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I just got a visit from the meat truck!

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They don't take no very well either. What part of No don't you understand? And....they want you to come out to the back of the truck to see the meat. :confused: Umm.....no thanks....I don't know if you really are a truck meat salesman or some weirdo who wants to push me into the back of your truck and speed off. :001_unsure:

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In my previous state it was a regular thing LOL. It drove me crazy. One time a huge truck pulled up, and behind it a state trooper. I wasn't sure what the neighbors were going to think was going on at my house LOL. The trooper must have requested the salesperson's permits, etc to solicit. He had them though, and the officer did eventually leave. The whole thing was going down in my driveway!


I recently moved several states away back to the state I grew up in, and the meat truck pulled up one day while I was unloading the kids from the car. I didn't think (wishful thinking??? :confused:) that they existed in the state where I currently live.

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I got a visit from one of them a few weeks ago. I wonder how many people they actually get to purchase that stuff?


In both my current and immediate past home, my neighbors across the street buy tons of stuff from a delivery truck. One lady had an unbelievable number of english muffins at once. I find it a bit weird.

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We are primarily vegetarian, so when I told this to the meat truck guy (we've had about 1 come every year) his reply was "well, I have chicken and fish, too."


I do find them a little creepy so I just let my Great Dane bark viciously at them through the window and then give him a cookie when I come in.


(not that I think all door to door sales people are creepy, just the back of the truck meat people)

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I had a meat truck come once at our old house. I think the guy was drunk. His sales technique was a little less than impressive.


Is Schwan's a meat truck chain or something? Do they sell anything that tastes good and/or is grown and harvested ethically?


Schwan's is a reputable company that sells all kinds of frozen food. I think they started as an ice cream company. They are not what is being talked about here. Meat truck guys are typically selling meat out of the back of a pick-up truck with a few hand-painted signs around here.

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Schwan's is a reputable company that sells all kinds of frozen food. I think they started as an ice cream company. They are not what is being talked about here. Meat truck guys are typically selling meat out of the back of a pick-up truck with a few hand-painted signs around here.


Our meat truck had a magnet sign on the side that sold, "Meate!" I kid you not.


Just "meate!" I would have asked what kind of meat if the guy had been sober. :D


I see Scwhan's around here a lot. I'm just wondering if that food is any good or has any nutritional value. Do they have anything local or organic?

Edited by Jennifer3141
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Need to share this story:


My sister once had a visit from the meat truck guy. He was chatty and friendly and maybe just a little female-instinct-says weird. He asked to use her bathroom and :001_huh: she let him.


A few weeks later she saw his picture on the eleven o'clock news. Arrested for r*ping two other women in their homes.


:eek: Wow....I hope she never let anyone in like that ever again.


The last time a meat truck pulled up to my house I told them we were vegetarian.


He left very quickly and never came back.



Good one.


Our meat truck had a magnet sign on the side that sold, "Meate!" I kid you not.


Just "meate!" I would have asked what kind of meat if the guy had been sober. :D


I see Scwhan's around here a lot. I'm just wondering if that food is any good or has any nutritional value. Do they have anything local or organic?





The last time the meat truck came (it was actually a van) the guy just wouldn't take no for an answer. Finally I said that we really couldn't afford to buy steaks right now. He then was quick to tell me that they did accept food stamps. :rolleyes:

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The last time a meat truck pulled up to my house I told them we were vegetarian.


He left very quickly and never came back.


:lol: So using this if we get one in the future...

Some people around here say the meat is actually good... I'm like, No.

The only truck pulling into my driveway that I'll be buying meat from is the Schwan's truck...

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In response to the Schwan's questions:

check the website.

Their ice cream is the best. Ever.

My grandpa worked for them for my entire life until he retired. Probably like 20-25 years (can't remember exactly). Their food has gone down a little in quality, but overall I still love it.

Some of our favorites:

Apple Cinnamon French Toast Sticks

toaster waffles or buttermilk pancakes

sweet potato fries

ice cream - pretty much any. I love chocolate marshmallow. I also really like their passion punch sherbet.

most of their novelties (ice cream bars and such) are really good too. Sundae crunch bars (chocolate) are excellent. Their waffle cone ice cream things (what are those called outside of the Schwans world? drumsticks or something?) have a layer of chocolate inside the cone. Yum...

Their hot pocket type things are 100% better than the ones at the stores.

Chicken kiev has long been my favorite. meal. ever.

curly fries, potato wedges, biscuits, baguette bread, multigrain loaves, chicken fries, etc, etc...

Honestly, nothing I've ever bought from them has been bad. Seriously. Nothing.

I may be a little bias (growing up with a huge deep freeze full of Schwan's food! :lol:) but it's seriously delish.

And price wise, not all that different from what I'd spend at the store on an item that isn't as good. I don't waste my time on coupons and stuff at the store, though, either, but I just don't have the desire to drive myself insane in such a way... :D

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Need to share this story:


My sister once had a visit from the meat truck guy. He was chatty and friendly and maybe just a little female-instinct-says weird. He asked to use her bathroom and :001_huh: she let him.


A few weeks later she saw his picture on the eleven o'clock news. Arrested for r*ping two other women in their homes.


That's terrifying.

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We've used a meat delivery company. My parents bought from the company when I was a kid, and DH & I bought from the same company many times before we moved out of that town. We saved quite a bit on meat with it, actually. Of course, a random guy in a pick up truck/van/whatever (especially now that we're in a much larger metro area) wouldn't get the same response from me as the company that my parents buy from (and have for years) in the small town I grew up in.


Of course, the ice cream truck around here all seem to be random creepy guys with stickers on their vans, too. Hehehe. DS still hears them coming and says, "Listen, Mama! It's the music truck!" I'm a mean mommy.

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Meate! Maybe there was supposed to be a diaeresis over the second "e"? Trying to say "meaty" with some pseudo-European flair?


I'd scoff at the meat truck, but I'd feel like a hypocrite, as my husband bought lamb from a guy who put up a sign on the road (he turned out to be local and reputable, but really!). We had to wait a few weeks, though, as my husband would buy only the second half of a lamb after somebody else had requested a half. He felt less directly responsible for the lamb's demise that way.

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Dh worked for Schwans for a while. Good food. After he stopped working there I still bought from them for a long time. I quite because of route changes and the new guy was a jerk. So I just told him not to come back.


Meat truck, yeah have had those to stop by too. Don't buy from them, weird not sure about where the meat came from.

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I think WTM needs badges, like girl scouts. I earned the "say no to the meat truck" badge would be a requirement to move forward.


My dh actually bought from the meat truck once. It was okay, not great, but decent enough. He had a flyer from the company. It was overpriced convenience, but not horrid.


But yes, I think we need the WTM badge program.

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I think WTM needs badges, like girl scouts. I earned the "say no to the meat truck" badge would be a requirement to move forward.


My dh actually bought from the meat truck once. It was okay, not great, but decent enough. He had a flyer from the company. It was overpriced convenience, but not horrid.


But yes, I think we need the WTM badge program.


Can I get a "say no to the creepy "independent" ice cream vendor" badge?

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I think WTM needs badges, like girl scouts. I earned the "say no to the meat truck" badge would be a requirement to move forward.


My dh actually bought from the meat truck once. It was okay, not great, but decent enough. He had a flyer from the company. It was overpriced convenience, but not horrid.


But yes, I think we need the WTM badge program.


We could have badges to sew on our kilts or plaid sashes. :) I've never seen a meat truck which is good since dh might buy something from them!

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The last time a meat truck pulled up to my house I told them we were vegetarian.


He left very quickly and never came back.



Sorry for shouting, but I was so disturbed by the last one, I had no clever ruse for him.


Of course, if rumor gets out in the 'hood that we are vegetarian, that could cause other problems. Might be worth getting the truck to stop visiting, though!

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I'd scoff at the meat truck, but I'd feel like a hypocrite, as my husband bought lamb from a guy who put up a sign on the road (he turned out to be local and reputable, but really!). We had to wait a few weeks, though, as my husband would buy only the second half of a lamb after somebody else had requested a half. He felt less directly responsible for the lamb's demise that way.


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:cursing: The meat truck guy followed me into my garage one evening when I was returning from a walk!!! AND knocked on my garage door! I thought he pulled into my driveway to turn around so I went right into the house. But I didn't shut the garage door. It FREAKED me out to see a strange man standing there at my screen door and knocking. And this was right after the meat truck story in Seattle hit the news. This guy was busting too many of my boundaries.

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