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Who needs to organize their house with me?

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Let's organize one room a day starting tomorrow Wednesday the 13th for anyone that needs to really attack clutter. Then we can do closets and bathrooms if you need to. If anyone wants to lend support here that's great! I'm not the indoor type so we fall behind on clutter just tossing our stuff here and there to go back out again. So pick a room with me! :)

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Starting tomorrow??? I'm ahead of you, but I'll join you. :001_smile:


Today I am having Craft Closet Clean-out Day. I've carried ALL the boxes and bags of stuff to one room, covered a table, and have started sorting through. I am keeping one large box (my crafts), and a couple small shoe-box sized boxes (kid craft suppplies) ONLY.

I've invited friends to come and take whatever they would like, and the rest will be dropped off at my church for the preschool and kids programs.

(I'm moving and significantly downsizing, so I'm on a deadline.)

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ME!!! I so need something like this. I want desperately to be in a better place (organizationally speaking) than this when the new school year starts. Great idea, thanks for sharing!


Are we all doing the same room? Or should we just pick a room in our house and start on it? And tomorrow is perfect, since we have plans for the pool today that will probably go late.

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I'm in. Rooms/areas I MUST tackle before the end of next week are, the girls bedroom, the basement, the garage and my bedroom closet. I probably will not wait for tomorrow and begin today on the girls room because I want it done before oldest dd comes home on friday

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I am in too! I am going to start in the boys room and go from there. I really, really need things to be in better shape before school starts. It helps that today is a rainy, overcast and I won't be tempted (much) to play hooky and go outside.


Thanks for the encouragement...:D

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I'm in! Will tackle the kitchen today. We organized the walk-in pantry over the weekend and now it looks like a tornado has taken all the extra stuff from the pantry and dropped it in the kitchen.


I will be gone to Dr. appointments most of the day tomorrow, but we will pick up again on Thursday.

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I need to do this too. I won't be able to finish one whole room in a day (we are in the last week of swim season, so our days are crazy), but I will try to tackle 1/2 room each day. I need to clean out and reorganize the school room (been totally neglected for the last month), the toddler's room, the master bedroom (must go through my drawers) and the basement. The basement is a week-long project though. I need to reorganize the storage area and the kids play area.

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I am preparing to move on the 31st; I'd like to join in. I have a bit of a twist though.


I am very interested in minimalist living. Less is more. Here is the twist (or mindset) I'm working on.


In a lot of the reading I've done, there is a big advocacy for buying or owning the very best quality of whatever "thing" is the issue.


I've always looked for the least expensive way out (thrift shops, etc.) which tends to add to my bulk and duplicates.


I must prepare my apartment tomorrow for a inspection, so today is a big work day of sorting, cleaning and donating.


We are moving into a much smaller space, so the donations I expect will be large.


I currently am stressing (and this is to say undecided, wavering) on my cookbook collection. There are probably fifty volumes.


Do I keep, haul, and move them? Or do I donate? Or do I select say, the ten best volumes and release the rest?


Part of my mind says, "You can get any of this on the internet, lighten your load completely."

Part of my mind says, "You really enjoy having them, you've not used them because there has been no place to put them properly."


Going into the new place and keeping them means to buy a bookcase, an expense; and I can see us moving back across country again in six months. There is no room there to store them either, even smaller than what we are going into now.





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Let's organize one room a day starting tomorrow Wednesday the 13th for anyone that needs to really attack clutter. Then we can do closets and bathrooms if you need to. If anyone wants to lend support here that's great! I'm not the indoor type so we fall behind on clutter just tossing our stuff here and there to go back out again. So pick a room with me! :)


OMG yes


I need to organize and clean. I'll join!

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I am preparing to move on the 31st; I'd like to join in. I have a bit of a twist though.

I currently am stressing (and this is to say undecided, wavering) on my cookbook collection. There are probably fifty volumes.


Do I keep, haul, and move them? Or do I donate? Or do I select say, the ten best volumes and release the rest?


Part of my mind says, "You can get any of this on the internet, lighten your load completely."

Part of my mind says, "You really enjoy having them, you've not used them because there has been no place to put them properly."


Going into the new place and keeping them means to buy a bookcase, an expense; and I can see us moving back across country again in six months. There is no room there to store them either, even smaller than what we are going into now.






Since you're so close to your moving date, you probably won't have time for this, but my advice would be to digitize your cookbook collection. Either re-type or scan in your favorite recipes. They can be saved to a hard-drive or put on a digital reader and won't take up valuable storage space. I am currently working on doing this for my 2 shelves full of cookbooks.

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Ya, I am way to close for that project, tho it sounds lovely, really.


I've given up entire homes full of contents & collections many, many times for moves. Literally only taking one suitcase of clothing and a box of essential paperwork and letting everything else go; so I'm no stranger to making light of my "stuff".


I did run across a website just recently that does have an amazing array of modern cookbooks digitized. I'll have to go hunting for it again.


There's just something about junior league cookbooks with handwritten grandma notes in the margins that is SO sentimental. You know the splattered pages are always the best recipes..you know what I mean?

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Well, I wish someone would tell me which room to pick!


I need to get my desk stacks handled and two sets of shelves sorted and cleared...


My bedroom has stacks here and there... and my closet is crowded and slightly disastrous...


I sure need to get some of this done... so, I'll stay tuned, get something done and post again!

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My upstairs bathroom is now clean with new shower curtain! :)


I have to start dinner, so I'm working in the kitchen and will move on my bedroom. My room is the catch all for clean laundry (my dresser is nearly empty, and ds has no pants put away!), and everything else.


I can't wait to NOT have the computer and big desk in my room when we move. A bed, closet, and dresser...

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Okay, here is the website I mentioned. It has 80 thousand (yes, that is correct) digitized cookbooks.


I need to let these books go, just record the titles, find the online match and donate them. I have a few very old ones I do not expect to find in the database, if so, I will keep them.


The site is here: http://www.eatyourbooks.com/



Sorry to rain on your getting-rid-of-it parade,:sad: but when I went to this site to check it out, it said that you still need the actual books--it lets you search for a recipe from your "shelf" of books, but will only give you the page number of the recipe, not the recipe itself. You then have to look it up in your book. I am an avid "tosser" of extra stuff and hate to discourage your from unloading surplus, but I thought you'd like to know before you get rid of all your books!

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I need longer than one day per room I am afraid!


I did spend quite a bit of time in the kitchen today and have 5 items newly listed on ebay. I also listed something on Vegsource (mixer). I want it GONE but also want to get some recouping of the money I spent.



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Craft supplies almost done. I have one more box to haul down from upstairs, and then just to put my keepers away. (That was really so much easier than I thought it would be!)


Had to speak to my mom on the phone privately, so I took that opportunity in my room to combine the best of two boxes of wrapping paper/gift bag supplies into the one box that fits under my bed.

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I just pulled a ton of junk out from under the desk, like baby toys random bits of trash books etc.. I share my 1200 sq ft home with dh, ds, dd and her dh and their ds :willy_nilly:


Does anyone else start feeling ashamed once they start cleaning and realize just how far out of hand things have gotten; and then begin losing motivation. This happens to me often and I HATE it.


treestarfae: your timing is impeccable. My MIL just called to announce she'd like to come for a visit :eek:

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Been working on my living room. Only because it's easier than the rest of the house. I am looking for two lost (as in, I was sure I returned them) library books while I'm at it, and lo and behold, one of them has disappeared off my record today. Delighted the library found it all by itself. One to go. And yes, I really did move my tv cabinet just to be extra sure there was no book under it. Sigh.

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I'm in, too. I've been working on school areas, so will continue there.


Wish we could trade off houses - I'll organize yours, if you organize mine? :)


I'll help but my mounds of random paper may drive you nuts! I'll reuse any paper and write notes on it. I need to just stick to a notepad lol.

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I need to organize my house with you!


Er...that does mean you're coming over to help, right? :tongue_smilie: I really need someone to tackle the basement because I just. don't. feel. like. it.




I'll help! It's too hot to fix up my garage! We don't have attic or basement so all our random junk goes there.

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My upstairs bathroom is now clean with new shower curtain! :)


I have to start dinner, so I'm working in the kitchen and will move on my bedroom. My room is the catch all for clean laundry (my dresser is nearly empty, and ds has no pants put away!), and everything else.


I can't wait to NOT have the computer and big desk in my room when we move. A bed, closet, and dresser...


Yay! :party::cheers2:

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I just pulled a ton of junk out from under the desk, like baby toys random bits of trash books etc.. I share my 1200 sq ft home with dh, ds, dd and her dh and their ds :willy_nilly:


Does anyone else start feeling ashamed once they start cleaning and realize just how far out of hand things have gotten; and then begin losing motivation. This happens to me often and I HATE it.


treestarfae: your timing is impeccable. My MIL just called to announce she'd like to come for a visit :eek:


For me it's finding the energy and listening to music. Have fun with your MIL :cheers2:

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