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Hits and misses so far this year....


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My biggest miss of the year was MCP Plaid Phonics. It actually led to tears daily. So I ditched it and got Memoria Press First Reading Lessons. Now my son loves MCP Plaid Phonics again. He was begging to do it again because it was so fun. So, now he does both, but we mostly use MP as handwriting since it uses ZB and is really good. Who can understand kids sometimes?!?!? Our biggest hit has been our unit studies and our MCP Readers. My son loves those! Oh, and the Right Start card games!!!!!

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Someone just asked this on the General Board, so I'm just going to be lazy and cut & paste my answer over here. :tongue_smilie:


This is our first year with MCT and we are loving it. Also, I switched from AAS to Spelling Power when I realized that my kids are natural spellers and the last levels of AAS weren't going to be ready for me anyway. I can't believe how much the kids and I love Spelling Power.


We are in our 3rd year with Singapore and loving it. I feel more at ease with it the longer we use it. It seems like the farther we go, the more natural mental math becomes to the kids.


Going full-on inquiry in science has been liberating and fulfilling.


Starting our own brand of circle time, including yoga, has been a wonderful way to begin each day. The absolute best new thing, however, has been the change-up in our schedule. I now do all group/content work with all three kids in the mornings and do one hour of intensive one-on-one with each kid in the afternoon. It makes for a longer but more serene day!

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IEW Student Writing Intensive B - DD asks to do this one.


Lial's Introductory Algebra - this is the math book I wish I'd had back when I was in school.


Oak Meadow Biology - We've covered chapter 1. So far, so good.


Oh, and my 17 yo math lover has taken it upon himself to teach his 11 yo sister math. That's working well! (And the way they're plowing through, he'll probably have her in algebra by spring. :tongue_smilie:)

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Loving everything! Although, WWE 2 is slow going.


Biggest hit with 7 yo ds - Song School Latin. He loves it!


15 yo ds is loving Biology and Russian. I am loving his Art of Argument and Art of Poetry - I wish he was loving them.


I changed our Vocabulary this year. After 6 years of Wordly Wise I changed to Vocabulary from Classical Roots. So far, I love it. DS 15 - not sure yet.

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Favorite addition this year: TruthQuest American History for Younger Students I. Never thought I'd survive a curriculum without boxes to check off daily, but we are both loving this!


My super fidgety son is sitting (or jumping on the trampoline :lol:) while I read to him chapter after chapter from these wonderful historical novels. We're doing 50 pages some days and he is asking for more!


I am thrilled (and I'm learning fun stuff, too)!

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Two weeks and already--



R&S Math for 5th grade

R&S English for 5th grade

Speed is our issue- Too much copying or I have the biggest slow poke in the world!



R&S Math 2nd grade

WWE ---LOVE,LOVE,LOVE this program



Cursive First

Biblioplan/SOTW Ancients

The Body book/Usborne Human body/AIG-Animals


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Big hits so far are: Life of Fred, Human Odyssey, Easy Grammar, and Rosetta Stone Spanish. We've had a couple of false starts with Rosetta Stone in the past, but for whatever reason, this year is different. I feel really lucky that all the new stuff is working out so well. Such a bummer when it doesn't and I have to search for different curriculum in the middle of the year.



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Easy grammar ultimate series for my 8th and 10th graders. We couldn't take another year of Rod and Staff! I love R and S, but after about the 7th grade book, we are burned out! This series has been great to keep my girls up to snuff in grammar.


Mapping the World by Heart--my olders are doing this in a co-op. They've only had 2 classes so far, but they have learned a ton!

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Two weeks and loving:


PAL/Writing and Reading {actually haven't started the reading because I am waiting for the printed book but have started some of the reading games. The writing portion is a hit}


WinterPromise LA-6

WinterPromise LA-4 {only using the grammar portion on this one}

WinterPromise HIH {just started but am liking it already. Won't be making the big hideaways though as we have a small house.}


Delightful Reading {I have been using this for 4 weeks and will use it for 4 more weeks and then start WinterPromise LA-1. He has had lots of phonics but just needs a boost}


Writing with Ease 1, 2 and 3 {using 1 with Ethan, 2 with Caleb and Brent and 3 with Josh and Annette. Lance will start WWE1 in a few weeks}


Math-U-See Gamma, Delta and Epsilon {why did I ever switch}



Systematics Math {this is the first math program that Joshua likes. It's no frills or distractions}

Math Lessons for a Living Education {Lance, loves this}


Analytical Grammar with the dvds


Latin Primer A {using this with my four older dc and they all love it!}


I am happy to report that our first two weeks of school has been great!!!! To think I was scared to start school this year.

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We haven't started a lot that's new, but so far:



AAS - tried this a couple of years ago and it was a miserable failure. It seems to be working now.


MBTP lit units - just started Tornado (the first 7-9 unit), but it's been enjoyable so far. If this goes well, we'll do a couple more before diving into Galore Park's Junior English.



Winning with Writing - I may have simply picked the wrong level, because it was SO easy for Ariel that we were finishing a week's worth of stuff in 2 days, so I stopped at week 16 and decided to try MBTP. It has given her a reference to terms like "topic sentence" and adjective and adverb usage, so not a complete flop.


Pictures in Cursive - we haven't even started this, but I'm very disappointed in the book. I realized that to have enough lessons to cover the year, I would need Primer, A and B, which is much more than I wanted to spend on handwriting this year. Also, the pictures are pixilated and poorly printed.


A Living History of Our World - barely made it out of the box before I sent it back. Not our style at all. I bought The Complete Book of United States History to replace it, but haven't begun it yet.

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The biggest "hit" of the year has been the changes we've made to our homeschool overall: we are much more structured (in the mornings, so far) and my kids love it! I overheard them telling their Dad that homeschool was going "better than other years" and my 9-year-old added, "I think because of the way Mommy has it set up. We're not just doing random stuff each day." :D


New-to-us hits:

- Mindware logic / critical thinking stuff, esp. Venn Perplexors and Link Winks

- Family Time Fitness (this is making our "gym/recess break" between math and language arts in our mornings fun and effortless on my part)

- Evan-Moor Paragraph Writing (for older; he loves it!)

- GWG (older prefers it to Evan-Moor Grammar and Punctuation series we'd used previously.)

- Dr Dooriddles (not new to me, but new to younger and he loves them as much as older did at his age. Such a fun way to combine reading comprehension, penmanship, spelling and associative reasoning skills.)

- Our Human Body unit cobbled together from various places

- Various apps (Brain Pop and Stack the Countries are used daily)

- Using MUS for older in a spiral fashion. Today's lesson in Delta was on dividing by 6, so we also did a review page from Gamma on multiplying by 6. I was surprised when he told me at lunch that doing MUS that way was one of his favourite parts of our HS morning.



- LoF Apples (kids like it ok; I prefer other living math books we've read)

- Lollipop Logic (good material, but too easy for my 6 year old.)

- MM (older used Dark Blue series for clocks, which he's finally mastered thanks to MM, so good. But there are too many questions, the pages are too cluttered, and written instructions containing like "You'll do more problems like these in grade 2" when you are working with a grade 4....grrrrrr for my son).



none yet!

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Athenaze Greek -- Not exactly a miss because DD 13 actually quite liked the text; she just wants to learn Norwegian instead of Greek.

DD 15's science curriculum (Campbell Biology, Chang Chemistry, Giancoli Physics) -- Once again, the books themselves are great, but DD doesn't have the interest nor the time to devote to them.



BFSU -- Can't express how happy I am with this. I love, love, LOVE it. The perfect springboard for our interest led science studies.

SOTW -- As always. :)

DĂƒÂ©fi Math -- Watching DD 8, who's never been very keen on math, happily doing math with DH in French makes me smile everytime.

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Singapore Science MPH 3/4 (both ds8 and I enjoy it)

Home grown American History (can't find a perfect fit? Make your own)

Catholic Faith Delivered (Faith & Life online catechism)


Not a true miss, but on the fence about WWE. We already do copywork/dictation through PLL and Wheeler's ES. Still undecided.

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Enjoying the ScienceWorks series by Evan Moor-currently doing Human Body

DD actually likes R&S Spelling 2

SOTW 2 is working well (we add lots of additional reading)

DD working through CLE Bible 2 happily-she is a worksheet sort of girl

Teaching Art to Children (Evan Moor) is always cheered by the kids



No major ones yet! Except the fact that I am now regretting doing two separate Bible programs with my kids. I wish I would have combined them. Otherwise we are moving right along.


So far so good. I don't get too many complaints about school from them, but I know it is still early in the year:tongue_smilie:

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Considering so much is new to us this year, I'm surprised how well it's going.



Apologia Zoology 1. We started this back in spring but finally gave up last week. We are now doing Nature Study and loving it!



WWE, FLL, SOTW, TGS, GTG/TG, MM, HWT, The Nature Connection.


On the fence:

DITHOR; I don't think I've really got into the groove of this yet, but my daughter enjoys it.

Jolly Phonics; Ds enjoys the workbook but I am worried about the lack of teaching instruction so I am waiting on OPGTR as back up.:D


I'm also waiting for RS math for one of my boys who wasn't ready for MM1.


I'm glad I answered this; I feel much better about the last two weeks now I've written it down.:001_smile:

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Completing week 5, lots of hits, and a few not quite misses but "on the fences" ;)


Hits! BSGFAA (Love this!), FLL 1, WWE 1, AAS 1 (dd actually says, "yeah, I love this! to any of those. Amazing! yeah to narrating and answering complete sentences?!?) :lol:


"On the fences": MM (dd struggles with math, so I don't necessarily think it is MM, I really like it actually, just not sure there is enough there for me to teach it correctly. However, we plan to plug on and see how it goes.) SOTW (the readings are not grabbing dd and I am seeing little retention, but the AG and extra reading are going well. We will give it more time though.)


Going well so far! :)

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Our school year started in June, so I've got a good feel of what's working so far.


for the 4 yro:


Teach Me Joy animals or whatever the heck it's called - she loves it (of course)


for the 6 yro:


Time Traveler is awesome

OPGTR is great

FLL 1 is great

she is liking the My Father's World Bible Reader

Miquon is a giant hit - to the point where Singapore 1A is not getting done


for the 8 yro:


still Miquon is a big hit

Sign of the Beaver Moving Beyond the Page Unit Study was awesome

Primary Language Lessons is working

Spelling Workout didn't work out for him (there was a spelling mutiny)


for the 9 yro:


Life of Fred Fractions is awesome

she loves the Kitchen Table Math series

Intermediate Language Lessons is producing some great results

and the winner...Classical Composition is outstanding. I love this writing program. We plan to follow this thru high school.

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This is our first year, and only our 2nd week. Here our 1st impressions:



HOD - for a base plan, we do lots of add-ons. We really enjoy the reading about history and science, and the independent reading.


Growing w/ Grammar, Soaring w/ Spelling, etc. - our kids were in PS, so this is a format they know and can easily do


WWE and FLL - This approach is so different than PS, and we are growing enjoy it.


Singapore Math w/ these extra workbooks (http://www.amazon.com/Math-Practice-Grade-Recommended-Singapore/dp/0768239923/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1316175409&sr=8-3)


We also like this for extra math practice http://www.math-aids.com/




Rod & Staff Grammar - boring


Apologia - not sure about it


Evan Moor - daily math problems - not enough practice.


After a rough start, we are starting to enjoy some of the many benefits of HS, and we look forward to reviewing other's Hits.


I want to try Galloping the Globe, and SOTW, but I don't want to burn them out.

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We haven't had any misses this year.


Both girls (10 & 7) are enjoying their MBTP studies.


They are both successful with MM, although they wouldn't list it as a "hit". ;) They still say they prefer Singapore, but MM seems to be a better fit.


We've added in more menu planning, recipe choosing, and cooking. This is a big hit!


10yo dd really enjoyed MCTLA Island level, which we are just finishing up.

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The new concise version of The History of US (Hakim) from K12

Jacobs Algebra

Life of Fred (for review only; my son loves it and I have very mixed feelings about it)


Misses (I actually really like all of these, they just weren't right for us):



AoPS Prealgebra

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No full curriculums, but a few add ons. Horrible Science books--I thought ds would really like these, but no way. I am not up to reading them aloud, and quite frankly don't see any reason to.


Spelling Wisdom--on the fence still. I shelved it for awhile until we got other things really rocking, but it was NOT a hit the first time I brought it out. We will give it more of a chance than that, though. :)


Loving--Private Eye for nature study, Classical House of Learning book choices, and the Physics task cards from Creekedge Press are looking very promising.

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We really haven't started anything new this year, so we have no misses, because we dumped any misses last year.



Math Mammoth (both kids love it, dd9 almost self-teaches bc the program makes so much sense to her)

FLL (both kids love it, and now in level 3 ds8, who has language issues, is actually learning stuff)

Wheeler's Elementary Speller, free from Google books (short, daily lessons have improved my dd's spelling tremendously)

Getting Started with Spanish (the kids still like it)

Real Science 4 Kids (the kids beg to do science, science, and more science)



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What we are loving:


Spell to Write and Read

First Language Lessons

Writing with Ease

Song School Latin

Xtra Math

History Pockets

God's Design for Life

Peak with Books


The only thing that hasn't really worked out:


A Living History of Our World; living books a la Truthquest is working out much better.

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We are 2 weeks in and so far we are enjoying almost everything. Here are the biggies:



Ellen McHenry's The Elements- so fun! It was meant for my 6th grader, but everyone is having fun with it (even the not homeschooled anymore 8th grader)

Winning with Writing- I love that writing if FINALLY getting done. It's not their favorite, but they realize that it's working, which is great.

RSO Earth and Space- my younger 2 love this

Evan Moor The 7 Continents- we are starting with Africa and the boys are actually enjoying it and learning from it; we are trying to memorize the countries of Africa

SOTW 4- this seems so much more difficult than the other ones, which we need; the boys are struggling with comprehension, but once we discuss it, they seem to remember it; my 6th grader, all on his own, started taking notes!!!!; we are actually getting to the extra reading, some of which is boring, but some of it isn't and they are making connections



AAS- again *sigh*; we tried this before and could just never seem to get around to it; with 3 kids this year, it is just not working; we all love the concept, but my boys are horrible spellers and they just need SOMETHING; for some reason, AAS just doesn't get done; I have moved the boys to Spelling Plus with Dictation and DD will be doing Spelling Workout when it gets here


Next week, I am starting Adventures in America and a secularized version of Expedition Earth with DD. They both look very promising and I hope she enjoys them.

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We don't have too much new this year so far since we school year-round and are finishing up a bunch of things. Mr. Q Life Science is a *HUGE* hit. PWME is just okay so far but DD is only a couple lessons in.


One thing that DD is not liking is that I'm now taking the sentences for her to diagram from Killgallon and Ceasar's English 2 rather than Practice Town. They are a lot harder to diagram (which was the point) and I'm getting complaints about that.

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One thing that DD is not liking is that I'm now taking the sentences for her to diagram from Killgallon and Ceasar's English 2 rather than Practice Town. They are a lot harder to diagram (which was the point) and I'm getting complaints about that.


I am doing the same thing, but we are parsing a la KISS grammar. When I see a good sentence in our literature, it goes on the dry-erase board to be analyzed.

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Pandia Press's R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey: Earth and Space Science


There's hardly any lessons and the experiments have been deemed "boring" by my 7yo. I'd already done a lot of these experiments with her when she was in preschool. Very disappointed.


I am not looking foward to navigating the waters of picking out a science curriculum yet again. That's one of the things about homeschooling I DON'T like.

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No full curriculums, but a few add ons. Horrible Science books--I thought ds would really like these, but no way. I am not up to reading them aloud, and quite frankly don't see any reason to.



Can I ask what you guys didn't like about the Horrible Science books? I have considered ordering them, but have been on the fence. Would love your feedback!

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HUGE hit: Bravewriter--who knew my oldest was ITCHING to write creative stories? He never really did anything on his own, but once he had some guidelines and encouragement, he began creating really wonderful stuff. I always relied on SWB's adage "if they want to write creative fiction, they'll do it on their own", and it definitely applies to my younger. But turns out my older loves it too, but just needed a "push" (which in this case turned out to be freewriting).


Another hit is MCT for my younger. Older never liked it (even now, when he hears me reading aloud to younger he chimes is "The rhinoceros is?? I don't even know what you're talking about!" while the younger completely grooves on it. At age 6, he can identify adverbs, prepositions, articles, interjections and prepositional phrases with ease.


Core Knowledge 4th grade Science (as linked in my siggie): I really like the direction this is going in: thorough, rigorous, open-ended enough to allow for exploration and discussion. A hit!


Misses: Latin for Children was a miss for my oldest. Too much busywork and worksheets, not enough straightforward drill and translation. Henle is a much better fit (maybe I should put that in the Hits section? :))

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Pandia Press's R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey: Earth and Space Science


There's hardly any lessons and the experiments have been deemed "boring" by my 7yo. I'd already done a lot of these experiments with her when she was in preschool. Very disappointed.


I am not looking foward to navigating the waters of picking out a science curriculum yet again. That's one of the things about homeschooling I DON'T like.


I'm not the only one!


DS (7) said this was the most boring thing we've tried yet.


It looked so good too. But, we've done so many of the experiments already, it's just not worth trying to do it, so we moved to Scott Foresman Earth Science and so far, with lots of additional reading options and going out (rock hunting, etc.) to do things, we're back on track for science!

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WWE3 - but only after 6 weeks. He enjoyed the excerpts, but struggled with dictation. He's doing much better now.

FLL3- who knew he'd enjoy diagramming? I think it's because he is very logical.

SOTW3 & AG - invaluable for activites, narration guidance, and reading suggestions. Both kids have books and read alouds from the time period we're studying.

SM3 - great program



SM K - this is geared more towards ps k, with many manipulatives and activities requiring multiple children. I wish sm would create a k program more like the core curriculum. Dd should be done with k math soon and I can't wait to move onto SM1.



Cantering the Country- If I was a big unit study person, I might find this more helpful. The book had many typos and the layout drove me batty. I used my library's online catalog to find books about each state, including events, people, and places, then created my own lesson plans in HST+. The suggested books in CTC were not always available at my library.

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We only have 4 weeks under our belt at this point....but so far....



WWE and FLL - can't believe how much he likes these and how much he is retaining. Totally painless. I've been so impressed at how quickly he is able to memorize.


MM and LoF - Math is good so far. He thinks Fred is hilarious. MM is going well and moving at a good pace for him.


BFSU - We love it.




Spelling - no particular curriculum, just the entire subject. DS has some sort of "I hate to spell" complex right now. Makes no sense, he's a great speller. We're working on this.

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DS (9th grade)

Sonlight 100 history & readers (history is mostly a hit, literature is GREAT!)

Apologia Physical Science

MUS Algebra (Algebra would get thumbs down from my son but he loves Steve Demme's teaching methods! Best fit we've had for math)


All About Spelling


DD (7th grade)

MOH 2/SL 6 combo ("pretty good, still not my favorite" says DD, and she usually doesn't like history--I'll take it!)

SL 6/WP/Illuminations readers--favorite subject!

Supercharged Science (She WON this at a science fair & it's incredible!)

Karen Andreola's Story Starters

Easy Grammar (ok, dd doesn't love this one but it's working well!)

All About Spelling

Horizons 6 (dd has always loved Horizons & will be sad when there are no more levels for her!)


Can it be that we don't have any misses? Nothing that just isn't working? Wow, I think that's a first. We're 6 weeks into the year, and I think everything is working!


Merry :-)

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We're two weeks in, so far we have had mostly hits.

Everything that we're using from Memoria Press is loved:

Christian Studies IV

First Form Latin

First Start French


and especially the K curriculum guide. That I could shout about from the rooftops. We are doing a different math and using OPGTR, because we were well into our other programs. But the memory work, poetry, social studies, nature studies, art, and music are just right for us. We'll start Copybook next week.


ALL and WWS are also going well. Ds likes being able to read the directions on his own and just have me check his work with WWS.


We have already set aside the American history program from Elemental Science and are not really using the entire science program either. I think it is well done, but a bit over his head. That was a surprise because I was really looking forward to both programs.

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No misses here so far, except that MM2 was just too much for them after a year of Saxon. I've shelved MM for later this year and we are using MEP to catch up. MEP does cause tears, but they are learning so much that a few rainy days is a small price to pay. I like it enough that I might just end up staying with MEP!


Biggest hit so far would be a toss-up between KISS Grammar (who would have thought that two little boys who both struggle with reading would argue over who gets to read the first sentence!) and our Earth Sciences. We are using a vintage text, The Story of Rocks and Minerals for the Grammar Grades first published in 1907. Paired with a well stocked rock collection this book has been exactly what I was looking for. Of course, I do have to update some of the information. Somehow, I don't think that they use sheets of mica for oven glass anymore! The boys love this book. They have learned the composition of several types of rocks now, and one has collected more fossils in a few weeks than I managed to collect in a year. In our backyard! So far just shells, plant leaves and one nice tube of coral, but all the same.:001_smile:

(Source for Story of Rocks and Minerals was Google books, and it was free but for the ink. This is an old-earth book with evolutionary material for anyone interested.)

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Lots of hits ...


  • Story of the World (Ancients) is wonderful. We're using the Activity Guide, and even though I'm not a project person, I'm loving the projects.
  • Animal studies along Well-Trained Mind recommendations, incorporating Draw Write Now - these are a highlight.
  • Math is a favourite subject now that we're using Miquon as a lab once a week and Singapore on other days (Essential Math for DD4 and SM 1 for DD6).
  • Writing With Ease 1 is perfect; in fact, DD4 has demanded a writing program for her now. Hoo boy.
  • FLL 2 - A gentle, oral grammar program that we all enjoy.
  • AAS - Again, DD4 wants in on the fun and is now starting AAS 1.
  • Evan Moore Geography for Beginners - My girls beg for this regularly, too.
  • Song School Latin - We all love this one!



The only near-miss is Le Francais Facile Junior. It's okay, and it's probably one of the best programs out there for French. (There really aren't many!). I happen to have a mom who is a French / Spanish teacher, however, and in her hands the curriculum is being adapted and expanded to work well for my students. Without those fun extras that she builds in, I wouldn't recommend the program for kids this age.

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- A Beka Grammar

- Apologia Biology

- Notgrass EWH

- Sonlight (had in the closet "just in case")

- Horizons Spelling

- Vocab from Classical Roots





- A Beka History

- A Beka Science

- A Beka Reading

- A Beka Creative Writing (mostly penmanship w/ a sprinkle of writing)

*Do you see a pattern developing here?*




- Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1 and Math 7 (seems a little "easy" and slow moving)

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