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Casey Anthony Trial -- a Verdict has been reached...

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I do not understand why it is hard for anyone to believe that a 2 year old found with duct tape on her mouth was murdered 'beyond a reasonable doubt.' As the county medical examiner said, 'no child should have duct tape on her mouth and it is more than reasonable to think that child died as a result of homocide.'



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Okay, I should have said question instead of statement, but yes, you do have to report your child missing because as a parent, you are legally responsible for them...If I claim to not know where my child is for a month and something happened to them, I would expect to be arrested...


IDK if you are legally required to report a missing child, but she is now claiming that Caylee was never missing anyway; rather, she is saying that the little girl was dead the entire time and she knew it. So the question would be whether or not one is legally required to report a death, not a missing child.

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I agree with this, and I believe that she regularly drugged Caylee. Nanny Zanny? That is a drug reference to Xanax. It is very possible that she drugged her with Xanax, and then gagged her with the tape and chloroform case she woke up. I believe that killing her was an accident, but that does not make her any less culpable.


This proves how off base the jurors were. We agree. Holy moly. This case is beyond comprehension.

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IDK if you are legally required to report a missing child, but she is now claiming that Caylee was never missing anyway; rather, she is saying that the little girl was dead the entire time and she knew it. So the question would be whether or not one is legally required to report a death, not a missing child.


And then at that point what if it is self incriminating?


Are murderers regularly tried on a count of failing to report a death?


Hmmm... Criminal law is fascinating. Twisted sick. But fascinating....

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Elizabeth -- you might know the answer to this....is Casey entitled to any sort of protection after she's released from prison?


I know folks were mad at O.J. after he was found not guilty, but he had millions and could afford to hire bodyguards.


Casey doesn't have the money for bodyguards.


Hundreds of folks volunteered to search for Caylee in the Orlando area and I'm sure they will be none to pleased to have her walking the streets.


I don't see how Casey will be able to go out in public without being harassed (at the very least!!).


Nope.No protection. She is on her own with her perjury committing momma. May they enjoy the restless nights that will come for the rest of their lives.

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Was the chloroform found in the mother's car, or the grandparent's car?

Has anyone posited the idea that Casey might have drugged her kid so that she could go out and the kid not wake up, or taken her with her to party but kept her asleep in the car, using the chloroform, perhaps even with duct tape on her mouth, in case she woke up crying? Maybe she overdid the chloroform and Caylee died, still with the tape on her mouth. Then she hid the body.


It's my understanding the body was too decomposed to tell if the tape was on when she was alive or if it had been added onto her mouth when she died, right?



Just a theory, and not a very good one.


I just have experience with parents threatening to tape their kid's mouth shut if the kid didn't stop making noise. And I have experience with parents drugging their kid (not with chloroform, tho) and bringing them sleeping to wait in the parking lot while they partied.


Sick and sad.


I think you are correct.

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I think her lawyer will write a book/movie "based on the true story of...":glare:


I think that's a sure bet. He was quoted as saying he 'saved a life today' as he toasted his fellow defense team members with champagne.


So much for the dead child. We don't care who did it - just that we proved Casey didn't. Let's celebrate and jump up and down and party! :glare: (that was sarcasm)


If it weren't for lawyers like Elizabeth I'd really lose what's left of my hope in integrity in the justice system.

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I posted this in the other thread. I didn't realize there were 2 threads.


My theory is that Casey is a sociopath who was neglient or neglectful or abusive and one of these caused Caylee's death.


Neglient -- let her play unsupervized and Caylee got into something and died accidentally (ie drown in the pool.)


Neglectful -- Casey was hungover and passed out and Caylee got into something and died accidentally (ie drown in the pool.)


Abusive -- Casey gave Caylee drugs to keep her quiet and sleep and Caylee died from the drugs.


Now what does someone who is already a sociopath and accomplished liar do in this case? Tell the truth? No, of course not. She tried to make it look like Caylee was kidnapped from their home, that is why she used the duct tape. But there is also a part of her that responds like other mothers who hide their kids' bodies. She wrapped/swaddled Caylee and put her in water.


Why was Casey partying, getting tatoos, etc? Because she is a sociopath. Her emotional response has never been that of a normal person. Or she compartmentalizes her emotions so much, she begins to believe her own lies (the baby was kidnapped and she has to act normal or her family will be hurt).

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So, basically, coming from a dysfunctional family can be a new defense.:glare:


And, the alternate juror is clearly not the brightest person on the planet.:glare:


Exactly, I guess these things just happen amongst trashy people is the mantra. Where's the love for this little girl?

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I posted this in the other thread. I didn't realize there were 2 threads.


My theory is that Casey is a sociopath who was neglient or neglectful or abusive and one of these caused Caylee's death.


Neglient -- let her play unsupervized and Caylee got into something and died accidentally (ie drown in the pool.)


Neglectful -- Casey was hungover and passed out and Caylee got into something and died accidentally (ie drown in the pool.)


Abusive -- Casey gave Caylee drugs to keep her quiet and sleep and Caylee died from the drugs.


Now what does someone who is already a sociopath and accomplished liar do in this case? Tell the truth? No, of course not. She tried to make it look like Caylee was kidnapped from their home, that is why she used the duct tape. But there is also a part of her that responds like other mothers who hide their kids' bodies. She wrapped/swaddled Caylee and put her in water.


Why was Casey partying, getting tatoos, etc? Because she is a sociopath. Her emotional response has never been that of a normal person. Or she compartmentalizes her emotions so much, she begins to believe her own lies (the baby was kidnapped and she has to act normal or her family will be hurt).





In the end God knows what happened and the circumstances surrounding it -he will be be the ultimate judge for Casey and she won't get away with it then.

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I have no words. You are calling this bad parenting????? You are wrong that she will not fatally harm others again,she will kill or destroy other people in her path . She falsely accused her father of sexually abusing her after telling Baez that her brother could be the baby's father. If she were my neighbor I would move as I would be afraid of being her next victim. Duct tape, reputation, sanity, etc are all thrown under the bus by this she devil. Yes I do believe that people can be intrinsically evil. She is and she gets away with it because her wickedness is not visible to all.




I always thought Joran van der Sloot was somehow involved in Natalee Holloway's accidental death. He, too, had a parent help him dispose of the body. But after he murdered Stephany Ramirez it became clear that he's just another sociopath - perhaps Natalee's death was accidental (we'll never know), but he was emboldened by getting away with covering it up. And another girl had to die.

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Did you notice the crickets when the interviewer asked about the duct tape? It's like the juror hadn't even thought about it - Golly gee, why would they put duct tape on her? Oh, yeah, it's because that's how they buried their pets!

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Oh for sure. She's going to be a millionaire from the book and movie deals. No doubt about that.


I heard Zaneida Gonzales filed a civil suit against her. Casey was served in jail this morning. Maybe she will get a judgment and not be able to keep all the money she will make from having murdered her daughter.

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Maybe entitled?


I don't know if this old AP story is true, but if it is I am even more sick to my stomach.


Well, I would not encourage my 19 year old dd to give her child up for adoption. In fact, I would discourage it--especially in their situation where they were able to assist her in raising the child.


I doubt seriously Cindy thought Casey would kill the baby as a result of that decision.

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Well, I would not encourage my 19 year old dd to give her child up for adoption. In fact, I would discourage it--especially in their situation where they were able to assist her in raising the child.


I doubt seriously Cindy thought Casey would kill the baby as a result of that decision.


I agree. Total crap.


It is not an either or scenario of adoption or murder a toddler.


I think someone that would murder their own child for the sake of convienence will murder anyone that they deem is messing up their life.

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I can't get over all the smiling, crying and hugging. Who are these defense people and why do they believe she is innocent? With the smiling, crying and hugging they can't possibly believe she is guilty and happy she got away with it. Why do they believe her? It's so bizarre.

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I can't get over all the smiling, crying and hugging. Who are these defense people and why do they believe she is innocent? With the smiling, crying and hugging they can't possibly believe she is guilty and happy she got away with it. Why do they believe her? It's so bizarre.


I doubt all of them believe her. A good many of them just wanted to win at all cost.

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I doubt all of them believe her. A good many of them just wanted to win at all cost.


I considered they were happy about "winning" but still they would all have to be cold and heartless. The women were crying and smiling.

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I considered they were happy about "winning" but still they would all have to be cold and heartless. The women were crying and smiling.


Well, maybe she convinced them. She was a very accomplished liar--that was proven in court. And by the verdict.

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I can't get over all the smiling, crying and hugging. Who are these defense people and why do they believe she is innocent? With the smiling, crying and hugging they can't possibly believe she is guilty and happy she got away with it. Why do they believe her? It's so bizarre.


One of her charming defense team flipped off the media and onlookers. One was jumping up and down and screaming and then they all adjourned to a restaurant down the street and toasted with champagne in front of a picture window. Talk about running one's nose in it.


The defense team disgusts me. Truly. A baby is dead. If they really believe Casey didn't do it then there is nothing to celebrate because the baby's murderer is still out there.

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I heard Zaneida Gonzales filed a civil suit against her. Casey was served in jail this morning. Maybe she will get a judgment and not be able to keep all the money she will make from having murdered her daughter.


Looks like one of the search companies is also considering suing.


Well, maybe she convinced them. She was a very accomplished liar--that was proven in court. And by the verdict.


Many liars of this sort are charming and convincing. You'd be amazed what they can make people believe.

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Nearly *all* cases are decided by circumstantial and corroborating evidence. Relatively few crimes have eye witnesses.


The very fact that the baby *disappeared* while under her care and she didn't report her missing is corroborating evidence to everything else.


:iagree: And her behavior during that time? And the duct tape? How does duct tape figure in to drowning?

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Was the chloroform found in the mother's car, or the grandparent's car?

Has anyone posited the idea that Casey might have drugged her kid so that she could go out and the kid not wake up, or taken her with her to party but kept her asleep in the car, using the chloroform, perhaps even with duct tape on her mouth, in case she woke up crying? Maybe she overdid the chloroform and Caylee died, still with the tape on her mouth. Then she hid the body.


It's my understanding the body was too decomposed to tell if the tape was on when she was alive or if it had been added onto her mouth when she died, right?



Just a theory, and not a very good one.


I just have experience with parents threatening to tape their kid's mouth shut if the kid didn't stop making noise. And I have experience with parents drugging their kid (not with chloroform, tho) and bringing them sleeping to wait in the parking lot while they partied.


Sick and sad.

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I would like to know if the taxpayers and search organizations could recoup some of the thousands of dollars spent looking for Caylee? If the defense says Caylee was never missing?


One of the guys from EquuSearch seemed to indicate they were thinking about suing since the defense now claims that Caylee was never missing. I cannot find that exact interview online; it was on headline news earlier.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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One of the guys from EquuSearch seemed to indicate they were thinking about suing wince the defense now claims that Caylee was never missing. I cannot find that exact interview online; it was on headline news earlier.


Good! She sure did cost people a lot of time and money.

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Did you notice the crickets when the interviewer asked about the duct tape? It's like the juror hadn't even thought about it - Golly gee, why would they put duct tape on her? Oh, yeah, it's because that's how they buried their pets!



This. What the ****??? Caylee was not a pet.

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I agree. Total crap.


It is not an either or scenario of adoption or murder a toddler.


I think someone that would murder their own child for the sake of convienence will murder anyone that they deem is messing up their life.


No, it's not an either/or scenario.


But it says a lot about what the family dynamic is when the Grandma wouldn't "allow" 19 y. o. Casey to choose a valid and reasonable option for an unplanned pregnancy.

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