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My youngest just had a pee-pee emergency....

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My oldest (when potty training) used to mistake the vegetable tray in the fridge for a toilet.


And the drapes.


And once the dog was a fun moving target. LOL (poor dog. gave me the most pitiful look. LOL)


Please tell me you are talking about a boy. I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around the alternative.

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Whew! My oldest used to sleepwalk and pee in the pantry. But she wasn't aiming.


My younger sister used to sleep walk, and once she opened the piano bench and used it. My mom wasn't happy, and she still hasn't lived it down (she's 32 now). Still gets brought up at family gatherings :001_smile:

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My own kids never sleepwalked and peed, BUT when I was about 14 or 15 I babysat for the family on the corner quite a bit. Two adorable children, fun toys, perfect situation.


One night in the summer their AC had broken (this is hot humid Florida) and they had oscillating fans (some borrowed from neighbors) in all the rooms. It was a miserably hot night and after I put them to bed I got comfortable on the couch for a little TV or reading or something. As I was starting to doze off, I heard a strange sound of the little guy mumbling something. I went to check on him.


Yup, the little boy was peeing in the oscillating fan in his sleep.

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Ive caught mine peeing -


in a baggy ( he did take his snack out first)


on grandmas floor (pulled his pants down and just peed all over her carpet in front of grandma, try calming a 96 year old who wont let people in the house with shoes on):glare: that cost me a professional cleaner to convince her life would go on


in teh cat litter box (more than once because "it is a toilet mom")


and he like to go outside (hell walk past the bathroom to go out the front door ):001_huh:

Edited by monkeymama07
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Too funny! I will have to tell dh; he'll get a kick out of that! How can she be that old already? Wasn't it Collin I met when he was just a baby?


YES! Isn't it funny how your own kids can grow up, but it's always so shocking when other people's kids are getting so much older too?

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I'm so glad I shared, because these posts are hilarious!


On the other hand, I read threads like this and am more convinced than ever that I just do not fit in the Club In Which Mothers Share. Are you being serious? She peed in her cereal bowl? Really? Or am I taking it too seriously since it's so foreign to me. I dunno!

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:ack2:That original post would have been SO MUCH FUNNIER if I had not been









I have not caught my kids going anywhere crazy, but the dog used to go in the cat's litter box....not as funny as the Cheerio bowl :)

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On the other hand, I read threads like this and am more convinced than ever that I just do not fit in the Club In Which Mothers Share. Are you being serious? She peed in her cereal bowl? Really? Or am I taking it too seriously since it's so foreign to me. I dunno!


Yes, she did. She was eating a tiny bowl of dry Cheerios while playing in the family room and apparently waited too long. She has a potty parked in her room in case of emergencies, so I suppose she panicked and thought "Potty!" It was absurd, but sweet because she did the best she could given the circumstances ;)

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And once the dog was a fun moving target. LOL (poor dog. gave me the most pitiful look. LOL)


My 4yo once tried to pee on the cat. My 2yo thought she was quick enough to rescue the cat. Do I even need to tell you that everyone ended up in the bathtub after that incident?

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On the other hand, I read threads like this and am more convinced than ever that I just do not fit in the Club In Which Mothers Share. Are you being serious? She peed in her cereal bowl? Really? Or am I taking it too seriously since it's so foreign to me. I dunno!


Colleen, I totally get what you are saying because I can't relate to the stuff posted in this thread either....


(Hope Karma doesn't come back & kick me for saying that.... :tongue_smilie:)

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Colleen, I totally get what you are saying because I can't relate to the stuff posted in this thread either....


(Hope Karma doesn't come back & kick me for saying that.... :tongue_smilie:)


Yeah, you should probably count your self lucky. And don't count your chickens :D

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COunt yourself lucky if you don't understand it.


I understand it only too well. Anything that is some type of box/bowl is automatically counted as a potty. I have to have eyes in the back of my head and divide myself into 3 to follow each child. Since that is not possible, I come across many gross things *ugh*


My littlest has the makings of a great gymnast as she can contort herself into many positions in order to pee in any number of non-potty things.


My favourite was the strainer.....suffice to say, she was very surprised and came screaming up to me that "my wee wee DISAPPEARED MUMMY!" yep, indeed it did, all over the persian rug.


My other favourite thing is the "what the?" moments you have where everything you know about the universe, and science is kapooted by the fact that a toy car comes flying down when you switch the fan on (how do the children manage to get a toy car to sit right on top of the fan blade in a room with a high ceiling?) :001_huh:


And another mystery....a cup of DD's water can flood the entire kitchen :001_huh: yeh, me too. No idea.


No watch as the Master (me) kills this thread :tongue_smilie:

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