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When your guard goes up....

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We have been attending a church for quite a few months now. There is a woman there that is very popular with the children and parents etc. But, everytime I see her my inner feeling is to keep my guard up. I don't know what it is, but it happened again today and I can't shake it. This feeling is very strong. Have any of you had this?

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We have been attending a church for quite a few months now. There is a woman there that is very popular with the children and parents etc. But, everytime I see her my inner feeling is to keep my guard up. I don't know what it is, but it happened again today and I can't shake it. This feeling is very strong. Have any of you had this?


Yes. It may take some time, but I eventually discover *why* I get the heebie-jeebies around otherwise very popular individuals.

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We have been attending a church for quite a few months now. There is a woman there that is very popular with the children and parents etc. But, everytime I see her my inner feeling is to keep my guard up. I don't know what it is, but it happened again today and I can't shake it. This feeling is very strong. Have any of you had this?


Yes. There's a woman at church who constantly challenges boundaries in many areas (I don't mean inappropriately with children, just general boundary challenging) and I avoid her at all costs.

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I would trust my gut but only to a certain point. I have had the experience of having a bad feeling about someone only to never have any valid reason for it and even to find out that feeling was completely wrong. Sometimes people rub me the wrong way but it's because they bear some resemblance or share a quirk with someone who did me wrong in my past.


I'm a skeptic, even with my own feelings.


I'll always trust my dog though. :D

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We have been attending a church for quite a few months now. There is a woman there that is very popular with the children and parents etc. But, everytime I see her my inner feeling is to keep my guard up. I don't know what it is, but it happened again today and I can't shake it. This feeling is very strong. Have any of you had this?


I have, and IME it's best to trust your instincts, but I've had one case where my instincts were wrong--my best guess is that it was a combination of meeting someone who was very forceful at a time when I wasn't at my best. She later became a good friend.


But yes, I'd be cautious--especially if you sense that she knows you're holding back and seems to be trying extra hard to win you over.

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I would trust my gut but only to a certain point. I have had the experience of having a bad feeling about someone only to never have any valid reason for it and even to find out that feeling was completely wrong. Sometimes people rub me the wrong way but it's because they bear some resemblance or share a quirk with someone who did me wrong in my past.


I'm a skeptic, even with my own feelings.


I'll always trust my dog though. :D


:iagree: (Although I'm not sure I've ever been completely wrong!) I know someone like the OP described. It's so unsettling to have that kind of reaction to someone, especially when you don't know why. Trust your intuition, but also try to explore the 'why' of that reaction.


(Small aside: I once had a dog who was the sweetest, friendliest animal I've ever met - a lab/golden retriever mix - and she was an enthusiastic best friend to everyone she met. Except once.


I had taken her to a state park with hiking trails. There were few cars in the lot, which meant we were unlikely to meet anyone on the trails at all. However, at the trail head, a man approached us who seemed to have that "drifter" look, and as he approached, for the first and only time ever, DJ growled. It was a low growl, barely audible really, but her hackles were raised and she slowed down, like she did not want to continue. I ignored her (and my own intuition) initially, but I got the heebie-jeebies after talking to the man, who turned to watch, and then follow, us after we were about 10 yards onto the the trail. DJ was still growling, so I looked at my watch, exclaimed, "Oh no! I forgot we had to meet David - DJ, we'd better go or he'll be worried!" and turned to go to my car. At the same time, another car arrived, but my heart was racing the whole time. This was several years before I carried a cell phone (I'm dating myself, but at that time, only business folks who *needed* them even had car phones - huge things that required big antennas, too.)


And no, I didn't know anyone named David. But I did know I had to get out of there.


DJ lived to be almost 18 years old, and truly, that was the only time she ever growled at a person.)

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Yes, I have. If it's with a person that I will continue to see somewhere, I usually remain cautious until I can understand if my feelings are valid. If possible, I may engage the person in a conversation just to get a better grasp on what I might be sensing.


I will agree with the person that mentioned some people can just rub us the wrong way. Sometimes personalities clash. It may not always mean there is something wrong with the person or situation.

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Yes, I have. If it's with a person that I will continue to see somewhere, I usually remain cautious until I can understand if my feelings are valid. If possible, I may engage the person in a conversation just to get a better grasp on what I might be sensing.


I will agree with the person that mentioned some people can just rub us the wrong way. Sometimes personalities clash. It may not always mean there is something wrong with the person or situation.




I trust almost no one, so if I avoided everyone that set off my internal alarms I'd be alone an awful lot.


I'm trying to teach myself to be watchful and aware but not paranoid.

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Yes. It may take some time, but I eventually discover *why* I get the heebie-jeebies around otherwise very popular individuals.




Yup, my aunts second husband gave me creeps from the moment I met him, I was 11. He turned out to be a child molester. Always trust that feeling.

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We have been attending a church for quite a few months now. There is a woman there that is very popular with the children and parents etc. But, everytime I see her my inner feeling is to keep my guard up. I don't know what it is, but it happened again today and I can't shake it. This feeling is very strong. Have any of you had this?


Yes. Listen to the hair on the back of your neck. take it as a sign God is warning you.


One time I was idley chatting with a man from church- totally inconsequential subject. the hair on my neck was at attention that he was a con artist. I had no logical reason to think that. Several months later - he called his wife to tell her he was in jail for fraud. yes, he was convicted.

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I would trust my gut but only to a certain point. I have had the experience of having a bad feeling about someone only to never have any valid reason for it and even to find out that feeling was completely wrong. Sometimes people rub me the wrong way but it's because they bear some resemblance or share a quirk with someone who did me wrong in my past.


I'm a skeptic, even with my own feelings.


I'll always trust my dog though. :D


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Sometimes personalities clash. It may not always mean there is something wrong with the person or situation.


for me, clashing personality/rubbing the wrong way (but harmless) has never raised the creepy feeling on the back of my neck. Irritated the heck out of me, made me not want to be around them, but the feeling is still different.

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Yes. There's a woman at church who constantly challenges boundaries in many areas (I don't mean inappropriately with children, just general boundary challenging) and I avoid her at all costs.



I avoid this type of person as well, whether male or female. It doesn't even have to be a creepy feeling for me, but just the feeling that I'm being invaded. I'll admit I can be overly sensitive about this; even someone who is consistently too loud, shares too much personal detail without being asked, or is too much in my space without having enough of a relationship with me makes me want to avoid.


The above is not to suggest that the OP is being overly sensitive, only agreeing with OntheBrink that some people are to be avoided. I agree with those who have said that if your gut persistently tells you something, listen.

Edited by Alphabetika
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(Small aside: I once had a dog who was the sweetest, friendliest animal I've ever met - a lab/golden retriever mix - and she was an enthusiastic best friend to everyone she met. Except once.


I had taken her to a state park with hiking trails. There were few cars in the lot, which meant we were unlikely to meet anyone on the trails at all. However, at the trail head, a man approached us who seemed to have that "drifter" look, and as he approached, for the first and only time ever, DJ growled. It was a low growl, barely audible really, but her hackles were raised and she slowed down, like she did not want to continue. I ignored her (and my own intuition) initially, but I got the heebie-jeebies after talking to the man, who turned to watch, and then follow, us after we were about 10 yards onto the the trail. DJ was still growling, so I looked at my watch, exclaimed, "Oh no! I forgot we had to meet David - DJ, we'd better go or he'll be worried!" and turned to go to my car. At the same time, another car arrived, but my heart was racing the whole time. This was several years before I carried a cell phone (I'm dating myself, but at that time, only business folks who *needed* them even had car phones - huge things that required big antennas, too.)


And no, I didn't know anyone named David. But I did know I had to get out of there.


DJ lived to be almost 18 years old, and truly, that was the only time she ever growled at a person.)


I love this! Hijack alert! When I was about 10 years old we had a dog who did something similar. It was the early 70s, free sex, lots of drugs, etc. and my folks were working with college students (church position). They often came to our home for various events. So...one arrived unexpectedly one day when my mom was home alone with her daughters. The dog went nuts! My folks were naive and had seen few drug addicts before this time. This guy was high and had who knows what on his mind. That dog NEVER liked that young man (who did come over a few times later - but always expected).

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I love this! Hijack alert! When I was about 10 years old we had a dog who did something similar. It was the early 70s, free sex, lots of drugs, etc. and my folks were working with college students (church position). They often came to our home for various events. So...one arrived unexpectedly one day when my mom was home alone with her daughters. The dog went nuts! My folks were naive and had seen few drug addicts before this time. This guy was high and had who knows what on his mind. That dog NEVER liked that young man (who did come over a few times later - but always expected).


When I was 10 I was stopped on my walk home (it was about a mile maybe from the bus stop to my house) by a guy in a red 1/4 ton pickup. He chatted me up until my dog came along. My dog was a big Newfoundlander. I don't remember Blackie getting growly or anything but the guy asked if that was my dog, said good bye and left.


Turns out he was the whole REASON my parents had bought Blackie. He was the neighbourhood molester. Just having Blackie there was enough to scare him off.


We also had a pig that would run with the dogs to meet us as we walked home. He never scared off any molesters but he sure was tasty come Fall.


I'm getting rather OT. :D

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I would trust my gut but only to a certain point. I have had the experience of having a bad feeling about someone only to never have any valid reason for it and even to find out that feeling was completely wrong. Sometimes people rub me the wrong way but it's because they bear some resemblance or share a quirk with someone who did me wrong in my past.


I'm a skeptic, even with my own feelings.


I'll always trust my dog though. :D


Yep, feelings/intuition are part of our arsenal, but not 100% reliable



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We have been attending a church for quite a few months now. There is a woman there that is very popular with the children and parents etc. But, everytime I see her my inner feeling is to keep my guard up. I don't know what it is, but it happened again today and I can't shake it. This feeling is very strong. Have any of you had this?


Yes. And I have never been wrong. Follow you gut like a pp said.

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I'll chime in and agree. I wouldn't tell anyone about my feelings but I would be watchful.


I once ignored this feeling and allowed someone to get close to me and my family. It turned out that she was not as she presented herself. She caused a lot of grief for my family and I regret not listening to my instincts.

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