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You might be a WTM dropout if......


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In the vein of the famous "You might be a redneck if" series, I thought it might be interesting to see some of the ways that we have made WTM ideas our own, or dropped ideas all together. I know when I first started this journey it was a bit intimidating seeing what it seemed like EVERYONE else was doing and feeling a bit inadequate, or like MY children were doomed to failure if I didn't follow the plans to the letter. So this thread is my way of owning my life and my homeschool journey, while still loving most of the WTM. So I will start.....


I might be a WTM dropout since I decided to drop SOTW and History Odyssey in favor of Living books, Discovery Streaming videos, and field trips to museums. (we are still following the 4 year cycle, just decided that all the summaries, timelines, and most of the activities were sucking the fun out of history)

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  • Um, you forget science, like every single WEEK?


  • And since we're Jewish AND moving to Israel, Hebrew has taken the timeslot where Latin could have gone. Sorry, Latin!!!
  • Oh, and if you hear "a noun is the name of a person, place, thing or idea" one more time, you'll puke?

(Though we're sticking with FLL for the time being... I can easily see that being an issue. :lol:)




  • We didn't do school today; the forest beckoned... does that count? :lol:

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I started mandatory quiet time. It's called sending ds to play preschool from 1-4 and the house becomes very quiet :lol:




As for us, we've never gotten the hang of outlining. I even signed on to Beta test Writing with Skill and I still couldn't wrap my mind around it. I'm an outlining failure.

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...if you rarely write down your children's narration from WWE - I ask the question (what do you remember...?) and he answers it - then we we move on - him watching me write down his words bored him to tears...


lol today I didn't feel like writing much so I summarized ds' summary. He said, "Hey, I said more than that." I can't get away with anything!

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You never once considered having your children memorize the Roman emperors in chronological order, or the kings & queens of England, or the state capitals. Scripture verses, poetry, famous speeches, yes. Laundry lists of trivia easily Googled, no.


:iagree: This is me! Although - have you seen the Horrible Histories Kings of England song on youtube? Love it. It may even, eventually, someday, help me remember aaaaalllll those monarchs. :D


I also don't tie all our literature into our history or science.

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You never once considered having your children memorize the Roman emperors in chronological order, or the kings & queens of England, or the state capitals. Scripture verses, poetry, famous speeches, yes. Laundry lists of trivia easily Googled, no.



Haha.....this is me too! Last year we faithfully memorized poetry and lots of trivia. This year I am aiming for 3 or 4 poems and dropped the fact memorization. Although I will probably insist they memorize state capitals next year in our geography unit. :001_smile:

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...if you don't have mandatory 'quiet time' every afternoon from 1 - 3. :)



I am still shooting for bathroom breaks without someone knocking on my door. I would LOVE mandatory quiet time, but not enough to start schooling at 7am so that we could fit it in.

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You never once considered having your children memorize the Roman emperors in chronological order, or the kings & queens of England, or the state capitals. Scripture verses, poetry, famous speeches, yes. Laundry lists of trivia easily Googled, no.



Oh my gosh, it's NOT just me!!! :lol:

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I find it bizarrely interesting to know the kings of England in order, though I only know it because of the rhyme. Whenever there's a bit of British history I want to contextualize, you can hear me starting up to myself, "Willy, Willy, Harry, Ste..."


But I think state capitals is useless. Surely it's more important to know Portland and Miami than Salem and Tallahassee.

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If you completely chucked the idea of trying to piece together everything yourself, and dove headfirst into HOD ~ only to find that you absolutely adore having a Teacher's Manual tell you what to do each day and that you find absolute joy in checking off completed boxes. (I heart HOD) :001_wub:

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If you don't teach Latin.:001_smile:


I don't mind hearing it in plant names (horticulture major), but looking at the books and listening to the audio CDs...it's like nails on a chalkboard. I can't do it...and you can't make me!:banghead:


With that said, we did attempt to start spanish this week with dd13 and the blankity blank software it not working. Paid hundreds for it. Now I am going to have to spend time on the phone with tech support.:confused: Probably wouldn't have happened if I had been a good little WTM momma and chose Latin. Poo.


Other than that I think we are pulling off WTM for our 2nd year...Oh but I did switch olders to IEW and they like it much better than WTM.

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...you tried EVERY 3R rec in the book and not one fit your kids.


... you never teach Latin or Logic. It makes me cross-eyed. I have learned 3 other languages so it isn't a lack of ability here.


...you gave up diagramming after the simple skeletons started looking like giant spiders.


I am sorry, SWB and JW. I have the utmost respect for you and your work, but it just does not work for us. I thank you for pointing me in this homeschool direction and giving me a place to start and to come back to for grounding.

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...you put FLL, WWE and SOTW on the back burner for an unknown amount of time, and you are on the fence if you'll even go back to them at all.


...you started too late and just can't see how you'll catch up to being on the 4 year cycle.


...no Latin. No language at all, honestly.


Does using MCT redeem me at all? :glare:

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I started mandatory quiet time. It's called sending ds to play preschool from 1-4 and the house becomes very quiet :lol:


Werd. That's where The Drama is right now!



... if your child ran crying from OPGTR.

... if you don't use FLL.

... if your spine is SCIENCE instead of history!

... if you only intend to teach roots, never Latin or Greek

... if you've never actually read all of TWTM... *cough*

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...if you don't have mandatory 'quiet time' every afternoon from 1 - 3. :)



I wish I did! How on earth would you enforce this. I've tried to have some quiet times but my kids keep coming out of their rooms, finding me wherever I'm hiding, or fighting with each other! Plus, we're most productive when the baby is napping in the afternoon so it's a great time for read alouds and art projects.


I didn't even know that was mentioned in the book...I need to go back and look for that.


So I guess for me......you might be a WTM dropout if you cannot remember anything you read in the book. :D

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If you completely chucked the idea of trying to piece together everything yourself, and dove headfirst into HOD ~ only to find that you absolutely adore having a Teacher's Manual tell you what to do each day and that you find absolute joy in checking off completed boxes. (I heart HOD) :001_wub:




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If you have never read the WTM and never actually intend to :001_huh: and found this board accidently and stay here because it's the most helpful homeschooling website I've found.


I do like classical ideology and the idea of a rigourous education -but following the reccomendations I am not :D


My quiet time also comes from a kid who naps, one who goes to Pre-K and one who spends hours every day entertaining herself in the art area I set up :)

Edited by sewingmama
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I wish I did! How on earth would you enforce this. I've tried to have some quiet times but my kids keep coming out of their rooms, finding me wherever I'm hiding, or fighting with each other! Plus, we're most productive when the baby is napping in the afternoon so it's a great time for read alouds and art projects.




:iagree: When I have a napping baby, that is absolutely our most productive time as far as concentrated school. When my little ones transitioned out of napping around 2 years old, a couple hours of crib time (when they weren't used to any, since they were asleep during that time) would have been torture for them (and me!).

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You never once considered having your children memorize the Roman emperors in chronological order, or the kings & queens of England, or the state capitals. Scripture verses, poetry, famous speeches, yes. Laundry lists of trivia easily Googled, no.


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I'm not even a WTM die hard and I felt like a flunky last night returning a stack of unread library books.


I had always wanted to do TWTM library thing (kids pick books from various genres). I printed up check lists, gave the girls the how to, we got the books, and then... BLEH!!


We simply do not have room on our plates.. I'm sad that it didn't work the way I thought it would, but I'm relieved to let something go that wasn't working and was making me feel a teensy bit stressed. :001_smile:

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That sounds interesting - how does it work?:bigear:


I pick the science topic for the week or half-week--for us it's through BFSU, our science program where there isn't a set order for the topics. Our reading books for the week are about that topic--non-fiction, picture books, dd's reading aloud books. We do art or crafts relating to the science topic of the week. Sometimes our copywork is about the science topic. We will watch a related science DVD if I find one. If I have a related experiment or think of one, we do that as well. :D

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