. It might make you feel calmer.



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I called & made the appt for a tour, but...they only do those once a week, during a time slot that dh usually works, & kids aren't allowed, so...I'll see if someone can watch them, but...urgh. It makes me nauseous to think about going alone, & I hate asking someone to watch the kids for something so...optional. And...I don't want the hospital to ask me who my dr is. :(


If you don't have time for a full-on tour that's O.K. Drive there. Figure out the parking thing and figure out what door to go in. You can go in and ask at the desk if you go into labor in the evening which door. Get the phone number of the hospital and tape it to your dash. Call them on your way and they will meet you with a wheelchair if you are in serious labor. That way you won't have to hunt for the OB ward. You and dh can just go whenever you're free. Bring the kids and learn enough about the layout and where what is to get comfortable.


I actually did have a tour at the hospital I delivered at with #7. It was a grand opening type deal. I took all the kids. Free field trip. However, seeing the inside of the OR (cool) did not help me know which door to go in when I was about to drop a baby. :lol:

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I called & made the appt for a tour, but...they only do those once a week, during a time slot that dh usually works, & kids aren't allowed, so...I'll see if someone can watch them, but...urgh. It makes me nauseous to think about going alone, & I hate asking someone to watch the kids for something so...optional. And...I don't want the hospital to ask me who my dr is. :(


I think it's better they ask about your dr now than when you show up to deliver - it will be stressful either way, but I think more so when you're in labor. . .


This is what I am worried about for you. Better to let them know that you don't have a local doctor *now*. It is going to be stressful either way, but better to know where you stand. Ugh. I'm sorry you're going through this.

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I agree and find out who the drs could be that will be on call and let them know you recently moved and don't have a local dr. so they don't have a fit when you show up with no local dr. I was transported for my first birth (supposed to be a homebirth, in a not so homebirth friendly state) and the hospital staff and dr on call were mortified about the whole thing.


I think it's better they ask about your dr now than when you show up to deliver - it will be stressful either way, but I think more so when you're in labor. . .


I wasn't planning to keep it a secret, lol, I just didn't want to have to admit it while scheduling a tour. A tour seems so lackadaisical & frivolous if you don't have a dr yet, kwim? I'm hoping to have dr details worked out by next week, whatever that ends up looking like. It's just taken a lot longer than I'd expected.

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I wasn't planning to keep it a secret, lol, I just didn't want to have to admit it while scheduling a tour. A tour seems so lackadaisical & frivolous if you don't have a dr yet, kwim? I'm hoping to have dr details worked out by next week, whatever that ends up looking like. It's just taken a lot longer than I'd expected.


In red, doesn't seem frivolous if you are due in a matter of weeks. And, that question right now would give you the perfect opportunity to ask about the practices that have midwives, is there one on call and not busy when you are touring and perhaps you could meet. Granted, b/c of my sister being the head of ob/gyn when she was in practice, I did kind of muscle my way into places that others might not have thought to -- but her practice also had a NP there all the time, and she opened alot of doors for me. Make the tour work for you and your baby.:grouphug:


And a response that says you hope to have the doctor details worked out next week makes perfect sense, is certainly understandable and is quite reasonable considering all that has been on your plate.:grouphug:

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:grouphug: Is there a reason you can't have a homebirth?


I would take some snacks for dh for while you are in labor if you have long labors...


I like Depends underwear for afterwards, then nothing gets stained and I just throw it out..


You have a carseat right?


A cute sign to put in baby's bassinet with your prefrences, for me it would be something about Breastmilk only and no binkies. Bring to mom if fussy ect.


Pack your bag! Hoping your birth is wonderful.

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:grouphug: Is there a reason you can't have a homebirth?


Yes, ins being among them.


I would take some snacks for dh for while you are in labor if you have long labors...


My longest labor was 8 hrs, but that was really unusual. 3 hrs or less is more normal for me, although...after the 8hr one I'm less likely to believe that that's something I can predict.


I like Depends underwear for afterwards, then nothing gets stained and I just throw it out..


You have a carseat right?


Yes...I should probably bring it in, though.


A cute sign to put in baby's bassinet with your prefrences, for me it would be something about Breastmilk only and no binkies. Bring to mom if fussy ect.


Pack your bag! Hoping your birth is wonderful.


Hospital policies, from the website, look really good. They prefer babies in the room w/ mom, have sleeper sofas & meals for dad, I forget what else. Lowest rate of c-sections...well...lowest in what, I don't know, lol, but it *sounds* like a pretty natural-friendly hospital.


Went to look again--birth balls, squat bars (whatever that is), anybody in the family can attend the birth (but I'm good w/ just dh! :svengo:), supports VBACS (irrelevant to me, but says something about their philosophy). Nothing on the site has that snarky tone that some medical sites have, if that makes sense.

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Hospital policies, from the website, look really good. They prefer babies in the room w/ mom, have sleeper sofas & meals for dad, I forget what else. Lowest rate of c-sections...well...lowest in what, I don't know, lol, but it *sounds* like a pretty natural-friendly hospital.


Went to look again--birth balls, squat bars (whatever that is), anybody in the family can attend the birth (but I'm good w/ just dh! :svengo:), supports VBACS (irrelevant to me, but says something about their philosophy). Nothing on the site has that snarky tone that some medical sites have, if that makes sense.


I delivered (VBAC) at a hospital in your area. Nothing but good things to say about it. PM me if you have any questions. :grouphug:

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Do you mean that your insurance won't cover a homebirth? Or the lack of insurance?


If it is the insurance won't cover the homebirth, have you checked to see if it will cover a birthing center? Or checked to see if there is a birthing center accessible to you?


If it is the lack on insurance, again, a birthing center would be more economical in the end, and likely willing to work out payment arrangements.


A birthing center might seem like a good option, has more of that "at home" feel, has midwives ,and they would be less "frowny" on the lack of recent OB care. I would be investigating that option.

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If you don't have insurance, I would call to see if they will negotiate a rate with you. Our local hospital will negotiate a much lower rate if you sign up ahead of time and are in and out in 24 hours. I would not worry about just showing up and delivering with whomever is there to catch! Though finding out who that doctor is and making an appointment seems like a better route.

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Do you mean that your insurance won't cover a homebirth? Or the lack of insurance?


If it is the insurance won't cover the homebirth, have you checked to see if it will cover a birthing center? Or checked to see if there is a birthing center accessible to you?


If it is the lack on insurance, again, a birthing center would be more economical in the end, and likely willing to work out payment arrangements.


A birthing center might seem like a good option, has more of that "at home" feel, has midwives ,and they would be less "frowny" on the lack of recent OB care. I would be investigating that option.


Ins will not cover a home birth or a bc birth. There's only one bc here anyway, & they don't accept new patients after 28 weeks. Esp considering the fact that I've had little prenatal care up to this point, I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to consider me low-risk, even if it were earlier in the process. There just hasn't been enough monitoring, etc. If it weren't for ins, I'd see if they'd make an exception, but...I get a completely illogical bad vibe from their site. :001_huh:

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Honestly, I'm not packing much of a hospital bag. A take home outfit for baby, only b/c Wolf wouldn't know which one I want, basic tolietries, and a heavy housecoat, b/c the hospital ones aren't warm. A gluten free snack for me. The camera.


Other than that, I'm not bothering. I've packed bags before, and brought them home 99% untouched. Wolf will be going back and forth, so anything we may need he can bring.

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Ins will not cover a home birth or a bc birth. There's only one bc here anyway, & they don't accept new patients after 28 weeks. Esp considering the fact that I've had little prenatal care up to this point, I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to consider me low-risk, even if it were earlier in the process. There just hasn't been enough monitoring, etc. If it weren't for ins, I'd see if they'd make an exception, but...I get a completely illogical bad vibe from their site. :001_huh:



I think this thread was tailor-made for a poll.;)

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Where does such a dream hosptial exist? That sounds awesome! That is so cool that they have such nice procedure in place. Hopefully it is a wonderful experience.



A squat bar is a bar that attaches to the bed allowing you to hold your self in a squating position while you push the baby out. Allows you to squat in a comfortable place so the doctor is eye level with where the baby is headed....

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I wasn't planning to keep it a secret, lol, I just didn't want to have to admit it while scheduling a tour. A tour seems so lackadaisical & frivolous if you don't have a dr yet, kwim? I'm hoping to have dr details worked out by next week, whatever that ends up looking like. It's just taken a lot longer than I'd expected.


There is a chance that if you show up at the hospital and ask where to register, park, etc, for delivery, a nurse/staff member might be willing to show you around if they're not too busy (don't know how big your hospital is) even if it's not the official tour day.


Hospital policies, from the website, look really good. They prefer babies in the room w/ mom, have sleeper sofas & meals for dad, I forget what else. Lowest rate of c-sections...well...lowest in what, I don't know, lol, but it *sounds* like a pretty natural-friendly hospital.


Went to look again--birth balls, squat bars (whatever that is), anybody in the family can attend the birth (but I'm good w/ just dh! :svengo:), supports VBACS (irrelevant to me, but says something about their philosophy). Nothing on the site has that snarky tone that some medical sites have, if that makes sense.



That hospital sounds wonderful!

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I wasn't planning to keep it a secret, lol, I just didn't want to have to admit it while scheduling a tour. A tour seems so lackadaisical & frivolous if you don't have a dr yet, kwim? I'm hoping to have dr details worked out by next week, whatever that ends up looking like. It's just taken a lot longer than I'd expected.




Please don't quote what I'm about to say, so I can delete it later.


Paperwork got crossed or something. No ins coverage yet. Two weeks ago, we were told it would be done in two weeks. Now we're starting from scratch.


It should cover things retroactively, but...I don't really like "should." Kwim? And I don't know why a hospital would be ok w/ that.


I'm thinking...I could totally do this on my own.

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I would be begging pleading with the birth center for some sort of deal...explain the craziness and lack of insurance. Offer to get records from previous births ect. See if a local midwife is training somebody that needs catches and can give you a deal. I wouldn't feel comfortable walking in a hospital if I knew I may end up paying out of pocket. A midwife's bill would be much easier to swallow...



Good luck! :grouphug:

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Call the hospital, explain the situation, ask.

Call the ins people, ask what they suggest and if there's anything you need to do to protect your potential coverage.


Dh is talking to the ins people now. I don't know who to talk to at the hospital, but shoot--the way things have been going, one person says one thing, & the next person says the first guy was wrong. So does it even matter what they say to us?


I don't think they'd send me away in labor, but dh is afraid that they might be...difficult?


And if it comes to paying a bill...I don't know how we'd ever pay a hospital bill. Maybe I should call some midwives. But if I do that, then the ins *definitely* won't pay.


I've always wanted an unattended birth, though. ;)

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Just throwing my 2 cents in on what to pack. I packed small bags for both of my kids with a couple of changes of clothes. That way even if you haven't done laundry in a while and then go into labor, you know everyone will at least have stuff to wear until you get home. It's one less thing for you to worry about.

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I would bring wet wipes though! The last hospital I delivered at did not supply them; in an effort to be green, they gave us washcloths. Which would have been fine, but I had really low blood pressure and could not walk to the sink, stand there waiting for warm water and walk back.


Ours had wipes--but they were dry wipes and didn't work as well o i ended up using mine anyway!

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I don't think they'd send you away if you're in labor, but they will definitely be sending a bill if you don't have insurance.


What about an unassisted birth in the hospital parking lot? :tongue_smilie:


I'd be going with the midwives - I don't like hospitals and was so much in a better frame of mind with my homebirth than the hospital one (and each was about 40 hours of labor). So if you have no guarantee about the insurance coming through, I think you need to weigh your options and choose the one best for you - the one that is going to be the least stressful (including the possibility of a hospital bill the ins won't cover).

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I don't think they'd send you away if you're in labor, but they will definitely be sending a bill if you don't have insurance.


What about an unassisted birth in the hospital parking lot? :tongue_smilie:


I'd be going with the midwives - I don't like hospitals and was so much in a better frame of mind with my homebirth than the hospital one (and each was about 40 hours of labor). So if you have no guarantee about the insurance coming through, I think you need to weigh your options and choose the one best for you - the one that is going to be the least stressful (including the possibility of a hospital bill the ins won't cover).


None of it's un-stressful. I'd simply plan to not have the baby, but I'm far enough along, that that would make me cry. My best plan is to have it in the next 10 min, so I don't have to worry about it any more. :lol:


My labors tend to be short. 3hrs, 19min, 4hrs, 8hrs (hard to time this one; my water broke 30+ hrs before baby was born, but *active* labor was shorter...from the time mw said, "You're going to the hospital if..." to baby was less than 2 hrs...contractions weren't really worth talking about before that point...)

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19 mins?!? Wow. Maybe this one will be that fast and you won't have time to even worry about whether to go to the hospital or not. . .


Yeah, that was the only one that I told dh I was ready to mosey on up to the birth center. The other 2 bc births, he had to drag me out the door saying, "I'm not sure it's time yet..." :lol:


#4 was born at home, so that was different. I felt like a watched pot once mw got there. :001_huh:

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the only things you might need for the baby are clothes for going home.....they will have a supply of the other items for baby (diapers/wipes/etc)-alot of hospitals will even send a diaper bag filled with little "goodies" for mom/baby (at least they do in my town)......you need a couple of gowns,robe,socks,undies,feminine items (pads/etc-I took my own,I wasn't sure if I'd like the ones hospital provided)....some comfy clothes for mom to go home in.....carseat--camera/video camera...blankets depending on how the weather is where you are.......

Edited by SweetMissMagnolia
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I had one Hospital-With-Everything birth (internal and external monitor, IV, couldn't walk around, shaving, the whole.nine.yards:glare:) and two midwife births IN a hospital. World of difference. They were really, really lovely. So, I think you've got basically a birthing center in the middle of the hospital, if you ask me. Especially since you've had such little prenatal, you can rest assured that the hospital will be able to handle any surprises--NOT THAT THERE WILL BE ANY. :001_smile::001_smile:


I'd just pack things to make you comfy, like slippers and socks, and a robe if you want, and nursing bras if you need that sort of support. I like my own shampoo and body wash, and my toothbrush and paste, and my hairbrush. And then, of course, you'll want something to bring the baby home in.


At home, I'd definitely get some diapers and wipes, but not a lot, since there may be sensitivities.


Your dh will be able to bring you anything you want or forget, don't worry.


It's going to be different, but really, it's going to be FINE. :D

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Will this be medicaid insurance (or your state's low income insurance? (You don't need to answer that out loud).


We've been on our state's medicaid insurance 3 times when DH was laid off. The most recent one I had a doctors appointment the day he was laid off. Since we had insurance though his work and he was technically employed that day I went ahead and went to the appointment. Once we got through the state paperwork, they retroactively covered the whole month in which I first applied. Since I had coverage for that appointment, the state insurance covered my co-pay.


A previous time, we were on a cobra policy when I got pregnant. We had to drop it because we couldn't afford it and were without anything for a few months while I figured out how to apply for state insurance. Not only did they cover retroactively to the beginning of the month I applied, they went retroactively all the way back to the beginning of the pregnancy (I think I was about 6 months along at the time). So all the visits/tests that I had co-pays on early on, they covered.


So personally, if they say they cover retro, I would believe them and stop stressing about coverage. I know it's hard when everything is so undefined but my experience with the state coverage is that while they are very SLOW, the coverage is good and they do cover what they say they will.

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If you walk into the hospital in active labor, they will help you deliver and provide whatever medical care you need. If you are uninsured and low income, the hospital will help you apply for Medicaid, which will retroactively cover the birth. However, I would suggest that you apply for Medicaid now to save the hassle post-birth if this applies to you.


If you want someone to call the hospital and "ask questions for a friend", I'd be glad to do that. Just pm me the number, and I will call. This would not be my first time to do that. :)


I think you will feel less anxious if you have more specifics and know what to expect. Let me know if I can help.:grouphug:


ETA: Just read that you are supposed to be covered by insurance any day now. The hospital will know what to do with this if indeed you are covered by insurance. If you end up not covered by insurance for some reason, they can help you apply for Medicaid. Medicaid covers pg ladies differently than the general population. Medicaid covers a mom for six weeks after birth and the baby for a year.

Edited by texasmama
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stay on top of the insurance situation. hospitals can, and will, turn away laboring mothers. around here, unless that baby is crowning, my local hospital is going to send you to the 'uninsured' hospital, even if it's nowhere near. that's going to complicate your life if you don't have a babysitter for the other kids, etc.


have dh call, call, call until that paperwork goes through. and check on the hospital policy as well, because it's better to KNOW and be able to plan. maybe call for medicaid or low-cost insurance, get that ball rolling just in case something happens with the work insurance. apply for WIC if you haven't done so already.

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