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@ ER again!

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I know here in Minnesota, you can get MA or MinnesotaCare even if you make a decent amount of money, and it covers quite a bit. We've been on it for awhile now, and they've covered one hundred percent of all my dd's stuff for her genetic disorder, all my epilepsy stuff, all my dh's mental illness stuff.... And we've got some amazing medical facilities here in MN.



In all the states we've lived in it only covers the kids.


If you are applying for ss disability, will he be covered by Medicare once approved? Hopefully it goes through quickly.



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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: PRAYING. I am so sorry. :( The current health care system is so messed up, and it's not fair at. all.


I haven't been able to get online much, and I'm not sure exactly what your insurance situation is, but could you just pick up and move to a completely different state that will give you some kind of coverage for your dh's condition? I know here in Minnesota, you can get MA or MinnesotaCare even if you make a decent amount of money, and it covers quite a bit. We've been on it for awhile now, and they've covered one hundred percent of all my dd's stuff for her genetic disorder, all my epilepsy stuff, all my dh's mental illness stuff.... And we've got some amazing medical facilities here in MN.



Here it's only for kids or those with a disability (including pregnancy).

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What does that *mean* … (the bolded) ?


If a person has, say, cancer and the required treatment (to save them) is chemotherapy… can the hospital refuse to treat you with that if you don't have money?


If your husband needs a transplant to live - do they not have to do it?


Don't doctors take some kind of oath to "do no harm"??






Yes you can be refused chemo, radiation and even surgery for cancer. These are not considered emergency treatment as well as a host of other treatments. My mom was told if she could not pay her bill for chemo and radiation then no treatment:(. There are documented stories of many, many people not able to get needed care due to a lack of health insurance. This is reason one million and one we need medicare for all IMHO.


Treating cancer isn't considered an emergency? Cancer kills you! Wow.


You know, it kinda makes me wonder what goes through your (general) doctors' heads… they have the talent, the skill, the ability to cure or treat someone, to relieve their pain… I can't imagine having that ability - and then looking someone in the eyes and telling them that I won't help them, that they'll just have to go off and die.

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That's just aweful. I don't understand that. I personally know someone who is not a legal resident of the US who not only got all her chemo and radiation 100% free, but also a double mastectomy AND reconstruction. 100% on the taxpayers. I love her to pieces, but it upsets me to know that this is happening in this country and others are suffering so terribly. It's just wrong.


ETA: the situation I'm referring to is not in the past, but is a current situation that has been happening over the past 2 years.


So I surmise from your post that in order to "deserve" (my word) medical care and life-saving treatments, one must:

1. be able to foot the bill for hundreds of thousands of medical bills or have great health insurance.

2. be a legal resident


Good to know.




I think what Julie may be saying is that an illegal resident is receiving more than adequate medical treatment while a legal resident is not. Since Joanne's dh is a legal resident, and has been paying income taxes, it seems like he would be receiving essential treatment before an illegal resident.


JulieH, please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Treating cancer isn't considered an emergency? Cancer kills you! Wow.


You know, it kinda makes me wonder what goes through your (general) doctors' heads… they have the talent, the skill, the ability to cure or treat someone, to relieve their pain… I can't imagine having that ability - and then looking someone in the eyes and telling them that I won't help them, that they'll just have to go off and die.


A single doctor can't treat everyone who walks into his/her practice.

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Today's Dr. Talked a lot about transplant - but that requires medical care and the system; both of which are not accessible to us.


Granted it was back in the 90's, the patients were younger than your husband, and it was back East, but I knew, personally, of three adults without a bit of money (and one with no English at all) who went off to Mt. Sinai and Pittsburg for liver transplants. It was very acute, with death in the next few days.


Can you get him to a "teaching center" to get the attention of someone who will give a hooey? Sometimes places that are just starting up a program want "low risk" patients who don't have a lot of other problems that might make their stats look bad. They might be willing to take on a low-risk patient without insurance just to build their track record. The well established places are often more willing to do higher risk patients. I have no idea if this is true in the liver world, but I've seen it in cardiac centers more than once.


:grouphug: Iron fist in a velvet glove.

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Treating cancer isn't considered an emergency? Cancer kills you! Wow.


You know, it kinda makes me wonder what goes through your (general) doctors' heads… they have the talent, the skill, the ability to cure or treat someone, to relieve their pain… I can't imagine having that ability - and then looking someone in the eyes and telling them that I won't help them, that they'll just have to go off and die.



A single doctor can't treat everyone who walks into his/her practice.


Yeah I know, there's all sorts of "logical" reasons that they can't…but I've never been very good with that. I know that it would just do my head right in, not being able to give my help to everyone who came in search of it.


I'm not saying this as a slam against the doctors.. I'm wondering if they find it difficult, if they think about these things, how they work that out in their hearts and minds… questions without any real answers, I guess… thinking out loud more than anything I suppose.

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If you get a quickie divorce and a quickie remarriage, your marriage gives you a special enrollment right under HIPAA, and you could enroll your husband under the plan where you work immediately upon your remarriage. Of course the plan may have a pre-existing condition exclusion, but many, many plans do not any more.


I don't know what the divorce laws are in your state, but in many states, you can get a divorce in 30 days and remarry the next.





I wonder if that could/would be considered fraud, though? :confused: If you CAN do what plansrme suggested, though, with no repercussions.....would it work?

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I hope the disability goes through quickly and you can get some sort of aid. :(


Have you spoken to the financial aid office at the hospital??


I will be praying, there are just no words. I cannot imagine going through what you are facing. :(


Medicare doesn't kick in for 2 years after an approved disability application.


Joanne, I am so, so sorry.

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I think what Julie may be saying is that an illegal resident is receiving more than adequate medical treatment while a legal resident is not. Since Joanne's dh is a legal resident, and has been paying income taxes, it seems like he would be receiving essential treatment before an illegal resident.


JulieH, please correct me if I'm wrong.


I just don't understand how this happens! My heart breaks for Joanne.


I never said one "deserves" more care than the other, or before the other. But if those who aren't even legal residents of this country can go down, fill out some forms, and get more than adequate care..not just stabilizing..but life saving, then why on earth can't poor Joanne's husband? It's *very* unfair and wrong. Why should she have to divorce/remarry etc?


It's a very wild and crazy system!

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So I surmise from your post that in order to "deserve" (my word) medical care and life-saving treatments, one must:

1. be able to foot the bill for hundreds of thousands of medical bills or have great health insurance.

2. be a legal resident


Good to know.


Again, Joanne-- I"m so sorry. This just makes me so angry. So incredibly angry. And so utterly disgusted with our health care system.




Please see my above post and you really misunderstood me. You "surmised" incorrectly. Please don't put words into other people's mouths.


I too am utterly disgusted with our health care system.


I don't understand how some people can get all of their care for free, and other's, like Joanne's husband and their family have to suffer so like this. It is very wrong and unfair.

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I'm so sorry.:grouphug:


Hospitals, through the ER, have to treat and stabilize you. In fact, that is what they are doing again). They are admitting him.


The problem is when you need specialized care for the underlying condition. We can't pay a specialist, and Liver Centers won't take us without a self pay contract.


I literally can't get him into see a specialist. He's seen 3 liver Drs @ 2 hospitals - and none of them have offered outside care or ideas.


Today's Dr. Talked a lot about transplant - but that requires medical care and the system; both of which are not accessible to us.

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How is your dh today Joanne?


I am @ the hospital now. I had to get the kids from camp before coming back to the hospital.


He had been to a local medical clinic Thursday (he couldn't even remember the Dr's name!). They had taken blood and they called DH's phone all day yesterday leaving voicemails about how he needed to go to the hospital due to ammonia levels.


He's "ok", but shaking and scared. They tested his blood and his levels are still dangerously up.


I am going to write Rick Perry (Gov and Pres candidate), my state rep and Senator. I will be asking for help with medical care and expediting the disability claim.


I have decided we need to break the lease. However, our credit is shot. I am going to have to find a way (family, friends) to accumulate enough funds for deposits and several month's rent in advance. I think if I can come to the lease with several months in advance, we may be able to get in!?! My landlord know about the health issues, I will be up front, honest and tell him if he follows through on the breaking the lease clause, I understand.


They did another ultrasound. We NEED a biopsy and the process of transplant evaluation. If that doesn't happen, we'll be in and out of hospitals until he gets liver help or dies.

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I am @ the hospital now. I had to get the kids from camp before coming back to the hospital.


He had been to a local medical clinic Thursday (he couldn't even remember the Dr's name!). They had taken blood and they called DH's phone all day yesterday leaving voicemails about how he needed to go to the hospital due to ammonia levels.


He's "ok", but shaking and scared. They tested his blood and his levels are still dangerously up.


I am going to write Rick Perry (Gov and Pres candidate), my state rep and Senator. I will be asking for help with medical care and expediting the disability claim.


I have decided we need to break the lease. However, our credit is shot. I am going to have to find a way (family, friends) to accumulate enough funds for deposits and several month's rent in advance. I think if I can come to the lease with several months in advance, we may be able to get in!?! My landlord know about the health issues, I will be up front, honest and tell him if he follows through on the breaking the lease clause, I understand.


They did another ultrasound. We NEED a biopsy and the process of transplant evaluation. If that doesn't happen, we'll be in and out of hospitals until he gets liver help or dies.


Good for you for being such a wonderful advocate for your husband! He is blessed to have you. Still praying!!

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I am @ the hospital now. I had to get the kids from camp before coming back to the hospital.


He had been to a local medical clinic Thursday (he couldn't even remember the Dr's name!). They had taken blood and they called DH's phone all day yesterday leaving voicemails about how he needed to go to the hospital due to ammonia levels.


He's "ok", but shaking and scared. They tested his blood and his levels are still dangerously up.


I am going to write Rick Perry (Gov and Pres candidate), my state rep and Senator. I will be asking for help with medical care and expediting the disability claim.


I have decided we need to break the lease. However, our credit is shot. I am going to have to find a way (family, friends) to accumulate enough funds for deposits and several month's rent in advance. I think if I can come to the lease with several months in advance, we may be able to get in!?! My landlord know about the health issues, I will be up front, honest and tell him if he follows through on the breaking the lease clause, I understand.


They did another ultrasound. We NEED a biopsy and the process of transplant evaluation. If that doesn't happen, we'll be in and out of hospitals until he gets liver help or dies.


Maybe try and contact a local paper or tv station and see if they will do a story on the. craziness you are being forced to endure. :grouphug:

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So I surmise from your post that in order to "deserve" (my word) medical care and life-saving treatments, one must:

1. be able to foot the bill for hundreds of thousands of medical bills or have great health insurance.

2. be a legal resident


Good to know.




I didn't get this at all from her post. I assumed she's saying that if an illegal resident can get treatment, why not a legal one? Our system is totally screwed up, and I believe she feels that way too, and was merely using an anecdote to express it.

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I didn't get this at all from her post. I assumed she's saying that if an illegal resident can get treatment, why not a legal one? Our system is totally screwed up, and I believe she feels that way too, and was merely using an anecdote to express it.


YES! Exactly. Thank you ! :)

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Hey guys, I'm as critical as anyone here (probably more so) of our health care system.


But this isn't a good time to debate the system right now.


Joanne, I wish you luck with your efforts.


Would you also consider setting up a fund for your dh? I think it could be easily done with Paypal. Prayer's good, of course, but I'm of a practical sort and I'm positive I'm not the only one here who'd wish to something tangible to help.

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I wonder if that could/would be considered fraud, though? :confused:


No, it is not fraud. I am an employee benefits attorney and did not just pull this suggestion out of my well, you know what. A valid divorce and a valid remarriage are a divorce and marriage for purposes of HIPAA's special enrollment rules. The open question would be whether the plan has a pre-existing condition exclusion for new enrollees.

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