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s/o Craziest things strangers have said to you

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Probably the only negative thing I have had said to me about hsing when out on the town:

The Wal-mart greeter asked once if my kids were out of school for a reason. When we told her that we home schooled she proceeded to tell me that WHEN I decided to put my kids in school the local private school was great.


One that offended me, but I laughed it off:

I was registering at the hs bookfair in Arlington, TX a couple of years ago. I had not preregistered so I had to actually fill out a little form and talk with a lady while she made my name tag and all. When I handed her my info, she informed me that I had left the husband blank empty. I told her that I did not have one. She insisted that I must. I again told her that I did not and that he had passed away several years earlier. She acted confused by the whole thing as if she did not know if I could attend the convention. She asked me if I hsed. I assured her that I did and had for many years, but I really wanted to come back with, "No, I was just passing by and noticed all of the denim jumpers and thought I would enjoy checking this place out." She then asks if I have children. (No, I just hs my dog) She also asks how I can possibly hs financially, if I had ever attended the convention in the past, where my kids also my late dh's children, and why God had not blessed me with another dh. At some point she also told me that I was now under the authority of my father so I could put his name....um, no he passed when I was a teenager. I almost went off on her at that point and told her that I also had no brothers and my mom had just passed and God had left me with Himself as my only authority. I was able to hold my tongue, but my blood was boiling!

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Probably the only negative thing I have had said to me about hsing when out on the town:

The Wal-mart greeter asked once if my kids were out of school for a reason. When we told her that we home schooled she proceeded to tell me that WHEN I decided to put my kids in school the local private school was great.


One that offended me, but I laughed it off:

I was registering at the hs bookfair in Arlington, TX a couple of years ago. I had not preregistered so I had to actually fill out a little form and talk with a lady while she made my name tag and all. When I handed her my info, she informed me that I had left the husband blank empty. I told her that I did not have one. She insisted that I must. I again told her that I did not and that he had passed away several years earlier. She acted confused by the whole thing as if she did not know if I could attend the convention. She asked me if I hsed. I assured her that I did and had for many years, but I really wanted to come back with, "No, I was just passing by and noticed all of the denim jumpers and thought I would enjoy checking this place out." She then asks if I have children. (No, I just hs my dog) She also asks how I can possibly hs financially, if I had ever attended the convention in the past, where my kids also my late dh's children, and why God had not blessed me with another dh. At some point she also told me that I was now under the authority of my father so I could put his name....um, no he passed when I was a teenager. I almost went off on her at that point and told her that I also had no brothers and my mom had just passed and God had left me with Himself as my only authority. I was able to hold my tongue, but my blood was boiling!


Seriously, I would like to know, do people who act like that have a mental defect? Someone gave her the job of registering people so I'm assuming she seems relatively normal most of the time. I just don't get it.:confused:

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At my Dad's viewing his wife's dd (whom I've met 3 times) (my mom is deceased) sat down next to me right after I came back from a mascara burn cry in the bathroom (I'd been introduced to her the year before at my sister's funeral) and said she knew my Dad had been a lame grandpa to my kids and to my sister's kids but she wanted to assure me that he had been a GREAT grandpa to her 3 kids and that he loved them VERY much.


On my good days I am chalking this up to socially retarded insensitivity.


And you didn't haul off and hit her?! Wow! THAT'S self-control!

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And finally, the rudest thing ever said and not particularly funny, someone asked DH at work once how many children he had and he had replied with the number at the time - eight, seven living. So the woman wanted to know what happened to the one that wasn't living and he explained she had died when she was a baby from prematurity. The woman told him that no, she didn't "count."


Some people are just STUPID.

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my dd was almost completly bald until she was almost a year old. I got tired of all the "What a handsome little boy" so I started dressing her all in pink with a pink hair ribbon around her bald head and I still got "What a handsome boy" I wanted to say "Do you realy think I would dress a boy all in pink with a pink hair ribbon?"


I've had girls in dresses (okay, they *were* blue) and hair bows and I've also gotten comments about them being boys. I think some people pay zero attention to details. Really.

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I had left the husband blank empty. I told her that I did not have one. She insisted that I must. I again told her that I did not and that he had passed away several years earlier. She acted confused by the whole thing as if she did not know if I could attend the convention. She asked me if I hsed. I assured her that I did and had for many years, but I really wanted to come back with, "No, I was just passing by and noticed all of the denim jumpers and thought I would enjoy checking this place out." She then asks if I have children. (No, I just hs my dog) She also asks how I can possibly hs financially, if I had ever attended the convention in the past, where my kids also my late dh's children, and why God had not blessed me with another dh. At some point she also told me that I was now under the authority of my father so I could put his name....um, no he passed when I was a teenager. I almost went off on her at that point and told her that I also had no brothers and my mom had just passed and God had left me with Himself as my only authority. I was able to hold my tongue, but my blood was boiling!



Words fail me. Too bad they didn't fail HER. :001_huh:

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I have a very few crazy stranger stories. Most of my interactions with strangers that are *off* are just small potatoes compared to the crazy stuff that has come out of the mouths of my family!


One of the most memorable however was back when DH and I were not even engaged yet and he was visiting my grandmother for the first time. Before we left her house I went to use the bathroom and she took that opportunity to shove some money into DH's hands and tell him to use it to buy condoms.



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This thread has me absolutely ROFL!


One time I had my kids out during the day, and someone asked why they weren't in school. I said they were homeschooled. She said "Oh isn't that wonderful? Every Christian child should be homeschooled now with the schools the way they are!". Ummm ... I'm not Christian and I think PS can be great for some kids.


I also get people asking me all the time where I get my hair colored. My hair isn't colored! I just have naturally very dark hair with fair skin. No greys yet at 41. My mom is 65 and just now getting a few.

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When I was in college and doing an internship in the city, I had a crazy homeless lady hit me on the arm with her purse and say, "Hey Jackie Onassis! How much did you make with your hole today?"


I was completely stunned.


Did you really think she wouldn't recognize you? :lol:

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Goodness. Some of these have me laughing out loud and some just shaking my head.


I get asked somewhat often about my hair: is this my natural color, is it permed, and where I get my hair done at. Not too weird.


I was grocery shopping in Walmart one day when ds #4 was a few months old. He was napping in a pouch sling but had a habit of hanging one let out over the top of the sling, so people could see his bare leg from the knee down hooked over the side of the sling. A little old lady scampered up to me in the produce section, tucked his leg back inside the sling, and started lecturing me because she thought he was falling out of the carrier! :tongue_smilie:

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The weirdest thing anyone has ever said to me was at my Mom's visitation immediately before the funeral. I hadn't lived in that area for over 20 years. As I was standing with my Dad and sisters, a nice looking middle aged gentleman came up, shook my hand, said that he was sorry for my loss, and then asked me if my Mom couldn't make it.




I did think of saying that was her over in the small box (cremation) on the table with all the flowers, but that seemed heartless. So, I just murmured something along the lines of no, she couldn't make it.


It did add an interesting touch of comedy to a sad situation though.

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Wait, wait wait!!! I read that for a child to be red headed BOTH parents have to have a red head gene somewhere! Was the father full Korean? Can that be possible to be full Korean and have a redhead gene in the gene pool?


I don't think that's true (about the red hair gene). But... wait... are you just teasing?

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The weirdest thing anyone has ever said to me was at my Mom's visitation immediately before the funeral. I hadn't lived in that area for over 20 years. As I was standing with my Dad and sisters, a nice looking middle aged gentleman came up, shook my hand, said that he was sorry for my loss, and then asked me if my Mom couldn't make it.




I did think of saying that was her over in the small box (cremation) on the table with all the flowers, but that seemed heartless. So, I just murmured something along the lines of no, she couldn't make it.


It did add an interesting touch of comedy to a sad situation though.

Maybe he thought you looked a lot younger than you were, and that your mom was your grandma?

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This thread has me absolutely ROFL!


One time I had my kids out during the day, and someone asked why they weren't in school. I said they were homeschooled. She said "Oh isn't that wonderful? Every Christian child should be homeschooled now with the schools the way they are!". Ummm ... I'm not Christian and I think PS can be great for some kids.


I also get people asking me all the time where I get my hair colored. My hair isn't colored! I just have naturally very dark hair with fair skin. No greys yet at 41. My mom is 65 and just now getting a few.


I'm 38 with no grays except for my eyebrows.:glare: I'm a brunette with blonde eyebrows so they were practically invisible before the grays and are worse now. Eyebrow powder is my only must-wear makeup when I run errands.

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I don't think that's true (about the red hair gene). But... wait... are you just teasing?


No I was not kidding at all. I read a book on red heads....it was actually very interesting with lots of cool pics of red heads all over the world. And what I got out of it was that in order to be blessed with red hair BOTH of your parents must carry the red hair gene.

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Somewhere in their gene pool there is a red hair. Just because no one remembers doesn't mean it didn't happen. It's not like interracial relationships were all that accepted in the past, or even relationships, kwim.






I followed the link. I don't think this explanation covers ALL red hair. I think it is a good answer to the question posed by "curious in Arkansas."


I think there are different genes that can lead to read hair. Maybe there is more than one "red" allele and not all of them are recessive? There are different shades of red hair. Think about the bright orangey red, the strawberry blonde, and the dark auburn... When one child's red is *exactly* the shade of a particular parent -- well, I'm wondering if it's a dominant allele.


One of my dd's shade of red is very rare, especially when paired with her skin tone. It's exactly like her father's and his skin tone. I think the hair color and skin tone is linked and dominant. There are no red heads in my family, but there are a few strawberry blondes. One ds also has red hair (strawberry blonde), but a different skin tone and neither of the two are like his sister's/father's.

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No I was not kidding at all. I read a book on red heads....it was actually very interesting with lots of cool pics of red heads all over the world. And what I got out of it was that in order to be blessed with red hair BOTH of your parents must carry the red hair gene.


Do you remember the title of the book? (I'd like to see if my library has it.)

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I was registering at the hs bookfair in Arlington, TX a couple of years ago. I had not preregistered so I had to actually fill out a little form and talk with a lady while she made my name tag and all. When I handed her my info, she informed me that I had left the husband blank empty. I told her that I did not have one. She insisted that I must. I again told her that I did not and that he had passed away several years earlier. She acted confused by the whole thing as if she did not know if I could attend the convention. She asked me if I hsed. I assured her that I did and had for many years, but I really wanted to come back with, "No, I was just passing by and noticed all of the denim jumpers and thought I would enjoy checking this place out." She then asks if I have children. (No, I just hs my dog) She also asks how I can possibly hs financially, if I had ever attended the convention in the past, where my kids also my late dh's children, and why God had not blessed me with another dh. At some point she also told me that I was now under the authority of my father so I could put his name....um, no he passed when I was a teenager. I almost went off on her at that point and told her that I also had no brothers and my mom had just passed and God had left me with Himself as my only authority. I was able to hold my tongue, but my blood was boiling!


:001_huh::001_huh::001_huh: May I ask what convention you were attending? That is...absurd.

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One of the most memorable however was back when DH and I were not even engaged yet and he was visiting my grandmother for the first time. Before we left her house I went to use the bathroom and she took that opportunity to shove some money into DH's hands and tell him to use it to buy condoms.




Yeah... but grandmothers get a pass... you know, sweet little ol' ladies who have probably lost a few of their marbles in these later years...


When dh and I were dating, my grandmother had a long conversation with him (in English). She found out that he was born and raised in Russia. She then asked him if he spoke English. It was surprising, but funny, and we gave her a pass 'cause she was getting older and strange comments had started to slip out from time to time.

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Yeah... but grandmothers get a pass... you know, sweet little ol' ladies who have probably lost a few of their marbles in these later years...


When dh and I were dating, my grandmother had a long conversation with him (in English). She found out that he was born and raised in Russia. She then asked him if he spoke English. It was surprising, but funny, and we gave her a pass 'cause she was getting older and strange comments had started to slip out from time to time.



Well, she was not even 60 yet. :glare:


And according to my mom, (grandmother's DIL), she has been like this since before MY mom and dad got married. (My dad says that she has been bat s/*t crazy since he was a kid. We tell him maybe there is a reason! :tongue_smilie:)

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This is a different sort of random stranger story. Many years ago, DH and I were at the playground with dd (our only child at the time; we were struggling to conceive more - long story). An old man with a foreign accent, apparently there with a grandchild, came up to us, complimented dd, and then said that next year we'd have "a boy; no, two boys!" He shook his finger in the air with that last bit, as he was walking away. Never saw him again. It was rather eerie, and totally freaked me out. The following month we conceived our twin boys.




We had someone ask older dd for a lock of her hair. :001_huh: Dd has beautiful red hair and the lady wanted to take it to her beautician to match the color.


I walked away trying not laugh when the other lady..the stalker..appeared in front of me. She gave me a disapproving look then sort of grumbled out "is her father like a mexican or something?" I was irritated and really just wanted to buy diapers in peace. It wasn't my finest moment but I grumbled back "I really have no idea who her father is" then wandered away ...leaving the lady with her jaw on the floor.




And finally, the rudest thing ever said and not particularly funny, someone asked DH at work once how many children he had and he had replied with the number at the time - eight, seven living. So the woman wanted to know what happened to the one that wasn't living and he explained she had died when she was a baby from prematurity. The woman told him that no, she didn't "count." Um, really? :glare: DH told her that our Hannah did indeed very much "count" as she was very much alive, loved, and our daughter, but she then insisted that no she did not. DH walked away. Wow. Alrighty then. :001_huh:


That is just HORRID!



Dd7 has very curly hair. Ever since she was 4 (when her hair started to grow), people ask me if her hair is natural or if I perm it. I want to say "Yes, I perm my 4 yr. olds hair, so that we can match." :001_huh: I guess there are people that would perm a child's hair.


We just had some people we barely know ask if they could borrow our brand new rv for a week. I wanted to say "Would you like to borrow our house also?".


My DD has extremely curly hair as well and we get that same question. She's 5! WHY would I perm a 5 year old's hair?????:confused:



He tells me why the most serious face and stern voice. "Mom my dad wants me to be a one of a kind, now I am a two of a kind. Change my name to Eight".


I had to pull over the truck I could not stop laughing.


LOVE this! :tongue_smilie:

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This does not qualify as the craziest thing anyone's said to me, but JUST today, after my harrowing library experience, as we walked the kids across a parking lot, a guy rolled down his window and asked if ALL those kids belonged to just two moms. We smiled and nodded and he yells out "What are you? OCTOMOMS or something?!"


So strange.

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When I was pregnant with DS, my DD was not even 2. We were going into a store one day, and I was putting her into the buggy when this older couple walked up and asked me when I was due and if I was having a boy or girl. I answered her questions and then she turned to my DD and said, "Now make sure when your baby brother is born, you do NOT touch him on his head at all or you will squeeze his soft spot and he will DIE!" :001_huh: My mouth seriously hit the floor and we walked away very quickly. WHO says that to a child???



On the first Thanksgiving after DH and I were married, we were at my ILs house. I was in the kitchen with his mother and two sisters and all of a sudden my MIL says, "You know, a few years ago I would not have approved if DH brought you home" (She said this because I am biracial and she used to not like interracial relationships). Say what??? We had only been married for a couple of months then and now that I know MIL better, I know she didn't mean any harm, but it still threw me for a loop.

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my dd was almost completly bald until she was almost a year old. I got tired of all the "What a handsome little boy" so I started dressing her all in pink with a pink hair ribbon around her bald head and I still got "What a handsome boy" I wanted to say "Do you realy think I would dress a boy all in pink with a pink hair ribbon?"

I once was out with my son, 10-12 mo. old, in a navy blue and red snowsuit. Very boyish. The cashier told me "she" was cute.


I guess there are people that would perm a child's hair.

My grandma told me she permed my mom's hair when she was a baby and kept giving me directions on how to do it.


I was once riding a bus and this guy sat next to me and started telling me how bad he was to his girlfriend, and how he was going to get drunk and beat her. Then he went on to give me decent marriage advice along the lines of, you have to be reeeeally careful with men. Ain't that the truth!

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My brother is nine years younger than me. We are technically half siblings, but I dont' think of it that way. It is only relevant because I am biracial and he is white. Shortly after my first DD was born, DH and I went to VA to visit my parents and my brother. My brother and I went for a walk, and I was carrying my DD in a Snugli. I got asked twice if the baby was my brothers. ugh..


ETA: I was 22 when my DD was born, which only made my brother 13.

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added our ages
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Someone did recently ask me (at a Craps table in Vegas, so it's possible I was in the wrong place at the wrong time ;)), "How much did your husband pay for your boobs?"


No word of a lie.


Shut. Up.


Those puppies must be PHENOMENAL! :lol:

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I said something entirely stupid to my SIL and BIL. They were expecting their first child and were in town visiting for a few days. We had not seen them in several months, so we sat around chatting for quite awhile.


We ended up talking about randomly odd and freaky things. There had been an article in the paper about a two-headed kitten that was born and it had to be x-rayed for some reason. My mind, being scattered, went in a completely different (yet related!) direction and I turned to them and said,


"Speaking of two-headed kittens, how did your ultrasound go?"


Fortunately, they cracked up instead of throwing things at me!

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I've also been asked if my girls were twins. I guess I could get past the fact that one is blonde and fair while the other is brunette and a darker tone, but one was a 25lb baby while the other was a 40lb toddler.





:D This has happened so many times with mine that it's no longer funny. It happened tonight, at a restaurant as a matter of fact. My boys are two years apart, about a six inch difference in height, one blue eyes and light brown hair, the other dark brown eyes and almost black hair. Yet everyone asks if they're identical twins. Not twins. Identical twins. Geesh!




Also I had a guy (stranger) ask me to climb under his car and see why it wouldn't run. Which was weird, but even weirder since I was dressed up and pushing my (then) baby in a stroller. He offered to hold my baby while I checked out the car (wasn't that sweet of him?) :glare: I declined.

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Well, when dd was about a year and a half old, I took her to Wal Mart and was walking into the garden department from the parking lot. I had her sitting in the seat of a cart. A man came up to us and commented on dd's blond hair. I don't recall exactly what he said. Then he asked if she got it from my dh. I said no-dh has brown hair. Well, I have brown hair also, so the man starts asking me "who it was?":001_huh: Was it the milkman or the mailman? I start pushing my cart quickly away and I still here him loudly talking about the milkman/mailman.


DH and I are another dark-haired couple with blonde children. I guess people are curious and are just making conversation, but I wish I had a nickel for every time I've discussed our family's hair color history with strangers!


Oldest DS has a birthmark on his scalp - basically a spot with no pigment so it is blonde white, and his hair is growing darker so it has gotten more visible. I am regularly asked if that spot is natural.


My strangest interaction with a stranger was probably when I locked DS in the car when he was almost 2. It was an open market-type store, so I was able to ask employees for help without leaving the car. A woman overheard me and rushed over. I told her all was well, and that a locksmith was on the way. That would not be soon enough apparently, so she offered to help me break my car's window. And she started looking around like she was looking for an object that would do the trick! I politely refused her offer, said he would be fine, and returned to playing peekaboo to keep him happy.

A couple of minutes later, another woman came up to me in a less bold manner and asked if I was the one with a child locked in my car. She identified herself as a nurse, and told me that the first woman had gone to the store next door and discussed my situation and wanted this nurse to take a look at my DS. DS was still happy and had his water, nurse was polite, satisfied, and very diplomatic regarding the other woman (who gave me the meanest look as she was leaving the other store). Locksmith was very quick and all was well.

I know that the woman meant well and that infants/toddlers in hot cars is a serious matter. This was Texas in Sept, admittedly. Also, I would break a car window in a heartbeat if my child's safety were in any way questionable. It was just strange to have someone jump to such a tone when he had been in the car for less than three minutes.

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I had my newborn DS in a Moby wrap, and a lady who I had noticed looking at me and walking past a couple of times finally came up to me and exclaimed, "Oh, that's a BABY. I thought it was a tumor."

:lol: Oh yes! Doesn't EVERYONE wrap cloth/slings around their tumors???

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Dd7 has very curly hair. Ever since she was 4 (when her hair started to grow), people ask me if her hair is natural or if I perm it. I want to say "Yes, I perm my 4 yr. olds hair, so that we can match." :001_huh: I guess there are people that would perm a child's hair.



Around here it's not uncommon for mothers to dye their kids' hair blonde to match their own dye jobs. I know of at least 2 moms in my nephew's Kindergarten class who have owned up to it (discussing colorists).


I've also been asked if I've been growing my hair my entire life :lol: it's always pretty long, and I know what they mean but it still gives me a giggle.


I'm Asian; one of my children passes for 100% white. We were dining out one night and a lady at a nearby table kept staring at us. I'm sort of used to it just because I'm one of the token non-whites adults who live in our small town. It's like walking around with a second head, and it does draw attention.


We crossed paths in the parking lot. She stood there, face-to-face with me, visibly confused, then said: "I can't figure it out. He's not a girl so he can't be from China, is he one of those Korean kids?!"


We live in an area that is 95% white according to official demographics, but a fair amount of families have adopted East Asian children from overseas so it's not entirely unusual to see Asian-Caucasian family mixes when out and about. I think we must have thrown her for a loop because instead of white adult with Asian kid we were an Asian adult with white kid :tongue_smilie:.

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I think the craziest one for me is something *I* said.


I was out one evening w/ my sister & a good friend of hers (he's kind of like the brother I never had). We had just dropped off a different friend at her apt. & were driving out the complex. At that point, my 'brother' said something like, "Oh, I recognize this place now. It's the first place I ever got stoned."


Me: "They threw rocks at you???!!!" (I mean, it was a really nice apt. complex & all & I really couldn't imagine folks there behaving so horribly.)


After a 2-second pause, I got it (DUH!). My sister & my 'brother' have never, ever let me live that one down (& it has been many, many years).



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When ds17 was a baby, I sent out birth announcements with his picture. He had a full head of dark hair and it was long. My girlfriend called me after she received it and laughed hysterically that I had put a wig on him for the picture and asked where his Elvis costume was (he was born a couple days before Halloween.) She did not believe that that was his real hair until she saw him in person. Her babies were cue-ball bald until they were nearly 2 and she had never seen babies with hair.




This one made me laugh. My babies have tons of hair too.

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My kids are adopted. My oldest is part Hispanic. We were at a photo studio when he was probably a month old and these girls (older teens or very young adults) were looking at him. Dh was standing right there. One said "Oh, is his dad Chinese?" I wanted so badly to say "Shhhh! Don't tell my husband!" Instead I just explained.



I worked at a video store and it totally creeped me out when this guy (who I'd seen renting porn movies before) kept trying to get me to go out with him. He really thought that by telling me he was leaving for boot camp the next week would convince me. Yeah.....that sounds tempting...I wonder what he wanted.

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One of the most memorable however was back when DH and I were not even engaged yet and he was visiting my grandmother for the first time. Before we left her house I went to use the bathroom and she took that opportunity to shove some money into DH's hands and tell him to use it to buy condoms.





:lol::lol: Tears I'm laughing so hard. Almost woke the baby I'm trying to nurse back to sleep.

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I've had people think my little boys with the beautiful curly hair (and "Ladies Man" shirts on) were girls.


I wondered if my baby was mine the first time I saw him. Both dh and I have dark-dark brown hair and he was born with blond hair and blue eyes. :001_smile:


And I was SHOCKED when my ds#2 who was born at 32 weeks had a FULL head of dark hair!

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We live in an area that is 95% white according to official demographics, but a fair amount of families have adopted East Asian children from overseas so it's not entirely unusual to see Asian-Caucasian family mixes when out and about. I think we must have thrown her for a loop because instead of white adult with Asian kid we were an Asian adult with white kid :tongue_smilie:.


Oh the mischief you could have sewn! :D


"I'm from China. I came here to adopt one of your abandoned American boys."

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This isn't as crazy as some of the things that have been mentioned. We were checking out at Walmart one day and the cashier commented on our (four) kids and said something like, "What a large family!" I was expecting at the time and just smiled back and told her that we were expecting #5. Her mouth kind of gaped for a moment, then she laughed and said, "Wow! You remind me of the Duggars!"


Yeah, with four, going on five kids? :confused:


About 6 months later I was eating lunch at Wendy's with my ILs and the (four) kids when an older lady came over with her grandson and told me, "I just wanted to tell you that my grandson has been watching your kids - and you remind him of the Duggars."


Our boys are 9, almost 8, and 6, I like to dress them similarly and often the same as they all get the same t-shirts for Christmas and all wear jeans when we go shopping. We are always being asked if they're triplets, or twins, and if not, what are their ages.

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Our boys are 9, almost 8, and 6, I like to dress them similarly and often the same as they all get the same t-shirts for Christmas and all wear jeans when we go shopping. We are always being asked if they're triplets, or twins, and if not, what are their ages.


I've been asked many times if my girls are twins. Um, they're two YEARS apart. They asked this when Sylvia was an infant and not even walking. What the heck??? :001_huh:

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My mom and brother are olive-skinned (they tan dark in the summer), dark hair, whereas I am very fair-skinned and strawberry blonde. My dad is fair, blonde hair.


When I was in 2nd grade, my teacher sent me down to the office for an errand. The secretary asked me if I was adopted. I was so confused and said no. She said, "are you sure? You don't look like your mom or your brother!" :001_huh:

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I was out on a walk with the three dd's (one thirteen, one six, and one almost two), with Great Girl pushing Wee Girl in the stroller. A woman dashed across the street and said gleefully, "Do I see three generations out for a walk?!" Great Girl looked pretty miffed,* but my gray hair has made this sort of observation not rare,** and I just said "No, all three are my children." She stared at them all, and at me, and then said, "You must be Catholic!"


:001_huh: Well, we are, but....


At least she didn't ask "All from the same father??" I've gotten that question a few times, too. I blame schools. When you're raised by your age-peers, you never learn that some subjects are just None of Your Business.




*Great Girl is often assumed to be Wee Girl's teen mother--for some reason, when we were in the UK last summer, this was the universal assumption--and I had endless discussions with bus drivers who were determined to charge her full fare because she was obviously the mum and I the grand-mum.


**Though I still don't understand why people feel constrained to guess that I'm my child's grandmother. Why take the chance of being wrong?***


***One more footnote, just so I can be like David Foster Wallace.

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