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Just for fun...10 random facts about you?

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1. I played the accordion for about 9 years. Then got smart and switched to piano.

2. I keep toying with going back to school to get a certificate in criminology. (I have a BS, I just need the facts!)

3. I have had more surgeries than anyone I know (10 or 11). And I have more to come.

4. Feeding off of number 3: I have the neck and spine of a 75 yr old. I am 46.

5. I am not a morning person; they crack up me at my water aerobics class as I wander in late EVERY morning, and it starts at 9 AM

6. I want a dog. I would ALMOST give my firstborn for a dog.

7. I LOVE to read mysteries. I will find an author that I like and will read all of her books in a few weeks or months, and then be mad at myself for doing it.

8. I hope they will find a cure for country music someday. 

9. Dh and I are both only children. Yes, we’ve had some interesting moments.

10. I have wanted to be a mommy and teacher since I was in Kindergarten (WTH was I thinking????!!!)

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1) My kitties are my greatest joy. They are sweet, loving, and cuddly and they never talk back!


2) I have listened to the audio book of Outlander so many times I can't count them. (And subsequent books as well.)


3) I lived in Egypt and married my first husband there.


4) I used to cook for a living. Also, I was the boss and everybody listened to me! What a shock being a parent has been. I've tried to fire dh and kids numerous times, but the next day they're still here. :tongue_smilie:


5) We live financially way too close to the edge.


6) Coffee is one my most favorite things in the world.


7) I just realized this year that some of the guys I thought looked pretty hot (just looking;)) actually could be my sons. :001_huh:


8) I have too many books, but always want more.


9) I'm not sure I'm doing a good job as a parent or as a hsing mom.


10) My favorite color is green.

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1. I love to bake pie!


2. I love reading trashy romance novels with hunky heroes.


3. I collect cookbooks.


4. I have ridiculously long eyelashes which I've passed onto all my kids. My dd loves me just for that. :D


5. I used to be a competitive figure skater as a child.


6. I would live in Magic Kingdom in Disney World if I could.


7. I love cooking Thanksgiving dinner.


8. June Cleaver is one of my heroes.


9. I cannot check a book out of the library and return it on time.


10. I live in Utah and don't ski.

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1. I play the flute, some piano, and would love to play the violin

2. I met my (future) husband at walmart after his apartment had burned down. We married 7 months later.

3. We have a small farm where I have raised various animals and gardens over the last ten years

4. I enjoy making homemade things for Christmas and start early to do so

5. my husband says I was born in the wrong century...:tongue_smilie:

6. I wanted to be a marine biologist, but I am afraid to scuba dive

7. I have to have my toenails painted-fingers not so much because they chip too fast.

8. I visited Austria for a month, while a senior in high school (invited by our exchange students family). I got the weeks excused from school for an 'educational opportunity' :D

9. I learned to ski in Austria in the beautiful Alps, but haven't skiied since, although I want to.

10. I do many home improvements myself-my husband helps at times, but mainly with the clean up and the heavy stuff (which suits me fine)

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1. My first job was McDonald's when I was 15 and still in school, they worked me nearly full time hours, though I was considered part time and paid me $4.25 an hour.


2. I've breastfed my kids for a combined total of 66 months. I'm still breastfeeding the toddler.


3. I owned a trailer outright when I was 18.


4. My favorite job was a little mom and pop pizza shop, even though I only got paid $5.15 an hour (then minimum wage in my state). I worked with my boyfriend (who I'm still with and is the father of my children) and got free food. While on the job we could eat as much as we wanted. :)


5. I dropped out of high school when I was sixteen. Not because I couldn't have graduated, but because I was done moving and switching schools at least once a year, some years more. My mom was moving to a different state and I had had enough. I didn't want to start over again. So I moved in with a friend and her parents and got a full time job.


6. I have a sister I have never met. She was stillborn, but I still think about her and what she would be like now.


7. I love the True Blood series and the Dexter series. Boyfriend and I borrowed the tapes from the library and watched them together.


8. I currently eat cheapatarian, which isn't quite vegetarian, but the healthiest I can eat cheaply.


9. I can't eat gluten.


10. I walk way more often than I travel by car.

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1. I have 5 children born in 4 different states and 1 different country

2. I cared for my dying mother the last 2 months of her life

3. I let my daughter sleep in my bed when my husband is not home

4. As much as I detest clutter, you can barely walk in my basement

5. I've moved 19 times since marrying my husband 23 years ago

6. I dropped out of college, failed out and then finally graduated Summa Cum Laude

7. I thrive on organization

8. I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up

9. I need to take better care of myself

10. I spend too much time online

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Sheryl, my #1 is for you:


1. I think my ds looks like an Asian version of Bobby Sherman. :)

2. We have homeschoolers on each side of my family.

3. I've owned my own company, and worked for one of the larger employers in the U.S.

4. My children were adopted, because I never was interested in birthing children. (see #6 below)

5. I'm pretty sure, if there are previous lives, I was always a man.

6. I may be being punished for those previous lives this time around. ;)

7. I used to run to get away from my family and the overwhelming (to me, and see #6) responsibilities of becoming a SAHM.

8. Now, I run just for fitness and sanity.

9. My first concert was the Osmond Brothers, when I was 8.

10. My first album was Leo Sayer's Endless Flight.




:001_smile: Well then he must be a looker! Thanks for sharing!

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Sheryl, #1 is a shout out to you!


1. When I was a teenager, I had three posters on my walls...Elvis Presley, Bobby Sherman (Julie, do ya love me?) and Secretariat.


2. I've been to 18 countries, but never to Mexico, the one closest to where I live.


3. I love horses. When I was a child, I 'galloped' around on all fours so much my mom thought I'd never walk upright.


4. Photography is part of my DNA. I first got a camera when I was 11. Was a photographer all through high school. Met my husband in the college photography darkroom. Went pro for nearly 25 years in my own business. Now I use it in my real estate work.


5. I love where wine grows. :D The climate vineyards like is my favorite.


6. If it isn't an Arabian horse or a German Shepherd dog, it's second best.


7. My dh and I were each other's 'firsts' on our wedding night. We've been married 34 years next month.


8. I love being outdoors, gardening, riding, hiking.


9. I do many things left handed.


10. I'm afraid of heights so I make myself rappell every summer.


These were fun to write and I've loved reading everyone's.



Oh YES! Elvis, how could I have forgotten him. I was in love with this man and went to see several movies...never in person. Viva Las Vegas, right? :lol:

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I love reading all these so I guess it's only right that I post.


1. it's been five minutes thinking about what to write and I can't think of anything so I'll start with boring


2. there's not a day that goes by that I don't read.


3. at one time I had an operation that no other person in the US had. Don't know bout that stat, now, though


4. I almost became a nurse, but then decided to break the family chain of them


5. I haven't smoked for 17 years and I still try and convince myself that it's legal for me to go buy them if I want. :D But then I know I'll make myself sick and I'm not one for yarking voluntarily.


6. I love pancakes for dinner, especially when it's stormy.


7. I changed diapers for 15.5 years in total


8. my mother cleaned my diapers in a river and washed them on rocks.


9. I spoke fluent Portuguese until I was 6, but now can't remember a word of it.


10. If I go up on my tiptoes, I'll fall over.

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Ok- I will give this a try.


1. I can eat eagle brand milk from the can.


2. I know I shouldn't do this if I want to lose weight.


3. I enjoy my job as a dairy/frozen manager in a small grocery store.


4. I had dh to take Solitaire off the computer because I couldn't control my time spent on it. twice


5. We bought the trailer we are living in without my having seen it.


6. I had a baby at 37 weeks who weighed only 3 pounds 4 ounces.


7. I am still trying to get him to gain weight and he is 16.


8. I was not encouraged to read/ taken to the library as a child, but love to read now, but have always loved to read.


9. There are still a lot of classics I have not read.


10. I sleep better alone.

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1. I was adopted.

2. I'm left-handed.

3. I have eaten snails on a commune in China.

4. I love the alphabet in form and function.

5. I used to pretend I was a cultured British girl named Charity Whittaker, though really I was from middle-class suburban Southern CA.

6. I think freckles make anyone more attractive.

7. I used to practice flute two hours daily.

8. I have a mighty internal struggle every time I see chunky babies in public places, because I want to approach the parents and ask if I can squeeze their babies. Most of the time what keeps me from doing it is - not so much a sense of propriety and sanity - threats from my middle dd, usually spoken through clenched teeth.

9. I have twice appeared in The Music Man, once in high school and once when my oldest was nine and in a community theatre production.

10. I really love butter.

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1. When I eat a slice of pizza, I always eat the crust first. And, if that's not strange enough, I put butter on the crust.


2. I love music---Almost every genre (except country or rap)---alternative, classical, classic rock, jazz, Christmas music, even some metal. And, thanks to my teen, I know strange sub-genres of metal like black, thrash, doom, stoner, and sludge :001_rolleyes: Oh! and, there are even some "screamo" tracks on my iPod (compliments of my daughter). I actually like some of them :)


3. It is a rare day that I'm up before 9:30 a.m.


4. I don't watch television except for The Weather Channel. I really dislike tv, especially reality programming.


5. When I was in college, I did radio news for a classical music station.


6. I have been going to Walt Disney World since its opening year and I still look forward to every trip there.


7. My very favorite band is U2 and I've been trying for 15 years (with limited success, alas :sad:) to convince my kids of their "awesomeness."


8. I am a Christmas person. I love everything about it---the music, the decorations, the food, the smells, the memories of past Christmases...everything.


9. I have never seen a Star Wars movie. Ever.


10. I consider my children (along with dh) my best friends in the world.


Thanks for the fun thread, Nance!

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1. I love to read but was brought up on TV and trashy romance novels bought for me by my mother. :001_huh: Now, I enjoy historical fiction without the 'trashy' part, and a lot less TV.


2. Until I began homeschooling, I had no idea that the Little House books existed. I always thought the show was original.


3. My sense of smell can take me far back into places long forgotten.


4. I was saved from falling to my death on the side of a cliff by my lab when I was 3yo. She was our Lassie.


5. My father was a pot grower when I was little and I helped him tend his 'garden'. When I was a teen, my step-dad couldn't figure out why I was so good at gardening. :lol:


6. I remember things most people wish I would forget. I don't hold it against them, I just remember e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.


7. I can't ever go 'home' again...every house I lived in has been torn down.


8. The house we lived in that takes up most of my memory had no foundation, no insulation, and no central heat. One time, after being dropped off from babysitting, the son said, "You live in a shack?!"


9. My best friends in school were the teachers everyone else hated.


10. I have a very hard time paying attention to others when something else is happening around me. I DO truly care...it just may not show by looking you in the eye...but as above, I DO remember everything you said...just, later!

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1. I drink instant coffee (Taster's Choice) at home. So does my mom. We horrify most coffee drinkers. I have never been to Starbuck's.


2. I read at least 200 books a year.


3. My favorite food is boiled lobster.


4. I do not watch horror movies because they are too real to me.


5. My favorite color is green (except for dark green).


6. I love the way rosemary plants look, feel, and smell.


7. I train my puppy every day, and I am thrilled when he learns something new. He knows both verbal commands and hand signals.


8. People think I am being sarcastic, when I'm not. I can't figure it out, because my tone is not sarcastic. At a Pirates game this week, I remarked to a friend that the workers there were polite and friendly. How could this be sarcastic, especially when it was obviously true?!


9. Last night, I thought something was wrong with our light bulbs because it was so dark in the house even though all the lights were on. When I said they all needed to be changed at once, DH pointed out that I was wearing sunglasses.


10. I don't believe in ghosts, aliens and the like. Yet when sunlight streamed through our bedroom window at 5 a.m., I was terrified that a spaceship had landed in the back yard. The worst part was that when I asked DH to look out the window and tell me what he saw, he knew what I was thinking.

Edited by RoughCollie
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1. I took French in college. My teacher thought it was hilarious that I speak French with a Japanese accent. Those R's!


2. I studied opera for a while with a real opera diva and in 3 months I never got beyond one note. (She wanted it perfect.)


3. I hate coffee, the smell, the taste in candy, milk, ice cream, everything.


4. My cat runs when I open the dishwasher so that he can sit on the door and watch me unload and then load it.


5. My cat meows if I ask him if he wants "food".


6. My previous cat played fetch.


7. My dogs will not play fetch. (They tell me that they are not retrievers.)


8. I've written 6 chapters of a children's book but stopped writing when my ds was 9 months old.


9. I love salt.


10. I am tongue-tied and cannot stick my tongue out at someone. :001_tt2:

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I was replying to some more, since I honestly have been reading every single post on this fabulous thread. I lost my copies and pastes. :confused:


I find it difficult to think of 10 random facts about myself. A lot of these have been mentioned already.


1. I love to travel but get horrible motion sickness if I’m not careful. I hate the smell of planes and cover my nose when I enter any plane for the first several minutes. Everyone looks at me as if I’m crazy, which, of course, I am. :lol:


2. I dislike crowds and do everything I can to avoid them.


3. I think the Cotswolds are gorgeous. I wish I could live in one of those fairytale-like villages.



I would prefer to do so only in the summer. I cannot stand cold weather, unless if it’s for a short visit. We were just there. :D


4. I could spend my life in a Michal Negrin store. If I was rich, I would buy everything there. There were 3 Michal Negrin stores in the Tel Aviv airport and dd and I were in heaven. It’s like a fairytale. Do you see a theme here? I want to live in a fairytale! I wish my home was completely furnished with Michal Negrin stuff, our classroom and computer room also. I wish all my clothes were from there. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Shamefully expensive, however.




5. I love purple and wish I could find lovely purple clothes. I have a hard time finding nice clothes in cheerful colors.


6. I can’t handle a day without serious laughter. I like to laugh until I cry and my belly hurts.


7. I simply have to have reading material with me wherever I go.


8. I have never, ever wanted a tattoo or piercing, other than ears. I’ve never had an alcoholic drink and have never smoked. Yes, I am a bit boring. My life is quite boring. Really, it is. But I love it that way. :)


9. I don’t have very many close friends living near me anymore. My husband is my nearest and dearest friend ever. He’s my world. :)


10. I love long summer days and hate short winter days. One of my favorite memories in my childhood is visiting Finland in the summer with those extremely long days.


I have more, but don't want to bore others. :tongue_smilie:

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1. I think helicopters are really cool & flying in them is fun.


5. I love seeing movies in the movie theater. I don't like tv or even watching dvds on a tv. (So, if I don't see a movie in the theater, it's likely that I'll never see it.)


6. Dh has taught me that chocolate is a staple food & is even an acceptable sandwich filling. :lol: (When I first knew him, I thought the idea of a chocolate sandwich was gross. :tongue_smilie: I'm reformed now.)


7. I would love to travel the world.


8. I wish I could speak many languages.


Stacia, me too. I wish I could see all our movies in a theater, but that doesn't happen as often as I would like.

Only ridden on a helicopter once. Loved it. :D


2. My favorite thing in the world to do is LAUGH.

7. I *LOVE* color; color in art, flower gardens, clothing, decor. COLOR.


Me too. :)

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Great thread!


1. I can tell what instrument a person played in high school band by their personality. I am almost never wrong.


2. I break everything I borrow. I even broke my friend's feather pillow.


3. Dh and I met in FL on a mission trip. As it turns out, we are distant cousins and can trace our families back to the same small town (and same graveyard with 3 of our family names!).


4. Dh and I share a rare mutated gene that causes a child to die if not fed properly within 12 hours. See #3 :001_huh:


5. I think in terms of color - as in my family growing up was "red" and my BFF's family was "brown".


6. I don't want to die anywhere but Appalachia, but I want to live overseas again.


7. I think that the Harry Potter books are the most amazing and meaningful set of books ever written.


8. My children and I have to hide the fact that we love Harry Potter because the other homeschoolers won't talk to us when they find this out. There is almost a secret club of homeschoolers here who quietly discuss it behind closed doors. :lol:


9. I was the rising pentecostal star in my family of 10 generations of pastors. Then I went to Egypt and became EO. Said family was not happy.


10. I've realized that I am anti-social and was forced to be outgoing my whole life. I now enjoy spending long periods of time at home alone with my family.

Edited by Jyniffrec
Bad apostrophe!
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2. I dislike crowds and do everything I can to avoid them.


3. I think the Cotswolds are gorgeous. I wish I could live in one of those fairytale-like villages.



I would prefer to do so only in the summer. I cannot stand cold weather, unless if it’s for a short visit. We were just there. :D


5. I love purple and wish I could find lovely purple clothes. I have a hard time finding nice clothes in cheerful colors.


6. I can’t handle a day without serious laughter. I like to laugh until I cry and my belly hurts.


7. I simply have to have reading material with me wherever I go.


10. I love long summer days and hate short winter days.

Those are true for me, too. Except I've never been anywhere near the Cotswolds. I just love that photo.

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1. I live on 20 (mostly) heavily wooded acres.

2. I love (love, love, love) reading in bed.

3. My favorite activity is to sit on the beach at the lake and relax & watch kids swim & play (do NOTHING).

4. I drive a tractor often to plow, move wood piles & take wood to the woodshed.

5. My father lived with me for a year (husband was deployed) during his rehab and then death from lung cancer.

6. I have 9 full siblings.

7. I want an iphone but won't spend the money because I am mostly home w/internet.

8. I don't like small, yappy dogs. (I am not heartless, have loved my own past pets.)

9. I am a Mac person. I was a Mac person LONG before it was hip! (1988, first Mac!)

10. I am a Latin teacher. (a beginner, but a magistra none the less)

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For What It's Worth...


1. I am an ENTJ/P, melancholy/choleric!

2. As you can tell from #1, I enjoy learning about different personalities and how they function together!

3. I am the oldest of 6 children, and there are 16 years between me and my youngest brother. There are three girls and three boys!

4. I prayed for twins, and God answered my prayer!

5. I am part Hispanic; although, one of my twins tans more than I do. I burn!

6. I feel compassion for people who have messed up eyes. I don’t know what that says about me, but there you go! My sister laughs at me all the time, esp. when I am moved to tears by the employee in a McDonald’s drive thru who has crossed eyes. I couldn’t even talk! I think it’s God’s compassion!

7. One of my FAVORITE pastimes is laughing! I love to laugh. One of the most valuable lessons I am trying to teach my boys is to be able to laugh at themselves!

8. One of my favorite Scripture is “Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are acheiving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Cor. 4:16-18

9. I am an aspiring writer! I have been published, but I still don’t feel like a genuine author.

10. When I was little, I wanted to marry John Boy from the Waltons, Elvis Presley and Donny Osmond! Ha! – not at the same time, of course!

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1. I have much more in common with many of you than most of you think I do.

2. I love researching family history and have been interested in it since I was 8 years old.

3. When I was a kid I wanted to be a park ranger but I was told I would need to learn Latin and go to college and memorize the Latin names of plants (and I let that knock me down).

4. I'm studying a master herbalist course and I am learning the Latin names of plants. (see #3)

5. My favorite place to play is the Florida Keys.

6. I graduated from high school when I was 16.

7. People used to consider me as a hippie, starting when I was 12.

8. I feel sad when my daughter plays Lord of the Ring music on the piano, not because she's bad, but because she plays it so well!

9. I have a collection of David Winter houses that look like the picture of Cotswolds that Negin in Grenada posted.

10. I'm trying to learn how to play the violin.

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1. I am a chocolate addict.

2. I love to cook.

3. I went to a boarding school for high school.

4. I drink about 10 cups of tea a day.

5. I live in the city and I love it.

6. I hate pineapples, I can't stand the way they taste or smell.

7. I run 6.5 miles a day.

8. I collect and wear vintage clothing.

9. I love hula hoop-dancing.

10. I am a vegetarian.

Edited by Pink
I forgot to add #10!
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1. I grew up on a beef farm.

2. We always kept a milk cow and one of my jobs was the milking.

3. I use country crock margarine because it tastes like real homemade butter. Store-bought butter doesn't taste like butter. :ack2:

4. My hometown is in MD but gets more snow than Anchorage or Fairbanks.

5. The name of my hometown is Accident. You have to go through the boonies to get there. :lol:

6. I have never had a birthday party.

7. I have leukemia. I will have it and take medication for it for the rest of my life.

8. I have 3 daughters. I love having girls.

9. My dh is 16" taller than me.

10. According to the facebook quiz, I am a yuppie and my city-boy dh is a redneck.

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I was a cheerleader.

I was homecoming queen.

I am a Chi Omega.

I modeled.

I am embarrassed that I ever thought any of the above was worth horse $hit.

Afraid of heights.

Love roller coasters.

I have a pair of pearl handled revolvers on my dressing table.

I really like owning a Kindle.

I loved teaching kindergarten.

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1a. I am the oldest of three children, ages 50, 49, and 29; my sister & I were both already married when our brother was born.

1b. My mother was 16 when I was born, so I am closer in age to her than to my brother.


2. When I was 25, I was involved in a head-on crash with a loaded 18-wheeler gravel truck. I had multiple broken bones and my face was crushed. I spent a month in the hospital and went through reconstructive facial surgery and orthopedic surgery (femur broken and partially crushed) as well as physical therapy 4 times a week for 2 years.


3. Dh & I were married when we were both 19, but did not have our first child until we were both 29. (Part of the reason we waited was because of the incident described in #2.)


4. Each of my chlldren was born prematurely because I had Group B Strep.


5. I do not have stretch marks.


6. I cannot remember a time in my life when I did not want to be a teacher; I have a master's degree in education, and taught every grade except 1, 2, 3, & 4 professionally before becoming a homeschooling mom.


7. I have never smoked a cigarette (of any kind) in my entire life, nor have I ever been drunk.


8. I am right-handed, but I play pool, deal cards, and open jars left-handed.


9. You know how some women think you can never have too many pairs of shoes? Well, I tend to be that way about school supplies, art/craft supplies, and books.


10. I love history, and my dream vacation is to travel to historic sites in Europe with dh; I especially want to visit Ireland, Italy, and Austria.

Edited by ereks mom
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1. I met my husband through a dating service.

2. I served in the Air Force, but don't like plane travel.

3. I like stars and they are all over my house.

4. I am addicted to diet coke.

5. I can't sing and am embarassed by my singing voice. I do sing in my car, though!

6. Popcorn is my favorite food.

7. I love summers, but hate winter.

8. I hated having 3 kids really close in age when they were little, but absolutely LOVE it now.

9. I get my kids involved in things I never learned how to do. They play piano, swim, and play basketball.

10. I love to plan. I'm always thinking about what's next rather than living in the moment.

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Just can't resist any longer...


1. Everyone knows my dh is good to me. But, he is better to me than they could ever imagine.

2. I really don't like flowers.

3. The thought of having a daughter terrified me, and I can see I was right! LOL!

4. I eat too much.

5. Everything I do feels like a tedious chore these days.

6. My family moved a lot growing up. I loved it!

7. I've been bungy jumping, sky diving and scuba diving.

8. I've wanted to homeschool since I was bored in high school.

9. I love to travel, but am a germ-o-phobe, which makes for awkward situations.

10. I have one sister, who is the polar opposite of me.

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4. I was afraid to have more kids after my twins for two reasons. First, I was afraid of more twins. My first dd had a disappearing twin in utero. Second, my PPD was so bad after the twins, I was afriad of going completely off the deep end (and never returning) if I got pregnant again.



Same here, except it was a single birth instead of twins. I had no problems after my first baby, but the PPD was bad after my second.

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1. I love to read. I read every day.

2. I can't fall asleep without reading in bed for at least a few minutes.

3. I was 38 when I got married.

4. I had my first and only child after age 40.

5. I got married in my mother's wedding dress, 40 years after she wore it.

6. I was a public school teacher for 15 years.

7. I've worn glasses or contacts since I was 10 years old.

8. I made my bridal bouquet (artificial flowers), as well as the bridesmaids' bouquets and the boutineers.

9. I love tent camping.

10. I have never in my life spent more than a month without owning a cat or dog (often both at the same time).


I got married in my mother's wedding dress too, except it was 21 years later, and I got married on my parents' anniversary.


I was a public school teacher too, but for only 7 years.


I also wear glasses/contacts, but only since I was 12.


I'm enjoying this thread, and finding that I have things in common with so many people here. :)

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1. I'll ride any rollercoaster or anything that goes up/down/sideways...

2. I've started 50+ novels in my head, but too chicken to write them down.

3. The older I get the less crap I take.

4. The older I get the more forgiveness I seem to feel like I need to ask! :tongue_smilie:

5. Being ultra conservative does not mean I can't dance like a maniac!

6. I cried everytime I had to say goodbye to my mamaw and papaw...they exuded love/fun/joy....my own family did as well, but nothing like having it on a farm in the summer with birds chirping!

7. I was in a sorority, fraternity little sister and besides the good friends I made, it was not something I go 'wow' about..and even though I was social chairman, never drank alcohol until my 21st birthday.

8. On my 21st birthday, I had 3 Long Island Iced teas (I was science oriented, and really wanted to see what all that drinking was about-) I could not move my legs after 15 minutes....decided drinking was not for me! :)

9. I climbed Long's Peak with a friend on a dare.

10. I kissed 40+ guys before I met my dream man, but kept to my purity promise...and it's one of the best things I ever did.

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I've only made it through a third of the responses and your lives all sound so interesting and amazing! Mine has been quite plain, but here goes . . .


Ten Random Things About Me:


1. I love to read. It is my absolute favorite hobby. (Others include crocheting, cross-stitching, writing, playing the piano, walking, photography).


2. Some time ago, some of my writing was published. I am trying to get up the courage to submit for publication again. (And juggle my schedule to include more writing time).


3. I am an introvert, a loner by heart, one who enjoys her own company, finds it difficult to chat (hence the lack of huge numbers of posts here...) but who has been trying very hard to overcome this and has made significant progress. (I am very happy about that progress and have to give credit where credit is due: it is the Lord Jesus Who has helped me immensely in this area - sometimes with me *kicking and screaming* [not really], but definitely dragging my heels . . .)


4. Dh and I are both only children.


5. I love the feel of books, pens, pencils, paper, and piano keys.


6. I've never had a tattoo, am not a drinker or smoker, did not do drugs (your basic *goody-two-shoes* as I was sometimes called and always wondered why because it was plain as the nose on my face that absolutely NO ONE is a goody-two-shoes, no matter what one thinks he perceives in that person . . .), and, I *kept myself* for my dh (who had thankfully also waited for marriage).


7. I am good with detailed work and actually enjoy it, whether it is editing for the mechanics of grammar, or organizing an overflowing box load of stuff (receipts, photos, miscellaneous, etc.)


8. I disdain summer. Hot weather and I are mortal enemies.


9. I do not like scary movies.


10. The older I get, the more good things I see in myself. (This has been a huge revelation to me).

Edited by eaglei
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I've only made it through a third of the responses and your lives all sound so interesting and amazing! Mine has been quite plain, but here goes . . .


Ten Random Things About Me:


1. I love to read. It is my absolute favorite hobby. (Others include crocheting, cross-stitching, writing, playing the piano, walking, photography).


2. Some time ago, some of my writing was published. I am trying to get up the courage to submit for publication again. (And juggle my schedule to include more writing time).


3. I am an introvert, a loner by heart, one who enjoys her own company, finds it difficult to chat (hence the lack of huge numbers of posts here...) but who has been trying very hard to overcome this and has made significant progress. (I am very happy about that progress and have to give credit where credit is due: it is the Lord Jesus Who has helped me immensely in this area - sometimes with me *kicking and screaming* [not really], but definitely dragging my heels . . .)


4. Dh and I are both only children.


5. I love the feel of books, pens, pencils, paper, and piano keys.


6. I've never had a tattoo, am not a drinker or smoker, did not do drugs (your basic *goody-two-shoes* as I was sometimes called and always wondered why because it was plain as the nose on my face that absolutely NO ONE is a goody-two-shoes, no matter what one thinks he perceives in that person . . .), and, I *kept myself* for my dh (who had thankfully also waited for marriage).


7. I am good with detailed work and actually enjoy it, whether it is editing for the mechanics of grammar, or organizing an overflowing box load of stuff (receipts, photos, miscellaneous, etc.)


8. I disdain summer. Hot weather and I are mortal enemies.


9. I do not like scary movies.


10. The older I get, the more good things I see in myself. (This has been a huge revelation to me).


You sound like someone I would love to know IRL. :)

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You sound like someone I would love to know IRL. :)


Wow . . . You just made my day - as I sit here wondering why in the world anyone would want to know plain, boring me . . . (I better read #10 again . . .)


Thank You for the lift! (I needed it). :001_smile:

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Oh I want to play again:


1. I have extreme motion sickness and can not even look down to read a map or GPS.

2. One of my good friends is nearly half my age. We are both obsessed with Rick Riordan books, and she and I discuss our demi-god status on a regular basis. She loved my Roman demi-god costume for Halloween last year.

3. My dh is a carpenter. I have been known to demo parts of the house long before he gets to the construction part. Fortunately in our new house that isn't an issue.

4. I prefer to sleep alone.

5. I didn't develop food or seasonal allergies until I was almost 40.

6. One of my goals is to have a large home library.

7. I prefer to hang my own art creations in my home.

8. As of this month, my son is now taller to me.

9. I taught myself to play piano, not well, but enough to keep me entertained.

10. I was the lone girl trombone player in junior high. I sat first chair my entire 8th grade year.

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Ten things? Hmmmm.


I won a gold medal in UIL typing. Dang I could make that Selectric dance.


I was born a fifth-generation New Mexican. Great-great-grandpa was the governor (but it wasn't a state then).


I pretend to be above TV-watching, but I have a secret obsession with Columbo. I cried when Peter Falk died.


I was only ever offered drugs (marijuana) once. By a priest. But he was a Paulist, you know what Paulists are like.


I asked my departed baby-loving Grandpa's intercession for a second baby, as it looked like we'd never have another one. I got pregnant, and Middle Girl was born on Grandpa's birthday. :) Thanks, Grandpa!


I am morally certain that I am the only Democrat in my Traditional Latin Mass community.


My highly unmotivated ex-boyfriend was in Slacker. The apartment with the weird giant altar in the front room was his (but he wasn't the guy in the apartment in the movie).


I have an appalling weakness for lace chapel veils.


I am the same height as Mrs Mungo, but thirty pounds heavier. :001_huh:


I spend too much money at Half Price Books. Oh why did they move their main store so close?!?

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:iagree: and really enjoyed reading your list.


This thread is such fun! :D



Thanks! I liked your pictures, too. Dh just said he'd like to have the link to the photo of the town. He collects photos/ideas for work (as a city planner).


Did you ever read Victoria magazine? The photo of the shop reminds me of it.

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1. I fear water, but can't stand to be landlocked.

2. I love color. Every room in our house is a different, saturated color. Most of my wardrobe is black.

3. I used to be a vocalist, but developed profound stage fright and haven't sung in public in more than 20 years. I stop singing if my husband wanders in.

4. I was a lacrosse goalie in high school because I didn't have to run playing goal. I was also on the golf team. I'm right handed, but golf and bat lefty.

5. I am an extreme introvert. Interacting with people is exhausting to me. I love my family, but sometimes I have to hide from them for my own sanity.

6. I used to be a night owl and would sleep until noon. Since the boys were born, I get up at 5:30 and am in bed by 9. I think it's a self preservation instinct; the kids are usually up by 6:30 and I'm completely fried when I get to bed. Early morning is my quiet time.

7. I have part of a song playing in my head as soon as I open my eyes. Often, it's not even a song I like. My dad has the same thing. Sometimes (particularly days when it's a song I don't like) I wonder if it's a neurological problem.

8. I went to 13 schools in 12 years. My parents aren't military, just divorced and flaky.

9. I hate sports and games of all kinds. I didn't like games even as a child. The exceptions are lacrosse, golf and scrabble.

10. I am a coffee junkie.

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