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Douglas Wilson

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Sitler confessed to more than a dozen victims in three states as part of his plea bargain agreement.


This summer, Doug Wilson married Steven Sitler to a young woman, after a courtship was set up by an elder of Wilson's church. By the tenets of Wilson's form of Christianity, she'll be expected to obey him and submit to him, considering him the spiritual leader of their family.


I wonder if she will be exempted from the expectation of having children. Lots of children.





I made the mistake of reading and googling. Seeing their wedding website and their gift registries just made me ill. Does she even know his past? :001_huh: He told the court that he plans to start having children with her in a year. I wonder if Wilson's supporters will think that he is such a great guy after Sitler starts creating his own victims. :confused:

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This is so sick, so depraved, so evil, that it is beyond the bounds of my imagination to comprehend. But, let's recap....Wilson has actually made public statements that he would be supportive of capitol punishment for adulterers but for child predators, we'll find you a bride to breed with??????


I know this will be a controversial statement but I'm going to say it anyway...if Doug Wilson lived in my neighborhood I would treat him with the same scrutiny, unease, and guard that I treat those who show up on the s*x offenders list for my community. I would absolutely have to conclude that a man who would harbor, abet, and excuse such a predator, must himself harbor some sort of depravity in his mind that is also a danger to my family. The hive can speculate as to what level of depravity I might suspect him of; I will not say.


It is unconscienable. There is nothing that can be said in defense of his actions.





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Yes, for future reference I am interested in this as well. How tied is he to the company that produces Omnibus?


Maybe it is time for a spin off on the HS board. I am really interested as well.:001_smile:


Okay, I did it. Hopefully some brave souls will respond. :001_smile:

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Are they with the band Wilson-Philips? :D






Oh, that's good. To date I have just referred to them collectively as "The Dougs."


I appreciate you, Rivka, FaithManor and the others that have shared info on this scandal of Wilson supporting the child molestor. I know some lovely, young, naive families who are difficult to engage with on the dangers of this man's movement. They haven't yet seen beyond the "happy-in-obedience family" image that is the thin veneer on the patriarchal movement. I am glad to have this info to bring to the dialogue.


(Ya know Bill, the biggest reason I enjoy your posts is because the words, "showers of silver chips" always make me smile.)

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I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but when you google Doug Wilson Omnibus he comes up as the author/editor.


A current author and editor? For some reason I thought he was no longer involved and if that's the case, I'd like to know why. (Hopefully because they thought his views were too extreme and morally repulsive.) :)

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I've read random parts of this thread and don't have the patience to read through the entire thing. FaithManor and a few others made comments about the depravity of a certain person.

:confused:Can someone give a condensed version? I don't want to read or look at the various links either. There seems to be a lot of hurling going on here and I want to know.:confused:

Somebody please go for it? 'Splain please?

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I had some really delicious s'mores a few years ago, fueled by a copy of a Pearl book someone had given me.


Farenheit 451 scared the daylights out of me, and I take delight in selecting from the banned book list, but even so, some books should never make it to the printing press.


That seems selective to me. "Don't ban my books, but don't you dare print yours."


I know the feeling, believe me I do. I have some books sitting even now in my mother's basement that I bought years ago when I felt differently about some things, and now can't bring myself to throw away or (gasp) burn because - they're books! Books are sacred! ... but then perhaps there is my problem. I've made an idol of books when only one is sacred, at least to me.


That being said, no matter what your opinion, decisions are made by dollars. The books I would like to burn would no doubt be loved by some on this board, and vice versa.


I own several of Wilson's books, and those of his wife. While I disagree on some things, I find plenty to admire, as well, and I dislike the confused way in which this thread is dealing with his writings and ideas. There are many here who disagree with him, but on so very many different levels that it's hard to distinguish and maintain clarity. I am a conservative Christian and thus the areas in which I might disagree with him are different from those in which, say, a Wiccan might disagree with him. This thread, though, seems to be a free-for-all.

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Has anyone read his stuff? I am just learning about him. Seems like I guy I would agree with on a lot of things. Incidentally, seems very intelligent.


What are your thoughts?


I've only sampled the responses, so don't know if anyone has put this in the mix. I read what he had to say about education and moved on primarily because he didn't appear to be a fan of homeschooling. I think he may have changed his opinion since then, but my (possibly faulty) recollection is he felt church-run schools were a better choice. I'm sorry that I can't cite specific books or essays because I no longer have any of his writing on my bookshelves. I disagree with many of the premises on which he bases his opinions on a whole range of issues.

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I own several of Wilson's books, and those of his wife. While I disagree on some things, I find plenty to admire, as well, and I dislike the confused way in which this thread is dealing with his writings and ideas. There are many here who disagree with him, but on so very many different levels that it's hard to distinguish and maintain clarity. I am a conservative Christian and thus the areas in which I might disagree with him are different from those in which, say, a Wiccan might disagree with him. This thread, though, seems to be a free-for-all.


I'm pretty clear on it. People dislike his view of women, slavery, rape and child molesters.

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Wow. This thread has been very enlightening. I didn't read it yesterday because I mistakenly thought that, this being a classical education site, people would think the guy was fine. I had no idea that he was pro-slavery, had covered for a child molester, etc. This is why I love the WTM forums. There are so many points of view, and they encourage us to really think about issues.


Many years ago (almost 20), my husband read Wilson's book Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning, considered it to be fluff, and threw it away. The very next week, the pastor of the church we were attending announced that he had read this great book, RTLTOL, and was convinced that classical education was the thing to do and that he thought everybody should homeschool their kids. The church closed their Christian school, and everybody in the church (who didn't leave in disgust) started homeschooling their kids. (We were already homeschooling at the time.) We stayed there because, after all, everyone was homeschooling and we had many friends there. One year later, the pastor announced that homeschooling wasn't working for his family and they were going to move so that they could send their children to Doug Wilson's classical Christian school. One of the deacons then moved his family to Lancaster, where he had gotten a job at Veritas Academy and they sent their kids to school there. The whole church scattered and went their separate ways, including us. Ever since then, the name Doug Wilson has left a bad taste in our mouths.

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That seems selective to me. "Don't ban my books, but don't you dare print yours."


I know the feeling, believe me I do. I have some books sitting even now in my mother's basement that I bought years ago when I felt differently about some things, and now can't bring myself to throw away or (gasp) burn because - they're books! Books are sacred! ... but then perhaps there is my problem. I've made an idol of books when only one is sacred, at least to me.


That being said, no matter what your opinion, decisions are made by dollars. The books I would like to burn would no doubt be loved by some on this board, and vice versa.




I am a lover of books. I moved last year and ignored advice from many on here to cull my book collection. F-451 is probably my favorite book. I love the feel of a good quality book. But the book itself is just a book. The words inside the book are what hold the power.


While I believe in the freedom to print what will get published, I also feel the freedom to do what I want with the books in my possession. I have tossed a few books I could not in good conscience pass onto to anyone, even to a thrift store. My book, my prerogative.


I own a lot of books I don't agree with, books to study, so it's not about being open minded.

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I am a lover of books. I moved last year and ignored advice from many on here to cull my book collection. F-451 is probably my favorite book. I love the feel of a good quality book. But the book itself is just a book. The words inside the book are what hold the power.


While I believe in the freedom to print what will get published, I also feel the freedom to do what I want with the books in my possession. I have tossed a few books I could not in good conscience pass onto to anyone, even to a thrift store. My book, my prerogative.


I own a lot of books I don't agree with, books to study, so it's not about being open minded.


Yes. This. Also there's a huge difference between burning your own books and someone else's books. There's a big difference between saying 'that's disgusting, I wish they hadn't printed that' and 'there oughtta be a law!'

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I'm pretty clear on it. People dislike his view of women, slavery, rape and child molesters.


And others, especially those within the Reformed Christian community, take great exception to his interpretation of the Westminster Confession and other Wilsonian theological innovations that the rest of organized Reformed Churches have throughly rejected.


It is too "inside baseball" for me to understand the full nuances, but Wilson (despite self-identifying as a Reformed Pastor) is not embraced by the wider Reformed community (understatement alert) from what I understand.



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I am a lover of books. I moved last year and ignored advice from many on here to cull my book collection. F-451 is probably my favorite book. I love the feel of a good quality book. But the book itself is just a book. The words inside the book are what hold the power.


While I believe in the freedom to print what will get published, I also feel the freedom to do what I want with the books in my possession. I have tossed a few books I could not in good conscience pass onto to anyone, even to a thrift store. My book, my prerogative.


I own a lot of books I don't agree with, books to study, so it's not about being open minded.




Yes. This. Also there's a huge difference between burning your own books and someone else's books. There's a big difference between saying 'that's disgusting, I wish they hadn't printed that' and 'there oughtta be a law!'


Again, yes!


I dispatched that Pearl book because, if I chose to pass it on, I would in a sense be condoning the ACTIONS suggested therein. Thoughts conveyed, I leave to others to figure out. But a book filled with instructions to act in a way that is potentially very harmful for children? It was my choice to stop that copy in its tracks. I wouldn't pull someone else's copy off her shelf, but my own book, I can do with whatever I choose.


BTW, let's not digress into that particular book any further. If this thread gets locked it should be due to DW related discussion!

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And others, especially those within the Reformed Christian community, take great exception to his interpretation of the Westminster Confession and other Wilsonian theological innovations that the rest of organized Reformed Churches have throughly rejected.


It is too "inside baseball" for me to understand the full nuances, but Wilson (despite self-identifying as a Reformed Pastor) is not embraced by the wider Reformed community (understatement alert) from what I understand.





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:bigear: What other Doug? I'm surprised this thread has stayed open this long. :001_huh:


Doug Phillips of Vision Forum.


I think this thread has stayed open because there have been no personal attacks among the hive members. The only person who has been trash-talked is DW and for the most part what has been said has been very educational and relevant for those who might have otherwise considered using books he has written.

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Help a soul out here... I'm knee deep in A&P finals and trying to plan the kids school , so see if I am on the right track


Doug WILSON supports a convicted child molester of a 2 year old. And this is verified by news articles and court documents and his current participation in the man's upcoming wedding. This is the man who is behind Omnibus, Veritas Press, and wrote a logic book Intro to logic



Doug PHILLIPs is behind vision forum that promotes beautiful girlhood, all American boys . He has similar beliefs to Phillips but hasn't gone quite that far.


On target? I know about their views on women and children but wanted to make sure Who is who.

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Definitely a tossing/burning book. Still, I feel better tossing than burning. Burning just ... feels so wrong. ;)






Again, yes!


I dispatched that Pearl book because, if I chose to pass it on, I would in a sense be condoning the ACTIONS suggested therein. Thoughts conveyed, I leave to others to figure out. But a book filled with instructions to act in a way that is potentially very harmful for children? It was my choice to stop that copy in its tracks. I wouldn't pull someone else's copy off her shelf, but my own book, I can do with whatever I choose.


BTW, let's not digress into that particular book any further. If this thread gets locked it should be due to DW related discussion!

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Help a soul out here... I'm knee deep in A&P finals and trying to plan the kids school , so see if I am on the right track


Doug WILSON supports a convicted child molester of a 2 year old. And this is verified by news articles and court documents and his current participation in the man's upcoming wedding. This is the man who is behind Omnibus, Veritas Press, and wrote a logic book Intro to logic



Doug PHILLIPs is behind vision forum that promotes beautiful girlhood, all American boys . He has similar beliefs to Phillips but hasn't gone quite that far.


On target? I know about their views on women and children but wanted to make sure Who is who.


Yes, I think that's all correct. :) The bold is meant to say Wilson? He (Phillips) has similar beliefs to Wilson... As far as I know, this is true with regard to women only.

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This thread has been very eye opening (and nauseating) even to someone who knew about this man before. As far as the Omnibus goes, I *think* I read that Wilson's views have gotten more and more extreme as time went on and that he no longer contributes to the Omnibus? Can anyone confirm this or am I making stuff up? :)


A current author and editor? For some reason I thought he was no longer involved and if that's the case, I'd like to know why. (Hopefully because they thought his views were too extreme and morally repulsive.) :)


My understanding is that he is no longer technically associated with the company because he is too controversial. If you read their catalog with a critical eye, it still reflects some of these views, IMO.


Yes, I think that's all correct. :) The bold is meant to say Wilson? He (Phillips) has similar beliefs to Wilson... As far as I know, this is true with regard to women only.


They have other beliefs that are similar.

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Rumors. Wow, quite a conversation. Any facts flying around? Oh, nah, who needs them?

(By the way, I happen to agree with many of the analyses. Just hate when we get to throwing the "I heard..." around.)

He denies he is a racist, but embraces the term "paleo-Confederate" to describe his views which include a belief that the bible gave slave-holders the right to own slaves.


I've seen web reports that he flies a Confederate flag in his office and that his Logos School celebrates Robert E. Lee's birthday and not those of MLK or Abraham Lincoln. Evidently he also believe only propertied-males should have the right to vote. Sorry ladies!



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Rumors. Wow, quite a conversation. Any facts flying around? Oh, nah, who needs them?

(By the way, I happen to agree with many of the analyses. Just hate when we get to throwing the "I heard..." around.)


That's quite an allegation when people are linking to videos of Wilson himself and books he wrote.


Oh, and in the post where I posted that I had heard something I made it quite clear that I wasn't sure of what I was saying and I was asking for more information.

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Rumors. Wow, quite a conversation. Any facts flying around? Oh, nah, who needs them?

(By the way, I happen to agree with many of the analyses. Just hate when we get to throwing the "I heard..." around.)


If you find the time to read the whole thread you will find many links to his own writings, a video, and reputable news sources. Yes, the commentary surrounding these items vastly overtakes the thread, but the facts are here if you look for them. I've read every post and I honestly couldn't even begin to remember which pages these items can be found.

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That's quite an allegation when people are linking to videos of Wilson himself and books he wrote.


Oh, and in the post where I posted that I had heard something I made it quite clear that I wasn't sure of what I was saying and I was asking for more information.


I don't understand the willingness to even appear to defend him.

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Rumors. Wow, quite a conversation. Any facts flying around? Oh, nah, who needs them?

(By the way, I happen to agree with many of the analyses. Just hate when we get to throwing the "I heard..." around.)


No one is making allegations. Links have been posted to both videos, newspaper articles, the man's own writings, and if you'd like, you can order a copy of the court records as these are public.


It is incontrovertable. He harbored and abetted a serial child molester who assaulted more than 20 children in three states. He knew of the man's background - testimony he gave to police that he knew of the pedophile conviction from the state of Washington - and wrote a letter begging the court for leniency, a letter he himself has quoted. The eldership of his church, Christ Church, has since arranged a marriage between the molester and a young woman in their congregation. At Stitler's probationary hearing, court records show he intends to have children with his wife within one year. You can google the records. Some of the reading is quite upsetting.


As for his slavery views, here is just one of many reviews of his book and includes quotes from his book. http://hnn.us/articles/9142.html



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No one is making allegations. Links have been posted to both videos, newspaper articles, the man's own writings, and if you'd like, you can order a copy of the court records as these are public.


It is incontrovertable. He harbored and abetted a serial child molester who assaulted more than 20 children in three states. He knew of the man's background - testimony he gave to police that he knew of the pedophile conviction from the state of Washington - and wrote a letter begging the court for leniency, a letter he himself has quoted. The eldership of his church, Christ Church, has since arranged a marriage between the molester and a young woman in their congregation. At Stitler's probationary hearing, court records show he intends to have children with his wife within one year. You can google the records. Some of the reading is quite upsetting.


As for his slavery views, here is just one of many reviews of his book and includes quotes from his book. http://hnn.us/articles/9142.html





Exactly how bad would it be if one was to pray for a couple to be completely infertile?

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Wow, just wow. I know I looked at a Doug Wilson book a long time ago and thought why are homeschoolers reading this since he is against homeschooling? I had heard of his school and thought the idea of farming out college kids to board with local families wasn't very practical. I had no idea about the Sitler case. And then it is a continuing nightmare with the marriage of this pedophile.


Just to mention- like many others here have mentioned- I am a conservative and a Christian who in no way supports DW or many of his views (can;t say all since I don't know his views on many things and I may be in agreement with some). I guess I should start another thread but what is wrong with Doug Phillips and VF? We get their catalogs but I don't think we have ordered through them but maybe my dh got a book with original writing of the founders from them????

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Krissi may be referring the hive mind mob mentality vibe.


You mean like people would form a "mob mentality" were someone to post their skepticism regarding whether, say, certain Vatican officials have attempted to downplay, ignore, or cover up sex abuse scandals throughout the world?


Posters on the board have been emphatic in their condemnation of this man because he has acted in a criminal fashion, exposing many children to terrible abuse. That is not rumor. That is not the opinion of someone who just "heard" something. That is documented fact, as has been shared here by various posters over, and over.


If Krissi can't understand why such actions as Wilson's has invoked such loathing from so many posters, perhaps she's never been the victim of sexual assault, molestation, and other forms of abuse like some of us have.


I don't suffer child abusers.

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Wikipedia has a fairly decent summary of what they call Biblical Patriarchy - I call it Unbiblical Patriarchy [insert rant]. It's a good starting point for further research on this legalistic movement that has a foothold amongst conservative Christian homeschoolers.


From there, I would visit:


Although she doesn't mention Wilson specifically (she does talk about Phillips - not the band :D), I highly recommend thatmom.com - Karen Allen Campbell has done her homework and is an orthodox believer.












Of course you can fact check what they say on these sites with the websites of the patriarchal organizations and their books - that's how I started - a couple sets of friends gave us the Pearls books - Created to Be His Helpmate and To Train Up a Child (talk about Scripture twisting). I spent a lot of time reading patriarchal materials as well as the research of the watchdogs.


There is definitely a broad spectrum within the movement (I think Under Much Grace - above - even has a chart for that showing where certain teachers land on various issues).

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An earlier poster was asking about what to do with Wilson's books. I meant to respond, but it's been several pages back in this thread!


Anyway, my take is, I would probably keep the books. I have a number of books by authors who I disagree very strongly with, and even some I consider outright loons. Nevertheless, I find it extremely useful to keep such books for reference, especially if I am attempting to warn someone about a particular author's stance or beliefs, and that person doesn't believe me.


I can pull the book right out, go straight to the chapter or page in question, and say, "Here it is."


Also, I don't agree with burning books, because that has too many unpleasant associations in my mind!


And finally, I don't want to give them away, because like someone else said, I'd almost worry that by doing so, I might become an unwilling agent to someone else obtaining these books, and actually becoming indoctrinated by them or something.


That said, books like Wilson's get their own shelf--up high, where I can keep ds from reading!

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Help a soul out here... I'm knee deep in A&P finals and trying to plan the kids school , so see if I am on the right track


Doug WILSON supports a convicted child molester of a 2 year old. And this is verified by news articles and court documents and his current participation in the man's upcoming wedding. This is the man who is behind Omnibus, Veritas Press, and wrote a logic book Intro to logic

Doug PHILLIPs is behind vision forum that promotes beautiful girlhood, all American boys . He has similar beliefs to Phillips but hasn't gone quite that far.


On target? I know about their views on women and children but wanted to make sure Who is who.



Douglas Wilson and James Nance are co-authors of a logic series published by Logos Press.


Wilson is a coauthor of a Latin Grammar text.


Wilson has written a number of books, including Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning and The Case for Classical Christian Education. These books were the inspiration for the foundation of a number of classical Christian schools of various denominations. Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning was one of the books that popularized the Dorothy Sayers essay The Lost Tools of Learning. (Both books promoted the idea of forming classically oriented schools, even if they started as small schools formed by a handful of families in less than ideal settings.)


Logos School and New St. Andrew's College were founded in part by Wilson in Moscow, Idaho. Wilson is on the board of Logos School (where his children attended and where some of his grandchildren attend). He is a fellow at New St. Andrew's College.


Credenda/Agenda is a magazine edited by Douglas Wilson.


Veritas Press is the publishing art of a classical Christian school, Veritas Academy, formed many years ago in PA. They were inspired in part by the Wilson book Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning. Douglas Wilson's essays have appeared in the Veritas Press catalog (most recently the 2009-10 catalog). They also carry several of his books.


Wilson edited some of the volumes of Omnibus, which is published by Veritas Press.


Whether you would say he is "behind" either Veritas Press or Omnibus is subjective. I was encouraged in our early homeschooling days by both of his classical education books. However, I do not endorse slavery, violence toward women or abuse of children.

ETA: I would not say that DW was "behind" either our home schooling or our classical bent.

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
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Douglas Wilson and James Nance are co-authors of a logic series published by Logos Press.


Wilson is a coauthor of a Latin Grammar text.


Wilson has written a number of books, including Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning and The Case for Classical Christian Education. These books were the inspiration for the foundation of a number of classical Christian schools of various denominations. Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning was one of the books that popularized the Dorothy Sayers essay The Lost Tools of Learning. (Both books promoted the idea of forming classically oriented schools, even if they started as small schools formed by a handful of families in less than ideal settings.)


Logos School and New St. Andrew's College were founded in part by Wilson in Moscow, Idaho. Wilson is on the board of Logos School (where his children attended and where some of his grandchildren attend). He is a fellow at New St. Andrew's College.


Credenda/Agenda is a magazine edited by Douglas Wilson.


Veritas Press is the publishing art of a classical Christian school, Veritas Academy, formed many years ago in PA. They were inspired in part by the Wilson book Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning. Douglas Wilson's essays have appeared in the Veritas Press catalog (most recently the 2009-10 catalog). They also carry several of his books.


Wilson edited some of the volumes of Omnibus, which is published by Veritas Press.


Whether you would say he is "behind" either Veritas Press or Omnibus is subjective. I was encouraged in our early homeschooling days by both of his classical education books. However, I do not endorse slavery, violence toward women or abuse of children.

ETA: I would not say that DW was "behind" either our home schooling or our classical bent.


He is also the man behind Canon Press which publishes a variety of books on Latin, family values, theology, education and other topics.



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