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How much do you spend on gas weekly?

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My Ford minivan gets 18-20mpg & my husband's car gets 25-30mpg and he frequently carpools is 80mile RT commute. We live 15mi from any shopping and most destinations.


We spend $125 a week and it is driving me crazy! (this does not count my teenager's gas costs - just husband and wife vehicles? We spend only slightly more each week for *food*.


How much do you & your spouse spend for gas each week.


Lisa J

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Me....$40 a month...I don't go to town that much. We live 45 minutes away and it is just not worth it.


My husband....ah, that's another story. He is self-employed. Works in construction and sometimes fills up 3 or 4 times a week....$75 dollars each time. It hurts.


We spend WAY more on gas than we do on groceries.

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We spend $125 a week and it is driving me crazy! (this does not count my teenager's gas costs - just husband and wife vehicles? We spend only slightly more each week for *food*.


How much do you & your spouse spend for gas each week.


Lisa J


Same here. Dh spends about $85 and I get away with about $40. And that's with me not driving out of town.


Way to put it into perspective, by the way. I really hadn't thought of it like that before. Now I'm even more annoyed than I already was, lol.

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I spend about $40/week if there is nothing planned and we are just doing local driving.


Come September when I am driving all over to classes and stuff it will probably be about $65/week.


I have a new car with good gas mileage but I did manage to put on 24,000 miles in its first year. :001_smile:

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Dh has a company vehicle, so his weekly gas is paid for by his company. For the family, we have a Ford 15 passenger van and we have budgeted $75 per week for gas (this doesn't even fill the tank up all the way anymore!). The closest shopping is aboout 7 1/2 miles away. I know it's not far, but we still have to limit our trips to town. If we get to go to church on Sunday, our gas budget goes up to about $115 (our church is 75 miles away, so due to gas costs we don't get to go every week).


**I'm in the process of trying to streamline our trips to sown to cut our gas budget if I can. Thank goodness my dd's aren't driving yet!

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It used to be a whole lot less. I've cut back on outside activities - can't afford the gas or the activity fees anymore. I've also been combining trips as much as possible. Court ordered custody exchanges 2 hours away 2x/month don't help much either.

Edited by Amy in NH
to say that this is a 1/4 of our income.
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DH rides a bicycle to work, eight miles one way. We didn't have a vehicle for several months but now we have a minivan. I only use it to take the kids to the beach or something. We live three miles from the nearest public transportation line, so I appreciate the van with four kids to take with me but it isn't a necessity. I think we spend about $50 a month on gas.

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About $125/week during the school year when we have co-op and activities. Probably closer to $80-90/week in the summer. I *hate* spending so much on gas. :( But we've looked into DH taking the train to work, we really wouldn't be saving any money unless we got rid of our 2nd car, and we're not ready to do that yet.

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DH rides a bicycle to work, eight miles one way. We didn't have a vehicle for several months but now we have a minivan. I only use it to take the kids to the beach or something. We live three miles from the nearest public transportation line, so I appreciate the van with four kids to take with me but it isn't a necessity. I think we spend about $50 a month on gas.


We live within walking distance of public transport, but we haven't used it yet. The biggest problem is that we have to take at least 3 buses to get much of anywhere and possibly more. The time factor is HUGE - a 45 minute trip by car is a 2-3 hour bus ride (each way!) I still want to figure it out, though, as we can go anywhere in the area for $6 total.


Dh's expenses are about to go way down - the person who he usually rides with just bought a Prius, so he will no longer drive to work every other week (they were switching off.) He'll only have to drive the 3 miles there and pay for 1/2 the expenses (about $30 every 2 weeks.)


Biking/walking isn't happening - he'd have to walk/bike through a rough area of town. A drug dealer was shot in broad daylight at a gas station there just a few weeks ago. This also makes me a little leery of public transport - the transfer station we'd have to use to get downtown (so we can go anywhere else) is right there as well. Navigating that area with 6 dc in tow makes me a little nervous.:001_huh:


But, as with everything, if we had to, we would.;)

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We live in town and only have one car. DH bikes in good weather, takes a bus in the snow. I have a mazda5.


We fill the tank about twice a month and it was 50$ to fill my mazda5 last week so 25$ a week?


If I had a bike and took that to the stores I could cut that down by quite a lot.

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I spend about sixty pounds every two weeks. I take the boys to school, so that's a total of twenty miles a day. I don't run that many errands in addition - most are done on the way to or from school. I mostly walk to work. When husband was working, he was spending a similar amount on his commute - his car is a diesel and gets better mileage, but his commute is longer.



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I live in a rural area... so things are spread out and there's not really any public transportation. I'd have to drive 12 miles just to get to the closest bus stop! Also, the bus only goes to about 7 places in town anyway. During the summer, I've been spending about $40/week. It's more than double that during the school year. I have to drive over 25 miles to the place where I teach my art classes, one way. BTW, I have a 16 yr old Camry wagon.

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Zero. We spend about $15 once every three weeks on bus fare to the big city. No matter where we live in the world, it's important to us to not have to spend a lot of time in (or money on) the car. We lived in Seattle before we lived where we do now and spent $30/month on gas and didn't ride the bus, but I walked and rode my bike a lot. Seattle is a great place to not have a car.


I do love living in rural areas, but long commutes aren't worth it to me.


Since gas is relatively very expensive here (it's about $2.50 a gallon, but the average salary is $100/month), people drive their cars very little if they have one. Walking several kilometers is completely normal and a one-way bus ride within my city (5-10 minute drive) is about 15 cents ($1.10 by taxi). A one-hour bus ride is a little more than a dollar, or it's almost $7 by taxi.

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$100 (maybe) for the van/month (Odyessey), probably the same for my husband's car (98 Volvo wagon).

We live in town, but in a rural area. It's a 30-60mi RT if we need to do any shopping, though we have a grocery in town for picking up odds & ends. No public transport, and they are JUST finishing putting in sidewalks to the grocery, so now you can walk without being run down.


We walk to destinations in town, or I ride my bike. We no longer schlep to activities 20 miles a way on a regular basis (for various reasons, not just fuel prives). My husband has a 97 mile round trip, but he works every fourth day so the commute is twice a week.

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Dh's commute is 50 miles per day, but thankfully 26 of that is the commuter train.


We budget $50/wk roughly (I budget $200/month) and then the commuter train ticket is an additional $56/month. So total budget is $256. We occasionally get up to $300.



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My Ford minivan gets 18-20mpg & my husband's car gets 25-30mpg and he frequently carpools is 80mile RT commute. We live 15mi from any shopping and most destinations.


We spend $125 a week and it is driving me crazy! (this does not count my teenager's gas costs - just husband and wife vehicles? We spend only slightly more each week for *food*.


How much do you & your spouse spend for gas each week.


Lisa J


We spend about $100-140. We have an 11 year old minivan that gets about 17mpg and a Toyota Corolla that averages about 35mpg. But, we live in a more rural area and have longer commutes to dh's work (25 miles each way) and to most of our activities (dd1 dance 4-5 days per week and it's 12 miles each way).

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We don't drive much. We live 2 miles from where DH works (and where I work during the year), and other than DH driving to and from work, we make one or two trips to get groceries or shop in the weekends (usually about 5-10 miles away). We have a lot of friends and some fun places to go within walking distance, so I pretty much don't take the kids anywhere we need to drive to during the week.


I'd say we fill up about once a month, for about $40-50.

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We average $75/week. I build in an extra $25 for the weeks where we'll have unusual driving. Like this week, when ds has a writing camp 35 miles one way from home, and then I have to drive somewhere to hang out and wait for it to be over.

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