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Fun threads v. serious threads

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Which type do you prefer to participate in?



I try to participate in both types. Because honestly, I'm here to socialize and have some fun, not to hone my debate skills. I'd really rather post my prom picture and suggest a few of my favorite pot-luck desserts.



But...clearly I have no self-restraint. :glare:

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Which type do you prefer to participate in?



I try to participate in both types. Because honestly, I'm here to socialize and have some fun, not to hone my debate skills. I'd really rather post my prom picture and suggest a few of my favorite pot-luck desserts.



But...clearly I have no self-restraint. :glare:


Both. I figure if I keep saying I'm moderate, someday maybe just maybe it'll happen.


Besides, self-restraint is for people with... er... self-restraint.

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Both. But not all serious threads nor all fun ones. But I'm also hoping to someday garner more rep points than my age (I have had more rep, but some from people with not enough posts to add.) Just don't add enough spice or something, I guess.


Honey, you are not the only one! I look at it as no rep is better than bad rep. :001_smile:

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Both. I figure if I keep saying I'm moderate, someday maybe just maybe it'll happen.


I don't think I fit into any kind of a box. I'm pretty rabidly liberal on some issue and kind of rabidly conservative on others. Does moderate mean you fall in the middle or does it mean I can average my rabid positions and pretend that makes me moderate?


Besides, self-restraint is for people with... er... self-restraint.


Excellent point. *Has a Mike's and another piece of chocolate*

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Which type do you prefer to participate in?



I try to participate in both types. Because honestly, I'm here to socialize and have some fun, not to hone my debate skills. I'd really rather post my prom picture and suggest a few of my favorite pot-luck desserts.



But...clearly I have no self-restraint. :glare:


:iagree: I also find that my point is usually already made and made better than I could state. I do read a lot more than I post. Sometimes I spend quite a bit of time on the board reading in one day and don't post one response.

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Both. But not all serious threads nor all fun ones. But I'm also hoping to someday garner more rep points than my age (I have had more rep, but some from people with not enough posts to add.) Just don't add enough spice or something, I guess.


I agree! Whether to participate or not depends on how much time I have at that time. It is usually faster to jot a quick reply to a light-headed thread than to craft a well-thought out reply to a serious one. On the serious ones I often close the thread without replying but through-out the day I find myself thinking about it. Then once I've formulated my thesis in my mind, then I come to add my great wisdom to the hive mind - only to find that usually the thread has added 5 pages since I was there and my great reply really wouldn't add anything to the discussion!

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I like both, depending on my mood.

I don't mind debating, but I much prefer to do it in person because I think that the anonymity of the internet makes it much easier for everyone (myself included) to put on boxing gloves. When you're talking to someone in person you just have to be a lot more concerned with their feelings, and so you tend to temper yourself more. At least I do. Also, I never want to damage my relationship with people I really like. That doesn't mean I'm wishy washy, it just means that my relationship is more important than being right, you know? And people who know me understand that my lack of commentary does not necessarily indicate approval. Sometimes it just indicates that I can keep an opinion to myself and enjoy the person.


There are some people here who have very different political, religious, and other ideas than mine. Vastly different. And to be totally honest, when there is a big fight ensuing sometimes I prefer not to read posts that will make it hard for me to remain charitable, if that makes any sense.


So yeah, this place is fun for me. I don't like it when there's drama and ugliness. I like it when there is spirited, yet respectful debate. I also like it when we do things like this.

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I don't think I fit into any kind of a box. I'm pretty rabidly liberal on some issue and kind of rabidly conservative on others. Does moderate mean you fall in the middle or does it mean I can average my rabid positions and pretend that makes me moderate?




Well, if that were the case, I'd be moderate by now. However, I realized long ago that I'm destined to be a woman of strong opinions for life. I don't know if those come across as stongly on the forum as they actually are since I have a strong personality and have spent years learning to come across less strongly IRL.


I'm here for 2 reasons. 1. to help learn about good curricula. 2. to be social.


Thanks for the sympathy rep for the 2 that gave me some so far--hurray, I now have passed my age, dh's age and am up to that of my oldest ex-boyfriend. Wow, when you get to 3 boxes your rep packs a punch!

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Also, I never want to damage my relationship with people I really like. <snip>


There are some people here who have very different political, religious, and other ideas than mine. Vastly different. And to be totally honest, when there is a big fight ensuing sometimes I prefer not to read posts that will make it hard for me to remain charitable, if that makes any sense.


Oooh...see, that statement makes me wonder. Although there are some people with whom I kind of naturally align, I honestly rarely even remember who was on the anti-side or what they said unless it was extremely egregious.


So yeah, this place is fun for me. I don't like it when there's drama and ugliness. I like it when there is spirited, yet respectful debate. I also like it when we do things like this.


I agree :D

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I like the curriculum threads very much and I get a kick out of the fun threads.


I try to stay away from the political or social issues threads but sometimes I take a peek anyway and I have a hard time not participating if there seems to be misunderstanding in a thread. I'm ok with differing opinions but not misinformation.

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Oooh...see, that statement makes me wonder. Although there are some people with whom I kind of naturally align, I honestly rarely even remember who was on the anti-side or what they said unless it was extremely egregious.



Yeah, but sometimes I align with someone on a given issue, but I'm at opposite ends with them on another. It all depends. And I don't always remember, not by a long shot. And sometimes they're arguing vehemently against something that I think is important and I just really don't want to argue with them. It's weird, because although I'm one of the most opinionated people you will ever meet, I am not one to try to convince other people to agree with me. Well, maybe sometimes I do. But I realize that there are some things that you cannot argue a person into, and trying can cause more harm than good. I have learned this from experience.

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Both. I like fun and frivolity and I like serious discussions. I only posted once to the one running today, knowing that it was going to make my blood pressure raise (rise?). That was one topic I really should just avoid.


Anyway, I come here for fun and find that 99% of people are respectful and gracious.

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There was one a few weeks ago. It's probably on page 5,382 by now. :)


Yikes, I know. When I saw her post I cringed because I started having flashbacks to the Monster Evolution Thread that wouldn't die!!!!! Eeeeek!!!

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:lol: I wasn't here for that thread, I can only imagine I would stay strong and stay out of it! Even if the thread were 500 pages long I bet no minds were changed!


Another one I would avoid like the plague is a right to life/right to choose debate! That is a debate that can not be won. It is too emotional and no one is wishy washy on that subject!


One thing that might be a good idea as this forum grows is to have a sub forum (like under the General Board) for Politics and Social Issues this way people can choose to stay away if they like.

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"One thing that might be a good idea as this forum grows is to have a sub forum (like under the General Board) for Politics and Social Issues this way people can choose to stay away if they like."


(Why can I not figure out how to quote people with those fun little blue quote boxes????)


Anyhow, Jumping in Puddles, I think this is fabulous idea! I love political discussions but know that I will get so sucked in if I get started on them. But I also want to see what's going in our mutual hs-ing worlds. So, I either stay COMPLETELY away to avoid the sucking-in on politics or get sucked in on politics when all I really wanted to do was see who had a great day with their kids or an excellent idea for organizing our junk....:glare:

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I also find that my point is usually already made and made better than I could state.



I find the same thing more often than not. But in my case it has much to do with the fact than nearly anyone can articulate my point better than I can. :001_huh:

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Oooh...see, that statement makes me wonder. Although there are some people with whom I kind of naturally align, I honestly rarely even remember who was on the anti-side or what they said unless it was extremely egregious.




I agree :D


It's pronounced "egregious". Name that movie, sorry, couldn't resist. Abandoning the Mike's now and headed for the rum.

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(Why can I not figure out how to quote people with those fun little blue quote boxes????)


You just have to click on the blue bubble that says "quote" at the bottom of the message box. You'll get a new page and you can delete the parts that you don't want to quote, like what I did with you just now.


Oh, and I want to tell you that I absolutely love your sig line. If you didn't already have it I would steal it. Maybe I'll steal it anyway. Maybe I'll just go join a new board simply so that I can use that sig line. Maybe I'll just stop now. :D:lol:

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I don't have a preference for either one.


Now, I'm sure it seems like the only contributions I have to make are serious ones, but I honestly do like to have fun every now and then, too.













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I much prefer fun. Well... okay, I thrive on a good debate. And I could debate until the cows come home but I also know that I tend to get my nighty in a knot and end up reading EVERY single post once I participate and then I think about this board WAY too much IRL... and... well, I like you all but I really don't want you all occupying my thoughts during my family time. Kwim? :D It's nothing personal.


When I do get knee deep into a serious post I usually end up neck deep before I know it and usually it is completely pointless anyways. I have opinions and strongly held beliefs but I realize that very very little change of heart or mind ever occurs through internet "conversations" (in air quotes because... well, they usually take on a tone other than "conversational.") I do really care about issues. But deep down, I care far more about people, even the people I heartily disagree with... but that truth is often lost when only the issues are at stake and not real relationships.


So though I sometimes do stick my toe in the water... and yes, sometimes I dive head first... I am learning to just NOT because I don't get perturbed and insulted and called names and accused of things... and in turn I can't suddenly find myself doing those things either if I just don't say anything. (Who knew you could learn so much from an animated Mama Bunny?) And I'm finding that I enjoy neutrality (or the appearance of it anyways.) :tongue_smilie: Perhaps it's because I have lived in Canada for over 5 years now and have adopted some of the Canadian "anti-conflict" mindset. I know that has something to do with it. It goes against my own nature and yet it helps me to reflect and think more about the person behind the issues than just the issues.


OH, and I really just like fun posts! :D I come here for fun. What I don't like is when people post topics that they know very well will turn immediately into a polarizing "debate" (though I find that it's really hard for people to remain as respectful, not to mention as logical, as a real debate would require.) People talk about wanting peace in a general sense but then go and immediately polarize groups and that I find quite annerving and often duplicitous.

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Yikes, I know. When I saw her post I cringed because I started having flashbacks to the Monster Evolution Thread that wouldn't die!!!!! Eeeeek!!!


Thanks to you two monkeys (no pun intended... honest:D), someone will probably go and resurrect it just for kicks!! :tongue_smilie::lol:

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Depends on how "serious" serious is. there are certain threads I avoid.......like a certain poll that I can only imagine how that thread is spinning at this particular moment. If I think it is so serious that people are entrenched in their viewpoints and it is going to be a time-sucker.......I avoid it.


Really silly threads.....I guess I avoid them too.


So.......I guess that leaves me in the "dull zone." :)

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Oh, and I want to tell you that I absolutely love your sig line. If you didn't already have it I would steal it. Maybe I'll steal it anyway. Maybe I'll just go join a new board simply so that I can use that sig line. Maybe I'll just stop now. :D:lol:


Yay! For 'splainin this to me, you can have my sig line...it's my little gift to you :001_smile:

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But serious posts I can only handle to certain page number. I have no attention span when threads become tit for tat- which is a shame because I know some great points are made later in a thread. I just don't like it when each statement is challenged, defended, re-worded, etc. I must be ADD like Mrs. Mungo [high five?] ;)


The funny threads that go on and on seem to keep me laughing. Man o' man there are some witty people on this board.



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Which type do you prefer to participate in?



I don't prefer any one type of thread. I participate infrequently on the serious ones and it has to be something that is particularly close to my heart for me to do so. I do try to be very careful how I articulate my thoughts or beliefs in threads that are serious. I am afraid I have offended people in the past and I don't ever have a desire to do that.


I find I sometimes will not participate in the threads that I might have participated in on the previous board because 50 other people already have! I just feel my voice isn't necessary then. :)

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Fun, all the way. I'm serious as a heart attack IRL. I come here to let my hair down.


I do learn a lot in the serious threads, but I don't often want to share my opinions on things. I also feel I probably have nothing much to say that would really add to the conversation, but for those of you who do, I appreciate it. I learn a great deal about how people think by reading those threads.


I wish I had a prom picture! I'll have to ask my mom to dig it up.

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I try to participate in both types. Because honestly, I'm here to socialize and have some fun, not to hone my debate skills. I'd really rather post my prom picture and suggest a few of my favorite pot-luck desserts.


I so prefer fun. I don't mind participating in the serious posts when it is someone that needs encouragement, but I have teenagers my need to debate is met daily. ;) I am very opinionated, so I try to avoid topics that will land me at the bottom of a dog pile.


P.S. Mrs. Mungo, I loved your prom picture. I just had mine out last week to show my dd before she went to her prom, but now I can't find it. I guess that means it is time to get off the boards and clean the house.

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Fun, all the way. I'm serious as a heart attack IRL. I come here to let my hair down.


I do learn a lot in the serious threads, but I don't often want to share my opinions on things. I also feel I probably have nothing much to say that would really add to the conversation, but for those of you who do, I appreciate it. I learn a great deal about how people think by reading those threads.





:iagree: Except IRL my LIFE is fairly serious, it's me who doesn't take it too seriously, most of the time anyway. (clear as mud, I'm still on my first cup of coffee)


Reading the debate threads challenges my convictions. The funny ones keep me sane.

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Hey, I just realized my little blue quote box didn't work :glare:. Hmmm...am I supposed to click on the "quote" button on YOUR post? on mine? before or after I start my post? Waaaa...this should not be that hard.


Click on the quote box of the person that you want to quote. If you see a bunch of posts that you want to reply to then to the right of the

box is a ["] box, click that as you read, then when you you hit "Post Reply" it will automatically put all of the quotes in your post. HTH
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Thanks to you two monkeys (no pun intended... honest:D), someone will probably go and resurrect it just for kicks!! :tongue_smilie::lol:

I know, I know!!! What was I thinking????? Arrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!! Someone, quick, hold up a bulb of garlic in the direction of that thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::lol:

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Hey, I just realized my little blue quote box didn't work :glare:. Hmmm...am I supposed to click on the "quote" button on YOUR post? on mine? before or after I start my post? Waaaa...this should not be that hard.


I think you might've erase more than you meant to. You have to leave the bit with the brackets at the beginning that says something like (bracket)QUOTE=Debbie in OR blah blah blah(end bracket) and also have the bracketed bit at the end that has a backslash and the word QUOTE.


And, on the original topic, I like the fluff and the curriculum threads. Sometimes I read the heavy social issues threads for the same reasons I slow down to gawk at a car wreck. And some subjects I totally avoid because I'm pretty sure you're all going to be wrong, and I don't have time to correct you all because I've noticed you don't take correction well (I mean, I should be able to simply state "This is my opinion" and you should all instantly fall in line, but consistently this does not happen -- what's up with that?).:tongue_smilie:

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I mostly enjoy the more serious threads, they have more meaning, and this is a huge social outlet for me. I don't "do" small talk very well. I do participate in the silly threads sometimes (thread killer anyone?), and while those do make me laugh I enjoy reading the "deep" threads. I love seeing people communicate their viewpoint (ESPECIALLY non-Christian) in a way that enlightens me/others. I don't enjoy the "bickery" nature of some of the posts, I don't like reading the closed-minded my way or the highway posts- they depress me.

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I used to like the serious topics, but I've given up posting in them very much. If I feel really strongly, I try to construct as benign a response as possible while still expressing the gist of my opinion. It's not that I don't like a good debate, but I severely restrain my urges to post in the vast majority of the serious threads, and when I do, I edit myself. Frankly, I just got a little tired of the anonymous 'notes' telling me they're praying for my doomed pagan soul. :glare:

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I think it comes down to what your personal diffintion of fun is :D fluff or serious, shallow or deep, ........ I don't find a lot of the fluff (or what most would call fun) threads fun but rather (sorry folks) boring. I like it when my mind is a bit challeged. I find the serious fun but that is me.

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I freely admit: I am drawn to the hot topics like a moth to the flame. :)


The fun topics are ok, but i come here to learn. And while i may not always agree with the opposing viewpoints in the hotter threads, i learn a lot about people and myself in the course of a deeper discussion.

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I think it comes down to what your personal diffintion of fun is :D fluff or serious, shallow or deep, ........ I don't find a lot of the fluff (or what most would call fun) threads fun but rather (sorry folks) boring. I like it when my mind is a bit challeged. I find the serious fun but that is me.



So do I, but if I've had a very challenging day, sometimes the lighter threads (I don't participate in many of them) help me make a transition. If I were to post on a serious thread while still irritated, I would most likely be rude and obnoxious.

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I force myself to stay away from the red-hot controversial topics. I am non-confrontational and I don't like them! In all honesty, I do not come to this board to debate controversial subjects, but I come to interact with other homeschooling moms (and dads)! I do not expect to be like minded with everyone on the topics of religion, evolution/creation, politics, etc., even though I do have very strongly held beliefs. I do enjoy the support and encouragement of fellow hsers, regardless of what they believe. It is better for me to just put my blinders on, put my fingers in my ears, and not even open up those threads! :)

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Yeah, but sometimes I align with someone on a given issue, but I'm at opposite ends with them on another. It all depends. And I don't always remember, not by a long shot. And sometimes they're arguing vehemently against something that I think is important and I just really don't want to argue with them. It's weird, because although I'm one of the most opinionated people you will ever meet, I am not one to try to convince other people to agree with me. Well, maybe sometimes I do. But I realize that there are some things that you cannot argue a person into, and trying can cause more harm than good. I have learned this from experience.



:iagree: with every single sentiment here, but especially the last two sentences.

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I usually contribute to fun threads and offer advice and help when I can. I participate in some serious threads especially if it is something I have researched and feel strongly about. However, I no longer participate in right/wrong or religious threads. These kinds of discussions frustrate me to no end but I read them anyhow. I always hope that some kind of understanding will be reached or that an issue will be resolved but it never is. It seems to me that the "opposite" sides can rarely even begin from the same starting point. If you can't even agree to the terms being discussed then I don't think that it is possible to have a logical discussion. And to tell you the truth, I really don't think that these are "logical" subjects. For the most part, most people, seem to believe what they believe and they can't be convinced otherwise (this applies to "both sides). It has taken me a few decades to figure this out.

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